Linkerbaan, to world in Maritime corridor for aid to Gaza will take two months to build and 1,000 U.S. forces, Pentagon says avatar
anlumo, to world in Maritime corridor for aid to Gaza will take two months to build and 1,000 U.S. forces, Pentagon says

In two months there’s probably nobody left to feed there.

Linkerbaan, avatar

All according to Keikaku

JustZ, avatar

The death tolls have been falling month after month by approximately 20%. At the current rate of decline, by next month, there could be near zero deaths per day.

apfelwoiSchoppen, to world in Maritime corridor for aid to Gaza will take two months to build and 1,000 U.S. forces, Pentagon says avatar

If there was only a way for Biden to have stopped the genocide before it happened.


If only it was Biden’s fault or responsibility to begin with.

Linkerbaan, avatar
FenrirIII, avatar

I didn’t know Biden has been the leader of Israel for decades while also secretly commanding Hamas. Who knew!? /s

Linkerbaan, avatar

Strange that he keeps vetoeing ceasefires then.

apfelwoiSchoppen, avatar

100%, vetoing cease fires and arming the IOF.

Gigate, to politics in Maritime corridor for aid to Gaza will take two months to build and 1,000 U.S. forces, Pentagon says


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  • gAlienLifeform, avatar

    Still not as tired as I am of Republicans


    im not a democrat but i vote for democrats what do you think about that steven

    MegaUltraChicken, to politics in Maritime corridor for aid to Gaza will take two months to build and 1,000 U.S. forces, Pentagon says

    That’s if Israel lets them last that long. These people can’t go 60 days without more support. Keep pushing people, we need to do more.

    anton, to world in Maritime corridor for aid to Gaza will take two months to build and 1,000 U.S. forces, Pentagon says

    If only there was another way. Like trucks.
    But Israel wouldn’t want an efficient way to feed Palestinians, it gets in the way of them dieing


    Well, trucks aren’t efficient, they’re just the best way right now.

    The sea is a much better long term option.


    Technically you’re not wrong, it would be much better if Israel let Gazans fish in the sea.


    At this point, everything is wrecked and too many have been injured or killed - they’re going to need long term support to get back on their feet

    wildbus8979, (edited )

    I was just making a snarky point about the fact that Israel has been blockading access to their territorial waters for decades now.

    Linkerbaan, avatar
    JustZ, avatar

    Well I mean Hamas surrender.

    Eodilj543, to world in 5 people killed in Gaza as aid package parachute fails to deploy, officials and witness say

    I thought that only happened on call of duty lol

    Linkerbaan, avatar

    I’d say too soon but the only way to cope with this madness is dark humor


    In MGSV you can knock out an enemy by requesting a supply drop on their head. It’s not lethal though, unlike in Gaza…

    BombOmOm, to world in 5 people killed in Gaza as aid package parachute fails to deploy, officials and witness say avatar

    That is an unfortunate turn of events. :(


    Unfortunately it’s fairly common, air drops into any area that isn’t being controlled by people working in conjunction with the people dropping it, can be extremely dangerous, even if the chute deploys.

    It’s a ton of weight that seems to be moving really slowly until it actually is close to landing. People understandably tend to crowd the drop zones, so there’s not a lot of room to get out of the way if the air drop comes down squirrelly.

    Alto, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism avatar

    Of course he did. He's a good little fascist lapdog

    Bluefalcon, (edited ) to politics in Rep. Ronny Jackson was demoted by Navy following investigation into his time as White House physician

    Normal people don’t hang out with the creepy ones. We all know that person I’m talking about. So, if you do then it’s usual due to shared interests. Just saying.

    Rapidcreek, to politics in Rep. Ronny Jackson was demoted by Navy following investigation into his time as White House physician

    Now do Michael Flynn, US Army.

    homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Rep. Ronny Jackson was demoted by Navy following investigation into his time as White House physician

    Hey. Hey 'member - member that time when trump was just taking office and one of the things is predisents have to get a medical exam in the first year and everybody was like “oh ho now trump has to face a real doctor and not just his crazy pill doctor before the election who wrote his recommendation in the limo on the way to the airport, this is gonna be a military doctor and we’ll get his actual height and weight and all the stuff, he won’t be able to lie anymore about wearing lifts and a girdle and a diaper because they’ll all be out in the open like the founders intended” hahahaha

    Ahhh. No seriously we thought that at least there was a chance a real navy doctor would at least give proper stats and so on.

    NOPE. It was Ronny “gakked to the gills” Jackson! Motherfucker. He came out for this press conference and was Scaramucci-like in his disgusting tonguebath of trumps bloated carcass. “So healthy! Good genes! He’ll live a long fucking time! WHOOOO!!!” he said, while snorting up a crushed percocet. Or something like that.

    Fucking Ronny Jackson. OF COURSE Texas elected him to the house. Of course they did. Why wouldn’t they.

    dhork, (edited )

    What I find remarkable is that Ronny Jackson was the WH doctor for part of the Obama administration, too, and Obama was the one who recommended him for the promotion to Admiral in the first place. (That bit was in the WaPo article this is based on)


    I remember the pod save America guys talking about him before he was a Texas rep. They were saying how much they liked him and how he helped them sleep and stay up. Being a Dr Feelgood is probably very expected for the role.


    It’s easy to be good when you’re sitting in church with your family. It’s easy to let all the stops out when you’re in the backroom of an afterhours club.


    Good enough for Obama in his 8 years in the White House…

    And Biden tapped Bush and Cheney’s old doc to come back.

    You think they were keeping a tight lid on pill bottles back then?

    The issue is the WH doctor is exempt from basically all regulations and can do whatever they want.

    It’s been abused going all the way back to at least JFK, and neither party wants to address the issue. Because they take turns benefitting from it.

    But I’d rather not have geriatrics on meth cocktails running the country.

    We could just get someone middle aged with the energy for the job


    We could just get someone middle aged with the energy for the job

    This is america. The boomers will never let go until they are dead or dying. Thankfully the vast majority of them have done nothing to take care of their meat suits so they should be checking out sooner than later.


    Joe Biden isn’t a Boomer, he’s part of the “Lucky Few” generation. Trump is a Boomer.


    Jesus Christ, Biden is so old he isn’t even a fucking Baby Boomer?! Fuck.

    Apparently he’s from the “Silent Generation”. Goddamn.


    I’m middle-aged (53) and I’m GenX. FFS, you kids think everyone over 40 is a Boomer. Boomers were my parents.

    rigatti, avatar

    Dude, everyone in Congress is like 70+.


    There’s also part of it being that the president might need to be turned on in the middle of the night for some important thing and then turned back off when it’s sorted. This may be part of why presidents age so quickly.


    This may be part of why presidents age so quickly.

    Good thing we’re running young capable people who can deal with that physical and mental toll…

    FiniteBanjo, (edited ) to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism

    Of course, can’t have a woman be president. Can you imagine? /s

    Sarmyth, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism

    Gotta get ready for months of Republicans cuckolding themselves in the media.

    They saw the chance to be rid of him and started talking shit, but now they have to resume their boot licking.

    The only thing constant in the GOP is their lack of morals and spine.

    gAlienLifeform, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism avatar

    What a “man of honor” /s

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