nyahlathotep, to 196 in Voluntary Mandatory rule avatar

this has to be satire


One would hope that a message THAT tone deaf wouldn’t have even made it to the keyboard before realizing what a catastrophically bad idea it was.


This is basically how Golden Corral works their staff

ares35, (edited ) avatar

there's a lot of stupid, ignorant assholes running small businesses all over the place that think they own their employees and can boss them 24/7. this could totally be a legit posting somewhere.

if you want me answering my phone 24/7, you're paying me 24/7--and providing the phone you want me to answer.


I’ve seen shit like this working in an understaffed restaurant. It was understaffed because the management decided to drug test and most of the staff was let go. Then whined the entire time about people unable to cover shifts and pulled shit like this. I promptly left after coming back from being sick.


Drug testing at a restaurant?! lmaooooo


Yes, of course there are plenty of workplaces this bad, but they still wouldn’t write “voluntary mandatory”


After meeting many a middle manager, I can say with absolute certainty that they would write something like this.



bleistift2, to lemmyshitpost in efficiency
snooggums, avatar

SMB had game file size limitations in the dozens of kilobytes range.

bruhduh, avatar

Modern AAA games need optimisations too


Optimization? Pffffft. Nvidia probably pays game developers to make unoptimized games just to boost gpu sales.

bruhduh, avatar
snooggums, avatar

Yes, but not ‘every rock is identical’ optimization like back then.


You’d be surprised


Laughs in Cities: Skylines 2


For comparison, that screenshot is 342kb, and Super Mario Bros is 40kb. The screenshot is more than 8.5 times bigger than the game it comes from.


I like this math lesson


I managed to recreate almost the same screenshot in 5kb (and with much less compression artifacts!)

before adding the text and circles it was only 1.6kb

it’s a case where jpeg compression ironically results in the picture getting 60x larger and more blurry because everyone recompresses the images and jpeg is designed for large photos and not pixel art


Use png and IDK I don’t remember which cmd line soft but it stripped out unused colors and compressed images like that one hard.

That, without the red lines and circles, and without jpeg jitter should be like 1kb. Or less less.

Now, as an oldtimer, when you load that 1kb image up, it will still take like 640x320 bytes (it was all 8bit) so 200KB of RAM. But back in the day I guess it was more like the original GB 160x144 so 22.5KB RAM needed to show that image.

Did it work like that?

No, because cartridges didn’t have a lot of space, and the consoles didn’t have much RAM, so you used tiles. You had a tile map image, each tile was 8x8 pixels pointing to a palette (so you could use 4-bits for the color. More or less so, there were a lot of ‘modes’). Each tile had a number and your screen was some 20x18 tiles x 1 byte numbers, designing the ‘tile’ to be shown at that particular position of the screen.

All done by hardware so way fast!

To make the scrolling run you had a ‘delta’ pixels to slightly move the “screen” around.

Fun times.

Time to go to bed 😪😴




ROM Cartridges like that were also basically as fast as RAM, and mapped into system memory, so you could reference things directly instead of having to load things to RAM first like off a disc


Yes yes! But wasn’t there some limit, like if you had a 1Mbit cartridge you still had to shuffle the data around? Or was it just a penalty to map a different chunk of memory?

My memory is sure not that fast or reliable:-)


Not the guy you replied too, and my memory is also fuzzy, but I always love how crazy and analog nes hardware was. Im like 70% sure that later in the nes lifespan they made it to where cartridges had more rom and could shuffle the data banks/tables around and that the nes could only process something like 32kb at a time I think? So they would just swap around the data sets depending on when they where needed.

Almost like one of those choose your own adventure books… Im probably horribly wrong in that summary and analogy though. It’s been years since I last got a refresher on nes tricks lol


Here’s the same image in 3.8kb (lossless jxl):

Interestingly, lossy jxl is larger (59kb):

starman2112, avatar

What I would give to have modern devs work that hard to reduce file sizes

SpaceCowboy, avatar

Is it more than the price of a hard drive?

starman2112, avatar

For the sake of all my homies with data caps and limited hard drive funds, I would gladly give more than it costs me personally


Games on ssds benefit from faster load times. Don’t put your games on spinning metal.


Because most of the time and energy are spent trying to hold on and not be tossed off by centripetal force?



Pretzilla, (edited ) to 196 in Artificial Refugium rule

Bats eat their weight in mosquitoes every night, unlike your typical hoa board member

cerement, avatar

but they do suck blood

germanatlas, avatar

And can carry rabies


Yes, but enough about the HOA!


Only the vampire bats. And they only live in Central and South America. Although bats do carry diseases.

cerement, avatar

(talking about the HOA)

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

This isn’t funny, think of all the poor HOA board members that get eaten by bats every night

wreckedcarzz, avatar

Stop, stop. I can only get so erect.


What if the bats bite humans, create vampires and you have hot single vampire mommies in your area?


sadly they only get you rabies, instead of giving you Lady Domitrescu


That’s just because u don’t ✨ B E L I E V E ✨ :3


This is how we get empty toilet paper aisles.

ImplyingImplications, to 196 in Gourmet Rule

I like how these are always new hip trends.

Gen Z is super into living with lots of roommates!
Gen Z absolutely loves not having children!
Gen Z new craze is having sleep for dinner!


It happened to us millennials, and now it’s happening to you. Fucking boomer clickbait

carotte, avatar

I wonder what’s next

Working Four Jobs: Learn All About Gen Alpha’s Favorite Concept!

Why Gen Alpha is Obsessed With Eating Their Roommates’ Remains

New Study Finds that Gen Alpha’s Favorite Emotion is ‘Unfathomable Despair’!

user224, avatar

Why aren’t you buying diamonds?


Fuck diamonds! I want a man that gives me a fucking GAGG Lumogarnet damn it!

KingThrillgore, avatar

I spent all my money on candles


no diamond funko pop yet


🎙️🪗Burn it all


Cuz these economists look at wealth in aggregate, but look at behavior by market segment.

Asset prices have been skyrocketing. That only really helps people who have assets, but it still brings up the average enough to make the economy look it’s doing great overall even despite the consumer price inflation.

So if you see that young adults are moving back in with their parents while living in an economy that is, in aggregate, “the strongest it’s ever been”… you can only explain it as a matter of preference.

magnetosphere, to 196 in Reasonable response rule avatar

Note to anyone playing at home: if you send any trash, make sure it doesn’t include anything with personally identifying information on it.

j4k3, avatar

Or carefully select the identifying information sent.

wreckedcarzz, avatar

Like the names of your asshole neighbors

big brain time


Wouldn’t the “no postage required” business reply label link to the original mailing anyway, i.e. clould that not be linked to your address?


Unlikely, as long as you cut off any non-postage-related barcodes. But normally the label just has barcoded address information and the “business reply mail” postage permit number.

Here’s an example, address removed.

Business reply mail example


I like to just mail the letter they sent me back to them in the envelope they sent, usually with a stick so it doesn’t bend and costs more due to hand sort


Why? It seems like the most effective way of unsubscribing to junk mail.

Besides, “if you believe in something, you sign your name to it”

You don’t have to be an ass to the wage slave opening the return mail, but you can still send them a message. Print out joblistings for the return address area and return them. Maybe add a few Bible quotes. But make sure you are remembered by getting a stack of sassy stickers from temu and putting a few in there as a little gift.

sbv, to lemmyshitpost in Boring ass planet

How long has this guy been staring at Uranus?

DosDude, avatar

I don’t know, but I’m cramping up.

bruhduh, avatar
bruhduh, avatar



This is high art

bruhduh, avatar

Uh oh, something magical is about to happen

db2, to lemmyshitpost in Not happening, dude

Gotta give the (probably imaginary) recruiter credit for a classy response though.

theotherone, avatar

I’d imagine they swap creative blow-offs for laughs, like any job.


Man, I haven’t been blown off in a while…


Let alone creatively.

Zeppo, avatar

Military would be a great place to start looking.

Zehzin, (edited ) avatar

I’ll get blown for crack before I get blown for the military




I have been told that the chances are high in the Navy, so I went. Can’t confirm though


Chances are higher in the US Army, they get a whole buffet of sheep when they are deployed.


But that only strenghtens the aptitude of sodomistic practices and not necessarily in being gay

Zeppo, avatar

Can neither confirm or deny?


I plead the 5th your honour

Ithral, avatar

Was Navy can confirm, many orgies


this actually was in mildly infuriating a while back from the original screenshotter, complaining abouth the fact that the army reqruiters can do this trough messaging apps. so I think it’s very real


Can confirm they’re real as well as the reaction


I need this shirt


My GF would kill me if I wore it, however much I love the shirt. She was army reserves for 8 years. She is so happy to be out though now. She was deployed to Kuwait and Afghanistan. She’s officially VFW with all the VA benefits. But yea, totally one weekend a month, lol.


I think its originally real, but this image is old to me. Pretty sure I’ve been seeing this one place or another for at least a year now.


They’re usually dudes who got bumped there for being injured, for being psyched, or being incompetent but well meaning. Don’t be mean to them, they legit don’t want to do what they’re doing they know how stupid and shitty it is but they still have time left in contract and gotta trudge it out day by day like the rest of us.


Some of them, sure, but there are a lot of stories of how many lies recruiters will tell you to get you to sign on, so a pretty significant number are genuinely bad people.


They have quotas blame the system not the consequences.


If they weren’t conscripted via draft, they volunteered. 100% their shitty choice to become a terrorist.


Good to remember that not everyone is aware of the bullshit by 17 or 18 when recruiting is at its height (gotta pay for college somehow, right?). I know I wasn’t but, luckily planned to do ROTC instead of enlisting, then, educated myself out of being willing to do that.


If “ignorance isn’t an excuse” doesn’t get you out of any law you break, it also doesn’t get you out of accidentally joining a terrorist organization due to propaganda.

Because that’s exactly what it is.

It is no different than the teenagers that join ISIS. Propaganda takes them in, they join voluntarily, they live with their consequences for life.


They are usually uneducated and poor with trauma in their backgrounds. They have no idea what they’re signing up for.


This is an acceptable excuse in 1902.

In the age of Google and where even the homeless bum down by the river has a smart phone, Googling to find out about a major life choice is easy to do. Failure to help yourself do nothing but use a phone for 10 minutes deserves zero empathy.


The average income of a enlistee is below the poverty line, if you can’t get a job you can get your ass in the military and make enough to survive.

You act like every life choice is binary.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

it was 100% your shitty choice to become homeless. maybe dont get cancer and be in debt to medical bills next time dumbass


I’m not homeless or in debt of any kind. Get fucked with your bigoted fucking blanket statements dude.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

you should read my comment again but in a tone mocking the comment you responded to originally


That’s what /s is for.

If you act a certain way don’t be surprised if people treat you a certain way.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

not surprised at all actually, but /s ruins jokes. i know what comes with the territory of not using /s thats why i very politely asked you to reread the comment


Which I imagine is specifically why you don’t use it.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

because it ruins jokes? yes


That’s literally when to use it, it’s specifically to use when you could come off like an asshole and do not want to.

You don’t use it in my best guess judging by your responses so far is because you get to act like the other person is crazy for taking you seriously.

Being the guy that jokingly hates Jews can be hilarious especially if they are Jewish but everyone has to know otherwise they might seem a bit… Mmm Hitlery right?

BigBananaDealer, avatar

im dont think youre crazy. i dont think my responses ever indicated that youre crazy, i think youre just embarrassed to have made a response so harsh only to be found it was in agreement toward your original reply, and are now trying to make me seem crazy for not putting an /s. if youd like, i can edit my comment to ensure everybody knows its just a joke 😀


No need to edit if you skip the drama creation and out the /s there first bud. Move on.


Why not blame both?


For the same reason I don’t get upset at the drive through server when the cook makes my burger wrong. They’re just part of the process, not the cause it’s kinda hard to judge people for trying to survive.


On the other hand, the policing system encourages screwing over minorities and doing various other scummy things (through a quota system among other things). This does not absolve cops of guilt if they target minorities, lie, or plant drugs.

JovialMicrobial, to 196 in Artificial Refugium rule

My parents attic was a bat haven. Every once in awhile one would get into the house. I’d just put thick leather garden gloves on and GENTLY pluck them off the curtains. Then carry them outside, hold them above my head and let them go.

Bats can’t take flight from the ground(putting them on the ground is a death sentence), so you have to give them some height so they can glide away. Just thought I’d share this in case anyone gets a bat trapped in their house.

ShellMonkey, avatar

Interesting note on not putting on the ground, guessing they don’t need a lot of runway to take off though. The ones I’ve caught I would bring out in whatever I caught them in and just open it. Even the one that had a part of the wing skin missing (my cat caught it first) seemed to take off without issue from a standing height.


Maybe it depends on the species of bat? I only know about the ones local to me and what I was taught from a wildlife rehab hotline on how to handle bats that get in the house.

Super interesting though! Animals are fascinating

ShellMonkey, avatar

I’m guessing it’s just a short drop to take off thing, very quick critters. Mostly these little ones.

Swedneck, avatar

death sentence seems a bit excessive, surely they can climb? Yeah putting them on the ground probably makes it much more likely they’ll get nabbed by a predator before they get up a tree, but it feels like saying “putting a human in a tree is a death sentence”


I’m simply repeating what I was told by professionals, so I’m not sure what you want from me.

Make sure the bat takes flight…some people might not know that and just put it on the ground and go back inside thinking it’s fine.

Holding it up high ensures it does that, no need for it to find something to climb. Being trapped in a house is stressful on the little guys so why not give them the best chance?

Just trying to provide helpful info to folks.

Have a nice day!


Also unless you know for certain they haven’t touched you, get rabies shots. Actually just get rabies shots anyway.


Yes, make sure they don’t get on you.

If the bat isn’t afraid of people call animal control because it is sick with rabies or something and shut it in the room it’s in. Usually they are very timid and will try to get away from you though.

I should’ve added that rabies is very rare in bats where I am so that’s probably why I was given the advice I was.


Thank you, I had no idea.


Looks like at least one type can take flight from the ground, although with some difficulty:

Rhaedas, to lemmyshitpost in efficiency avatar

I've seen this same suggestion years ago on Blender tutorials. Generating a scene isn't about making it realistic, it's about fooling the audience into thinking it's real without making it too hard to create. Look at videos from Ian Hubert on how to fake it well.



  • Loading...
  • FinalRemix,

    They did this in the Hitman 1>2>3 progression and got H3 down to like… 36 gigs… they reused doors when posssible, fruits in bowls, etc. Instead of bespoke items for each game in the series, they compressed and repeated stuff, and got the entire trilogy game down to the size of one of the individual games.


    I just got back into H3 a week or two ago and was caught off guard by the install size! Last time I installed 2 I had to disable a ton of map DLCs and rotate em out as I went to not take up most of the storage on my Steam Deck SD card.

    They did an amazing job on streamlining things.


    Halo 3 came out 17 years ago. I learned this today (and still don’t really see it…), so I say they did amazingly well!


    Fuck I’m old


    I can agree on this statement


    Yeah, what Track_Shovel said: fuck you!

    Edit: not sure why they said it but I wanted to be in agreement, too!

    fossilesque, avatar

    My partner compares video game design to stage theatre.


    Good analogy! Anything in particular they’ve used as examples?

    fossilesque, avatar

    Cyberpunk, literally all of it.

    AFKBRBChocolate, to lgbtq_plus in Celebrate Christ by being a total hypocrite

    Transgender day of visibility has been March 31st for years, Biden didn’t co-opt Easter for trans people (not that I would care if he did).


    So it’s whoever decided to make Easter the first Sunday after the first Saturday after the first full moon after the spring equinox’s fault, this year.




    Hosius of Corduba better be watching out, transphobes are gonna come for his ass


    I will say, this is probably gonna go down as the “most visible” visibility day, due to the coincidence.

    xor, to lemmyshitpost in Altered Carbon

    about a day


    Well that’s generous

    TeddE, avatar

    Nah. The 24 hour window is so all the rich, connected people can apply for some grandfathered exemption clause that’s not available to the rest of us.




    Well they only operate in the “business day.” Which means after 5pm they’re more vulnerable and that’s when we must strike


    I’d give it 11 minutes.

    Ghostalmedia, to lemmyshitpost in Stuck avatar

    Guy looks exactly as I would’ve imagined him.


    Needs more tattoos to be a proper Pauly D.


    I can hear him saying, “of course it will be fine” with a tone that implies questioning the fineness was the stupidest thing he’s ever heard, because he thinks projecting confidence works for anything just like it works for tricking people that he knows things he really doesn’t.

    And then there’s a good chance he acts like there was no way anyone could see the result coming once it’s clear that it isn’t, in fact, fine.

    EdibleFriend, avatar

    You can just tell that dumb motherfucker is trying to explain what actually went wrong


    How American do you need to be to drive directly on the beach

    ShakeThatYam, avatar

    Tbf, there are American beaches known for being drivable. Specifically, Daytona Beach.


    Maybe it’s not a good idea to drive even on a drivable beach?

    ShakeThatYam, avatar

    It’s kind of their whole thing though. It’s how NASCAR got started. Without it, it would kill a large part of their tourism.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    That photo is somewhat disappointing due the the lack of a douchebag vanity plate.

    smiletolerantly, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

    This is hilarious, but also: how could anyone develop such a tool and not at least test it out on their own images? Someone with a public persona no less! Boggles my mind.


    I mean, I bet they did, but you can’t test it with all the photos ever taken of you. Someone probably tried dozens of photos to get this result. Which, to be clear, I admire.


    It looks like it’s the photo from her tweet


    I would assume it was taken just for this tweet so all the testing would have been completed by that time.


    Well - in this case it’s the photo she posted herself, to announce the app.




    They did, they know it doesn’t work, but they are already too far down in the money hole. Gotta grift and bullshit and spread bigotry until they make back the money.

    Edit: Some words


    High-drama coming-out party.


    Does she have a public persona? Who is this person?


    The false result is from some unrelated gender detection tool that has nothing to do with the app. Nothing here indicates the actual app makes the same error.

    The post is basically saying “this thing doesn’t work because I tried something else and it didn’t work”.


    Of course regardless it doesn’t work also because it just doesn’t work.


    I’m sure the app doesn’t work reliably, and the idea is stupid. But this post doesn’t show that, it shows that some unrelated tool doesn’t work.



    lugal, to 196 in iPad rule

    The kids yearn for the mines


    Is that why they play Minecraft?


    Always has been

    v4ld1z, avatar

    Child labour in Frostpunk intensifies

    Agent641, to lemmyshitpost in Stuck



    Fuck. That is a much better title.


    You can still change it! No one will notice it!

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