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I should consider having one of these made to hang on my door.


Use metal and artistic value, like this.

And if the pattern is open enough, sun ligh will leave the mark on the skin. It’s one very discreet way to keep the “mark” of who we love, skin deep.


What I wanted to convey is, if the mesh is fine enough, the pattern can get marked on the skin, leaving an elegant but discreet - shall we call it - love brand behind.

If you’re going to cheat, at least be bold enough about it and keep the wedding band on.


Some good humored banter never hurt anybody.

That is the sole thing I draw the line. Scynical as it may sound, ink on skin, no. It feels as an ownership brand that can never be taken off or thrown away.

I personally dislike the notion of being permanent on another life. Either because things don’t work, people grow apart or someone simply dies, from misfortune, sickness or old age, nobody should be tied to another, in any way. Life should go on. Must.

And I’m happily and for a long time monogamous.


It should. An open technology standard should gain traction over closed proprietary ones.


You can hammer it, quench it and sharpen it after that.

European far-right leaders gather ahead of EU elections (www.theguardian.com)

International far-right leaders, including France’s Marine Le Pen, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and Argentina’s Javier Milei, came together in Madrid to rail against socialism and “massive illegal migration” three weeks before hard-right parties are expected to see a surge in support in June’s...


If only a meteor was to strike on the place of reunion of all that people.


The short answer is yes. But the interesting part - and I’m talking from personal experience - is that from the moment you realize just how easy and powerful using the console is, you learn how to use it.

And it does not mean you are going to turn into a full on expert or geek, tinkering around the console. You just learn a few simple commands that enable you to do something (or somethings) quicker, easier and cleaner than going through a GUI.

Can you? Yes. Should you? No.


from the moment you realize just how easy and powerful using the console is, you learn how to use it

Yes, I understand that; there is a learning curve. For some, too steep.


If that is enough for your needs, that’s fine.


That’s cute. And complies with the universal rule of “if it fits”.


Explore, Expand, Exploit and Exterminate.

Learn the terminology, Nate.


I won’t bet on that, neither for nor against.

Look at the guy that created Minecraft. He was passionate about his work, had a company that was doing great and with prospect of future growth.

One thousand millions later and the guy checks out a boat load of money and sell off the company: he already had his.


Don’t know if I would. Never had such an offer, never will.

I’m not very invested in the game/game studio culture but boiled down it gets to either a private owner or a board of directors deciding if it is the right moment to cash out.


I can’t agree with you.

The major share holder of a game studio, with a major success on its portfolio, already working on other projects, decided he wanted to move away from it as the day to day work had become too demanding and made his part of the studio available for purchase, in fact cashing out on a very large sum of money.

I really can’t see where that is “apples to oranges”, concerning the current debate on studios being bought out and shut down on the turn of a dime.

Are game studios some separate entity that exist exempt of the at work business logic or human nature? Studios are companies created to generate profit for its founders, that will most likely take the opportunity to cash out when presented.

By contrast, independent authors/creators are becoming a growing force to be respected - which is very good - but will such authors be immune to selling their work for a high offer their work if such opportunity presents itself? Hopefully, they will, but I won’t bet on it, neither for nor against.


This thread gets crazier the deeper I read. And depth is the crux of this meme.


Can we see, if only a page, of those books? Please?

That is the kind of unusual things from other times every person should get in touch with.


What have I just read in this thread?


Chtulhu was taking notes, I risk.


“red meat”

What does this expression even means nowadays?

Beef should be expensive. It should return to what it was thirty or forty back: a luxury item. Nobody needs to eat a steak every day.

But is pork still - or again? - red meat? It had been disqualified as such some time back.

Bring on cheaper vegetables, please. I’m seeing cabbage peak at €2,19. Poultry is on average €2,29, peak on the €2,69. It’s borderline as expensive to make a pot of quality soup than to make a roast chicken.


You raise a good point and ending slavery should be a top concern.

I’m in Portugal, and we’ve had a few cases of slavery and abused foreign workers here as well, which is shameful for us as a nation, but we have many good examples of good practices where applying technology improved production, lowered waste, turned out better product for the consumer and allowed for less use of hand labour but with higher salaries.

The starting investment is high but the subsidies you mention could/should be converted into low or zero interest, long term loans and the money recirculated towards more improvements in the sector.

Greenhouses do consume immense ammounts of fertilizers but water is better manageable under those conditions than sowing corn, which is well known for being a syphon for water and agro chemicals, and usually leaves the soils destroyed after a few years of intense farming.

Any change for a better model done will a step forward. Cattle, as it is raised today, I don’t find it sustainable.


Sounds awfully like 2 AIs talking at each other


I smell a recession forming!


The only thing I’m sure of is death and taxes.

I’m risking that statement because I’m seeing a good deal of events similar to what happened the last time we went through one (the world) and the big companies starting to let go people is like the canary in the mine.


You are going to have to unfold all of those acronyms before we can move forward with this conversation.

I don’t have the palest of ideas of what you are trying to convey.


Good morning.

Let’s call that example the canary in the mine but I’m seeing many similar situations where I live.

Being in a less than urban area, there is still a bit of industry around and some factories are cutting staff and a few have already shut down operations, especially in sectors more closely related with end user products (clothing, footwear, yarn, etc). Industries with ties to industrial use (metal working, construction materials, wood and derivates) are keeping afloat but only replacing workers that go into retirement or that for some reason or another just quit, and these industries, in my understanding, are keeping afloat because of the hard push into more sustainable and efficient houses, which is forcing a good deal of public investment into large renovation projects and funds.

Parallel to this, bakeries, coffee shops, small businesses that rely on consumption, are shutting down. For me, this implies there is less money floating around.

Paired with the hike in housing…


Thank you.

But… Why do you assume I have instant knowledge of acronyms because I opted to insert a comment on a topic that teased my interest? Does it pressuposes anything about my person?


If it is impossible, either shut down operations or find a way to pay for it.


Not requesting as I’m not a Steam client but I have to ask: how do people gather these codes? Do you buy it? Or are these freebies?


I like so say I want someday to see my work out in the world in the form of (e)books, so I want to keep my options open.


So, basically, we don’t know that much on anything besides understanding it’s really complex and difficult to figure out.


Seems promising.

I’ll play it somewhere in the next 3 to 5 years.


“This program is really expensive and I keep having to buy a new computer every two years because it gets so slow.”

You’re being fucked with, when there are alternatives out there.

But that is none of my business.


My exact thought.

And perhaps this will force the eyes open of many companies that use that garbage to circulate private and delicate communications.


Pagan as in the old creeds where sacrificing human beings and virgins was a thing?


Essentially it’s a reconstructional movement, leaving out the less palatable things and that is fine. But the dark bits are there and should be recognized, which is something most pagans won’t do. Pagan religions were bloody and cruel, which was why christianity stamped it out as it dis, mostly because it carried a notion of repent and forgiveness.


Unrelated, but it’s been recorded that some tribes, to avoid body lice, actively plucked body hair. Some south american indigenous even used oitments and other concoctions made from plants to delay hair growth.


Zombies are not that much of a concern; common house flies would deal those quickly.

What should concern you should be the arise of new predators capable of smelling that blood, like feral dogs.


Most sanitary are made to be single use. Cutting one and breaking it apart to understand how those are made is an interesting experience.

Reusable, washable pads exist but, to my knowledge, are not that main stream. But should.

I grew up surrounded by women recalling the time before discardable sanitary pads were a thing and every single one remembered using home made cloths made of thick and absorbent cotton, capable of being washed again and again, even for a lifetime.

Soft leather would also be an alternative, being absorbent, durable and washable.


There is no such thing as too many pads, even more if we consider the setting of the story. I can even imagine being used as a barter item.


Here’s my take: we already know wolves, coyotes, bears, leopards, lions and tigers, along with everyother land carnivore will gladly add a human to the dinner menu of the chance poses itself. In the event of an apocaliptyc event, those would be already accounted for as dangers.

Dogs, I’d risk even domestic pigs, once cut off from human care, would become predatorial. Dogs, even today, can spontaneously form wild packs, capable of predatorial behaviour and aggressive towards humans. Pigs, on the other hand, have a scary capacity to regress and become feral when let loose on the wild; there are records of domestic pigs escaping from farms only to be taken down months or years later by hunters, turned into gigantic animals, covered in thick air and boasting long and sharp, tusk-like, teeth and a very mean and aggressive temper, not like the common wild boar that will actively avoid humans if possible.

These new predator would pose more of a threat than those we already account as such.

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