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Just play as Sweden to get the hang of things šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Luddites were not anti-technology. They saw the progress of technology IN a primitive capitalist system and understood that technology would never benefit them, and always be used to subjugate them more.

If technology only benefits 0.1% of the world, and leads to the world dying, does it benefit humanity at all?


Cmon manā€¦ Sure it had issues, but acting like Cities Skylines didnā€™t completely revolutionise city builders is insane.

Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

It seems like every other week a game studio is massively laying off employees; sometimes after years of development. What Iā€™m reading is that itā€™s a quick way to lower expenses and pad the investorsā€™ pockets, flooding the market with developers and reducing their value, to then hire them back a few months later at lower...


The system literally disincentives and makes coops less competitive.

Opening a coop is harder, more expensive, have less subsidies or tax benefits, less opportunities for investments/loans etc.

And all of this makes running coops more expensive, thus less competitive, thus the ones that do manage to open either canā€™t grow or die.


Like the literal law. In most places itā€™s a much more involved and expensive process to even open a coop compared to a traditional private company. It takes more paperwork, more fees, more capital funds etc. Also, getting investors in (when they canā€™t own the coop, as they are not workers) or even loans from private or state banks/institutions is much harder. There are several programs incentivising people to open private companies, giving them tax credits, making the application and approval process easier, giving access to funds and education etc. How many there are for coops? In most places around the world there are 0. In what ways does it appear the opposite to youā€¦? Like this all seems very self-evident to me.


For my city, just for a very specific example, it takes less than one afternoon and 80 bucks total (no fees and almost no capital fund requirements) to open a corporation. It takes weeks if not months to open a coop and it costs 2500 bucks PER member.

I donā€™t know the specifics of all cities and states everywhere in the world. But the system is built to benefit private corporations much more, as itā€™s a capitalist system where owning capital equals power, and workers are a commodity.


Sorry I would rather not :/


Whatā€™sā€¦ happening? Whatā€™s happening?? Broā€¦

novibe, (edited )

One MAJOR reason most people seem to be missing for the October the 7th attack was indeed religious. But maybe not in the way youā€™d expectā€¦

Religious Jews and Evangelical Christians are trying to bring about the apocalypse, from the bible. They believe they must rebuild the Temple. Issue is, al-aqsa is in the temple mound and itā€™s one of the most sacred places for Muslims. Destroying it would start a major war.

And they started moving to have the third temple rebuilt. There are plans to demolish al-aqsa and start the works. The three red heifers to be sacrificed, turned into ash and used to purify the priests who will start the building work are the first step.

If you read Hamasā€™ explanations for the October 7th attack, al-aqsa is a central part of it. It was called al-aqsa flood after all.

edit: to clarify, there is real material danger to the al-aqsa mosque


Coyote Bao just sounds like a health code violation lmao


For all saying the content pack is scummy, first the devs that work on things like this are not the same fixing bugs and issues, working on mod tools etc. Second, this pack is part of the Ultimate Edition, which plenty of people paid for already. Itā€™d be really scummy to NOT release this in a timely fashion for the people who already spent their money expecting it.

I honestly donā€™t get the outrage at a freaking content pack that doesnā€™t affect anything at allā€¦


The people who work on asset packs are artistsā€¦ what the hell can they do regarding bug fixes?


I completely agree, the price is pretty ridiculous and almost no one seems to be focusing on that.


Games like Cities donā€™t need that much dev work for assets to be placed in game. Iā€™m sure the game was built with that in mind. Thatā€™s how there are so many assets and content to be downloaded in the steam workshop for Cities 1ā€¦


Itā€™s basically the same as modding assets into the game. The game surely is built around being easy to put in new assets, itā€™s one of the main cornerstones of what made cities 1 popular in the first place.


I play-fight with my cat and I can say if they were taking it seriously I would have no chances.


The state is a tool, and currently in most of the world itā€™s a tool of the 1%ā€¦ people really forget about the French, American, Dutch etc. revolutions? Where the capitalist class violently overtook the state from the aristocracy and rebuilt it to serve them?


Ah I finally understand Kabbalah!


I thought of another joke:

Ah so thatā€™s what the kids call the ā€œSephirothā€? I always thought it was just a pretty man.

novibe, (edited )

His games have good politics, thatā€™s something šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Even if chuds completely misunderstand them (senator Armstrong etcā€¦)


Thatā€™s true, Kojima was just supervising director on that game. But I feel the politics of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance are very typical for the series and Kojimaā€™s games.

Metal Gear in general is very much about American Imperialism.


Which is why I love it šŸ˜†


Why would Russia do that? What material, factual reasons do you have for them to do it?


Wtf does that have to do with anything? You think Putin and the current Russian government, who are staunch anti-communist and have repeatedly disavowed the USSR areā€¦? Like what is the MATERIAL analysis here? You are just talking about your vibes and ideology!


Got it, so you have nothing. But that is obvious, or you wouldnā€™t think absurd things like this war was a war of conquest or anything like that.


It really doesnā€™t matterā€¦ there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Just use whatā€™s more practical or better in any way for you.


There are no ā€œgoodā€ brands under capitalism. The issue is not of the moral failing of individual companies. We canā€™t solve the issues of capitalism by ā€œconsumingā€ right.

You think fairphone have no slave-labour rare-earth metals in them?


It doesnā€™t matter if they are ā€œbadā€ or not bro. The issue is the system. And itā€™s not a matter of morality. I donā€™t give a fuck if itā€™s ā€œevilā€ or ā€œgoodā€. Even in a perfect capitalist world where all companies were ā€œfairā€something, we would still be destroying the planet with climate change and exploiting the labour of people in the third-world.

And who cares about ā€œperfectā€? I only care about meaningful change that helps not destroy the planet. Buying a fairphone is not it.

The only thing that will help is a fucking revolution. So the BEST thing any of us can do is to radicalise those around us and organize.


You are very naive if you think fairphone is trying to ā€œdo goodā€. They are, like every single corporation under capitalism, trying to make a profit. They found a niche and are carving their market share within it. If they could, they would become Apple. If you donā€™t think so, again, youā€™re being naive.


Cause capitalism was born with the Big Bang and will die with the heat death of the universe right buddy? Lmao.


I donā€™t think you understood me. What I mean is ā€œwhich product do I consume under capitalismā€ is a useless question. No consumption under capitalism will lead to a better world. Buying from fairphone or apple will make 0 difference to what actually matters.

Revolution is not a state of consumption. And surviving under capitalism wonā€™t make revolution less likely either. So itā€™s a false dichotomy. Buying apple instead of fairphone wonā€™t make a revolution less likely.


I buy what I believe will be best for me. I donā€™t feel bad to buy from x company instead of y. I just buy it and donā€™t give a fuck.

I am VERY aware that my individual consumption actions will have 0 impact on anything.

novibe, (edited )

Christianity was actually extremely progressive for the time. Women and men were seen as equals spiritually, and had equal political power for a long time. Only when Christianity morphed into Catholicism and was adopted by the Roman Empire that patriarchal political power became the norm. But still, women are seen as equals spiritually, and can be saved just like men.

We can credit most of modern humanist and egalitarian ideals to Christianity, and the folk ways it was practiced and understood (against the top-down hierarchical theology spoused by the Catholic Church).

After all, the enlightenment was a direct descendant of Christianity and so on and so forth.

Edit: I think people donā€™t really understand how shittily women were treated and seen in the deeper pastā€¦ like the Classical Greek barely saw women as human beings.

Me saying Christianity was very progressive for the time is not me pulling it out of my ass. Scholars think that, researchers, historians etc.

novibe, (edited )

The games that have impacted me the most I guess have been Fallout New Vegas (RIP Bennyā€¦), Mass Effect (the whole trilogy, but the first one in particular), and Bioshock. I guess this likely really shows my age lmao. As in they all came out at the same time, not that Iā€™m particularly old.


Only dumbasses and entitled people would expect a brand new game to have total feature and asset parity to a game that had 10 years of updates, DLC and freaking mods.

I honestly feel confident CS2 will become a much more complete and better city builder than CS1. And from everything Iā€™ve seen (havenā€™t played it yet), itā€™s already better in many ways. Like MIXED ZONING. Thatā€™s so major I barely care for anything else tbh.


Itā€™s not the ā€œfaultā€ of amoral individuals, no. This is simply the system working as intended. A system where capital translates to political power will inevitably lead to capital accumulation. Corporations are only for generating more capital and more profits to their owners. Profits they can turn into more capital elsewhere.

Itā€™s silly to expect a ā€œgoodā€ version of this where the people at the topā€¦ donā€™t put their interests first? Like why would they ever do that? If someone at the top doesnā€™t fight for profit like a shark, they will lose their spot and risk becoming a worker, or dooming their family and future generations to become workers.

These people are just doing whatā€™s best for them. And everybody around says ā€œhey! thatā€™s bad, you should put aside your self interest for our self interest!ā€.

Bro the problem is THE SYSTEM. As long as we have this system, we will always have the same people in power, the same problems, and the planet will die in 50 years. You can fight reality all you want, but thatā€™s where weā€™re at.


Itā€™s not ā€œmoneyarchyā€, itā€™s capitalism. And I mean, the system that properly competes against it, and was/is done at scale, is socialism.

Socialism or barbarism is becoming more and more true, and more like a cry for immediate choice instead of a future hypothetical.


Ideology. The reason why people keep thinking the issue is ā€œindividualsā€, or ā€œcroneyismā€, or that small moral based reforms will fix thingsā€¦ itā€™s ideology.

People donā€™t look at reality in a materialistic way. They have ideas of how things should be and shape reality to fit that. If it doesnā€™t, the issue is reality and not the idea. So the fix is to ā€œchange realityā€ (through only propaganda, media and more ideology, reframing etc.) so it looks more like your idea.


I donā€™t even know where to begin with all thisā€¦ Itā€™s like insane and ameribrained in a way I havenā€™t seen in a whileā€¦

Our current systems of law and government are an intrinsic part of capitalism. The modern state, with the separation of powers, representative democracy etc. literally was born, as in was created, by the bourgeoisie after their capitalist revolutions that overthrew the monarchies in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Capitalism canā€™t ā€œhijackā€ the state or whatever. The state is an intrinsic tool of the capitalist system and of the capitalist class to be able to enforce capitalism in the first place.

Then, outside of the US, literally no one would ever say Sweden is socialist. That is completely absurd. Sweden is a capitalist country with a welfare state. Remember that the state is just a tool of the bourgeoisie to maintain control and enforce capitalism. A welfare state is just an idea of using the state to ā€œameliorateā€ (or some would say bribe) the working class in the capitalist core to support imperialism abroad and the exploitation of peoples in the global south.

Public healthcare and social security are not socialist or capitalist. But they usually exist in capitalist systems.

What I meant by socialism is China, the former USSR, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam and the DPRK.

Socialism is when the means of production are collectively owned by the workers. Production is slowly directed towards use-value, eliminating commodity production.

Capitalism is when the means of production are privately owned by individuals and corporations. Production is directed towards trade-value, turning everything into a commodity.

I wonā€™t go on because you wrote a huge wall of crazy bullshit. I just wanted to try to provide some clarity on the beginning of it at least.


The classic ā€œnon-western governments that are not lapdogs for imperialism are regimesā€.


The demiurge hates us. Thatā€™s why.

God is the Universe, and he loves us. He does provide, but he isnā€™t a being or person, he doesnā€™t act like that.

Everything that happens is just part of his dream.


Well yeah shit do be crazy around these parts (aka the universe).

novibe, (edited )

I love Dragon Age: Origins. One of the best ā€œmodernā€ RPGs for sure. Great replayability. Great characters. Great ā€œrpgnessā€.

I also love Dragon Age 2. Itā€™s not a great gameā€¦ but I actually like the story more. I like how more ā€œfocusedā€ it feels narrative-wise. The characters are also great. The ā€œrpgnessā€ is less goodā€¦ and development issues makes for a lot of reused assets.

I kinda like Dragon Age: Inquisition. Iā€™ve been replaying it recently. The story is decent. The characters are also good. Maybe even better tbh. I like the main plot points and the ideas etc. But the game mechanics kinda suckā€¦ I hate the pointless missions that take time like mobile games. The way the story progresses, with meta-points blocking things also sucks. But itā€™s okā€¦

All in all, I would recommend playing them all. But kinda like watching all the Godfather movies. One is great, another is pretty good, and one kinda sucks but itā€™s ok. But if you just watch the one thatā€™s great, you kinda miss the whole thing.

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