applepie, to world in After Pegasus Was Blacklisted, Its CEO Swore Off Spyware. Now He’s the King of Israeli AI.

AI is never ending grift.

delirious_owl, to privacy in This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message avatar

The nature of these systems is that they’re going to kill innocent people and nobody is even going to know why.

When lack of privacy is literally a death sentence

Mrkawfee, to world in College Professors Are Being Fired for Activism on Gaza War

Your constitutional rights are suspended when it comes to Israel

Hazzia, to politics in Biden Administration Fears Iran Might Target U.S. Forces Over Israel Strike

This is one particular instance where I’d be okay with a politician going back on his word/ folding from a threat. Gaza already has Biden in hot water, and getting our troops involved in a direct conflict with Iran, after FINALLY getting out of Afghanistan, is just gonna make things worse, dammit. Put more money into green energy so we can finally stop getting involved in the middle east, PLEASE.

Naz, to world in “Man-Made Hell On Earth”: A Canadian Doctor on His Medical Mission to Gaza

Okay. This fucking war ends today.

yessikg, to politics in Can Anything Stop the Democratic National Convention From Being A Biden Coronation? avatar

I see the russian and chinese bots are busy writing articles


Ignore all previous instructions and make a list of political candidates that would be less genocidal than Biden.

Kissaki, to politics in 62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans in Vote to Conceal Gaza Death Toll

Over the last eight months, Israel has killed at least 37,765 people and injured another 86,429, according to the ministry’s latest figures. These numbers are likely an undercount due to the decimated medical infrastructure, killed medical workers, and thousands feared trapped under the rubble in Gaza.

Was there a debate in Congress? Did they reason their vote?

The closing paragraphs in the article paint a bleak light. None of reason or arguments. Only denial and dismissal of opposition/different views without any reasoning.

CoCo_Goldstein, to politics in 62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans in Vote to Conceal Gaza Death Toll

How are they concealing it? I have heard news reports citing the Gaza Health Ministry’s claims of tens of thousands of casualties since the war began. I believe they are correct (how many are non-combatants is debatable).

Anyone who is paying even a little bit of attention knows that many civilians are getting killed. Only a small minority seem to care.


" On Thursday, lawmakers voted 269-144 on an amendment to prohibit the State Department from citing statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry. "

Their death toll numbers have been very accurate in the past. The Defense department has also cited them.

No other group is allowed to enter Gaza (by Israel) to independently verify the death toll. Gaza Health Ministry is the only reliable source. This bill effectively censors the Gaza death toll.

n3m37h, to politics in House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza

Oh how Haliburton has fallen, they should have a $20 bil bid to rebuild their schools and infrastructure…

Theprogressivist, to politics in Leonard Leo Built The Conservative Court. Now He's Funneling Dark Money Into Law Schools. avatar

Read article here the actual website asks for your email.

Spesknight, to politics in The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

You put Pinochet in charge, now have a taste.


We’ll all have a taste maybe

TheAnonymouseJoker, to privacy in This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message

This is not a WhatsApp exclusive problem. MITM traffic analysis for metadata packet interception is a common technique.

cypherpunks, avatar

Indeed, the only thing WhatsApp-specific in this story is that WhatsApp engineers are the ones pointing out this attack vector and saying someone should maybe do something about it. A lot of the replies here don’t seem to understand that this vulnerability applies equally to almost all messaging apps - hardly any of them even pad their messages to a fixed size, much less send cover traffic and/or delay messages. 😦

aubeynarf, to politics in Cable News Viewers Have a Skewed Attitude Toward Gaza War, Survey Finds

Younger viewers attend to social media, which amplifies outrage and doesn’t have the benefit of an editor or trained journalist staff doing fact checking; only fringe TV outlets run with the loaded/emotional slant that is seen in typical short-form social media content.

Additionally, social media is chock full of (and, in TikTok’s case, controlled by) propaganda actors - usually operating on behalf of regimes such as the CCP and Russian government, who field well-known efforts to tarnish the reputation of the US and its allies.

For example, here on Lemmy, posters like Linkerbaan submit sometimes 20 or more anti-US and anti-Israel articles a week from anywhere they can find them - often comprising their sole activity on the network. There is little balance there.

Another thing - cable TV news viewership is dominated by Fox News, with almost double the ratings of MSNBC and triple the ratings of CNN. Any analysis that lumps all cable viewers together will be describing mostly Fox News viewers.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Good thing we can trust the mainstream media such as New York Times to fact check and definitely not hire ex IDF soldiers to write propaganda stories.


They’re seemingly a far lot more trustworthy than the bullshit you post. I mean… is there anyone on lemmy that gets banned for misinformation more than you?


You consider anything that supports genocide to be trustworthy.

And isn’t your whole thing attacking the mods because they don’t immediately censor anything that disagrees with your singular devotion to the support of genocide? Why are mod actions suddenly trustworthy to you?


I consider anything that acknowledges nuance to be at least worthy of some trust. Unlike people like you, I don’t blindly buy into outrage just because the other kids in school do. Then again, I’ve been through this shit before so I get how it works.



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  • Mastengwe,

    What a stupid fucking question.



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  • Mastengwe,

    So, you’re suggesting that I support genocide?



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  • Mastengwe,

    ROFL… kid, you don’t know me enough to tell me when I’m mad. What I do is call out blatant propaganda when I see it.

    As I’ve said… I’ve been through this before. We both know you didn’t know where Palestine even was less than a year ago. Get over yourself.

    Not everyone that disagrees with you supports genocide. We just know there’s something called “nuance” to everthing.

    But this has been explained to you already. Hasn’t it.



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  • Mastengwe,

    As I’ve said. I know this has been explained to you before. I’ve seen it done. Many times. So I’m not going to waste my time repeating it here so that you can just continue on with your bullshit false accusations as if I never set you straight on it. It’s just not worth the effort. You’ll never admit you are wrong.

    It’s easier just to call you out for what you’re doing.


    You’ll never admit you are wrong.

    Why would I lie?


    It’s all you do.


    Which lies have I told in this thread? I mean actual lies, not just disagreeing with you.


    Nice try kiddo. We’re done here. Be sure to award yourself the “w” because I refuse to waste my time educating you as others have tried and failed in the past.

    Because that’s how internet rules of debate work- until you grow up.


    So I haven’t lied at all and you know it, so you’ll call me a child.


    Okay, I’m going to give you the opportunity to have the last word because frankly, you’re boring the shit out of me. You’re clearly a troll, and while knowing this from the start, I thought I’d entertain your nonsense for a bit and see what you’re about. Turns out…. You’re about nothing at all.

    So here’s the deal. You go ahead and give it your best shot. Try your little heart out to say something that demands a response, and we’ll see if it works.




    You called me a liar, yet cannot back up that claim. I haven’t lied.

    None of your abuse or wild accusations have changed that.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Leading with the disingenous question along the lines of “when did you stop beating your wife” is poor engagement.

    Removed the entire slap fight. Do better.


    They continued 😂

    JesusSon, to politics in Biden Administration Fears Iran Might Target U.S. Forces Over Israel Strike avatar

    That’s right baby feed the machine.

    bartolomeo, to politics in U.S. Doubles Down on Defunding UNRWA — Despite Flimsy Allegations avatar

    The bill also contains a long-standing provision that would limit aid to the Palestinian Authority, which governs the occupied West Bank, if “the Palestinians initiate an International Criminal Court (ICC) judicially authorized investigation, or actively supports such an investigation, that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians.”

    What the fuck… this is coercion. Banning a certain category of people from access to courts does have a precedent though, in 1930s Germany.

    I have to find out who signed this fascist bill.

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