@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar



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@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I wasn't even considering something that wacky in the concept, but damn, that would be really fun.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

"You know what I am talking about colloquially"

I must not, because I see zero difference between Steam and GoG in this regard other than the fact that Steam provides a bunch of side services that GoG does not. Otherwise they're both just selling you a revokable license to play a game.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Boltgun accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. Great game. It gives me the same sort of power fantasy vibe that Space Hulk: Deathwing did but lets you actually move at the terrifying speed that a space marine should.

skulblaka, (edited )
@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I was so impressed with Metroid Dread, like seriously. As a long time fan of the series I was going to buy the game anyway but it's just such an impressively polished and put together piece of art. I was deeply impressed with it. I'm also a big fan of the direction it's taking the lore into.

Edit: can't get the spoiler tag to work so I just removed the second half of my comment sorry

skulblaka, (edited )
@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Been putting a lot of hours recently into Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader. It's been a while since we've seen a really high quality 40k game. Most of the popular (and good) Warhammer games take place in Age of Sigmar and not 40k. (Boltgun being a notable recent exception here)

But damn, Rogue Trader really hits the nail right on the head so far. I've never played Dark Heresy tabletop so the ruleset takes a little getting used to for someone primarily familiar with Pathfinder rules, but once you understand the basics the rest of the game falls right into place. The lore is spot on and the adventure is fun and interesting. Highly recommend to tabletop fans and Warhammer fans each separately, and if you're both like I am, it's a must buy.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I didn't mind them that much, I viewed them more as a puzzle than a combat. It helped break up some of the run and gun of the rest of the game and you always knew you were getting a cool ability when you got through it.

That said though I'll admit the last couple EMMIs did give me a really hard time with many, many resets. But I did get through them. And once I even managed to get the perfect parry and escape after getting got by the EMMI and it was extremely hype.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I've only just recently gotten into Act 2 but so far I haven't come across a single bug, actually. Seems very polished. It does require a bit of a Warhammer primer before coming in if you want to know what's going on though. The game does a good enough job of explaining things that are important within the game but a lot of the context and fine details will escape you if you don't know at least a little about the 40k setting at large.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with Kingmaker. It got dropped like a hot potato in favor of Wrath of The Righteous, which is to this day still receiving updates and is, in my opinion, a stellar game. Kingmaker for sure got the short end of the stick though.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

And you believe me, there is definitely a market for that lmao

Not here to tell you how to live your life, of course. But there are a non-zero number of people that would love to see that and not to make fun of you for it.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Fuck sake it took me nearly ten hours just to learn how to read in Tunic

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Jojo's is already a work of comedy, but take what it already is and now imagine Joseph and Jotaro with thick cockney accents, Avdol as Bob Marley, Polnareff gains +6000% "HON HON BAGUETTE" style and Kakyoin is a drunk Australian half-assing his lines

Edit: in this hypothetical dub where every character is a caricature of themselves, Hol Horse remains entirely unchanged from original

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (www.gamesradar.com)

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

This particular dev didn't. But the Starfield team at large has been blowing up the internet recently telling people that don't like the game that their opinions are wrong.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

It's also possible in 5e for a raging barbarian to fall an indeterminate distance at free fall and never die from it. You could orbital shock drop a gang of bugbears onto your opponent's military encampment from literal space, and every one of them would stand up ready to fight as long as they started the fall with greater than 60 hit points.

In short, 5e rules for falling damage are pretty silly and it's best to ignore or re-rule those if you expect to use it in any sort of sensible situation.

YouTube once again ahead of uBO on Firefox; fiddling with the extension settings not working this time and DDG search is useless ... anyone got ideas?

Pretty much the subject line. uBO has successfully blocked the nag screen enough times that I can’t play anything at this point. No preview loads, and the play button serves no function. I’d really prefer not to have to find content on YT, copy the URL and use Piped/Invidious, but this ongoing escalation is steeling my...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

There are a multitude of reasons to recommend against using Brave.

Personally I refuse to install it because the CEO and creator, Brendan Eich, unapologetically donates to right wing and anti-gay establishments. Many people refuse to use it because it games the users and advertisers with a proprietary cryptocurrency that isn't actually useful for anything except making money for Brave. Others refuse to use it because in 2020 Brave was caught adding their own affiliate codes and tracking data to websites in the url bar, even ones that were typed in by hand. That was eventually rolled back but it didn't help me trust them any.

Vivaldi is a better browser option, in my opinion.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I don't think anyone has claimed that ever. Having all my games spread across 8 different libraries is a pain in the ass. Having Steam plus Blizzard's Battlenet launcher was already pushing it in my opinion and I dropped them too after Overwatch 2. (Which, hilariously, is also now available on steam anyway).

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

When I bought Vampire the Masquerade from GoG it came pre-bundled with the primary community bugfix patch, I thought that was pretty neat. It didn't come baked in, so they still give you the base version of the game, but I pretty much just checked a box on install and it added it on.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Withers isn't dead, he's undead, and he went through a hell of a ritual to accomplish that so you WILL refer to him by his proper title.

That's Sir Withers to you. And no, he's not taking questions.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

But yet if they released it Early Access to crowdsource their QA, people would have dogged all over them about "what's with the EA bullshit, just release the full game when it's finished"

Personally, I'm a huge fan of Early Access, I like playing 3/4 finished games and having actual tangible input on the finishing touches. It's made several games that I already really liked in their EA state, into masterpieces.

But your average gamer just wants to buy a game and have it work perfectly. When it doesn't, tantrums happen.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Can't wait to see Nintendo C&D another love letter fan project for a 30 year old game...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Maybe I'm just missing something here but I can't think of what part of discord's UI could be considered convoluted. It's a list of servers with a list of channels in them. You also have a list of DMs. End of story. Everything you need is right there in front of you.

It's miles better than any IRC client I ever used, which is the most direct comparison between Discord and "the good old days" of the internet. And I liked IRC a lot.

I understand having issues with Discord's corporate backing or having issues with how it's difficult to find files or specific posts. Because it isn't a forum, it was never really intended for that. But I think it's a bit disingenuous to say the UI is complex, convoluted and impractical, because it's actually none of those things. Discord has done its best to keep up with people misusing their platform as a forum, as they should, because that's what the userbase wants (even if they're using the product "wrong"). But the core functionality of what it's supposed to do is wide open right in front of you and is highly intuitive.

Do correct me if I'm wrong though, I'm curious to hear what people have to say about this. There's always a possibility that I'm some savant who is the only person in the world to intuitively grok Discord. But I very much doubt that.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Cunning Action is a hell of a drug. I have to consciously stop myself from dipping Rogue 2 in my irl tabletop games too, bonus action dash or disengage is literally game changing. It redefines everything you can do within a turn.

I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is

So I’ve been using youtube ad blockers since pretty much when ad blocker extensions were first available. Lately though I’ve been getting hit more and more with these messages that YT was sending out every 5 or so videos telling me that adblockers aren’t allowed. No problem, just gotta wait 5 seconds to x it out and then...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Firefox + uBlock Origin served me about 4 hours of video last night without an ad in sight.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Early Kirby games in general seemed pretty easy coming off the Super Mario Bros games. I had Kirby's Dreamland on the Gameboy and I remember thinking about how Kirby could just inflate and float over half the enemies in the first half of the game. It got a little more technical later on but I don't think I ever really struggled to beat the game, even when very young.

In fact, growing up on the hard knocks of SMB led to some spirited conversations with my friends about Sonic the Hedgehog, as well. In Sonic as long as you have a single ring in your pocket you're immortal, and if you get hit just pick the ring back up. In Mario, if you get hit, you just fuckin' die. Maybe with one extra chance if you had a mushroom, but you don't get that second chance back until you find a new one. Now as an adult I realize the design spaces of the two games were different - Mario was actually intended to be a reasonably difficult platformer, where Sonic was arguably less about the precision platforming and more about just having fun going fast as fuck, boi. But as a kid you better believe I took every available opportunity to call Sonic fans casuals. It made me lots of friends, as you may imagine.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Second that. They don't call 'em Nintendo Hard for nothing.

Hell, I've been playing Super Ghouls N' Ghosts for damn near 25 years now off and on, and I still can't beat that mfer without save states. And that's a whole gaming generation ahead of this one, where the console actually supported saves, and games didn't really have to be as hard anymore to make back their money.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I had no idea, lmao. Do you mean Somari? That's all I can find when searching for it, seems like these days someone has hacked the original Somari rom into a pretty solid recreation of Sonic The Hedgehog. But the original is, by all accounts, extremely bootleg.

Thats actually pretty cool, not gonna lie. Having an earlier introduction to bootleg gaming and rom hacks might have pushed my life path in a very different direction.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I'm pretty sure every single conversation I've had with that man has started with an audible IRL "Ah, God, just fuck off, Volo"

I don't hate him enough to murder him but I do definitely hate him enough to make snide comments and minimize his conversations as much as humanly possible. Maybe I should just heave him in the ocean and call it a day. Is he useful for anything later?

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Frankly I feel like if we didn't kill Vivec in 686,432 alternate realities then there would have just been trouble. Man was already getting too big for his britches before the playable part of Morrowind even opens. If he was just left to his own devices without the Nerevarine to interfere probably nobody would have ever lived a peaceful life again. Last thing we need is an immutable God that also can't keep it in his pants and has nobody to answer to that is a credible threat to him.

Only reason Vivec didn't cross the sea to be known in Skyrim is that he knows damn well the Nerevarine took his ass out 686,432 times in alternate realities and that Nevvie is still lurking in the shadows staring him down from the safety of the Creation Kit. He makes one wrong move and I'll fuckin delete his UID, erase all evidence of his ever existing, 'cause Vivec is not the only one that learned what CHIM was, motherfucker.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a masterpiece built on a bad tabletop game (www.polygon.com)

The writer got mad when a goblin shoved Astarion off a cliff. It reminded me of when I had Karlach shove a goblin in lava, then a goblin ran up and shoved HER in the lava. I didn’t get mad; I took it as a learning moment: enemies can shove me back, so move away from the lava.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

To be honest I think they have a really good point, in that the game _isn't _ a dungeon master and it isn't going to have the sort of creative leeway that a real DM could give you. But.... no shit, it's not a real DM. Nobody expected it to be one. It is a video game, and a damn good one at that, and while it does its absolute damnedest to give you as much creative freedom as possible it'll never possibly be able to match up to your buddy Frankie telling you to make an athletics check to slam-dunk the goblin through his own war drum.

But this author sounds like they frequently try for... Let's say, non-standard approaches, and bothers the DM about it until they allow it. Or, alternatively, the DM is just awesome and has rule of cool take priority over nearly any other rule (I admit I am guilty of this sometimes). It's not necessarily a bad thing but the author is comparing apples and tomatoes by comparing the video game Baldur's Gate 3 with the tabletop game Dungeons and Dragons. Sure, they're just about the same color, but the similarities end there.

Text-based games!(?)

Even though we got a computer in the mid to late 90’s, a shitty DOS-box that no-one kind of really knew how to do anything with, I was infinitely interested in anything to do with it. I remember playing Guerrilla Wars and some dungeon crawlers on it and such, but I feel like I almost entirely missed out on text-based games. I...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Confirmed Starmourn has been recently moonlighted to a "legacy" game. It's still playable and you can still make new characters and interact with everything in the game but it's no longer under active development.

Which is a shame, really, because Starmourn was cool as hell. It just apparently wasn't all that popular compared to some of the others, so it's being put on a back burner to preserve resources at Iron Realms, which is understandable.

I am a fan of Iron Realms MUDs personally though if only because of their Nexus user interface. I find it a lot more approachable and well put together than others I've tried (namely, Aardwolf, in fact). Very clear and concise and nearly infinitely customizable with user scripts. I haven't been invested enough into MUDs long enough to speak for end game though, so someone else will have to speak on that. But introductions and it would seem up through at least mid game on most iron realms games (which could consist of hundreds of hours, frankly, to even reach midgame sometimes) are totally fine and fun.

What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

For me it’s first person puzzle games. I can think of maybe a dozen off the top of my head that came out in the last decade. I especially enjoy when they’re open world. The ability to just quit a puzzle that’s stumped you and go try something else for a little bit is incredibly refreshing.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

There's been a huge resurgence of boomer shooters and arena shooters in the last 5 or so years. Off the top of my head I can think of Dusk, Ultrakill, Gunfire Reborn, Nightmare Reaper, Roboquest, Warhammer Boltgun, and new Doom (2016/Eternal), all of which get at least an 8/10 from me. There are many more of various quality.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Ah, yeah, PvP shooters. Gotcha. Those aren't really my domain, unfortunately, I don't have a ton of recommendations there. Overwatch was pretty good for a while, but wasn't really an arena shooter, and now can't be recommended.

Anybody else remember the game Sauerbraten? Or was that all just a fever dream I was having round 2012?

Xbox Is Suspending Players Caught Using Emulators (gameranx.com)

For a good while, there was a bit of hype built around the Xbox Series S, in particular for the retro gaming scene. It was a cheaper device that offered a small form factor. Likewise, it allowed consumers to download emulators and enjoy various retro video games. But while this process was available, some consumers were...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Many emulators run on mac or Linux and you can buy usb-ended controllers for damn near every console that has ever existed.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Adding on to this, how about for steam deck? I see that it's been Deck verified but I have a lot of games in my library that are supposedly Deck verified but are unplayable (Horizon Zero Dawn and Remnant 2 stand out in memory).

I could just install it and try for myself, and likely will, but before I commit to a 100+gb download I'd love to hear if anyone else has tried.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I remember back in the day when I had apple devices where they would push updates for devices long past their capability to actually run the updated software. Rather than refuse the update or get a pruned patch with security fixes only, it would force updates and bloat your phone and grind it into unresponsive unusability after a few years.

I hear that's not so much the case anymore, so that's nice. But I remember. The main reason I upgraded my phone was because of that, the hardware was great, but I could hardly use the software anymore even after clean installs.

My point being, I guess, extended support is great if managed properly but it can also become a bludgeon with which to drive you toward the new generations of devices.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Second this, you'll get a couple sweatlords every now and then especially if you're running end game content but the first 100 or more hours of gameplay are absolutely pleasant. I only interacted with the reddit group outside of game but those guys were also nice.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

There's plenty of people to do work. People don't want to do your work, if the job sucks and the pay matches. Shitty job? Pay a high wage. We don't have a shortage of sanitation workers because those guys are paid like kings. We DO have a shortage of Burger King employees because not one person in the world wants to deal with that bullshit for less than $10 an hour. People have shown time and time again that they're willing to work the most soul crushing bullshit jobs in existence if they're paid well enough to make it worth their time. But no one wants to pay a wage that an employee can survive on, so "nobody wants to work". No, just nobody wants to work for you.

In addition to that, the reason the population is declining is because the younger generation can't afford to have kids because nobody wants to pay a livable wage. I can barely support myself and my partner with both of us working and living with another couple as roommates, and we all have pretty good jobs that pay well over minimum wage. If any one of the four of us had a child we would all four enter poverty. This is extremely common, and we're better off (if only moderately) than most people in a similar situation.

The minimum wage was last raised 14 years ago where it was taken to $7.25 an hour, which already didn't keep up with the cost of living at the time but since then inflation has continued to grow unchecked and many employers still don't want to pay out any higher than they are forced to by law.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Except for that one spot where you have to shoot at an unmarked wall to blow up some bricks to continue on the main game path. I understand having secrets behind unmarked walls but that bit really bothered me. It was the only time during my playthrough that I had to look up where to go next. The rest of Dread is really, really good at leading you in the right direction without feeling like it's holding your hand and is honestly a marvel of game design.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Honestly this could just be speaking to some niche desire to have a traditionally femme but still awful name as though it were assigned to you by your parents. Being like "Please, call me Millie, my real name is Mildred (ugh)" definitely lends an air of legitimacy to the whole thing. And it's a classic real world experience of many cis women.

That's just a guess though, more power to her either way, maybe she just thinks Mildred is a rad name. At the end of the day my opinion means jack and/or shit so do what you want.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

We are about to see a huge renaissance of individual forums of all sorts, I think.

Why is Freelancer still the best? (slrpnk.net)

I was playing some Everspace 2 and while it sure is pretty and feels pretty good there was something lacking that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I’m only 20 hours or so into it but I just felt like it wasn’t quite living up to my memories of Freelancer....

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Luckily, anyone who might be interested can try it for free and buy it if they like it.


@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I don't know about all that, I've put maybe about 50 hours into it with no dupes and I find that I almost always have pretty good amounts of most things. Sure, you CAN cheat yourself a gorillion zonaite and get max batteries right at the beginning of the game, or infinite of the best weapon fuse materials, but.... why? They're not really that hard to come across and you're robbing yourself of one of the key reasons to even explore the world in the first place.

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