vegeta, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills

Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.

-Lyndon Johnson


That full quote was critical of Republican voters, but you could also see the yearning he had for democratic voters to be that basic and easy to trick.

And the party has been trying to make Dem voters like Republican voters ever since

givesomefucks, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills


The good thing about the elderly running both parties is they don’t learn from each other’s mistakes.

2016 Hillary had a “donation sharing” program where lower ballot candidates were told everyone would get a portion.

Something like 90% went to Hillary, she wasted it, lost the presidency and caused Dems to lose a lot of other seats.

trump literally watched that happen and is now doing the same thing.


This whole thing is such an insanely high risk/high reward dynamic for both parties. I really hope this election ends up shattering the GOP as a viable political party… but that might not happen. Also, even if it does, it’s anyone’s guess what the successor party will turn into.


It takes s a long time to really fracture a party, it doesn’t happen overnight

And honestly, the DNC’s actions over the past primaries culminating in them pulling an entire states delegates in a primary Biden was not in any danger of losing…

Ds will fracture first. Or they’ll both happen the same cycle at least.

If NH doesn’t get delegates in 28 for something Dems in NH has no control of, the dem party is pretty much over.

I don’t see NH republicans changing the state law, and I don’t see DNC backing down because NH keeps going progressive.

So I expect NH won’t get primary delegates for a while.

DNC drew a line in the sand. And there’s no way for NH Dems to legally do what they want.

Whether or not the DNC understands doesn’t matter. They’re either completely ignorant of how the law works, or actively working against democracy.


The Federalist Party basically died with Hamilton. The Communist Party of the USSR was thought to be entrenched right up to the moment it wasn’t. Political change can happen surprisingly swiftly.

That goes double when the group is rallied around a specific person. That person goes away and the group shatters. The GOP is primed for this, and we’re somewhat fortunate that even in the worst case scenario, they rallied around a 77 year old man who eats a lot of McDonald’s.

ptz, avatar

Save us, cholesterol, you’re our only hope.


If trump died today, another grifter who wants the same shit would emerge by morning.

If anything they’d be more dangerous because they wouldn’t be so open about it.

Don’t forget Hillary was pushing for trump in 2016 because he was the only one she thought she could beat.

trump isn’t special, he’s not some once in a generation politician. Neoliberals just say that about any Republican running for president because that’s the only way people can be convinced to vote for neoliberals.

Doesn’t matter who his replacement is, the replacement would be better at hiding the crimes.


No, he’s exactly that. His cult of personality is not easy to replicate. There will always be political grifters, but ones who can mobilize a mass movement are rare.


Do you not remember GW Bush?

If you didn’t live thru, you might believe that no Republicans supported him while president, because as soon as he left office they all said they never did

When trump is gone, it’ll be the same.

They’ll drop him in an instant, move to the next one, and claim that’s how it’s always been.

They do it with damn every president.

Hell, look at fucking Regan, he managed to hang on a little, but it was the same thing

This happens over and over and over…

But you’re just going to keep disagreeing, and I don’t think explaining it a 4th time will help


Yes, I was 18 in 2000.

He was not a cult of personality the way Trump is. There is nobody who can follow him. The GOP is no longer fostering a clear successor like they used to. You can see this in how well Trump-endorsed candidates do in their elections. Even when they win, they under perform, because Trump voters want the man himself, not his lackeys.

For every L Ron Hubbard (where the organization goes on without him more or less as it was), there are a hundred Oneida cults (where the leader being jailed left the group a shadow of what it was).

Dagwood222, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills

I’m sure that a man who could bankrupt a casino can bankrupt the entire GOP.


Trump: Hold my beer Adderall.


I love when Trump scandals are so huge even Fox has to report them.

queermunist, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills avatar

Remember when people said they liked Trump because being rich made him impossible to buy?


That’s what he said. I suppose some number of idiots must have parroted him.


Just like with way too many of the dumbass statements that come out of his mouth…

frezik, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills

Don’t interrupt your enemy in the middle of making a mistake.

Chainweasel, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills

Let them, there will be no money for down ballot candidates and we can get a blue Congress.

Treczoks, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills

I’m actually torn on this. If they don’t pay for Trumps legal woes, he has to pay them out of his own coffers, which will seriously hit his pride and self image, which in turn will make him suffer. On the other hand, draining the RNCs chests will impede their ability to support REP candidates everywhere.


My thought is, If Trump pays himself he will simply finance it and when his whole house of cards falls someone else will be on the hook with his biggest bankruptcy in history - which is inevitable.

On the other hand if it comes from campaign funds then the money will actually get drained from people who need it right now, so for me it’s a clear choice, let the campaign pay!


How many ‘Republican National Committee members’ are there and are they, like, filthy rich? (not from US). Kicking in a few million each could be a small price to be in favour with your future dictator


While I’m not sure about your exact question, I do recall hearing recently that the republican establishment is effectively broke, and has been causing a myriad of issues for local campaigns everywhere. There may be some number of private donors that will want to help bail Trump out, but that’s still going to be money they won’t be donating to help republicans win the house and the senate.


They are asking if the entire committee is rich people.


The RNC shouldn’t be allowed to cover his expenses. We can’t stop random billionaires from bailing him out but he should need to grovel like a bitch to make it happen… and be required to pay tax on that bailout.


Yep. I’m more and more ok with the GOP just going broke and fizzling out. Some other party will pop up but it won’t be the same.

Badeendje, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills avatar

As long as the IRS hits Trump with the income tax on he 500+ million income this is for him.

Binzy_Boi, to politics in Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then
Binzy_Boi avatar

Still with this? Is there anything that they're doing differently from other social media corps based in the US? The user data gets sold regardless.


The difference is china = bad. They don’t give a rats ass if a company in America sells your data cause that’s cool.

FoxBJK, avatar

The thing they’re doing differently is being owned by a Chinese company. If TikTok was simply a US based social media corp, no one would care.

Heavybell, avatar

Not like everyone is happy about the US doing this, but at least the US is theoretically our ally…


Yea, they’re struggling to get their suicide numbers up as high as Instagram. America demands nothing short of the best so we take deep pride in Zuckerberg’s accomplishment

IsThisAnAI, to politics in Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then

Fuck the US government telling me what I can and can’t do fucking online. Great firewall of America bullshit.


Yeah so that logic only works if people make informed decisions and they don’t, that’s why society the size it is at the moment only works with a government in place setting some ground rules and preventing people from being morons… Our trying to anyway.

Also, the internet is not hosted in international water as far as I know so there’s no reasons it can’t be regulated… Hell, I’m sure you’re very happy (or hope that you are) that CSAM isn’t just everywhere in the name of net neutrality and letting people do what they want on it.


And who decides what gets censored? Today it’s tick toc tomorrow it’s Lemmy?


Lemmy is not a United States adversary with a history of spying on foreign intelligence. If it was, I sure as fuck wouldn’t be on it!

nix, avatar

So Facebook is getting banned?


Facebook is an American company. Are you ok? Can you read?

nix, avatar

An american company that sells data to foreign intelligence so they can manipulate the public. Facebook is a way bigger threat to peoples freedom than TikTok but the CCP boogeyman has y’all in a chokehold so you’re distracted from the real threat


What if the government decided Lemmy was a dangerous (communist ?) platform that needs to be shutdown? This is a matter of censorship, however the outright open market for our data from all platforms is the elephant in the room here.


Well, I would expect there to be some shred of evidence that it is dangerous to the security of the United States. We have LOADS of evidence of that for TikTok.


And if no one cares about your expectations because now it’s been done before so if it’s being done again it must be for good reason?


Whoever is in charge and feels like testing the limits with no repercussions.

It’s painful to watch progressives learn that this shit will be used against them and worse time after time again.


I know what’s best for you so let me censor that content. Literal fascism.


That’s how society works in general and I don’t understand how people think letting the internet be free of laws wouldn’t lead to shit.


Ohh books next! GOP is getting ahead there.


You get the laws you vote for.


“Fascism is only bad bad when it’s the other side” - You


So you believe that pictures of consenting naked underage people should be freely shared and even made available in magazines because making them illegal is fascism?


Right to child porn. Classic.

There are narrow exceptions of course. Imagine comparing tiktok and child porn and thinking you are making a point.


CSAM, underage pornography, hate speech, death threats…

“There are narrow exceptions of course”

Yep, exactly and these exceptions apply to the web as well, just because you’re on the internet it doesn’t allow you to do whatever the fuck you want.


Again, you are comparing death threats to 30 second videos. Unhinged stuff.


No, I’m giving examples of things you accept being banned without calling it fascism.


I experimented with tor and signal at some point and it was enlightening to see how much of “the internet” as we think we know it is already heavily filtered and served to us through a very narrow pipeline of modern browsers.

Suavevillain, to politics in Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then avatar

Something about Tik-Tok has them shook.

GladiusB, avatar

Yes. It’s called spying.

Linkerbaan, avatar

And the fact they Chinese government refuses to Censor pro Palestinian voices. And other topics western media pertinently censors.

This is what was on TikTok while Twitter was full with :…/7289906736847129902


They can’t control it. Simple as. Everyone talking about spying is silly if they think that would change under a different ownership. Spying is going to happen either way, I’ll take the spy that can do less to me.


Yeah, I support banning it but the whole “either sell it or get banned” does have me wondering if they are doing the right thing for the wrong reason here. Or even the wrong thing for the wrong reason, if they intend to just keep it going under new management that isn’t the CCP.

mozz, (edited ) to politics in Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then avatar

Quick outline of why TikTok is so uniquely dangerous:

  1. The Chinese government treats communication networks as their personal hoovering-attachment for any data they might want. Companies are required by law to operate as an arm of Chinese intelligence, both in terms of giving information and in terms of manipulating what information people on their network are allowed to see.
  2. It's not just your TikTok data. It's photos and files on your phone, your contacts, your messages, basically anything that the app with its too-permissive permissions can get its hands on, can potentially go up to Chinese intelligence.
  3. TikTok is not structured like any other app. It has features like custom-downloading and running arbitrary binaries from its central server that honestly don't even make much sense except as spying apparatus (consistent with #1).
  4. What China might do with this unprecedented level of access to everyone's phones is malevolent in a different way than, say, Facebook's access to everyone's data. Like Facebook they have the ability to e.g. influence an election, but they also have the ability to try to blackmail an individual to compromise them, or do for-real torture in the real world (say by tracking down a dissident via TikTok spying and then having one of their little Chinese-police-in-America units grab them).

Basically I don't think any government should have that kind of access to access people's private communications or design the algorithms that dictate people's social media experience, but definitely not China's in particular.


The only valid criticism to this move I’ve seen and actually agree with is that instead of banning individual companies, the US should enact legislation that makes these practices illegal.

mozz, avatar

NSA raises its hand

"No we would prefer that you didn't"

(I mean, honestly, it's a good point. Making a company-neutral law would be a better approach for 3 or 4 different big reasons.)

Zorsith, (edited ) avatar

The most baffling thing to me about that whole “data buying scandal” is that the government was PAYING for it and not just seizing it saying “yeah you’re giving us that, here’s a gag order so you cant talk about it”


Which would, of course, make Facebook illegal as well, and LinkedIn… and pretty much all of Alphabet.

… and that sounds fine to me.

umbrella, avatar

yeah but then they would have to ban facebook and instagram too.

they do all of these if you replace ‘china’ with ‘united states’


Sources on any of this? Perhaps it works differently on Android.

The main thing which you miss though is that it has “the algorithm” down pat. While it knows I’ll watch cooking videos and videos of people yelling at cops, it doesn’t bother trying to show me things about Trump, etc. it is keeping me in my own custom echo chamber. I have no idea how it works so well.

Now imagine someone hell bent on believing things like the pizza molester stories or Jan 6th alt histories. This is a very effective tool for radicalizing people and reinforcing the “truth” they already suspect. It’s easier to divide people based on preconceived notions than trying to convince people of something new.

mozz, avatar

While I agree that the fingerprinting data is interesting, on iOS, TikTok doesn’t require any of those permissions as indicated. Some of the articles state that they are required, but they aren’t. As far as I know it isn’t possible, without a zero day of some sort, to access camera, sound, contacts, etc without explicitly granting those permissions.

That said, that is a lot of data, and for those that can be linked back to an individual. And I’m sure most people are less careful with permissions. The fingerprinting data is clearly powerful, and I find it extremely fascinating, since there is VERY limited input and such effective output.

KairuByte, avatar

I don’t believe 3 is possible on iOS? Arbitrary code execution is something Apple explicitly disallows on the App Store. While some apps sneak through, something as large as TikTok likely wouldn’t survive long with blatant rule breaking.

mozz, avatar

The time I saw it, the researcher said specifically that they'd observed it on Android. Whether that means that that feature of TikTok is only an Android thing because of the feature you're talking about, I don't know, but that would make some kind of sense yes.

anticurrent, to politics in Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then

I really hope that ban will take effect before the elections, then you will see both parties scrambling to retract the legislation after enormous backlash.

gAlienLifeform, avatar

I feel like the Democratic party is the only one who will feel backlash from this, the typical TikTok-er doesn’t lean Republican I don’t think (well, other than creepy old dudes who get way too into videos of teenage girls dancing)

givesomefucks, to politics in Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

Or we could just readdress healthcare since in 2008 we got a more conservative version of the Republican’s plan and then promptly forgot about ever improving it

We need actual progressives to get shit done, Biden and other “moderates” just won’t even try, and want us to be happy for crumbs.


I am not an American so there’s parts of this I don’t get. My national health agency negotiates prices for all drugs, thousands of them so this reads weird to ke.

Article says even these measures are uncertain to become law, does that mean it would be even less likely if something more ambitious was planned?


Medicare negotiating prices is a fairly new thing for the US and something that could ultimately be killed by the supreme court (it shouldn’t be, but we have a majority of extremists on the court).

Why it’s uncertain to become law is because our right wing party (republicans) have historically been completely opposed to any social program. Our “left” party is also fairly centrist and arguably even right leaning in parts so it’s uncertain that even with a majority of them in power that improvements would pass.

The problem we have is the filibuster in the senate. It allows any senator to kill a bill. To overturn it takes 60 votes (out of 100) and the senate is currently split 50/50.

The meager changes we got under obamacare literally happened because a republican senator died which opened the gate to ram through a few pieces of legislation which would otherwise not pass. Obamacare was overall an OK bill with some good stuff in it, but it really just re-enforced the current crazy capitalist market system. That was all the right leaning democrats would stomach. There was talk about an option for using government healthcare but that was quashed.


I know all political systems have their problems and limitations, gotta say that sucks especially the part about one man blocking new laws and also having extremists running a court? That’s literally the opposite of what a court should be in my opinion.

I guess that would make it really hard for anyone, even a president, to put meaningful changes in place.

Over here we have a competent leader totally bogged down and derailed by their party extremists. He could be good, but the system itself means he’s really not. Sounds like America has a version of that too.


I guess that would make it really hard for anyone, even a president, to put meaningful changes in place.

Yup. We can pass legislation that says “hey SC, you are wrong about the interpretation of this legislation so do it right”. However, they’ve invented this “major questions doctrine” principle that basically lets them strike down “big” things that they don’t like.

The only solution to that problem is either justices dying or legislation being passed to raise the cap on justices and the president packing the court. Which runs right into the filibuster problem.

At the beginning of biden’s term democrats nearly nuked the filibuster. However, 2 centrist democrats squashed that.


I assumed you were talking about the UK until you said competent leader.

At least you don’t have an unelected, actively malicious kleptocrat in charge, emboldened by the extremists like we do in good ol’ blighty right now.

BraveSirZaphod, avatar

Biden could be spontaneously replaced with Mao Zedong and that still wouldn't suddenly make a Congress with a Republican House start passing laws.


Healthcare reform is passed by Congress, not the president. So first you need 50, or better yet 60, Senators who are interested in getting it done.


So first you need 50

We had that. They squandered it.


No, we never had 50 who would kill the filibuster


From 2007 to 2011 Democrats controlled both the house and the senate. Obama was president from 2008-2012.

Democrats squandered it.


Democrats only had a Senate supermajority for 72 days.

Furthermore, a supermajority of exactly 60 votes only allows Democrats to pass something that 100% of them support. And Lieberman did not support anything more far reaching than the ACA, such as a public option.


Don’t let facts ruin their narrative.


What’s your narrative? Democrats had control of both the Senate and the house with a Democrat president for years and somehow it’s still Republicans fault they did basically fuck all with it?


Doesn’t change the fact. Democrats had control of both the Senate and the house. They squandered it.


On the contrary, they squeezed everything they could out of that majority.


And if that’s not sufficient evidence to believe either our Democracy is completely broken or Democrats are corrupt or incompetent then you must be someone who’s continuing to benefit from all of this while quality of life deteriorates for the rest of us.


No, it’s evidence that Democrats are diverse. Not all of them agree with me or with you.

And in a democracy, legislation requires building a consensus. That means nobody will get everything they wanted.


I’m really sick of this lecture as if I don’t understand that. I’m a human being who lives in reality I’m very familiar with not getting everything I want. I don’t buy a car for $20,000 and then complain it doesn’t have the quality of a $300,000 car. I will complain when the $20,000 car doesn’t deliver what I expect for a $20,000 car. This is no different. Democrats held a majority in congress for four years. What they delivered with that kind of opportunity was inexcusably insufficient.


I think your expectations are too high. Democrats delivered at least as much as any other Congress in the past 50 years


And I think you’re blindly loyal to a system which has benefited you.


I’m not loyal to any system. I simply recognize that a system exists, even if one wishes otherwise.


So you don’t care about it but you spend your time defending it from criticism. Sure buddy.


The system can’t be changed in the near future. And it was deliberately designed to interfere with progress.

I’m sure you can imagine a better system, but we don’t live in your imagination. So I don’t defend the system, I defend Democrats who do the best they can in spite of the system.


Lol. Oh, there it is “I’m not defending the system I’m just defending the people who have played a huge part in shaping that system.”

So I’ll go back what I was saying earlier. You’re defending Democrats because you’ve benefited from their ineptitude while quality of life deteriorates for the rest of us.


Not sure if you’re aware, but the Democrats you hate did not write the Constitution.


That doesn’t excuse them for being incompetent failures at best or outright corrupt at worst.

Again, you are only defending them because you’ve benefited. You’ve yet to deny this. You got yours so fuck everybody else.


Yes, I benefitted from the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, Social Security, and the ACA. And you’re right, fuck the trust fund babies who had to pay higher taxes to support those programs.

You didn’t benefit from them, so you must be among the lucky few who prospered under Trump. It all makes sense now.


Medicare? How old are you?


I’m not old enough for Medicare, but people who I love and support are. When they benefit, I benefit.


If you’re only celebrating things that benefit other people the rest of your life must be pretty sweet. Unless you’re trying to tell me you’re suffering and in spite of that you don’t care you’re not seeing anything directly benefit you.


The ACA benefits me directly.

But life isn’t necessarily “sweet” for people who have to take care of others. Plenty of people are struggling yet have to take care of their children and their parents. All of the legislation in that list helps to ease their burden.


But life isn’t necessarily “sweet” for people who have to take care of others. Plenty of people are struggling yet have to take care of their children and their parents. All of the legislation in that list helps to ease their burden.

So your life sucks then? You seem to be having a difficult time explaining why you’re grateful to Democrats for what they’ve done without accidentally admitting it’s because you’re not suffering.


I never said I was personally suffering. But my loved ones are struggling in retirement and I’m deeply grateful for what Democrats have done for them.

You seem to think all that matters in life is whether you are personally suffering. You truly think like a Republican, every “I got mine Jack” accusation is a confession.


You seem to think all that matters in life is whether you are personally suffering.

How many decades of suffering am I supposed to put up with before I start insisting the things I care about need to improve too?

If you’re genuinely telling me this is my life in perpetuity and my attempts for something better are a moral failing then what’s left for me?


The ACA provides a benefit to a family of four with an income under $120K or a single person with an income under $58K.

If you don’t qualify, then congratulations your income is above the US median. You got yours, Jack. And Democrats will focus their attention on those who are less fortunate.


Democrats will focus their attention on those who are less fortunate.

Why are you framing this like an either/or situation?


When talking about things that cost money, it’s always either/or. If you spend $X someone in the top 50%, you have $X less to spend on those in the bottom 50%. And personally I prefer that Democrats generally prioritize spending for the bottom 50%.

Democrats also support things that help everyone and don’t cost the government anything. For example, the ACA banned insurance companies from rejecting people with pre-existing conditions, banned them from raising premiums on sick people, banned them from dropping people in the middle of treatment. Those were all major problems before the ACA, and the ACA helped everyone by fixing them.


If you always prioritize the less fortunate and ignore any issue affecting anybody who is anywhere above less fortunate it means more people will slip into being less fortunate. If you want the less fortunate to be able to get out of their situation and stay there then you need to also prioritize making sure there’s a viable path to success. That path to success is being eroded and neither Republicans nor Democrats are addressing it. What do you think that leads to?


By definition, half of Americans will always be below median. Even if you could make everyone in the US into a success story, half would be below median.

So the point is not make everyone above median, that’s impossible. The point is to use the median to determine who needs help the most. And someone who is below median right now needs more help than someone who is not right now, even if they might be in the future.


… or we could increase the median?


That amounts to increasing GDP, given that GDP is the sum of everyone’s income. Which is something that pretty much every government tries to do.


No it doesn’t. The GDP has been decoupled from wages for about 50 years now.


GDP is defined as the sum of all incomes.

Income is more than wages, it includes money you get investments.


Cool story, but wages are not the same as income


I never said anything about income. I said wages and you decided to talk about income so… cool?


I said GDP is the sum of all incomes. That’s a basic axiom of macroeconomics, but you disagreed.


Why are you talking about incomes?

FlowVoid, (edited )

Because it includes investments and so it is a better indicator of need than wage.

There are plenty of people who have small wages/salary, or even zero wages/salary, and instead rely on investment income.

For example, most landlords. Or retired people. Or the idle wealthy, like the various unemployed children of billionaires. Jeff Bezos has a salary of roughly $80K at Amazon. But he is way better off than someone with a salary of $90K.

If you look at wages instead of overall income, you might think some of those folks are struggling when they absolutely aren’t.


Sounds like you’re admitting a rising GDP doesn’t help people below the median. You completely lost the context of the conversation.


Some of those people are definitely below median, like many retirees struggling to live off their life savings.

But in general, a rising GDP does not target people below median income. That’s exactly why Democrats prefer additional spending that is specifically targeted towards those people.


Jesus you are obtuse.

… or we could increase the median?

That amounts to increasing GDP, given that GDP is the sum of everyone’s income. Which is something that pretty much every government tries to do.

I didn’t bring up the GDP. You did.


Yes, increasing median income amounts to increasing GDP.

And increasing median income is preferable to increasing median wages, because it also helps people who are struggling to survive off their life savings.

Everyone wants higher income, but an elderly retiree no longer cares about higher wages.


And increasing median income is preferable to increasing median wages, because it also helps people who are struggling to survive off their life savings.

Lol. No. Our GDP has been increasing steadily for decades and quality of life has deteriorated for most Americans while billionaires are absorbing most of that growth.

Turns out you’re the one advocating for the rich and boomers while fucking everybody else in the process.


I already said that Democrats need to do more than just increase median income. They need additional spending targeted towards below median incomes.

The fact that you’re against this tells me you wouldn’t qualify, and that you want to take money intended for those less fortunate than you.


The fact that you’re against this tells me you wouldn’t qualify, and that you want to take money intended for those less fortunate than you.

Buddy, you just flew over the point that the GDP has been increasing for decades and the quality of life for Americans has gone down. Clearly this challenges your view that:

And increasing median income is preferable to increasing median wages, because it also helps people who are struggling to survive off their life savings.

Because there’s over 50 years of evidence showing that’s not how it plays out.


Median income has, in fact, increased for decades.

Standard of living has generally improved over the past few decades. The percentage of people in poverty is decreasing over time. The percentage of families that are food-insecure is also decreasing. These changes have gone hand-in-hand with increased spending per capita on social programs targeted towards the disadvantaged.


My god you are absolutely hopeless.


… And a majority in the House.


They had that. They squandered it.


They had that? When did we have a progressive president for 2 terms, a Congress and a Senate that was all progressive. It hasn’t happened in my life


Democrats had a majority in the Senate and the house for four years. If you’re acknowledging that establishment Democrats are corrupt pieces of shit then I agree with you but it seems like you’re trying to avoid acknowledging that fact.


“Actual progressives” can’t get shit done because they can’t get elected.


Sometimes they get elected, but the system is so filled with corruption that it seems those progressive values are quickly abandoned. Justice Dems are, sadly, often good examples of this.

We have to end the legalized bribery and get money out of politics before any true progressive agenda can be implemented.


“Actual progressives” can’t get shit done because they can’t get elected.

But then the people who won’t vote for progressives browbeat progressives into voting for their pro-corporate trash candidates. Or scream and cry when their pro-corporate trash candidate loses in the general.

agent_flounder, to politics in Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20 avatar

Sounds good. Letsdoit!

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