joyjoy, to linux in VLC Media Player Plans to Add Online Media Streaming

I swore this was already a feature. I remember years ago (15+) I was able to play YouTube videos on it.

jawa21, avatar

The new feature is for FAST specifically.


The new feature is for FAST, which is a type of IPTV stream. Imagine something akin to a TV channel guide, like Samsung’s and Roku’s built in streams.

And the “ad supported” bit is misleading; The channels are supported by ads, and run them as part of their programming. It’s not VLC showing ads before you’re allowed to stream the video, like YouTube. Just like regular TV channels, where they have commercial breaks.

corsicanguppy, to linux in Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0

Lennart’s cancer spreads.



possiblylinux127, to linux in GNOME 46 is Coming in Hot With These 6 Features

It seems like a polishing release to me. Nice of see.

darkphotonstudio, to linux in GNOME 46 is Coming in Hot With These 6 Features

When is not sucking going to be added as a feature?


I chuckled but that’s harsh.


That's a Priority 4 Severity 4 ticket. I wouldn't bet on it being completed until sometime during the next epoch.


I personally like gnome. Its just a matter of taste I suppose.

darkphotonstudio, (edited )

Lol thanks but I already use it. That’s what I went to when I finally gave up on Gnome.




That was already in some version of GNOME 3


KDE devs have taken steps to make more Gnome-like software. A new generation of Gnome devs in the distant future could go full circle ^


If that is the case I might jump ship haha.

There’s a lot more gnome dev streams to learn from. Where as KDE blogs more but are not as technical in their blogs.

Id love technical content on both so I can learn how to contribute overtime by following their news.

just_another_person, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

Then…I guess stop using it? What’s your issue exactly? You have a plethora of alternatives.


How dare people complain about something they don’t like!

That aside, the article is shitty lol


When you start thinking that everyone on the Internet deserves to hear your opinions on everything, it’s time to shut the fuck up. This guy is at that step, and this “article” has no information in it that could be deemed useful to a reader.


I think they had a point, but they didn’t care to make a high quality writing out of it. It’s basically a rant


I think he has a point that Canonical is sabotaging Windows emigrants' core user experience to force their Snaps


for sure! Just didn’t like the presentation.


I wish Ubuntu wasn’t standard


How do you mean?

piefedderatedd, to linux in Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version

Is this where the source code is supposed to be ?

southernwolf, avatar

Looks like it, it’s available as a zip in the releases along with the compiled app, but isn’t yet uploaded fully on GitHub.

Gutless2615, to linux in GNOME 46 is Coming in Hot With These 6 Features

Am I taking crazy pills or did that article not actually include any new features?


It’s a new gnome release: they don’t add features. Just rework things internally to break any extensions you have, then remove features you were using to “simplify” things


This but also:

Files already had a search button, but now, you get a new search icon in the top-left corner of the window, and the older search icon gets a new look. gnome 46 global search button screenshot

You can also head to search settings to adjust how you want to look for things.

The new search button lets you search across the system. However, the older one (with a new look) lets you search inside the current folder/directory you are in.

Is really new peaks of not-a-new-feature


I use Gnome 3 because of Comic-like tiling extensions, lack of random bugs and crashes (looking at you my beloved KDE), and because so many apps require GTK that it almost always gets installed by something I want to use.

I dislike using it because SO MANY features and quality of life things were removed and never reintroduced. Like, I have to make a custom bookmark for root or my Desktop folder in Nautilus, and can’t remove the default ones that I never use. Creating symlinks is disabled by default. I have to go to “other locations” and manually type in a network address because you can’t even type in the ADDRESS BAR. If too many windows are open on a tiled workspace, the lack of any reserved clickable space on the titlebar means Nautilus gets squished and I can’t drag and move a window without either moving something else first, opening the overview, or using the keyboard. Not entirely the Gnome team’s fault, but it’s little oversights like that which make the desktop a pain to use. The awful “classic mode” application menu with no ability to search or right click on entries for more options is a good example too. I have to open the mobile-like workspaces view or whatever its call to do that stuff now. I’m not on mobile, this is a desktop.

It’s like they’re trying to force me to use their cursor/touch based UX in some ways, but in others I have to use a keyboard or dig in the settings to do anything. Or maybe they’re just of the opinion that if people want features, someone will volunteer to make and maintain an extension to enable them.

Don’t get me wrong, Gnome 3 is impressive, looks good, and is generally simple to use, but I end up trying to spend so much time working around its intentional limitations, that I start to hate it a little more every day. I use it begrudgingly, waiting for something better to come along. If I was a smarter person with more time, I’d try to help the project with these papercuts, but my coding skills are crap.

But, just so I’m not beating up on them for no good reason, I’ll add that there are a ton of very nice things they created or implemented that I enjoy. The quick settings menu comes to mind; and the settings app in general is very nice.

I think the Gnome devs made a lot of good choices. I just wish they could have done so without removing so many features or trying to force a paradigm change in how I use my computer. I appreciate their work, I really do, but damn…


I haven’t had a crash on KDE in forever. Might be worth another look. Although I’d avoid version 6 for now.


I’m still following an open bug report from a year ago where the desktop does weird stuff with AMD GPUs, like randomly scramble graphics or unmap half the screen for no reason.


I’m going to assume you’re not doing this maliciously, as not all of those features and infos are easily discoverable so here are a few infos you might be interested in:

  • You always could type in the adressbar by typing Ctrl+L, which is the same shortcuts as all the Browser that I ever tested and most file manager as far as I know. In addition to that, in Gnome 46, you will be able to click the adressbar to type in it (someone had to create the widget for that and until now, nobody had the time/motivation)
  • On any Gnome app, you can drag from any part of the headerbar, even on buttons or on the adressbar, you just need to click and hold anywhere. This is actually the best solution that I have seen anywhere in the desktop world: It doesn’t need a titlebar wasting vertical space across the entire width of the app and you avoid the situation where the app window is to small and isn’t dragable at all.
  • Far as I know, classic mode isn’t officially part of Gnome and is instead a package that some Distros add that consist of a few extensions. But if you’re going to use extensions for an app menu, you might as well use the far better Arc menu which as a lot more options and is well supported (it’s already ready for Gnome 46 which isn’t out yet)
  • Having / as a default shortcut isn’t a good idea for an average user, given that most of the stuff you access from there shouldn’t be touched if you don’t know what you’re doing. And if you do, adding the Bookmark takes a few seconds. (If you want to do it super fast Ctrl+L > / > Enter > Ctrl+D). In addition to that, an editable Sidebar is in the works is in the works, although just like anything, someone will have to do the work and write and maintain the code.

As for the statement “I’m not on mobile, this is a desktop”, I’m not sure what you mean. You do know that you can use just start typing in the overview to search for an app, file, settings, etc (what appears in the search can be edited in the settings)? Maybe I missunderstand what you mean, but I don’t see how the overview is in anyway something from “mobile”. In my opinion, the overview where you can manage your workspaces , open apps and quickly search and open new app, is the best thing Gnome made and is the reason why I and many other use it on Desktop. And if that is not for you, you can recreate a traditional desktop with extensions (Dash to Panel and Arc menu for example) or use KDE or Cinnamon, which are both amazing in their own right and perfected the traditional desktop.


I’m okay with being wrong, it just means I’m less wrong in the future. Thank you for the info.

MonkderDritte, to linux in Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0



It does something different and doesn’t ask to replace sudo everywhere. You brainless trashtalkers can’t even read an article before you judge.


Read the article.

LittleWizard, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

Does this mean you have to use apt-get to get the deb version again? Or is there an even more complicated command? I’m wondering what happens for the other Ubuntu flavors. I’m usually running Kubuntu.


Canonical even patched apt a bit so it prefers to install snaps first.


That really pissed me off in 2018


Even apt is deliberately broken:

“[If] You use ‘sudo apt install chromium’, you get a Snap package of Chromium instead of Debian”




Why does this break apt? Just because, I assume (I am using Debian btw), it installs a placeholder deb-package which, while running the postinst script, installs chromium via snap commands?


It doesn’t break apt, apt just prefers snaps now.

This is as they designed it.

The issue here is that people don’t like this other thing and so the distribution which has been moving towards this other thing for like a decade now I guess is the bad guy for continuing to work towards that goal.


It doesn’t break apt, Canonical just broke their version of apt just to prefer snaps now.



OK, so it’s actually apt itself that’s different on Ubuntu, not just fake/virtual/transitional deb packages in their repos.


This was where I rage quit. Who in the hell thought it was a good idea?

woelkchen, avatar

Who in the hell thought it was a good idea?

Marc Shuttleworth


I have serious doubts about that due to the role of early Ubuntu in popularizing desktop Linux. For many including me, Ubuntu was the first taste of GNU/Linux and it was a breath of fresh air compared to the contemporary clumsy and cumbersome distros like Fedora. Only Ubuntu from those days has any resemblance to the experience we expect from desktop Linux today.

The problems at Canonical seems like a systemic institutional issue, probably related to egotistic management with temper issues. That of course means that Shuttleworth is the source of those personality disorders. But still…

woelkchen, avatar

I have serious doubts about that due to the role of early Ubuntu in popularizing desktop Linux.

Ubuntu didn’t move overall Linux market share at all. It just took the “gateway drug” role from Mandrake/Mandriva.


Same here, it’s the reason why I kicked Ubuntu off my laptop. They removed any way to choose and made it such a pain to get around the Snap bullshit. I’m on Linux because I want to choose what I do with my system.




It is a good idea. Imagine you are completely new to Ubuntu and want to install chromium. You’re gonna search on Google how to do that and you will probably find an old article telling you to use APT. If ‘sudo apt install chromium’ did not work it would be very frustrating.


Only reason it wouldn’t work is Canonical killing the .deb package. That was an unforced error. So no, still not a good idea.


Seriously? Wow. That moves the whole thing into asshole territory. I’m glad I went with a distro that prioritizes not being shitty.


Same with firefox


It is about installing .deb that you manually downloaded from somewhere. You can’t install them by double clicking on them, you have to install from command line.


You absolutely could in the past.

federatingIsTooHard, to linux in Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version avatar…/disturbing-facts-about-protonmail/

i’m begging you, don’t buy snake oil.


Not only is this article three years old, it is also lacking in terms of sources. Additionally, the language and phrasing is quite inappropriate for the purpose of spreading the information. Lots of text is just mean and offensive without any actual purpose.

It also seems to be largely based on speculation rather than actual solid evidence.

I’m not against investigating the legitimacy of established and trusted privacy-first providers. However, this seems a bit lackluster.

Also: Email is inherently insecure, we all know that. Proton services are open source, independently audited and verifiably E2EE, except for Mail, which uses PGP for the emails themselves and E2EE to store them.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

for what claim do you want a source that isn’t provided?


All of the hyperbole and speculation? The SSL stuff with TOR for example. That’s not proof, that’s a hint at best

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

they say plainly what they don’t know. what they don’t know, you don’t know. and if you don’t know, you are trusting on faith, not evidence.

possiblylinux127, to linux in Fedora members plan on creating a Cosmic Desktop Spin

That would actually be amazing

phoenixz, to linux in Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0

At this point I looks to replace systemd with vim. Anything better than systemd mess

e8d79, to linux in Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0

I really don’t care about the command I use to get elevated privileges. On my Debian servers I use su and maybe in future, if Fedora decides to make the switch, I will use run0.


Alias sudo=run0

Linkerbaan, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡 avatar

I dont mind snaps but blocking deb installs by default on file clicks is a bad look.

UnfortunateShort, to linux in Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version

I sure hope they make a Flatpak like they did for VPN (although it’s not working properly at all rn). I don’t get why they are still troubling themselves to support two other formats already during beta, when this is probably just an Electron app.


The cli is working fine. They changed a few things for free subscribers but idk if it affects the cli.

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