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i wonder if this and other obscure errors people get that prevent them from transitioning is done on purpose for randomly chosen users, its more money for them after all when people have to buy the game again.


How can something that’s only value comes from exploiting biological process(addiction) have any real “value”? Ones who make this stuff dont have to pay for shit when they make this and it doesnt bring anything positive to the world. Rather, it has negative value and by destroying it you are creating some value.


Israel is the last country one would think that would do things like this to other people, considering their history. Its like they want to create validation for bad things people have said about them. Though i hope its same situation as in russia, regular people dont want to do those things but are so apathetic and fear their leaders so much they dont dare to rise up. Though in this situation they are likely also so well misled and manipulated they think they are doing the “right thing”. Eitherway, current israeli leadership should just go, like previous german leadership. I really dont want to think majority of their country supports this.

This shit will likely be one of the catalysts for the next world war, at least it feels that way.


if microsoft bought valve, i would radicalize pretty badly. Not much else to do after ones only real hobby goes up in flames.


it could be kind of disrespectful towards the culture that built them. I dont think we can restore them in such a way it respects the beliefs and culture of those who built them, so best thing to do would be to make sure they dont decay further. Also, restoring them just so tourists can have something to gawk at would be a kin to showing middle finger to those who built and revered them. And i doubt anyone would be interested in doing anything without monetary gain from it.


i hope people knew better than buy stuff from certain companies. But they dont and they dont care, so everyone who does care shall suffer.


You might be forced to choose between that or not being able to get a job due to having to compete with other people who perform better due to cybernetic implants


article should have less loaded heading though. by now it should be expected that most read only that. Heading in general should contain the essence of the article so the general idea can be seen at a glance.


if they want to make great games, maybe they shouldn’t do business with sony


I’m not denying they made good game, their choice of publishing it with sony is what is soiling it.


entire “left and right” spectrum is quite stupid in my opinion. While it generally points towards what kind of thoughtset someone might have, it doesnt seem very beneficial and has been corrupted quite badly so that term for other side is red flag for the another side and drives people to think you cant have something from both ends.

There should be something else in its place, but i cant come up with anything better on the spot though. Personally i have tried to start thinking it on spectrum of beneficial to humanity as whole vs not beneficial, though with enough mental gymnastics even that could be corrupted to mean awful things


If you think about it logically, there are some core things that are always good. Like considering everyone to be inherently equal. While there are things that muddle even this point, it still wont take away that you should always keep those core principles in mind. Religious teachings have pretty good point about this with “treat others like you want yourself be treated” and “love even your enemys”. That is the only logical way to do things because to do otherwise leads to all of us either just killing each other or making life miserable so we want die.

I had some other thought about this too, but i cant seem to be able to properly put it to words at the moment. But the idea was that we should all try to think about things without ego getting in the way and to never lie to oneself about anything or atleast admit to ourselves when we have to do so. The part i cant seem put to words is the part that ties to the previous thing i said.


Those are good points. But what i mean by that kind of thinking/system resulting in us killing eachothers is that its what i think to be the “endgame” for it. Ones in power exterminate those who they see undeserving of life, criteria for it keeps changing/rising and eventually last human kills second last human, to generalize a bit. And even if it doesnt result in that, it will result in life that isnt worth living for anyone but those select few that are on top of it, except for the hope of toppling it. Its deadend for humans.


You are right.

But I try to think things as objectively as possible and hope others would too (but dont expect it).

No one probably thinks what they are doing is wrong or at least try to find justification for it, objectively there are things that cause good or bad things regardless of your intentions. While good results don’t excuse evil actions, bad results are still bad results regardless of your intentions. Its ok to try even if there are risks, but one should always consider if the risks outweigh the results. And sometimes even if everything goes according to plan, it might still cause things to happen you end up regretting and it would have been better for everyone if you had thought it more.

That is what i wish people thought more instead of limiting themselves to just political things and easy terms. Ultimately it doesn’t matter who is in power but what it causes.


anyone who is too different from the rest will be hounded for it.


Majority of people just dont care about being spied upon unless it directly affects them somehow, at which point its too late for that person. But others having data on you wont likely directly affect you at the moment so not enough people get burned by it for general attitude to change. Smart people understand that all this can very easily change and prepare by not allowing all of their information be available for questionable people to use. Others make fun of them for this and call them crazy until one day they suddenly aren’t so crazy any more.


for everyone who thinks about what they buy, there are so many those who will just buy and scream how they will do what they want with their money. Relying on people to do intelligent decisions or even care about their own interests is fools errand.


so if someone bullys someone else and victim finally snaps and starts hitting the bully with a knife, that is completely ok in your book because bully deserved it? Or bully’s relatives because regular people in palestine arent ones shooting the missiles nor do they likely have much say in it.


i wonder when denuvo starts claiming these mods are “cheats”


if we just comply and accept all this shit, next step will be ramping up the things that make people want to buy these stupid microtransactions. In context of dragons dogma examples could be making rift crystal gain so awful you have to grind for them, making class changes cost rift crystals, making more items that you can only get with real money.

And most of all, this is SINGLE PLAYER, if someone isnt disgusted by these kinds of microtransactions in this game on principle, I dont even know anymore what to say.

But as silverlining for all this shit, at least greedy executives will see making games more challenging as profitable thing to do. Though unfortunately it will likely also mean challenge will come from having to do a lot of unfun stuff to get anywhere vs pay money so you dont have to because people who make these decisions only care about money and people will give it to them and defend them for it no matter what.

reksas, (edited )

imo, even cosmetic micro-transaction stuff is disgusting. In single player its absolutely intolerable and in multiplayer its at the edge. Not only it makes creating almost non-existent content more profitable, likely at the expense of worthwhile content because any development costs money. Why make the game better when you can create more cosmetics. I’m not saying creating cosmetics is trivial, but making new skin vs creating actually new content are on completely different scales, especially when those new skins are sometimes just recolouring old ones.

Not having access to cosmetic stuff without paying extra also often detracts from the game for me. As example, in game v-rising there are some cosmetics packs for different skins for your castle’s furniture. While you can furnish the place decently with stuff you get, you can be much more creative if you have access to the alternative skins.

If they were all part of some larger expansion pack with something more than just skins, I could accept it but if i have to buy every theme pack separately, I’m not going to do that. I would have much less money available if i had to buy every damn dlc to every game I play. I’d say building and decorating your castle is 50% of the game, less if you don’t care about how your castle looks at all. Not buying these dlc make the game less enjoyable for me.


If someone is telling lies they should be called out for it, but in matter-of-fact way to avoid pointless drama, while providing sources for the truth.


I havent really played any resident evil games. Watched gameplay videos at most.


Does anyone anywhere have anything positive to say about ea?


this makes me want to learn how to jailbreak hp printers and modify one to be able to accept ink from jerrycan via gardenhose or something.


i stopped buying ubisoft games when i noticed every single one of them just follows the same path of mediocrity. There is some story, you follow it and along the way there is some busywork like collecting pointless things. If there ever are new ideas its like something wished with monkey’s paw and its ultimately just more same old shit in new wrappings.


i just hope regular people can use decent quality ai freely in future. its great equalizer since as long as someone in the world has been able to do something you can kind of do it too with ai.


well, fuck


I know, i’m just worried they might be forced to cripple it or shut it down. I use it too.


steamdb is more useful for finding free promotions


I used to like warframe a lot, then they sold out to tencent.


I wonder how the game was at first if this is what they consider “fun”


Only way epic can compete, even with bloody ubisoft launcher, is to remove competition. Improving their store just isnt part of their business plan, if it was they would do it.


I wonder, what actual benefits are there in publicly traded companies for society as whole? Benefits that are good for you, me and everyone else equally.


If by live streaming thing you mean the “broadcast” thing, you can turn it off on options.

Settings -> broadcast at bottom of list -> privacy settings -> broadcasting disabled


A bit like the difference between building bigger and unstable houses vs smaller and stable. No idea where you got the charity concept from, i dont think anyone has even mentioned it before.


Sorry, when word “charity” gets mentioned in this context tends to annoy me a lot as sentence “we are not a charity” seems to be like magic word to some that can be used to excuse any shitty behaviour by the company.


Ah, you wanted it gone from the storepage. I have them disabled too and didn’t remember they even exist there


70 will become 80 before long, 80 will become 90 and so on, if we remain apathetic about changes like this. Its good principle.


Sounds cool, but in practice it might be just more things to do for huge regiments while those who dont want to dedicate their entire lives to the game or join some big group barely get to even see the things. I hope i’m wrong.


Reminds me of hype around certain other game, relating to number 3

Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous" (

While Elon’s then-partner Grimes was recording her part in the game as cyborg popstar Lizzy Wizzy, the erratic tech billionaire turned up with an antique firearm to “insist” on being included in the game. “The studio guys were like sweating,” Grimes is quoted as saying. Musk adds “I told them that I was armed but not...


If they ended up adding him him in any way, he should be just removed. That piece of shit parasite shouldnt get any recognition anywhere. Not even negative.


Any mention will also preserve his name which he doesnt deserve.

Microsoft May Exit Gaming Business If Game Pass Subscribers off Console Don't Increase Enough by 2027 (

Spencer said in no uncertain terms that Microsoft could exit the gaming business if this projection became reality. Microsoft needs the light green and blue segments (PC and cloud) to get much larger and much faster by fiscal year 2027, or it could opt out of the business altogether....


Gamepass is neat idea in theory, but I really dont trust corporations to not use it to ruin it all to get more money. If most people used gamepass, you propably couldnt at some point buy games regularly at all or only at crazy prices. Also modding games on gamepass is more difficult or just impossible sometimes due to files being locked.


On top of that, I bet they would make you buy the games anyway. You would just have to pay subscription for “privilege” of doing so.

Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.


Idlegames, though I kind of dont want to count those as games in the first place. What make them anathema to fun to me is that they are designed for you to waste your time on them. They dont teach you anything either, maybe some prioritization if you really get into them.


discworld mud is quite good, it has also been around for quite a while.

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