Chainweasel, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism

He’s second on my list of people that I’m throwing parties for when they die to celebrate.
Trump is on the top of that list.

AutistoMephisto, avatar

His headstone will become my new urinal.

mydude, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism

The whole American political system is just wrestling. If you guys haven’t understood it yet, then there is no hope. “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it” - George Carlin

DarkDarkHouse, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism avatar

What do you get when you cross a turtle with a chicken?

SarcasticMan, avatar

A bag of dicks?

HootinNHollerin, (edited )

A traitor to 248 years of democracy

FuglyDuck, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism avatar

He’d happily sell his soul, too.

Only problem is Tarnished Senator Souls aren’t worth all that much. It’s like the Karen’s that think that used loveseat from the 80’s actually has value because they paid a shitload for it in the 80’s.


It’s long been sold

FuglyDuck, avatar

Why do you think tarnished politicians are so worthless? Hardly any bit of soul left.

CrabAndBroom, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism

Mitch McConnell would happily sell his country into fascism for literally no good reason at all. He’s retiring soon and is rich enough to want for nothing for the rest of his life - he gains nothing of lasting value from this.

Few people in history have been granted the amount of power and opportunity he’s had to improve people’s lives, and he’s chosen make them immeasurably worse at every turn.

A wasted life, a wasted career and all he’ll leave behind is a broken world that would have been better off if he’d never been in it.


Mitch McConnell would did happily sell his country into fascism for literally no good reason at all.



And he’s only going to be capable of experiencing the results for another couple years at most. He’s a few steps away from a walking vegetable.


It’s like that demotivational poster:

“Sometimes the purpose of one’s life is to serve as a warning to others.”

PunnyName, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism

Hypocrisy is a tool of the GQP

SpeedLimit55, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism

Well yeah the other choice is Biden


Right, so why choose Trump?


Republicans sticking to their party.


Indeed, Biden is a far better choice. Still awful, but better.

Alto, avatar

"Yeah Trump is openly talking about being a dictator, but at least he not Biden"

What a fucking dipshit.

FenrirIII, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism avatar

Party before country.


Dick riding before growing a spine

Godric, to politics in Minnesota "uncommitted" protest vote exceeds expectations at nearly 20%, surpasses support for U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips

Hahahaha what a fuck you to Dean Phillips. I get that he only ran in hopes that he could bait Whitmer or Newsom into joining, but “Uncomitted” beating him is pretty funny

scarabic, to world in Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately"

This is so scary.

Kbobabob, to world in British warship and U.S. aircraft seize 6,000 pounds of cocaine and other drugs after "high-speed chase" in Caribbean Sea

At least there’s not just a bunch of jokes about the amount.

I still think it’s a waste of time and resources though.

IndustryStandard, to politics in Minnesota "uncommitted" protest vote exceeds expectations at nearly 20%, surpasses support for U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips

Very strong showing by Minnesota they can be proud. I hope this will make Biden reconsider sending weapons to Israel.


I chose to vote against Trump instead of making a misguided attempt at hurting the better real candidate. When you all get Trump again and he doubles down on Isreals actions I hope you regret it.

Zoomboingding, avatar

This was just the primary


Trump is not a candidate in the Democratic primaries.


In Minnesota you don’t have to register with a party, just pick a ballot.


And Trump isn’t on the same one as Biden.


Yeah so you can waste a vote by voting undecided or you can at least attempt to nominate someone other than Trump on the Republican ticket.


I cannot. I live in Texas, where uncommitted was not on the ballot.

I voted for a non-Biden candidate in the primary in order to register my disapproval with his unconditional support for the genocide that party leadership has always wanted.

I had progressives to vote for further down.


Well we don’t have that problem here and I was talking about Minnesota voters.


What do you consider to be a problem? The ability of people to register their discontentment with Biden’s support for Netanyahu’s genocide by voting uncommitted? Having progressives anywhere on the ballot to vote for?

In any event, if you’re going to address me directly and order me how to vote, you should consider that I might not be from Minnesota.


You responded to me, in a post about Minnesota votes …


After you ordered me how to vote in reply to me daring to point out that Trump isn’t on the Democratic primary ballot. Guess people from Texas aren’t allowed to point shit out.

WeirdGoesPro, to world in British warship and U.S. aircraft seize 6,000 pounds of cocaine and other drugs after "high-speed chase" in Caribbean Sea avatar


LibertyLizard, to world in Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately"

Is it really accurate to call these groups gangs at this point? They are not gangs in the sense that people in the US or Europe would understand. They are not groups of criminals engaged primarily in economic crimes. They are basically armed autonomous militants. Their main activities are political and governmental. Most of the killing is for control of territory they oversee.

In essence Haiti has become a failed state and these groups are vying to control that power vacuum. The term gang is more misleading than clarifying and I have to wonder if there is some unconscious racial bias at play with media coverage.


I think it’s more trying to preemptively delegitimize any groups among them who could come to the fore while the UN policing response is still lacing their boots

Don’t want any of them to be able to claim they’re freedom fighters while the Kenyans are capturing the ones who cooperate and killing the ones who don’t


I don’t really see that as the role of the media. The media should inform people about what’s happening, not editorialize to support some hypothetical future military action.

Also, I mean, they are freedom fighters. That doesn’t mean I support them but they are violent radicals seeking the overthrow of the government. Freedom fighters is just how the media and governments refer to militants they want to make sound benign. You can argue that the Taliban were freedom fighters, as were the rebels in the US civil war. It’s kind of a nonsense term.

Linkerbaan, avatar

It should but it does not. The media demonizes the side that we want to kill and manufactures consent for you to do so. Then when you have been convinced that one side is good and the other one evil we can send in troops to coup the country and place a puppet regime.

Khadaffi was a great example of us killing a dictator and then leaving a power vacuum that was far worse.

If we actually cared about helping people not being killed we’d be stopping arms to israel by now.


Would we call cartels in Mexico ‘gangs’?

Maybe there’s a better more specific term, but the broader and more generalized one still seems to fit.


if they started calling them “militias” people would argue whether they were well-regulated


Yes they’re definitely autonomous militias not gangs. There’s even been dust ups with the Dominican military which is substantially more armed and trained (by US forces) than their Haitian counterparts.

Haiti is such a tragedy, they try to stand on their own and then they get nuked by an earthquake and chorlera, they try at democracy and their president gets assasinated - the country just cant get a fuckin break. Everyone’s mostly too poor to escape and the DR closed their borders, which honestly I can’t blame them, everyone else is trapped in the meat grinder. It’s the ultimate example of why colonialism scars for generations even after the occupiers leave.

ZK686, to world in Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately"

Don’t worry everyone, all these Haitian refugees will be welcomed with open arms by Democrats any day now…


AFAIK it was the House Republicans that blocked the border deal. Do right now, it’s 100% on the Republicans.


Republicans were never going to vote for this bill because it doesn’t do enough:

  1. too many people in before the automatic border closures start.
  2. the border closures time periods aren’t long enough or are too loosely defined.
  3. the “loopholes” that still allow asylum processing when the border is closed.
  4. too much aid for Ukraine, and Israel…without an real regulation (I know, Democrats hate to know where all the money is going.)

So, with that in mind, the REAL issue is why did FIVE Democrats vote against their own bill? Their own party wasn’t even united in favor for it…


The bill was designed with Republicans, but house Republicans were in bad faith, and are Russian puppets and traitors. So quit the bullshit.


“Russian puppets and traitors” oh please…stop it already. Republicans are just asking questions about why and where all this money is going. They are completely united with stopping Russia, they just don’t want to funnel endless money to the cause.

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