epoch, to linux in VLC Media Player Plans to Add Online Media Streaming avatar

mpv is our saviour.

Dariusmiles2123, to linux in GNOME 46 is Coming in Hot With These 6 Features

I love Gnome as it looks nice and is so efficient once you know how to use it (using different workspaces)

I’ll soon install a KDE distribution in Gnome Boxes just to try it and see what it’s about.

warmaster, (edited )

I switched to KDE for gaming, I miss GNOME so much.


Same I wish they’d prioritize mutter-vrr and get it over the finish line already. Thankfully, it’ll reportedly make it in the next version.

backhdlp, to linux in GNOME 46 is Coming in Hot With These 6 Features avatar

This would be a minor release in KDE


We get it, you use KDE btw

Very cool, we’re very proud of you.



backhdlp, avatar

I don’t

tsonfeir, avatar

But, they have a new wallpaper!

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

And file manager changes, settings changes, account integration changes, notification system changes, changes to a handful of their other core apps, compositor improvements, memory optimisations, a new rendering system, hardened security for their image viewer, and a bunch of accessibility improvements.

But, you know, if your attention span only allows you to focus on a new wallpaper, then sure.

But if you want to get into the weeds a bit:


I love how the complaint makes even less sense when you look at the KDE mega announcement from yesterday. The third thing listed is a new wallpaper.
Love KDE, but they have some really annoying users.

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

It’s unfortunate. We have two great, up-to-date, premier DEs in KDE and Gnome, yet people always turn it into some console war-style shit-flinging.

And it’s not the devs, it’s the losers on forums like this. KDE and Gnome devs have demonstrated time and time again that they can happily work together on making good, cross-DE standards, and plenty of devs directly work on both projects, even.

To be blunt, I believe the KDE fanatics are more abrasive in this. Whenever there’s a KDE announcement people are generally happy, even people who don’t use KDE.

Whenever there’s a Gnome announcement it’s “omg KDE is so much better”, “what feature did they remove this time??1”, “Gnome devs are evil pieces of shit who hate their users”, “lol MacOS clone much???” (I really don’t understand that one), etc.

There’s so much elitism in the Linux community. I hate it.


You can find idiots in every group. Usually, however, these are always just the loud minority. I bet the majority of users simply use what they want and stay completely out of any discussions.

For my part, I have always used KDE / Plasma and I will continue to do so. Gnome just doesn’t appeal to me. Is Gnome therefore bad? No. I just prefer something else. Just like I use a different editor instead of vim, for example.


This is how it should be. Accepting that not everything is your cup of tea, but recognising that it has its place, others value it, and it contributes to the Linux ecosystem.

I don’t have any use-case for a tiling window manager, for example, but I have zero intention of shitting all over various TWM projects whenever they’re brought up.

I understand that Gnome kinda goes against the traditional desktop paradigm, and some people really aren’t into that, but those people can just… not use it. I don’t get what all the hate is about.


I don’t have any use-case for a tiling window manager, for example, but I have zero intention of shitting all over various TWM projects whenever they’re brought up.

I feel the same way. I think tiling is useless (for me). Except in the terminal emulator. Strangely enough, I use it there.

I understand that Gnome kinda goes against the traditional desktop paradigm

Which is not a bad thing at first. Just because something has been done for years doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better.

The Helix editor, for example, uses the selection → action model. With vim, it is exactly the opposite. That’s why I prefer Helix. And yes, this is my own subjective opinion.


For real. Heck I’m a KDE fanboy right now but it’s FOSS and community driven FOSS at that. A rising tide lifts all boats is very real for us!

But people still treat it as if KDE getting better this time or Gnome getting better means the other is losing out on something. Instead them getting learn and growth off of each others expirmenta and works.

Deceptichum, avatar

Both have a new wallpaper, this is truly an age of innovation.


It is a fairly minor release for gnome. The problem with KDE is that it has so many features that it is harder to use and setup. It also doesn’t have a focus on stability.


KDE has been very stable for years.


That’s not my experience. I’ve had bugs


Certainly not what I’ve experienced. But it’s definitely a lot better than it was 2 years ago.


I use it daily on three devices running two different distros (void and arch). It’s been as stable as xfce.


I believe you. It’s just far from my experience.

Adanisi, avatar

I’m not sure what you mean??

KDE is usable out of the box, and very easy to use.


Not for me. I want my desktop to be functional and I don’t really customize all that much.

Adanisi, avatar

I mean, I run basically stock KDE with the dark theme. It seems functional but maybe we just have different ideas of functional?


They’ve also had to spend several cycles rearchitecting the codebase and reducing duplicated efforts.

Plasma 6’s future seems very bright. Especially if they keep improving Breeze especially if they keep focusing on sane defaults and a simple unified and consistent style.

FlashMobOfOne, to technology in Google Discloses That Incognito Mode in Chrome Isn't Entirely 'Private' avatar

I’m shocked.

TCB13, to privacy in Mozilla Stands Against Google's New Advertising Tech avatar

Questionable ethics corporation #1 stands against questionable ethics mega corporation #1.

Outtatime, avatar



How is Mozilla questionable?

TCB13, avatar

Do not know why you are being down voted, you are correct.

I am thankful Mozilla exists because it provides some choice but if you have to changed the user.js --a non-trivial action for regular end users-- or use a fork like Librewolf, or Mullad Browser or even Tor to maximise Privacy that should mostly come available as an easy opt-in setting out of the box, it educates me that Mozilla is not the angel fanboys would like it to be.

Also, their telemetry collection is not trivial either, even more so in their Nightly builds, which in fairness is sort of expected. Also, do not forget that FF has pushed XPIs to end users without their consent in the past.

GolfNovemberUniform, to linux in VLC Media Player Plans to Add Online Media Streaming avatar

Not a fan of that tbh


Dude, they are not starting their own ad supported streaming service. They are merely adding dupport for one more streaming protocol that happens to be used for that. If these services were using RTSP for their streams, they’d already be supported. This is absolutely in line with VLC’s swiss army knife-approach.

Otherwise, new GUI sounds good to me. The old one is proven but a bit clunky.

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

I think there should be local-only players. VLC was one forever. There are tons of streaming service clients out there and I personally don’t want VLC to add this feature. But it is just my personal opinion. I never said it’s bad


But it has had networking capabilities for like… ever? RTSP, HTTP, …

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Idk about that. I don’t even care much cuz I don’t use VLC at all. Lol I just wanted to send a regular short controversial unpopular opinion comment. I hope it’s not considered wrong here


It also supports some funky stuff like raw H.264 over UDP if you use ffmpeg to prepend special packets to the start of the video stream (Ideal for a DIY low latency video streaming solution ). If you decrypt digital OTA tv signals (DVB format), VLC will play the live underlying raw mpeg stream just fine.

Truly a swiss army knife of video playback, especially the underutilized network url file open option

pbjamm, avatar

I mean it is right there in the name: Video Lan Client.

My first use of VLC 20yrs ago was to stream video. it is the core of the product.


Yes, “VideoLAN Client” doesn’t sound like anything which might have network support.

Fubarberry, avatar

VLC stands for VideoLAN Client, and was originally designed as a player for network streams provided by the VideoLAN server. It also supports local media playback, which has become its most common use. It adding additional streaming functionality is just reinforcing its original purpose.

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

I don’t have anything against that. The dev has the right and adding that feature can make the client more popular


One doesn’t have to use the feature and it’s not like it’s going to be felt, nor noticeably use any resources when not in use.

Gamers_mate, (edited ) to technology in Apple Decides to Block Open-Source Emulator App for iOS

“The developers of UTM mention that Apple even went the extra step, and disallowed the publishing of UTM SE on third-party marketplaces.”

Apple do realize third party marketplaces can have their own rules because they are not affiliated with them right?


I believe Apple still has the power to block third party store apps based on signature. It’s a security thing to be able clean malware.


I’m sure the EU will love that bit of malicious compliance that apple have shown they will use to remove non-malware that they just don’t approve of using the same mechanism…

gerdesj, (edited ) to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡

“I understand that Canonical has every right to make the decision about their product.”

That seems fair. There are loads of distros available so why not try something else if you don’t like Ubuntu?

Linux and other mainstream Unices such as FreeBSD or OpenBSD int al (that’s not something I ever thought I’d be able to say a few decades back) are not Windows or Apples or whatevs. You do you and not them!

If Ubuntu fails to scratch your itch then move on. Debian is the upstream for Ubuntu so you’ll probably be fine with that instead. There is loads of documentation for Debian via the wiki etc and of course most Ubuntu docs will apply as well.


You only got part of the quote, and not the part that really is what the article is about.

I understand that Canonical has every right to make the decision about their product. You want to promote Snap over Deb, fine. But don’t do it in a deceiving manner.

And there is a pretty reasonable middle ground:

If you would like to keep your ‘Snap store’ deb-free, fine! At least have the decency to provide Gdebi by default for local deb file installation.

Stalins_Spoon, to linux in Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version avatar

Give us IMAP/SMTP instead of this garbage


Don’t quote me on this, as I’m not 100% certain, but I believe they do allow IMAP on paid accounts. Can someone confirm/deny this?


I think it’s allowed on paid business accounts


last time I checked, IMAP/SMTP required not only a paid account, but running Protonmail’s proprietary bridge app


That could very well be the case. I guess I’ll only find out if I ever feel like I need the paid version. For now, I’m doing golden with the free one 😁

maiskanzler, to linux in VLC Media Player Plans to Add Online Media Streaming

Changes are looking good, great to see it is still very active!

MonkCanatella, to linux in Fedora members plan on creating a Cosmic Desktop Spin

Fucking awesome. I love pop os but I’d probably switch to this in a heartbeat. Ubuntu has such a huge community so you basically have access to every package out there, but I’d rather deal with fedora’s package manager and flat packs then ever think about dealing with snaps


No way pop os will ship with snaps. System76 devs have already said they prefer flatpak


Yeah Snaps (and performance too) are not really Ubuntus stopper problems (you can easily remove them). I mainly want Plasma 6 fast (as I am sure an en par Cosmic will need at least 2 years) so Kubuntu is not an option really. Also snappifying core packages like Firefox, where I am not sure how that affects the tab isolation capabilities, is a bit annoying.

But Ubuntu is pretty quick!

Titou, to linux in Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0 avatar

Anyway i prefer doas btw


sudo provides sudoedit or sudo -e which allows me to use vim with my user configuration btw


Just symlink your user config to root, nothing at all wrong with that.


Then the editor, all extensions, language servers, etc. are all running as root.

Harry_h0udini, to linux in I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 😡 avatar

Give a shot for Fedora!

FrankTheHealer, to linux in Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version

Cool. Now please do Proton Drive and Calendar. Please and thank you Proton.


Calender is included in the mail app


We need caldev through the bridge app for use in thunderbird and other apps.

just_another_person, to linux in VLC Media Player Plans to Add Online Media Streaming

Fork incoming.

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