Xenny, to 196 in Side quest unlocked, Rule

“a beer bar”

capt_wolf, avatar

Oddly, I feel like you need to specify this in the PNW…

Beer bar, whiskey bar, coffee bar, chocolate bar. There’s a lot of ten guys out there who’d get confused.


As opposed to a whisky bar maybe?


Beer bars (sometimes called taverns or pubs) are legally restricted to selling only beer, and possibly wine or cider. Liquor bars, also simply called bars, also sell hard liquor.


Oregon has weird liquor laws. Taprooms that only sell beer and can’t serve spirits are actually pretty common, and they’ll have fancy beers brewed in a room behind the counter. (Most of them like to highlight the existence of the brewery by making it visible to the rest of the room.) People don’t usually call em “beer bars” but that’s exactly what they are.

Gormadt, avatar

You can definitely tell it’s a non-native by what they call those places

Also how they pronounce some of the smaller cities

Like Chelatche


Is it: Chee-latt-chai?


Haven’t heard anyone say chelatchie out loud before, but I live in the pnw and I would guess it would be pronounced cheh-latch-ee, which is similar to how “Wenatchee”, a pnw city, is pronounced (not helpful but interesting nonetheless).

Gormadt, avatar

Very close, sha-latch-ee

No worries though

It’s a really small place and the closer one lives to it the more likely I’ve seen people be able to get it

Spokane is a fun one to hear people say though when they’re from a few states away

Omega_Haxors, to 196 in The other, other white meat Rule

Jokes about causing harm to children is always a huge red flag.


But an even tastier treat.


It becomes a lot less funny when it affects you personally.


Someone ate your baby?

SnotFlickerman, to 196 in The other, other white meat Rule avatar

It’s only a Modest Proposal.


Didn’t get that comment out Swift enough

starman2112, to 196 in Vampires rule avatar

Fun fact! Human is the only meat that can be vegan!

And uhh, there are plenty of people that would consent to a vampire sucking their blood

mrbubblesort, avatar

Why? Is it because they could consent? In that case it's a poor argument because it could be argued that anyone who did consent was not in a state of mind where they could do so legitimately.

Smorty, to 196 in Capitalism rule

Naw, I don’t see this as being tanky. The middle one I don’t really get tho.


the middle one explains that equity unlike equality does not give everyoune the same resources, but distributes resources so every one has the same experience/chance.

revlayle, to 196 in British Cusine Rule

First of all, how dare you


Second of all, how dare you.


Third of all, dare how you.


Fourth of all, can you spare some?


Fifth of all, can you bring the marmite?

Tubbles, to upliftingnews in Global solar installations projected to jump 56% this year!! avatar

When I read this type of projections, be it energy, money or whatever, it is always the next year that is exploding in volume

DoomBot5, to upliftingnews in Global solar installations projected to jump 56% this year!!

Great example of how to pad your chart to push an agenda. Granted, I am for this agenda, but this kind of stuff definitely detracts from it.

Obi, to ergomechkeyboards in First keyboard build! avatar

So you chose…violence.


Haha. I might have to move my command/alt/shift/ctrl keys down to the thumb clusters. I mostly like the miryoku layout with them on the home row, but sloppy rolls with A-T or S-T combinations (CMD-T) keep opening new tabs, and I’m getting grumpy. No violence yet. Maybe I can fix that by increasing the time before the hold activates.


And thanks to Suraj Kurapati’s own issues and config modifications ( along with a lighter touch in my typing, typing is much cleaner now for me, with only very rare mods being inadvertently triggered. Very happy with how things are going. Now for a wireless version.

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited ) to ergomechkeyboards in First keyboard build!

What does ∞ do?


That’s another tab key for now.

Cris_Color, to ergomechkeyboards in First keyboard build!

Ooh, those are pretty key caps


MBK Legend

fraenki, to gaming in Why is Freelancer still the best? avatar

I really liked both Freespace games and also played FSO. 🥰 Too bad there's no FS3. 😭🤧😢

Elite Dangerous has nice graphics and fantastic sound but I find it boring. 😪

X4 is less of a space shooter and more of a economy simulator. 🤑


The X games have always been heavy on the economy sim.. But the scope of the games were insane.. I felt X4 was pretty gimped in that respect, that I couldn't take over the economy, build massive fleets, and take out entire sectors with my massive wave of ships.

I haven't checked out X4 since launch though, things may have improved.

HidingCat, to gaming in Why is Freelancer still the best?

I don't think Everspace 2 is as expansive as Freelancer 2 was; for that time, that was a pretty big game.

E:D more than matches that but I think the problem is that its always-online massively multiplayer angle means that there's just no bones to build a strong single-player narrative and progression.

lemmyvore, (edited )

Everspace 1 & 2 are rogue-likes if I'm not mistaken? Which would explain why they aren't as large as Freelancer, since the game loop is supposed to be much shorter. I think a better comparison for Everspace would be Risk of Rain 2.


I think only Everspace 1 is a rouge-like. I just started playing Everspace 2 a few days ago and they seem to have removed the rogue-like game loop sadly.


Oh they switched genre? That's good to know. I liked Everspace 1 precisely because it was a rogue. I was considering picking up Everspace 2 during a sale but was not aware it's different, thanks.


Freelancer 2

We can only dream of Freelancer 2

neosheo, to linux in Dear BlendOS, you claim to be immutable, yet you have changed a core part of the system. Curious.

Doesn’t immutable distro mean the root filesystem is readonly and programs are created with their own unqiue environment?

This post acts like the code for the OS should never change.

So if a critical CVE is reported they cant update ths OS because its supposed to be immutable?

tsugu, avatar

The joke here is very much just that. Immutable = not changing, therefore any update violates the idea of immutable distros.

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