
SteposVenzny, to science in The fusion of two sisters into a single woman suggests that human identity is not in our DNA

So, underneath all the dramatic and flowery language, the argument being made seems to be “if the purpose of our biology is to make its own DNA persist, it wouldn’t make sense for biological chimeras to exist; based on the ability of cells to coordinate even with different DNA, the main goal seems to be human cells cooperating to make a general human form.”

This anthropomorphizing of biological building blocks is ridiculous. Cells and DNA are not in competition over who runs the show because they aren’t sapient. And I fully understand that the scientist making this claim understands that on an intellectual level but I mention it because the backbone of this argument is to conflate the literal and the figurative. The only inconsistency in cells being compatible despite having different “bosses” would be an ideological one and, because there isn’t any actual ideology at play, it doesn’t matter whether it’s consistent when attempting to describe it. You’ve proven a metaphor wasn’t literally true, congratulations.

But setting all that aside, this still doesn’t actually function as a counter argument. If we are to accept the premise of DNA’s authority as literal truth, is this function of unrelated cells to be compatible with each other not a logical extension of the DNA’s will? It more benefits the DNA for the organism to be viable even if that means other DNA also persists. It has a greater chance of reproducing itself if it’s not in a corpse.

Not only does the argument hinge on anthropomorphism, it also hinges on this metaphorical entity being self-destructively spiteful.

Lastly, it is downright comical to mention things like “cells know on their own that the heart goes on the left” when making an argument that a different characterization of biology is wrong based on the existence of rare biological edge cases. Some people’s hearts aren’t where hearts normally go. I’d let this kind of thing slide as a simplification of the truth were this not part of calling out exactly the same degree of simplification from someone else as being invalid.


Exactly what I was thinking the whole time I was reading. I could not have explained it so well. Thanks!


The premise that “if the purpose of our biology is to make its own DNA persist, it wouldn’t make sense for biological chimeras to exist" seems flawed to begin with. Biological chimeras existing still helps perpetuate soneones DNA through offspring doesn’t it?

RandomGuy79, to world in Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants

Yeah it’s great. Just great. Until your government imports so many that you can’t afford to live anywhere and can’t pick up a second job because of all the doctors and engineers.


Pst, here’s a secret… capitalism is causing that to happen world wide - including in countries with low immigration.


OK. What’s your fix? Because as a person on the ground whats effecting me -right now- is so many people came that rent skyrocketed and they took all the weekend work “as students”


If you’re familiar with copy-left licensing then short term my fix is to start encumbering properties with perpetual clauses prohibiting non-natural person ownership. I think if we could get a few sellers to start including such a clause it’d become popular extremely quickly - people selling their home or their parents home don’t want to see it turned into a perpetual airbnb for a Saudi investor… the majority of people selling homes want that home to be used by a new family - these are extremely precious things for us.

Additionally, we need to attack NIMBY zoning laws that prevent densification to super charge housing prices… this one is harder because most homeowners don’t want their neighborhood densified so we’d need to remove power from local zoning boards and let federal or provincial governments have more control.


This I agree with 110%. It’s difficult to attack these things in my country as home ownership is one of the few ways to build wealth and people will fight back. As it stands i don’t mind to keep renting on the short term because I see the government doubling taxes or more on homes, but my rent has also doubled. Our politicians fix so far has been to promise to spur into action home building, but they are building Luxury homes…

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Just build houses.


Lmao uh yeah there’s no keeping up with this. We need at least 1.5 Million new homes, and thats for one province. That’s some boomer logic you got.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Did you try building houses instead of not building them


Thats why all the companies are crying that they lack employees. Thats why Britain is still short tens of thousands of lorry drivers


The low wages of the EU meant it wasn’t worth it for locals to do the job.

The answer to this problem is higher wages and more training which is better for Britain.

Noite_Etion, to world in Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants
@Noite_Etion@lemmy.world avatar

7 out of 10 Britons believe their country takes in too many Saxons!


It all went downhill when they started letting the Angles in.

tobogganablaze, to world in Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants

Seven out of 10

Why? Why mix words and digits in that way. That’s not acceptable.


That’s how I was taught to write it. One through nine get written out and anything 10 or higher is numeric.


I’m very sorry.

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

I’m pretty sure that’s in the style guide of a lot of publications


One to twelve where I’m from, 13 and above as numbers.


Shit newspaper


Generally, numbers are not used to start a sentence.


yeah, it’s AP style guidelines.

@tal@lemmy.today avatar

I was taught that the default is to write out numbers, but if you’re comparing multiple numbers, they’re normally supposed to be written in numeric form. I feel like they should have either started with a number or restructured the sentence.


Apparently AP style guidelines say that for ten and above, you should use numeric form. Below that, write it out. That may be the driving factor here.


In general you should spell out numbers one through nine in AP Style. Consider the following examples of AP Style numbers,

  • The Chicago White Sox finished second.
  • She had six months left of her pregnancy.

You should use figures for 10 or above and whenever preceding a unit of measure or referring to ages of people, animals, events or things. Also use figures in all tabular matter, and in statistical and sequential forms.

I generally agree with most press conventions, and I’d buy into some of that, but I don’t think I really like the “ten cutoff” convention.


As a former ink stained wretch, I can confirm that is the reason.


Probably because of those immigrants too. They ruined our grammar!


Absolutely, with their arabic numerals and all! It should read “Seven out of X”!


“Seven out of X”!

It’s ok, just call it Twitter


From the AP Stylebook:

Spell out all numerals that begin a sentence, except a calendar year. Unless another specific rule applies, spell out whole numbers below 10 and use figures for 10 and above.

Spitzspot, to world in Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants

The power of marketing.


Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants

…So, 30% of EU are immigrants?


The EU has been hosting many immigrants for decades, and many have become citizens.

Surprisingly though,it seems that many EU citizens with a migration background, ( for example 1st and 2nd generation etc) in the EU vote against new immigrants. They usually perceive it as a threat against their economic/housing/children’s stability & future.


Ah, yes, truly the sign that they’ve integrated into society.


… Or because they see the things they ran away from following them. But of course this is not compatible with the myth that immigration is unconditionally good, so its better to pretend those immigrants are just trying to close the door behind them (have people who say this shit ever spoken to actual immigrants BTW?)

luciole, to science in The fusion of two sisters into a single woman suggests that human identity is not in our DNA
@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Oh this is interesting, but how do we get identical twins then? How come we get two gastrulation processes doing the exact same dance side by side, if not DNA?

Also I didn’t know about Copy Cat. Being a clone and coming out nothing like the original, what a cat thing to do. They’ll wiggle out of anything, them adorable bastards.

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

The article suggests that the environment plays a significant role in gasturlation, especially the chemistry.

If identical twins develop in the same uterine environment, there would be greater likelihood of the same genes expressing.


Identical twins are only further proof that DNA is not identity, since they have the same DNA but different identities.

john89, to world in Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants

Immigration is a good thing.

On average, the more people contributing to an economy bolsters it.


Illegal immigration is the problem


Make it easier to immigrate legally, then.


Easier? This is already a migration paradise lol


Then why are people doing it illegally?


Because it’s cheaper


This is even beyond Schrödinger levels of logic.

@Vipsu@lemmy.world avatar

There are more things to a stable and sustainable society than economy.

With many European countries doing budget cuts to education, social security, healthcare etc many people are dissatisfied with their goverments. This can make it very hard to justify spending said budget on migrants or programs with aim to integrating migrants to the society.


But the budget cuts is so that they can reduce the taxes for the richest, which will trickle down and boost the economy even more! Let’s goooooo…


All those countries also suffer from a huge demographic catastrophe coming in. Unless they get a massive amount of young immigrant workers to stabilise the social systems, those systems will collapse alltogether.

@Vipsu@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, but in order to solve that through migration we would need good infrastructure and effective processes to properly integrate these people to our societies. Unfortunately most of these countries do not have the money, expertise nor the will to implement these things properly making them fail not only their people but the refugees / migrants as well.

These migrants also increase the need for more social security and better education as many of them struggle to find jobs due to lack of education, language skills or just general distrust/racism towards migrants. Add in the additional need for healthcare and day care services well further putting presure on social systems in verge of collapse.

Now add in the possibility that artificial integeligence will cause causing unprecedented levels of unemployment in near future and how climate change may throw a wrench in the system at any point. I just don’t see how we can solve any of these problems under the current market economy.


It’s just that the austerity cuts on basic living necessities create more instability, for native-born and new members of a society. But that’s probably the purpose, masses are easier to control when they struggle and are helpless


This is just bullshit. I’m sorry but it isn’t true. The blanket statement for immigration being good is wrong.

Immigration can be good and it can be bad.

The problem is immigration is used as a huge catch all term. It’s hardly ever “immigration from the EU” “Highly educated immigration”.

If you look at the data, not just throwing out what makes you feel good, the actual data shows a lot of immigration is bad. Both the UK and Denmark has shown this recently.

The fact is we have been lied to over this. The government doesn’t want to raise taxes to invest in locals and they want to keep wages down and house prices high. Immigration has net been a negative for the individual.

People wonder why so many are going to the far right. It’s because the left and centre are trying to gaslight us into thinking something is true when it isn’t.


My wife is an immigrant, pretty sure I can demonstrate multiple different ways how me (an individual) have received a net positive in my life because of her. Starting with big things like our children and ending with little things like how she helped me clean the house today.


Well decision aren’t made on an individual basis.

The stats say that it costs the company money and the Danish data also says they commit way more crime. I’m sure victims of violent crime can mention multiple ways they have had net negatives from immigration.

afraid_of_zombies, (edited )

Immigration has net been a negative for the individual.

Well decision aren’t made on an individual basis.

I do agree with you on one thing, your nation needs to invest in education. Very very obviously so.


Yes. Everyone just gets their “facts” from feels. Believing the world to be a certain way when the data says otherwise is dangerous. But people don’t want real information unfortunately.


Who are you writing this for? Pretty obviously Lemmy agrees with this


Who are you writing this for?

Right back at ya.


Mine is clearly a meta comment addressed to the commenter I replied to. A critique.

Their comment is a broad statement directed at the group en masse. That’s pretty clear.

AmidFuror, to world in Ana María Henao: Ex-partner of woman who went missing in Madrid arrested in Miami

Did anyone else reading the headline think this was a lesbian couple?


Between the phrasing of the title and the image of her, absolutely yes.


I thought “what a refreshing change of pace, a woman murderer”

unreasonabro, to world in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

cmon Cuba you’re supposed to be cool, don’t be this guy

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah, I’m re-assessing my thoughts on Cuba. I was under the vague impression that they didn’t have the same rot at the core of the CCP and USSR. Maybe they don’t and this is a particular low point. Either way, bad look.

Leeks, to world in Russia leaves thousands of planes without GPS in northern Europe

The craziest part is that the facility believed to be the source of the jamming is estimated at only $6.7m to make.



It’s just a big antenna. If you can broadcast a large signal on all the same frequencies you can drown out the other signals. It takes lots of power. More targeted approaches can make it more efficient, that probably where most of the money went.

@naeap@sopuli.xyz avatar

They say I can download the PDF.
maybe I’m too blind or stupid for X/Twitter, but I at least can’t download/see it on mobile.

Anyone having said PDF to actually see the details?


Without a twitter account you can’t expand the thread, and not having a twitter account means I have no idea if there is a PDF in there or not. Nothing like using a walled garden platform to literally hide information behind Musk’s paywall.

EDIT: I managed to find them elsewhere and put them somewhere easier to access:



@naeap@sopuli.xyz avatar

Thank you very very much!

And fuck X


We have to pay to have an account on X now?


Well, you are agreeing to have your data sold, so in that sense, yes


Igor Shushko should not be trusted for OSINT. He has claimed repeatedly that the FSB was going to stage a coup, etc. since the beginning of the invasion. He also just makes stuff up pretty frequently.

He’s in the “completely ignore” category in the OSINT community.

Transporter_Room_3, to world in Russia leaves thousands of planes without GPS in northern Europe
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I mean… It’s obviously electronic warfare from Russia.

There isn’t a need to “accuse” and nobody will listen to a denial.

This is just deliberate communication disruption, and prequel memes aside, we all know what disrupted communications leads to.

And they started with Ukraine, thinking it an easy target.

When I read an article the other day about laser point-to-point communication with a sattelite , I immediately thought to myself “oh this probably isn’t good, widespread sattelite communication disruption is about to be put to widespread use, why else would this be necessary when current systems have much higher bandwidth” and you know if you’re reading a news article about it, it’s been put to use by the DOD for years.

Am I sounding like a conspiracy theorist? Genuine question, because that seems reasonable in the modern world to me.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Wouldnt Ukraine do it too to jam Russian drones and planes GPS signals?

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Just Asking Questions, huh?

Russia uses GLONASS, not GPS.


Sometimes people really don’t know.

Thank you for answering the question.

I hope you have a bad day for being an asshole about it though

PugJesus, (edited )
@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

I'm familiar with Linkerbaan. Pattern recognition is not an offense.


All from our dear friend - took me only a few minutes of searching. Not faulting you for not searching, that would be ridiculous to expect of someone who didn't know the poster, but this isn't just "SOMEONE ASKED A QUESTION ABOUT RUSSIA!" it's "Someone with a long history of playing 'bothsides' and putting forth bullshit assertions and feigning ignorance is doing it on one of the subjects they constantly do it on".

Israel has already killed more civilians in 45 days than Putin during his entirely Ukraine war.

The west is commiting actual genocide right now. Don’t mis use the word for Putin.

Ukraine is doing plenty of terrorism against their occupier. Your double standards are showing.

Reminder that israel had already killed more civilians than Putin did since the start of the Ukraine war. Biden is literally worse than Putin.

You fuck off genocide apologist. When it came to Ukraine you were all calling for the Russians to assasinate Putin.

Now that it’s about non white people you’re literally saying you’re gonna vote for the genocide guy. Fucking racist hypocrites.

The war crimes Russia committed in Bucha pale in comparison to the complete genocide israel is committing right now.

America is already talking about dropping support for Ukraine.

Ukraine was just a proxy to exhaust Russian resources with.

Now that the entire country is in ruin America is going to pull support and leave them for dead like they’ve done with all their other proxies.

Even the Russians had far greater precision than this when attacking Ukraine.

You’re in for a treat when you start reading about the Azov brigade. They’ve got literal Nazi’s.

It’s so sad that all you have is whataboutism isn’t it? And the worst part is that Genocide Joe isn’t even the lesser of evils anymore. He is now the worse evil.

Genocide Joe is the person able to stop this. Instead he removes all war crime restrictions on the weapons and protects israel with all his power. He is actively committing mass genocide.

A reminder that Genocide Joe has killed more than twice as many civilians than Putin in Ukraine already.

Not to mention the amount of children murdered by this barbaric Zio Nazi

Not to forget Ukraine is slowly getting ditched too so the “world powers” are losing that one as well.

Israel is like 10000% more genocidal than Russia.

But anyone not supporting Ukraine with weapons against Russia obviously has to go because that’s very “unfreedom” of them.

The Kurds welcome Ukraine in joining the long list of groups abandoned and left in ruins by the US after being promised support to fight their enemy as long as needed.

Biden needs to focus on committing Genocide now. He has no time for Ukrainians beating an invasion. Surely Zeloonsky understands, he unconditionally supports israel’s genocide himself.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Everyone can use Glonass or GPS or the Baidu thingy from China. They publicly broadcast the timestamps there’s no encryption on GPS stuff. Why would Russia limit themselves to just their own?

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Because Russian systems run almost exclusively off GLONASS, and GPS is owned by the USA. Russia has a history in the Ukrainian War of... get this... jamming GPS signals but not GLONASS.

You wanna explain to me your thought process over Ukraine jamming GPS signals, the same GPS system they use, over their European allies in order to combat Russian GLONASS?

You can stop JAQing off any time.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

The combined spectrum is called GNSS and you can get receivers that combine all five for get this…

20 bucks.

Russia would not using the other spectrums because… ?

Are you okay by the way? Someone asking a very reasonsonable question doesn’t mean they are pro Russia.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

The combined spectrum is called GNSS and you can get receivers that combine all three for get this…

20 bucks.

Russia would not using the other spectrums because… ?

Because that's not how integrated systems work in a massive institution like a government or military. Jesus fucking Christ.

Are you okay by the way? Someone asking a very reasonsonable question doesn’t mean they are pro Russia.

You really want me to trot out your long history of this bootlicking shite?

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah nobody there would think to ever update anything. Ever. Especially not those suicide drones from Iran. Which must have been developed 50 years ago.

GNSS is all public broadcast. There is no encryption. Nothing prevents anyone from using the extra signals of the others.

If all you can do is spam ad hominems then don’t bother responding.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Yeah nobody there would think to ever update anything. Ever. Especially not those suicide drones from Iran. Which must have been developed 50 years ago.

"Just update it!"

The number of reasons why military-grade equipment integrated with 40 years of GLONASS-compatible systems that rely on the information given by GLONASS in its syntax can't be replaced with a 20$ consumer receiver is massive even in a country whose military isn't famously corrupt and inept.

If all you can do is spam ad hominems then don’t bother responding.

Oh, alright, let's go down through, shall we?

Israel has already killed more civilians in 45 days than Putin during his entirely Ukraine war.

The west is commiting actual genocide right now. Don’t mis use the word for Putin.

Ukraine is doing plenty of terrorism against their occupier. Your double standards are showing.

Reminder that israel had already killed more civilians than Putin did since the start of the Ukraine war. Biden is literally worse than Putin.

You fuck off genocide apologist. When it came to Ukraine you were all calling for the Russians to assasinate Putin.

Now that it’s about non white people you’re literally saying you’re gonna vote for the genocide guy. Fucking racist hypocrites.

The war crimes Russia committed in Bucha pale in comparison to the complete genocide israel is committing right now.

America is already talking about dropping support for Ukraine.

Ukraine was just a proxy to exhaust Russian resources with.

Now that the entire country is in ruin America is going to pull support and leave them for dead like they’ve done with all their other proxies.

Even the Russians had far greater precision than this when attacking Ukraine.

You’re in for a treat when you start reading about the Azov brigade. They’ve got literal Nazi’s.

It’s so sad that all you have is whataboutism isn’t it? And the worst part is that Genocide Joe isn’t even the lesser of evils anymore. He is now the worse evil.

Genocide Joe is the person able to stop this. Instead he removes all war crime restrictions on the weapons and protects israel with all his power. He is actively committing mass genocide.

A reminder that Genocide Joe has killed more than twice as many civilians than Putin in Ukraine already.

Not to mention the amount of children murdered by this barbaric Zio Nazi

Not to forget Ukraine is slowly getting ditched too so the “world powers” are losing that one as well.

Israel is like 10000% more genocidal than Russia.

But anyone not supporting Ukraine with weapons against Russia obviously has to go because that’s very “unfreedom” of them.

The Kurds welcome Ukraine in joining the long list of groups abandoned and left in ruins by the US after being promised support to fight their enemy as long as needed.

Biden needs to focus on committing Genocide now. He has no time for Ukrainians beating an invasion. Surely Zeloonsky understands, he unconditionally supports israel’s genocide himself.

It goes on and on and on and on and...


Thanks for this list. Wowsa

Carrolade, to world in Russia leaves thousands of planes without GPS in northern Europe

Imagine that kinda sucks for a pilot. A ship is at least moving fairly slowly, so you have time and plenty of space to do your charting the old fashioned way. Might even be kinda fun for the first few times, a chance to actually use that skill for once. A plane would have a tougher time of it, unless it has some inertial navigating system or something.


unless it has some inertial navigating system or something.

Don’t all commercial planes have this?


I am not a pilot or aviation watcher, so I don’t know. Makes sense.


They do, but compounding errors are always a problem with inertial navigation.

Instead of GPS, they can use fixed radio beacons like VOR and TACAN (which I think are both just US systems, but there are similar systems around the world and at major airports). This is basically the system that was in use before GPS.

EDIT: grammar


I understood everything in your comment! All those years playing FSX instead of going to school finally paid off!


VOR is international, my local airport has one. TACAN is military only (though some can be used as a VOR by civilian aircraft), also international, and by the way originally British as per Wikipedia.


There are other ways to navigate and fly other than gps and it’s basically just as easy to do. It’s just not quite as accurate and relies on stations on the ground which have been decommissioned over the years as gps has become more prevalent. VOR to VOR flying airways and then using ILS type approaches as an example.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Would air traffic controllers be able to guide them via radar?


They could but you wouldn’t want to do that for all planes. Planes follow standard departure and approach paths so the controllers know where everyone is and should be going. Moving a few planes around no biggie but if you’re doing radar vectors for everyone that will slow things down dramatically.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That makes sense. I was thinking more about emergencies because it says outages are almost daily, which means not consistent.



Thinking about it: This can also be manipulated by an enemy on the ground…


Well they are all radio signals even the ILS and localizers. In the US our 5G network interferes with radio altimeters. A person at home can spoof airplane traffic that would show up in cockpits. Bad actors could cause havoc anywhere.


Lots of lighthouses don’t operate anymore. Ships crashing into thing in the night was a big problem before GPS.

There are other navigation methods, radio towers etc. But GPS is a reliable works everywhere system, outside of malicious actors.


That’s a good point, we have very few active lighthouses in the US anymore.



  • Loading...
  • AlbertSpangler,



    Somewhere, Gul Dukat is silently crying.

    PugJesus, to world in Ana Piquer, human rights activist: ‘The militarization promoted by the government of Mexico has not improved security’
    @PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

    [Mexico sends police]

    [Police are corrupted]

    [Mexico sends Special Police(tm)]

    [Special Police(tm) are corrupted]

    [Mexico sends military]

    [Military is corrupted]

    [Mexico sends Special Forces]

    [Special Forces are corrupted]

    Maybe there's a more essential problem here than "We're not using the right weapons"?

    Nah. Let's ignore these human rights dweebs and send more troops again.


    It’s almost like guns don’t solve socioeconomic issues.

    daltotron, to world in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

    seems like the blockade is working as intended


    At least I get to live in the US where the right to protest is protected. /s

    @chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    is this irony?


    don’t forget our great first rate healthcare, best and most innovative in the world


    I swear people on here think the right to protest is some magical talisman that protects you from the consequences of your actions.

    If you break other laws the right to protest doesn’t somehow stop that being illegal - you cant just wear a free Palestine shirt and go shop lifting or break into someone’s house.

    It is about not making protesting illegal in the absence of other crimes - like for example it is in Cuba where this person didn’t commit other crimes but is arrested simply for documenting.


    I see you’ve been relying on the mainstream news narrative. There was nothing illegal about the protests until after the police started cracking down.

    Then there was UCLA where pro-Israel counter protesters were dragging protesters out and beating them with sticks while an army of cops half a block away stood around with their thumbs up their asses.

    It’s the neoliberal way to keep protesting legal while making it all but impossible to actually do so without breaking some minor law. Then the police come in huge numbers with riot gear, rubber bullets, and chemical agents that aren’t even legal in a warzone. Suddenly it’s a “violent” protest.

    Neoliberals are always on the side of the protesters starting about 10 years after the protests are over. Until then they always wring their hands and whine about how the protest was done. This is all the exact shit they said about every protest of the civil rights movement.


    Sure, yet even with your very biased telling of events it’s still nothing like the situation in Cuba


    First of all, I never said it was. Second, the results are not that far off, it just looks different. Don’t forget that there are states where it’s now explicitly legal to drive over protesters, and I already mentioned protesters getting beaten with sticks while the police stood by and watched. The US has just privatized much of the oppression.


    Also, if you have any evidence of an actual crime happening before police crackdowns start, I’d live to see it. (Not something lame like loitering). If you think I’m biased, then show me I’m wrong.

    Djejevhwvwbebebr, to world in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

    Good. Hopefully they teach her how to use a condom

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