
Rapidcreek, to politics in Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators | Speaking to wealthy donors behind closed doors, he said that he supports Israel’s right to continue “its war on terror.

But Biden is as bad as Trump according to some here. Yeah, ok.


Of course Trump is worse.

Now let’s not pretend that the Democratic Party has any love at all for these protestors. Let’s not pretend that the prevailing sentiment in this community isn’t that these protestors should shut up and stop criticizing US support for Netanyahu’s genocide because they’re worried it makes Biden look bad.

@FaceDeer@fedia.io avatar

And let's not pretend that the US isn't a two-party system.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Your choices are Trump or Biden.


And I’m voting for Biden.

@xhieron@lemmy.world avatar

Then why are you campaigning for Trump?


I’m not campaigning for Trump.

@Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Ensign_Crab,

    @Ensign_Crab is gonna twist it around, call you a centrist, and cry about being bullied.

    Now compare your fanfic to what actually happened.

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    I guess you’re conveniently forgetting about yesterday where you made an absolute fool of yourself and got caught lying.

    Btw I’m STILL waiting on that answer.


    Or I suppose you could change the subject instead, yeah.

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    Keep lowering that bar, champ.


    Just reviewed those threads. It’s no where near as clear cut as you describe here. Your comment comes off pretty creepy, kinda stalkery


    Dude followed me into c/tenforward tryin’ to start shit.


    Yeah like, I’m not gonna say I agree with your stance on everything. But to follow people around is the lamest thing ever. Someone did that to me months ago and eventually got banned. Super creepy.

    I’d say just block em. I think they won’t see you either then?


    I’d say just block em. I think they won’t see you either then?

    Doesn’t work that way on lemmy. Which I’m ok with.


    Good to know. I’d be annoyed knowing there’s a ghost following me shit talking


    It’s most of the reason that my block list is so short and consists mainly of spammers who are probably not active anymore.

    @xhieron@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh I know. Trust me, I don’t engage with these people with any illusions. There’s no arguing with the agitprop element here. The point of responding at all is just to identify them to the general public.

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, civility.


    This whole thing of “you need to lie about the facts to make one side look way better than they are or else you are campaigning for the other side” thing needs to go. It just needs to go. It isn’t fooling anyone, and it just makes everyone doing it come across as idiots. Own your stance, be honest about what we can all see, and try to explain why you feel like you do from base reality. I know you’ve been told it makes you a traitor or whatever, but it simply doesn’t. It makes you come across as a genuine person, and it makes the things you say have more weight.

    xhieron, (edited )
    @xhieron@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Ensign_Crab,

    I’m happy to engage in nuanced, fair, complex discourse about US politics with anyone who wants to have it, and I have criticisms of my party.

    Do tell. What criticisms do you have of the Democratic Party?

    xhieron, (edited )
    @xhieron@lemmy.world avatar


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  • AIhasUse, (edited )

    So willing to make claims, but way more willing to run away when called to stand up for them. If you start trying to make honest claims, then this wouldn’t happen, instead you would be glad to back them up.

    Edit: typo

    @xhieron@lemmy.world avatar

    “You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to.”

    So no, thanks. I don’t owe you a defense, engagement, or an policy apologetics treatment of the current administration’s governance for the last four years. There are plenty of places to find that information if you actually care to find it.

    So far you’ve managed to call me an idiot, a liar, and a coward in all of about fifteen minutes. Why on earth would I believe you’re capable of nuanced political discourse? We’ve nothing to discuss.


    I think nobody will be surprised to know that you are unable to point to any comment where I called you an idiot or a coward. I didn’t explicitly call you a liar, but I did point out that you make dishonest claims, and I admit it is basically the same thing. Your claims that I called you an idiot and a coward are a wonderful example of you doing exactly that.

    Believe it or not, you did show up to the argument, and instead of admitting that you lost it, you are trying to pretend you were never even here.


    You could just say you have no criticism after all.

    @xhieron@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Ensign_Crab,

    Your accusations are false.


    It’s abuse and a rule violation to call someone a sockpuppet without evidence


    a rule violation to call someone a sockpuppet without evidence

    lol, where is this rule?

    Do the Cyber Police get involved?


    My agenda is to see more honest discussions. It is not a hidden agenda. I am very open about it. I, and many other people, honestly believe that Joe is doing a horrific job. I also honestly believe that Trump would do a horrific job. I am disgusted by the fact that nobody who could potentially make it into the White House has shown anything but complete and utter contempt for the innocent lives in Gaza.

    I absolutely refuse to pretend that Biden is great for Gaza in some pathetic attempt to trick idiots who somehow haven’t paid attention into thinking that Biden isn’t floating in am Olympic sized pool of children’s blood. I’m not saying Trump will do any better, and I’m not saying I will vote for Trump. All I am saying is that we will all be better off if vocal people like yourself were to at least try to have honest dialogs. No strawman, no hidden agenda, just plain, honest discussion. The thing that has offended you so deeply can be summed up in a single word. Honesty.


    That is not at all what’s happening. The world is much less black and white than you think.


    One can dislike Biden without liking Trump.

    @YeetPics@mander.xyz avatar

    Question: Does this heightened level of nuance transfer onto a FPTP voting system?

    Answer: absolutely not.

    Your comment should read “One can dislike Biden without demanding voters elect a bigger dipshit”

    But it doesn’t.


    No sarcasm whatsoever - thank you.

    bolexforsoup, (edited )



    Vote for Biden, of course. There’s no better choice, to my utter dismay.

    bolexforsoup, (edited )



    Real change won’t occur within the next few months.


    bolexforsoup, (edited )



    Sorry. I’m coming to this with the understanding that delay means that many fewer living Palestinians and that much closer to Netanyahu completing his genocide. I consider this situation to be too time-sensitive for incrementalism, and I have a tendency to regard calls for patience in the face of this to be callous.

    I also firmly believe that Biden is harming his own chances of defeating Trump by supporting Netanyahu’s genocide, and that the future of democracy in the US rests on his willingness to cease his support.

    If Biden does not change in the next few months, I fear things will get much worse and may never improve for the human species.

    bolexforsoup, (edited )



    I understand that but right now what do you want me to do about it?

    I don’t know.

    Really and truly. I’ve written my reps, I’ve stood with protestors, I’ve been very vocal about my feelings re: Israel’s horrific retaliation

    I get that. I live in Texas. Writing to my rep and senators results in a form letter thanking me for agreeing with them (contrary to the content of my letter), followed by fundraising mailers.

    We are discussing an election in November between Trump and Biden, right? So what do I do with that?

    Only thing to do is vote for Biden and take a really long shower afterwards.

    Trump will make it objectively worse for Palestinians. So I will vote Biden.

    Likewise. I fear that absent change on Biden’s part, he will lose anyway.


    Likewise. I fear that absent change on Biden’s part, he will lose anyway.

    This is the really important part the enlightened centrists and blue MAGA in this thread are ignoring, much to their own peril if they’re to be believed. Biden does actually suck. His outmoded policies are so unpopular, his campaign so devoid of energy, that him losing come November is virtually guaranteed. He’s down in polling in every swing state but one. I know it must be very embarrassing to the card carrying democrats, the prospect of losing to the criminal traitor Trump. But if Biden doesn’t change course drastically and immediately, it’s going to happen. And most importantly - it won’t be the fault of the voters who point to his shortcomings in public discourse. The blame rests squarely on the shoulders of Biden and the DNC for not allowing any alternative whatsoever.

    So considering that, thank you @Ensign_Crab for speaking truth to power in such a hostile landscape. Hopefully it doesn’t completely fall on old, deaf ears.


    Biden thinks the protestors have a First Amendment right to speak out. Repubs want them attacked by the National Guard and/or deported to a war zone.


    I did not mention Biden’s opinion regarding the protestors.


    Yes, that’s why it’s important someone did mention it.


    Yes, it’s vitally important to change the subject and argue against something I didn’t say.


    You guys never have the courage to say what you mean, just hint at it. Say what you mean.


    Thank god I have centrists to tell me that I mean tons of shit I don’t say.


    And thank god I have whatever you are to try to call me a centrist derisively.


    No he doesn’t. He wouldn’t be painting them as violent protests that allows everyone to dismiss their first amendment rights if he did.


    So what are you going to do about it?


    Vote for Biden in November and criticize his support for genocide until he stops. I’ve said this more than a few times already.


    This is the way


    Let’s pretend about that world…

    As trump gasses these folks…

    But it’s someone else gassing people… it’s not the same republicans that did it back in the day with the patriots act. No that was different…

    @BaldProphet@kbin.social avatar

    The prevailing attitude on Lemmy seems to be that Israel should be wiped from the face of the earth. Comments that don't support the protesters are quite rare.


    Israel is sure doing their best job to try and make that the prevailing attitude. And frankly, I don’t know that I disagree anymore. Get the civilians out of harms way, and then wipe out the government and the IDF, alongside Hamas.


    Not many people outside of the full-on tankie brigades are arguing that Israel has no right to exist as a country. On the other hand, they are arguing that Palestinine also has a right to exist as a country, and that the land that Israel has unjustly taken, and continues to take, should be returned. And that Israel should need to make reparations for the Palestinian non-combatants they’ve killed, and the land they’ve stolen.

    It’s clear that Israel as a country will never allow Palestinians to have a full voice in their government, so the only reasonable choice at this point is a two-state solution.

    @timewarp@lemmy.world avatar


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  • tsonfeir,
    @tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar



    Bidens better in some ways and continuing or advocating for Trumps policies in others.

    So makes sense why some would say that


    Okay. How is trump better for human rights? Or… anything.

    Take your time.


    In what way did I even argue anything was better with trump?

    And just makes it worse when Biden is doing some of his polices.


    Bidens better in some ways and continuing or advocating for Trumps policies in others.

    So makes sense why some would say that

    The only reason it “makes sense” to pick trump over Biden is if you think the orange fuck has some redeeming qualities. So what are they?


    Yeah in response to

    But Biden is as bad as Trump according to some here. Yeah, ok.

    Bidens literally continuing trumps immigration policy and trying to get even more right wing immigration policy in.

    The only reason it “makes sense” to pick trump over Biden is if you think the orange fuck has some redeeming qualities. So what are they?

    Do you think pointing out how Biden is bad can only mean a person in pro trump?

    Again where did say anything about trump good?

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    let’s ask the Gazans if they want Trump or Biden to win in November


    If they want any chance in hell, they pick Biden.

    Trump rolls out the red carpet for Netanyahu and tries to secure the rights to build a hotel and golf resort on the beach in Gaza.

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    you wanna hold your breath with me while we wait for that chance Joe “Im a Zionist” Biden gives them?


    If that’s your best option, that’s what you have to do.

    This is how logic and critical thinking work.

    Can you provide a better alternative?

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    I’d say Jill Stein would probably be the best option for them of the choices we have.


    She’s not an option given the current state of the democratic system used in the country.

    The only way it works is if people banded together and changed the system, then a 3rd party system becomes viable.

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    sure she is, votes count the same for her as for anyone else.


    If you think that’s how elections currently work in the United States, nothing I can say will help you.

    For a 3rd party candidate to be viable, there would need to be enormous system changes or a very successful write in campaign.

    I would love for other candidates to be an option, but that’s currently not the case.

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    For a 3rd party candidate to be viable…people literally just need to vote for them. She gonna be on the ballot for me to put a check by and everything.


    And what percent of the vote will she get and why?

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    However many people vote for her?


    You’re voting for her. You should be reviewing history to get the answer.


    She definitely won’t win this time but maybe the 30th time she runs she’ll crack 2% of the vote.

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    I dont care if she only gets 1 vote, its gonna be my vote. And then i just get to watch everyone complain about exactly what they voted for.


    And then i just get to watch everyone complain about exactly what they voted for.

    That’s all that really matters isn’t it?


    By all means agitate for a better voting system. But until you have something other than FPP voting third party will do the opposite of what you want. This is a well known paradox of FPP, it has been well studied

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    Im voting for a better voting system. Jill also has ranked choice voting as a campaign platform. I think you’ll have a better chance trying to convince Trump supporters to join Zionist Biden’s campaign than me, and with much better returns on your goal of not electing Trump.


    In FPP voting far left supports the RW candidate. That’s the paradox and that’s just math. Your feelings on the matter don’t change that unfortunately

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, im aware how shit FPTP is. Im not the one voting for it.


    Yes you are. That’s the paradox.

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    What, do you think only republicans support FPTP?


    You’re the guy trying to keep a dude from hitting his wife then getting attacked by both.

    Until they decide to call a shelter and GTFO I don’t think there’s much to be done but what you think is ethical.


    Do you mean russian asset Jill Stein?

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    You talking about that one photo? You wont believe who else has been to Russia several times.

    VictoriaAScharleau, (edited )

    she’s not a russian asset. this is libel.


    have fun with this comment chain. it’s a wild ride.


    If that were the case, wouldn’t she have sued?


    you think she can use every internet commenter? when someone lies about you, you run right to your lawyer?


    No, if it were libel, there wouldn’t be articles posted about it.


    which one?


    A quick Google search could’ve answered that question for you. you’re not arguing in good faith, but I’ll still throw ya a bone.





    cnn and the hill links 404. the NBC news link does not say she is a Russian asset


    oh. weird. I got em to work. both of those articles are just her saying it’s not true. they are not evidence she is a Russian asset.


    Exactly. If it were libel, she’d sue.


    shed sue hilary clinton? the articles you linked are careful not to level the accusation in editorial voice. what makes you think Jill Stein would prevail in a suit against hilary on any grounds?


    So now you’re lowering the bar? E. Jean Carol successfully sued Donald Trump twice for defamation and is now going for round 3. If you have a case and have proof, then you can easily sue, dingus.


    public figures have a much harder time, as any libel lawyer will tell you.


    Source on that claim? And E. Jean Carol is a public figure the fuck you talking about?


    nah . live in ignorance. it’s worked out for you so far.


    Ah, so you’re full of shit. Thanks for letting me know.


    think what you want; you were going to anyway




    only for definitions of ironic that don’t require irony


    It’s okay to admit that you lost. You can’t refute what’s been presented, and when asked to source your claim, you punked out.


    the only thing I lost was time arguing with a partisan


    Now you’re using buzzwords. Cool.


    I don’t know what buzzword you think I used but it’s an election year so I’m sure you have much bigger fish to fry



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  • VictoriaAScharleau,

    oh your xenophobia is showing. is that russophobic or just plain nativism?



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  • VictoriaAScharleau,

    you can’t have proof of a negative. you can’t prove you’re not a Russian asset.

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar


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  • FiremanEdsRevenge,


    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    The “Best Option” placed 4th in 2016 and her party did worse in 2020:


    Donald Trump Republican 62,984,828 - 46.09%
    Hillary Clinton Democratic 65,853,514 - 48.18%
    Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,489,341 - 3.28%
    Jill Stein Green 1,457,218 - 1.07%


    Joe Biden Democratic 81,283,501 - 51.31%
    Donald Trump Republican 74,223,975 - 46.85%
    Jo Jorgensen Libertarian 1,865,535 - 1.18%
    Howie Hawkins Green 407,068 - 0.26%

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, more people should be voting for her. Like, if you care about stuff like Biden using emergency powers to bypass congress to send missiles to Israel to help kill more Gazan civilians.


    Yeah, more people should be voting for her.

    Then trump would win for sure

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah probably, everyone seems to either be voting for Trump so he can kill more brown folks, or voting for the guy currently genociding brown folks to stop trump from killing them. End result’s the same, im not voting for either of em.


    She’s an anti science quack who has perpetuated global warming through her nuclear fear mongering. And that’s nothing to say of her vaccine skepticism. Nor hobnobbing with capitalist oligarchs who make US CEOs look like socialists.

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    Nuclear waste is its own environmental beast.

    Skepticism is fine, and im assuming youre talking about the singular photo of her visiting Russia. She is running for president, even Bidens made Russia visits as a candidate


    Great thing we have reactor technologies now that can reprocess the waste into fuel.

    Breeder reactors would quite literally let us reduce existing nuclear waste while generating energy. But Stein has no interest in that. It should tell you a lot about where her actual beliefs lie.

    And I forgot to mention, she also said that Wifi causes cancer. She’s closer to Trump than she is Biden.

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    and where are these reactors under current president not-Jill-Stein? Like, we have nuclear power plants here. They ain’t recycling that spent fuel, the plan still is to bury that waste for thousands of years.

    I dont care much about this topic anyway because its not like the options are just nuclear and fossil fuels. The rest of the developed world is leaving us in the dust with solar and wind generation


    I don’t think Stein is still the Green Party candidate, if that’s what you’re referencing

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    She is


    Actually if they want a chance they will go with a wild card because they already know what Biden would do.


    If you think trump is a wild card on this topic I really don’t know what to tell you.


    Based on this article, I think they’d want Biden.

    There is a very clear choice now, that many of us have been trying to explain. Trump would be infinitely worse for Palestinians, and he proves it to you here. If you actually care about the Palestinians, it’s clear which of the two you should vote for.

    If you only care about scoring political points however and using the Palestinians as pawns to that end, I could see why your voting decision would be more challenging.

    @blazera@lemmy.world avatar

    I dont think you understand how dire things are for palestinians right now. Even if Trump were elected and Gaza was completely wiped off the map, he’d only be responsible for like 10% of the destruction. Its about to be completely gone, Rafah is the last place in Gaza and its already being bombed. Really tired of this lame excuse for Bidens genocide.

    TransplantedSconie, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy

    Dude living in a dilapidated double-wide named Jessie:



    After Jessie finishes talking about the evils of socialism as he collects his food stamps and unemployment benefits.


    And drives on roads stops at stops signs to go to the VA to get his benefits and the stops by the post office to get his mom’s Social security check.



    And sends his 12 children to public schools.


    No, he “homeschools” his kids so they don’t get brainwashed by the liberal trans gay agenda and start using a litterbox instead of a toilet. Because we all know using litterboxes is peak endgame liberal socialisms top priority after a good social safety net and universal healthcare. Disgusting perverts!


    it’s true every time i go to the local LGBT center they make me pee in the litter box to gain entry :(


    That dude was never active duty. He totally would have punched the drill instructor for getting in his face.

    @ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s half that, it’s half the idea that they’re giving it to the coloreds and it’s not fair that anyone might get something that they’re not getting.

    Like, handouts and welfare etc are good as long as they’re getting it, and other tribes aren’t. If the Others get it instead, then it’s the worst thing ever.

    Like when Floridians complain about the federal government sending disaster relief to other states.


    Here’s “famous” actor Craig T Nelson complaining about receiving government aid.



    It works for literally everything in america

    “I recieved student loans/grants to pay for college, anyone help me out? no’”

    “I got a union job that pays my mortgage, anyone help me out? no.”

    “my parents took care of me as a child, anyone help me out? no.”

    “I went to school as a child, anyone help me out? no.”

    “I bought a car that I can drive on public roads, anyone help me out? no.”

    jeffw, to politics in Was the 2020 election stolen? Job interviews at RNC take an unusual turn.
    @jeffw@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s fucked up and it ensures that the GOP will be full of MAGA types for a long time to come


    It’s a thinly veiled loyalty test. Thankfully they picked an octogenarian as their dictator and it’s a cult of personality that it seems nobody else has been able to replicate. I expect there is going to be a generational shit show in the party once he (finally) dies.

    ChocoboRocket, (edited )

    Lmao, you think this current loyalty test - and the future party filled exclusively with Trump loyalists - will simply pack up and go home after Trump dies? Or anyone living will be able to wear Trump’s mantle next?

    You do realize Christian Nationalism follows the (misinterpreted and cherry picked) words of someone who died 2000 years ago as their North Star right?

    Trump dieing would simply make him the new Jesus. Shit, he’s already being accepted as such while he is alive.

    Absolutely nothing will stop the current trajectory of the GOP until the people who make it up find something else more entertaining or fulfilling to do with their time.

    Unless by “Generational shit show” you mean a contest to see who can preform fellatio on Trump’s ghost the best.


    Trump is the new Ronald Reagan of the GOP. The good news about that is the GOP has largely forgotten Reagan at this point. The bad news is they worshiped Reagan for decades after his death. I suspect Trump will largely be treated the same.

    You realized Christian Nationalism follows the (misinterpreted and cherry picked) words of someone who died 2000 years ago as their North Star right?

    I’ll push back on this as I think it’s a mistake to view Christian nationalism as a religious thing. It really should be called “White nationalism” because that’s more what it means. They’ll prop up the bible but they really don’t give a fuck about what’s in it. Rather, it’s just a tool to justify hating Muslims, Jews, and other “brown people” religions. The christian part of christian nationalism is really a tool to sell to grandma “See, we just want a Christian (white) nation. That makes it good because anything christian is automatically good”.

    @originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

    hillary lost the entire election because a sect of cubans in florida decided to vote 'pro choice' due to their ultra conservative religion.

    a non-white religious minority decided the election.


    Hillary lost the election because she’s a supremely unlikable person that ran a campaign of “Who else are you going to vote for, Trump?”. She ran on a center right political platform (if you can call it that) nearly as derelict as Trump’s 2020 platform. She further was pretty insultingly dismissive of the progressive wing of the party. She alienated strong base support when she should have been courting the bernie supporters.

    She also did not JUST lose Florida. Further, Biden did not win Florida so that sect of ultra conservative Cubans weren’t the deciding factor.

    Her lose is also why I fear for 2024. Biden isn’t running as bad a campaign as she did, but he is still heavily banking on the “What, you aren’t going to let Trump win, right?”


    She ran on a center right political platform (if you can call it that) nearly as derelict as Trump’s 2020 platform.

    This is flatly untrue. She obviously wasn’t as left as Sanders, but she ran on a policy platform more progressive than Obama and was arguably the most liberal nominee on a relative basis since McGovern.


    He’s saying they’re being lead by Christian/white nationalism. They’ll still take the votes of religious people, but that’s not who they are anymore. They are not actually religious, they are nationalistic.

    I saw a leaked video of one of these new “Christian” churches. They basically replaced the 10 Commandments with 10 nationalistic/fascist statements.

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    It was actually much more than that… Cubans in Florida are just as racist against Mexicans as Trump is.



    As someone raised in a white evangelical household, an ex-evangelical myself, and someone who lived in a number of very conservative communities and as someone who regularly works with police and military, I feel I have a very solid understanding of (and have been thoroughly traumatized by) the conservative/evangelical/christian nationalist mindset - and I think the Christianity part is way more central that you are giving it credit.

    Similarly, while there is most certainly racism present, I have encountered few overtly, stereotypically racist people in those communities. They will enthusiastically accept any minority that shares their beliefs. I think it’s far more about ideology than race. Where the racism comes in is they automatically distrust people of other races unless they discover there is a shared ideology.

    They hate white Democrats/liberals/progressives just as much, maybe even more, than those of other races, because those are people who have “rejected the word of God” rather than being those who have simply not heard it yet and potential converts.


    I grew up in a similarly christian conservative community. I think it’s a mistake to conflate conservative Christians with christian nationalists (though there is overlap for certain). Several of my very conservative christian family members are disgusted by the christian nationalists.

    That’s why I don’t think it’s the christianity driving the nationalism but rather the nationalism driving the christianity. Hence the reason nazis have felt pretty comfortable attending CPAC this year in nazi garb.

    There are athiest christian nationalists who will talk about how it’s “the culture” that matters and makes a “christian nation” superior to other government forms.

    In my home state of Idaho, I see a lot of christian nationists in public office, and they are much more occupied with rooting out “CRT” (re: anything mentioning civil rights and slavery) and LGBT literature than they are focused on “getting prayer back in school” or other overtly “christian” motives.


    You’re definitely right, and I kindof lumped those together - it’s hard to write a complete response during a poop break at work.

    I was not aware of ‘athiest christian nationalists’ being a thing. Fascinating.

    I also didn’t adequately explain that I feel ‘modern’ Christianity has very little to do with the teachings of Christ, much less the content of the Bible even as a whole. It seems it’s much more a justification of their targeted hatred.


    I also didn’t adequately explain that I feel ‘modern’ Christianity has very little to do with the teachings of Christ, much less the content of the Bible even as a whole. It seems it’s much more a justification of their targeted hatred.

    Definitely agree there. I think the union of conservative politics and christianity has made both worse.

    It’s that bigotry and hatred that is the core of christian nationalism and nationalism in general. Having a target to hate is just how these fascist operate. Religion helps to have outgroups to hate, and nationalism exploits that to try and radicalize.


    By atheist Christian nationalist, do you mean people who aren’t religious but believe in Christian values? Or as I think they’re trying to reframe it: family values - to try to disguise their religion and appeal to more people.


    People who have previously stated they are atheists but also are christian nationalists because they believe in the “cultural values” it grants. Generally just people with bigotries that line up with christian nationalism’s current targets.

    “I’m an atheist, but I believe that being gay will destroy society and this CRT stuff will erode the moral values of this nation” that sort of shit. Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson are two that fit right into this mold. Though there have been atheists that have explicitly said they are also christian nationalists, they are just more minor public right wing figures who’s names I’ve already forgotten.


    Yeah I think we’re saying the same thing.

    I’ve also listened to some Jordan Peterson, he clearly holds religion in high regard. I would not believe him if he says he’s atheist.


    who can preform fellatio on Trump’s ghost the best.

    I’m betting it’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I think that lazy eye lets her see to the spirit dimension.


    The RNC is also going bankrupt. It’s not going to go away because of Trump’s death, but it will stop existing because he completely drains their coffers


    This is my favourite part of the story arc until the future possibility that Trump gets home arrest or loses his fortune

    @jeffw@lemmy.world avatar

    Not thinly veiled at all. It’s a straight up loyalty test. Typically, that’s not an issue for a partisan job, but this is concerning

    @negativenull@lemmy.world avatar

    There no longer is a Republican Party.

    Reverendender, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy

    This is wonderful. I did spot this:

    and eliminate some tax deductions for executive compensation.

    Why the fuck do tax deductions for executive compensation exist in the first place?!?!


    Companies have been allowed to treat pay as a business expense. Executive pay is pay, so they treat it as a cost of doing business.


    meanwhile, the 2017 tax cuts and jobs act contained a provision that now prevents companies from deducting research and development, expenses, including software development.


    I’m continually amazed by the fediverse, people can come over to butt heads about politics from porn site comment sections.

    I love it.

    @ripcord@lemmy.world avatar



    Guy or gal above is from lemmynsfw.com, a porn instance


    Oooooh butt heads, not butt heads.

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


    It really shouldn’t.

    What they should do is reduce taxes on bonuses for middle and lower classes. The C-suits don’t need the tax break.


    Because neoliberals have built managed democracies in every wealthy country the world over, ensuring that every election is between a blue neoliberal and a red neoliberal.

    ThePantser, to politics in U.S. fully bans asbestos, which kills 40,000 a year
    @ThePantser@lemmy.world avatar

    This wasn’t already the case? Shocking.


    Beat me to it…


    There are certain places where even with it’s problematic nature, it was the more desirable material. Normally in industrial applications where temperatures would be several hundred degrees for long periods of time. Most of the replacements aren’t much better in regards to the long term health risks they pose.

    Argurotoxus, (edited )
    @Argurotoxus@lemmy.world avatar

    I would think most of those applications should be able to use an alumino-silicate based refractory ceramic fiber. Kaowool is one brand, but there are many like it.

    It has its own problems in regard to silicosis but that’s only after it’s been exposed to higher temperatures and are easily mitigated with most particulate respirators. Also, if I remember correctly, the silicosis threat requires very long term exposure. I do know of at least one company developing a silca-free version too, which would eliminate the silicosis threat.

    I use it in glass manufacturing with temperatures 2000°F+ so I’m quite confident it’ll hold up to any application where asbestos is being used.

    EDIT: It will hold up in any application unless there’s a problem with certain chemical reactivity I should say*. I don’t expect that would be a common problem, but I’m sure it could happen. I’m admittedly not well versed on asbestos since I’ve never tried speccing it out for anything, haha.


    Dust from refractory isn’t good to breathe. Koawool still has warnings not to inhale the fluff. Anything that has silicate in it is a respiratory hazard when it has particles small enough to get into your lungs. And it, like asbestos, will cause issues. The speed at which these issues show up is linked to the amount you are exposed to. If you breathe clouds of the stuff for weeks on end, it’ll show up a hell of a lot quicker than if you are exposed irregularly over years. ANY TIME you are working a SILICATE based material, you should be wearing respiratory protection (or around any dust really, even you are cleaning air vents or sanding wood). Silicosis is a killer, dust doesn’t belong in lungs.

    @Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

    I use it in glass manufacturing with temperatures 2000°F+ so I’m quite confident it’ll hold up to any application where asbestos is being used.

    Oh yeah? How is it for making Chlorine…because that’s one of the big uses for chrysotile asbestos (the kind that was just banned.)


    I quit working in a factory setting a couple years ago. It was definitely unsettling seeing dozens of pipes running all through the facility, and a few are labeled “Asbestos-Free”.


    Not shocking to me. Canada still has operational asbestos mines, last time I had checked.



    Surprise surprise trump partly to blame

    @Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

    Nah, his rule there didn’t really do much. Asbestos was already 98% banned long before he took office and his stupidity didn’t move the needle on it’s use.

    In reality the type of asbestos in the article still has an exemption in Canada and other countries because of its specialty uses like creating the Chlorine used for water treatment. Yes we needed to be done with the stuff but Trump really had nothing to do with why we were still using one specific type of it for a short list of specific needs.

    NuXCOM_90Percent, to politics in Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators | Speaking to wealthy donors behind closed doors, he said that he supports Israel’s right to continue “its war on terror.

    But what is Genocide Joe going to do to earn MY vote.

    South Park turned a whole fucking generation into “but both sides suck” idiots.

    @tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

    He’s not gonna be Trump. Got my vote.



    Would I like a better candidate? Of course. Do I want to cause untold suffering to myself and the people I love? Nope.


    Not even just the people you love. This article makes it exceptionally clear that if you actually care about the Palestinians, Trump winning is the absolute worst case scenario.


    Biden is required to ship weapons to Israel by law. He is doing what he can to limit Israel’s carnage. Remember the USS Liberty? Israel doesn’t care about anyone other than Israel.

    @tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

    Thank you for that link. It will be helpful.

    @Tugboater203@lemmy.world avatar

    A lot of people are unaware of Jonathan Pollard too.





    Whatever “genocide person” does for you is irrelevant. You are someone desperately asking for others to solve your problems. At worst the rest of us will solve your problems, otherwise you might do it yourself but I have my doubts…

    Glyphord, to politics in Abbott grants Daniel Perry pardon in murder of Black Lives Matter protester | Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is pardoning Daniel Perry, the former Army sergeant convicted in the fatal shooting

    “The Board voted unanimously to recommend a full pardon and restoration of firearm rights.”

    So they recommend to give him his guns back to shoot more protesters. Fucking disgusting.

    paf0, to politics in Trump advisers propose mandatory military service

    Will Baron go or will he dodge it like daddy?


    Mah spurs! They hurt!


    Barron likely will not go.

    @dogsnest@lemmy.world avatar


    nkat2112, to politics in Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators | Speaking to wealthy donors behind closed doors, he said that he supports Israel’s right to continue “its war on terror.
    @nkat2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

    I think we all knew this of President Drink Bleach, and we saw how he tear-gassed protesters that time when he held a Bible visibly for a photo shoot.

    Trump’s issue, I optimistically believe, is that those who wrote “Uncommitted” during the primaries and those who point out the ongoing genocide will still vote for Biden - because everyone has already correctly assumed what this article is stating.

    Nonetheless, it’s reaffirming to have confirmation. Thank you for posting this.

    Beetschnapps, (edited )

    The important part is to align him with Biden and shit all over everything.

    It doesn’t matter if there is a republican giving full throated support to apartheid… if a democrat even seems icky that’s more important.

    bolexforsoup, (edited )


    Rapidcreek, to politics in Justice Alito tells Congress he will not recuse from Jan. 6-related cases

    So Alito can’t tell his wife not to fly offensive flags. But he can tell women how they must take care of their healthcare needs?

    @0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

    Given he’s a republican it’s equally likely he’s lying and was the one that instructed her to fly them or even did it himself.


    You’re usually not wrong assuming it’s projection

    MegaUltraChicken, to politics in Federal judge halts new U.S. rules limiting credit card late fees | Bank lobbyists challenged the legality of the cap, which was set to take effect next week.

    I am so fucking sick of N Texas judges pulling this bullshit…


    Let them fucking secede if they want to make their own rules so bad. As we say in Oklahoma, it’s 11:30 and Texas still sucks

    @Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

    Fucking crazy to think that Oklahoma sucks less than Texas these days.


    Oklahoma has no illusions about what they are, Texas on the other hand thinks their the greatest thing since the discovery of fire.

    @Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

    I’m not arguing, just saying it’s wild to think about.


    Im not trying to argue, im making fun of Texas.


    Correct lol we suck. Except food in OKC is actually pretty freaking solid


    Oklahoma has the best 24 hour diners ive come across outside of Nevada which is fucking impressive.

    Nougat, to politics in Justice Alito tells Congress he will not recuse from Jan. 6-related cases

    Alito is either a traitor or too stupid to recognize what would make him appear to be a traitor. In either case, unfit to serve in any office, let alone sit on SCOTUS.


    He’s a supreme Court justice, he doesn’t get to play the stupid card.

    @originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

    the only method to prevent him from playing the stupid card would take a coordinated effort from congress, who have proven themselves non-coordinate-able

    @originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

    if there are no teeth in the apparatus to remove him, it doesnt matter what it looks like.

    the corrupt congress has led to a corrupt supreme court.


    Let’s be perfectly clear here: Mitch McConnell has led to a corrupt SCOTUS, not Congress.

    @originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

    congress could remove alito today, if they wanted.

    so, why havent they? oh yeah, a huge percent of them are his corrupt allies.

    annnnnnd its well known that mcconnel was just the front man taking the heat for our shitty congress . he wasnt working alone, in a vacuum. he took the brunt of the bad because there are so many incredibly stupid people in the his home state as to make he re-election a given.


    You're using the word "Congress" to refer to Congressional Republicans, and it's disingenuous.

    @originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

    naw. i meant what i said. dems are complicit here.

    hell, the if dems had any testicles they would remove the filibuster and get on with actual governing.


    hell, the if dems had any testicles they would remove the filibuster and get on with actual governing.

    They did… That’s why McConnell was able to get the current picks in. SCOTUS picks just need a simple majority in the Senate.


    Dems removed filibuster for all appointment except scotus in 2013 then R’s removed for scotus in 2017. Now republicans could have done it anyway on 2017 even without precedent, and Democrats could have forced merick garland in if they had gone fully nuclear. I’d call it equally shared

    @gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s not entirely fair, there’s a lot more the executive branch could be doing to try to fix this too

    Of course, Justices Alito and Thomas could choose to recuse themselves — wouldn’t that be nice? But begging them to do the right thing misses a far more effective course of action.

    The U.S. Department of Justice — including the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, an appointed U.S. special counsel and the solicitor general, all of whom were involved in different ways in the criminal prosecutions underlying these cases and are opposing Mr. Trump’s constitutional and statutory claims — can petition the other seven justices to require Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves not as a matter of grace but as a matter of law.

    The Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland can invoke two powerful textual authorities for this motion: the Constitution of the United States, specifically the due process clause, and the federal statute mandating judicial disqualification for questionable impartiality, 28 U.S.C. Section 455. The Constitution has come into play in several recent Supreme Court decisions striking down rulings by stubborn judges in lower courts whose political impartiality has been reasonably questioned but who threw caution to the wind to hear a case anyway. This statute requires potentially biased judges throughout the federal system to recuse themselves at the start of the process to avoid judicial unfairness and embarrassing controversies and reversals.

    @originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

    boom, so both branches are complicit. got it.

    @gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

    Yep, but I don’t know if they’re complicit because they genuinely like the way things are heading or complicit because they worry if they push back at all our society could totally break down into factions and they’re not sure which side the cops and soldiers will choose, and those are two very different reasons for going along with things

    Also, regardless of all of this - just by virtue of the fact that the Democratic party at the very least has to keep up the appearance of opposing the Republicans, we’re all a lot better off with them winning elections, so I do recommend voting for them whenever you get the chance, just realize that’s only step 1

    e; words is hard sometimes

    @originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

    agreed. the people yelling 'both sides' are ignoring the fact that only one side has been actively interfering with peoples ability to vote for decades now.. you may not like the democrats, but at least they arent attempting to remove your ability to vote

    Jaysyn, (edited ) to politics in The incomprehensible, unattainable scale of Trump’s deportation plan | The former president has said he will send nearly 5 percent of U.S. residents out of the country if he is reelected.
    @Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

    He'll do it, ICE will happily carry it out & SCotUS will back them. If you think they won't, you're either dangerously stupid or lying to yourself.

    If you're not a billionaire or a White, Christian Male, you're a fucking moron if you vote for anyone aside from Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

    Yes, you too.


    No they won’t do it. The logistics of sending everyone out of the country is too hard.

    Instead, they’ll build concentration camps and ovens and call it a day.


    Not sure how sarcastic you are, but I could see work camps being built. I think we’d see some deportations and some people sent to work camps, but not a complete crack down. Just enough to make it a threat.

    It’s not just the logistics of moving that many people that is a problem. It would be extremely damaging to the economy. Undocumented labor makes the food we have as cheap as it is (along with government subsidies). If that labor pool evaporated we’d see more widespread issues with food rotting before being picked and food not getting processed.

    The work camps would take the form of farms and food processing plants, possibly expanding to other manufacturing later. Free slave labor is how we’d compete against the slave labor in other countries. It’s important to note that managing that takes up a lot of resources, so I’d expect the majority to not be rounded up and sent to these camps. I’d expect the threat of being sent to a camp to be used to extract lower pay and more hours out of the existing undocumented population that works in those industries.

    Having these populations still intact would be useful to instigate more crackdowns as political events to provide a boost.

    The main problem with these camps (and existing populations) is that people have kids even under the worst circumstances. That is why we’re seeing the talking point to remove/overturn birthright citizenship. Eventually the camp population would be almost entirely us citizens which makes things less tenable. So they’d need to remain different so it’d be okay for them to stay in the camps they were born into.

    Jaysyn, (edited )
    @Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

    Undocumented labor makes the food we have as cheap as it is (along with government subsidies). If that labor pool evaporated we’d see more widespread issues with food rotting before being picked and food not getting processed.

    The GOP has literally already done this with those exact effects in Florida, Alabama & Georgia. The farmers I know collectively lost millions. Other farmers had to sell out to BigAg, which was just a bonus knock on effect for these ghouls. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the lion's share of these double digit Haley / GOP protest voters in Red states are in the Ag sector, or some other industry directly damaged by Trump's misrule.

    But that is kinda the point of fascism. As long as they have power they do not care about people.


    We already have legalized slavery for US citizens, I don’t see the blockers for a maga implementing it for immigrants. Maybe not extermination camps, bit concentration camps? I can see it very well


    A wealthy white Christian cisgender male

    @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

    Most especially the people that should know better, but would rather stamp their feet and have a temper tantrum because Biden is not perfect.

    jordanlund, to politics in Was the 2020 election stolen? Job interviews at RNC take an unusual turn.
    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire


    To wit, impressionable morons will be exploited.

    deegeese, to politics in Abbott grants Daniel Perry pardon in murder of Black Lives Matter protester | Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is pardoning Daniel Perry, the former Army sergeant convicted in the fatal shooting

    Texas has a long tradition of pardoning lynch mobs.


    Before Abbot or just with Abbot? (I don’t know if Texas has term limits. I’m assuming no)


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