
hypnoton, to politics in Federal judge temporarily blocks rule banning noncompete contracts

The SCOTUS of today is illegitimate. Pack the court now, Biden. Alternatively use the newly granted by the SCOTUS presidential powers to do an official act at the selfsame SCOTUS.

gravitas_deficiency, to politics in Federal judge temporarily blocks rule banning noncompete contracts

For those in the back, this is directly related to the very recent Chevron ruling.

@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

The effects of Chevron being overturned are going to be catastrophic. I’m theory, if congress wasn’t a complete deadlocked mess due to the Republicans - sure let’s limit the executive departments to only what the law says they can decided/do.

But that’s not reality - we need to defer to the literal experts in the departments rather than octogenarians who knows nothing but politics.

HubertManne, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

It still blows my mind that some people think he is better for the economy.


Maybe th debate will clear things up.


ugh watching it now and its aweful. Trump was talking forever at one point and im like. hey are they going to call time on him or what. The woman seems to be but the guy ugh.

PorradaVFR, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

I suppose “the media has catastrophically failed in it’s job to inform many voters” wasn’t as catchy.


“The media has wildly succeeded in its effort to misinform many voters” would be more correct. This has been a relentless, deliberate strategy. If they had just been incompetent it would not be this lopsidedly wrong.


Well put - and I expect we’d agree that the worst are outlets like the NYT and WP that trip over themselves trying to appeal to a demographic that hates them by constantly pushing “both sides” or worse pretending it’s normal partisan dynamics and not an utterly corrupt SCOTUS and dysfunctional Congress let alone aspiring authoritarianism on one side. They focus on eyeballs and revenue, journalistic integrity be damned.

anticolonialist, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

Well lets see, we are all struggling, but the WH says we are not. Pelosi, standing next to her $25k refrigerator, eating her $96 a gallon ice cream claiming she understands our struggle suggests she is out of touch with what struggling means, and our needs. They are clearly not listening to us.

digeridoo, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

Fucking, HOW!?


For a lot of people “Democracy” means “rule by rich white men” and not “a system where elections determine who will hold power”



JeeBaiChow, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

Welp. The country is fucked.

retrospectology, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters
@retrospectology@lemmy.world avatar

I wish there was somewhere one could go to escape idiots for good. So tired of living alongside braindead morons.


I suggest creating a nice hermitage, because human stupidity is a constant.



Saw this posted recently and it fits quite nicely.


Fuck that place looks absolutely splendid.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

People… what a bunch of bastards.

givesomefucks, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

The issue is republicans don’t base their opinions on reality, and Dems do

And with the DNC spending years saying primaries aren’t real and they can rig and even ignore results…

It’s hard for them to argue they’re pro-democracy just a few months after yanking NH’s delegates after the state party refused to violate NH state law.

Especially since we all know the reason the DNC didn’t want them to go first anymore, is they keep voting progressive

It’s not enough to just be better than Republicans if we want to win. We need a party and candidates that live up to Dem voters standards.

@oxjox@lemmy.ml avatar

republicans don’t base their opinions on reality, and Dems do

To be fair, a lot of liberals inflate reality too. Usually it’s to overcompensate for “history”, less than today’s reality. It can be a bit much.

And I wouldn’t say Republicans have opinions so much as they follow cult leaders. An opinion is usually something based on things you know rather than what you’ve been tricked into saying.

tea, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

This is not really that surprising. Trump’s line is that Biden “stole” the 2020 election. People who believe the big lie actually think that Biden circumvented democracy. There’s no clear thing to fix this, that I can think of.

The only good thing with this in my mind is that, in their minds, they think they’re protecting democracy by voting for Trump, which means, if you take away the lies and fraud, the norms/belief/expectations of democracy including peaceful of transfer of power and regular elections are still expected to happen. Once the liars stop lying to them, our democracy should kind of self correct. The downside is they’re too far invested in Trump to recognize that democracy might be taken from them by a dictator and they’ll believe they still have power.

Our best hope is that, once Trump dies or is out of the picture, no one else can capture their imagination the way he has and he was a one-off. However it’s a big country and I think Trump might be just a blueprint for someone with higher aspirations than just narcissistic personal benefit.

oxjox, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters
@oxjox@lemmy.ml avatar

The United States is doomed.

We care more about engaging with content that spikes our brain chemicals than we care about facts and reality. So many people have been duped to believe and promote things that are verifiably false for the benefit of corporate interests and the fragile ego of you-know-who.

This article is genuinely terrifying. It confirms that half of Americans believe statements that have been proven to be lies. That’s a lot of people being hoodwinked. That’s a lot of people convinced they should cast a vote to hurt themselves for the benefit of one person who has never done a thing to help them. It honestly breaks my heart.

AbidanYre, to politics in Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

a little more than half of voters classified as likely to decide the presidential election say threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president, … Yet, more of them trust Trump to handle those threats than Biden.

Fucking hell. Trump is that threat.

CheeseNoodle, to politics in For millionaire and four hunters, a wild Western lawsuit over public land: The ruling on an invisible corner in Elk Mountain, Wyo., could determine how much private property rights limit public access

So for the record this is actually a HUGE problem in the US. Land is sold in grids and what large land owners are doing is just buying the land in a checker pattern; they can then refuse public access to the half of that land they don’t even own by accusing people of tresspassing for crossing the corners. The result is huge land owners getting exclusive use of public land for free, and yes they do actually use that whole 50% of the land they haven’t even paid for.


A full on right to roam is probably a bit extreme, but I could see a minimal right of way being required around public lands.


It works fine in Scotland, buffalo buffalo buffalo it just has exceptions for, well its a bit undefined but it basically means peoples gardens, industrial estates, fields with delicate crops. I think the best way to describe it is you can go anywhere that hasn’t been actively and greatly transformed for private use.


Whats the "buffalo buffalo buffalo " thing? I’ve seen it a couple times. Messing with data scrapers?


Thats exactly the buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo reason. When placed right humans can also just skip over it very easily.


I figured. Thanks!

Terrapinjoe, to politics in For millionaire and four hunters, a wild Western lawsuit over public land: The ruling on an invisible corner in Elk Mountain, Wyo., could determine how much private property rights limit public access

We need Right to Roam.


We need people to not be allowed to own 22,000 acres of land.


Also good!

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