fakeman_pretendname, to fuck_cars in Car Journeys Up In 2023 With Bus And Bicycle Journeys Down, Reports U.K. Department For Transport

This won’t apply to everywhere, but near me (in the UK), the council removed some of our bus lanes and cycle lanes last year, to appease some angry car babies, and possibly Rishi “We’re a nation of car drivers” Sunak.

It’s now difficult to safely cycle to the city centre.

At commuter times, the bus can now take 45 minutes for a 40 minute on-foot journey. Used to be 10 - 15.

The buses also get stuck in traffic at various earlier points in their route, so may be 10 - 30 minutes late or cancelled. This was already a problem, because the bus company is appalling, but it’s got worse since some of the bus lanes are gone. Very little chance of using this to get to work on time, or to get to the train station if you’re working out of town.

I’m not surprised bus and cycle usage is down. I walk instead, but I imagine many others can’t afford the extra hour of travel time every day and are now driving again.

PeepinGoodArgs, to politics in Biden Vs. Trump 2024 Election Polls: Trump Leads By 2 Points, Latest Survey Shows

You know how Haley is now saying she’ll vote for Trump after heavily criticizing him during her campaign?

I truly feel like most Democratic voters are going to end up doing the same for Biden. And they say Trump is making headway into other demographics, but I find that incredibly unlikely.

return2ozma, avatar
givesomefucks, to politics in Biden Vs. Trump 2024 Election Polls: Trump Leads By 2 Points, Latest Survey Shows

It’s a bad sign when people keep seeing this and their response is to downvote and defend Biden even more aggressively.

Like, I can’t imagine anyone who pays attention to politics thinking that browbeating people into voting for candidates they don’t like would be successful.

Like, it only worked in 2020 because trump was in office, but so many think it somehow means Biden is a great candidate and it’s a weird coincidence it took him 32 years to win his first presidential primary

The easiest way to beat Trump, is to run a popular candidate. And if Biden can’t accomplish anything more than the little he managed the first time, why wouldn’t we just run the Dem with the best shot at winning?

Biden literally barely managed it last time, and his numbers are worse across the board pretty much everywhere.

Polls consistently show Trump leads Biden in most of the seven crucial swing states that will likely decide the election—Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania—all of which Biden won narrowly in 2020 with the exception of North Carolina.

Burying your head in the sand only helps trump.

There’s time to at least get Biden to stop pissing off the people he needs to win, and since the convention hasn’t happened yet, there’s even still time to just run someone people like and want to vote for.

return2ozma, avatar

This was NBC News August 2019. “But Trump” isn’t going to work again. The latest polling shows that.


The way people act Biden pulled a FDR landslide type victory, and not by an incredibly slim margin in a handful of states.

Just completely detached from the reality of what happened 4 years ago, and in such an obvious way that the more they scream about it, the less people believe anything coming from Biden, his campaign, or his supporters.

They just want to keep repeating “Biden is popular” and hope people start believing.

return2ozma, avatar

The delusion is real with many of them. Insert surprised Pikachu in November when they wonder why their voter shaming instead of pushing Biden to do something didn’t work.


I mean, obviously if Biden losses it’s because some people said it would happen.

Like, if your doctor tells you smoking 10 cartons of cigarettes a day will give you cancer, then tells you that you have cancer?

Obviously that means your doctor is a witch and gave you cancer. Couldn’t possibly be that she was trying to warn you about the logical results of your actions, that would mean it’s your fault.

jordanlund, avatar

why wouldn’t we just run the Dem with the best shot at winning?

Because Biden is the sitting President. The only person who can decide that the sitting President isn’t running is the President himself. See Johnson in '68.


In practice, but that’s because the party has always defaulted to supporting the incumbent.

The sitting president can’t just declare they’re the only option.

However what decides the candidate isn’t a primary election, those are completely nonbinding and more like a survey than anything.

So even if Biden lost the primary, the DNC could say he’s the candidate anyways.

So in practice you’re right. But saying it the way you did makes it sound like it wouldn’t be affront against democracy if it came down to the president losing the primary and the party running them anyways

jordanlund, (edited ) to politics in Biden Vs. Trump 2024 Election Polls: Trump Leads By 2 Points, Latest Survey Shows avatar

And, again, national polls are pointless because we don’t have national elections.

California, Oregon, Washington, are all voting Biden.

Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, are all voting Trump.

So what it comes down to are the bare minority of states that are actually in play:

Starting here:

Let’s look at these one by one:

Nevada: Trump +4 to +8

Arizona: Toss up. Biden +2 to Trump +4…/arizona/

New Mexico: No useful polling.

Minnesota: Toss up. Tie, Biden +2, Trump +3 to +5

Wisconsin: Toss up. Tie, Biden +2, Trump +1, +8

Michigan: Toss up. Biden +2, +4 to Trump +2, +3

Pennsylvania: Toss up. Biden +2, +3 to Trump +3

Georgia: Trump +1 to +5…/georgia/

So that gives us this:

Which is actually a GIANT improvement for Biden. Polling before this had shown him LOSING all those toss up states.

There is still an issue in that Trump is only 13 electoral college votes shy of a win while Biden is down 59. There’s less wiggle room on Biden’s side.

Michigan or Pennsylvania ALONE would put Trump over the top. Biden HAS to win those two states, but that still leaves him 25 short of the win.

Taking those off the table for Biden, Trump would only need 2 of the remaining 4 toss up states to get the votes he needs. Biden needs 3/4.

Here’s one scenario where everything comes down to New Mexico where we have had absolutely no useful polling since last August:

Biden taking New Mexico would give him the win with only 22 states + Washington DC, compared to Trumps 28 states. We would never hear the end of it.

return2ozma, avatar

I always appreciate your analysis. Thank you. If the election was held today, more than likely Trump would win. I don’t know why Dems aren’t ringing the alarm about that. I think they have some delusions of grandeur that Biden will just magically pickup more support closer to the election.

jordanlund, avatar

It would help if Biden were actually campaigning NOW. Instead, it looks like he’s waiting for the convention in August which will be too late.

qwertilliopasd, avatar

Excellent analysis. Anecdotally it seems to me that unless the I25 corridor suffers some kind of world changing event, New Mexico is going to go to Biden. NM is purple for sure, but it went to both Gore and HRC. In the places I’ve been there it’s only bluer now.

jordanlund, avatar

I tend to agree, but we really need recent polling…

qwertilliopasd, avatar

We definitely need something better than “some asshole’s vibe check”, but honestly I think apathy is a bigger threat to Biden than Trump. I think Trump winning the polls will bring more turnout, and that turnout will be more “I have to vote for him again?” than “my faschi boy can do it”


only 22 states + Washington DC, compared to Trumps 28 states.

Republicans are generally convinced that empty land votes. It’s absurd enough that we have to live with the Senate where 800,000 people in Wyoming or North Dakota get the same voting power as 40 million in California.

horsey, to politics in Biden Vs. Trump 2024 Election Polls: Trump Leads By 2 Points, Latest Survey Shows

Great! Time to repeat some more republican talking points and post negative articles about Biden.


If we take OP at their word (you shouldn’t), this is how they’re “helping” Biden.

They’re also 100% sure Biden will be replaced at the convention, which would make their “concern” about Biden losing complete bullshit.

OP may not be a paid propagandist, but they’re doing everything one would do. Including the response of “blue maga” or that we’re delusional for seeing through this cheap bullshit.

jordanlund, avatar

The only reason Biden will get replaced at the convention (or Trump either, for that matter) is an overwhelming health condition and I guarantee the DNC would install Harris as the candidate, which would be a disaster.



Potatos_are_not_friends, to games in ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

Steam puts the player peak for the episode release at just 559 players, and it’s down to peaking under 500 even on the weekend here.

FinishingDutch, avatar

When you can pack the peak amount of players into a decent sized ballroom, that’s never a good sign for your game’s future.

At this point they’re probably better off just refunding buyers and shuttering the game entirely. Doesn’t feel like this is a salvageable situation.


refunding buyers




BroBot9000, to games in ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates avatar

Any numbers in on how much money they lost?


Considering what companies that make live services target for… They’ll chalk this up as a loss at the amount of All of the money in the world.

ampersandrew, avatar

Approximately $200M, but you can get creative with accounting across multiple products, the way they phrased it.

EveningNewbs, to games in ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

Nature is healing.

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

Not until Helldivers 2 dies too. I was tricked into thinking it was healing, and then that game exploded.

EDIT: The truth hurts, but that’s still a live service game that’s actively working against the interests of consumers and preservationists. The more money and playtime people give it, the worse this situation gets.


I still don’t think the enemy is “all live service games” exactly. A lot of us have a style of gameplay we enjoy that makes us go “That was fun! I want some more of it.”

Just that Rocksteady made singleplayer games well, and their poor shift just informs us that not all games need to be live service, especially when the gameplay shifts to something no one likes in order to achieve Number Go Up (similar situation with Gotham Knights)

ampersandrew, avatar

Number can go up without being tied to a server you don’t and can’t control. Those games still get made, from Titan Quest to Borderlands. Nothing about the gameplay loop of Helldivers offends me; the totally unnecessary forced obsolescence does. The thing that makes it a live service game is the thing that makes it incompatible with surviving for more than a few years without an Act of God, like Knockout City. I also hate that people have been trained into differentiating “single player” and “live service”, as though multiplayer must inherently be this way when it doesn’t have to be. A live service game is just an inferior version of a game they could have made that would survive offline, because it’s tied to their servers. Do you think Sony could have mandated a PSN account after the point of sale if it was available DRM-free and allowed you to run your own servers?


There is some hope for these games. For example Shadow of War works perfectly fine now and doesn’t have any of it’s “battle pass” stuff in it anymore. It can happen.

ampersandrew, avatar

If Helldivers 2 gets updated to work offline, including multiplayer, I will no longer wish for its death. I just don’t think that’s at all likely.

atmur, to games in ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

Watching live service games crash and burn is just so cathartic.

Whirling_Cloudburst, to games in ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

It was so bad that many of them decided to finally touch grass.

DrSleepless, to games in ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

TIL you can update poop

SkullBoi, to games in ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

Feels so good to see a live service cashgrab fail

Princeali311, (edited )

Their apparent solution to this is more live service games (at least from a few weeks or so ago).

Edit: Link…/warner-bros-aims-to-increase-focus-…


“If at first you don’t succeed. Fail, fail again.”

Hobbes_Dent, to politics in Companies Targeted For Pride Support Last Year Go Quiet On Social Media In 2024

“We don’t give in to terrorists. Only domestic terrorists.”


“We don’t give in to terrorists. Unless they have money. Then we give them goods and/or services in exchange for money.”

dumbass, avatar

We like our beers like we like our terrorism, domestic.

jeffw, to politics in Companies Targeted For Pride Support Last Year Go Quiet On Social Media In 2024 avatar

The North Face previously garnered pushback for its “Summer of Pride” event series in 2022 and 2023 in partnership with drag queen Pattiegonia

I’m sorry, which company partnered with a drag queen named Pattiegonia?

Beaver, avatar
jeffw, avatar

Interesting and not shocking. But I was just making a joke about the fact that one of their main competitors is Patagonia and the drag queen’s name is Pattiegonia

Beaver, avatar
jeffw, avatar

Also not surprising. Chouinard is a lefty who has pledged a ton to environmental causes. I think he put the company into some kind of trust so that the profits will go to environmental causes even after he dies. Really great company

Edit: I think this goes into the details:…/patagonia-climate-philanthropy-chou…


Hell yeah. This makes me even more satisfied with my backpack.

Downloading this app right now.

Beaver, avatar

Let’s go we could use a few informed consumers holding companies accountable


some super brilliant marketing exec probably thought it would swipe a few clicks from people misspelling their competitor’s name in search engines.

he works at wendy’s now.

jeffw, avatar

No no, it’s actually a pretty good idea lol. I mean, the exec may very well work at a Wendy’s but that’s probably more so because of all the right wing backlash

TheBat, avatar

He actually works at Wrendy’s.

DerisionConsulting, to politics in Companies Targeted For Pride Support Last Year Go Quiet On Social Media In 2024

“Our research shows us that the pink dollar isn’t as profitable as the bigot dollar. We don’t actually care about anything other than profits.”


Exactly. Nobody should have been giving them money for rainbow shit without looking at who they actually donate to and what they actually support.

This is still alarming as a bellwether. The Repub domestic terrorism has shut them up.


It’s hilarious that this thread accuses them of supporting pride to make money was bad but supporting bigotry for money is also bad.

It’s such a perfect microcosm of capitalism and popularity. How gatekeeping good deeds and representation through virtue signaling can turn people away and keep your movement from being funded by billion dollar organizations.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

Conservatives will paint the can any color that will drive profits, without donating anything to support the cause.

MAGA will scream and shout about boycotting it.

The right’s spectrum is the difference between covert and overt bigotry.

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