
NataliePortland, to politics in RNC installs Trump’s chosen leaders in merger with his campaign
@NataliePortland@lemmy.ca avatar

I love this. They’re going to spend all the party’s money on Trump’s legal bills leaving nothing else behind. And a Trump with no political experience is running the show. It’s a perfect disaster. Dems are going to crush them. Let’s see what other rights and protections they will take away from women before Nov.

normanwall, (edited )

As frustrating and mostly true as this is, he just posted about $83million bond for the E Jean Carroll case and he will have to pay ~$450million more shortly for the fraud case bond

Edit: looks like the Chubb Corporation stepped in to help him


Good the the GOPs coffers just opened up…

Alto, to politics in RNC installs Trump’s chosen leaders in merger with his campaign
@Alto@kbin.social avatar

The thumbnail kbin decided to pull for this is funny. "A message to space", what's the message? A giant S.O.S.? Feels like it should be.


A warning…


Lemmy and the Washington Post interact badly, so people on some instances get completely random images from other posts.

geekwithsoul, to politics in 538 drops Rasmussen Reports from its analysis

About time - their polls have been divorced from reality for some time. While previously “leaning right” would be a fair description of a moderate bias, in the last few years they completely went off the deep end.


To be clear how off the deepend they went, they released a poll after the election “proving” that Kari Lake won the AZ Governor’s race by 8 points. The article implies the final stray was when they released a poll showing that 1 out of 12 Americans have been paid to vote in a certain way (or at least received an offer).


The idea that 27.7 million people were offered money to influence their vote and nobody else heard about it at all is absolutely insane.

OldWoodFrame, to politics in RNC installs Trump’s chosen leaders in merger with his campaign

The specific things listed in the headline, are completely normal. The candidate always picks their own party leaders in election years.

The weird part is that it’s a family member who is going to pay his legal bills with party funds.


Reducing funding to all down ballot candidates? Excellent.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to politics in 538 drops Rasmussen Reports from its analysis
@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

On Kbin the preview image for this is a shot of Hugh Laurie in Black Adder and I'm just tickled


There should be about for this


Kbin has a bug where it does completely random images for Washington Post links.

@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

That seems like a feature more than a bug.


Always fun when it's unexpected porn.

Binzy_Boi, to politics in 538 drops Rasmussen Reports from its analysis
Binzy_Boi avatar

I mean, politics aside, good call if it's an outlier. Especially if it skews the average of the polls.

shalafi, to politics in RNC installs Trump’s chosen leaders in merger with his campaign

In for a penny, in for a pound.

I honestly think the GOP has given up and thrown everything they have in the pot.

CharlesDarwin, to politics in 538 drops Rasmussen Reports from its analysis
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

They have been absurd for a very long time.

As a reminder - Real Clear Politics went completely off the rails a few years back.

TropicalDingdong, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy

What a performative clown. Your fucked dude. Just focus on Gaza and getting Bibi out of power.


Yeah, that fucking clown of a politician trying to create policies that would only benefit his voters (well and everyone else, but clearly he doesn’t care about those people). If this passed, and thankfully it won’t because the Republicans in congress will be sure to protect the public, then it might actually get him reelected because people might think that he was good for the majority of Americans. That would be so awful.


Republicans…protect the public?? Lol.


They’re being sarcastic.


Some people seem to think Joe Biden is President of Gaza and nothing more.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Some people also seem to think the entirety of our political structure is only in DC and can only focus on one thing at a time.

More is happening and going on than just the situation in Gaza. And actions in that direction unfortunately take time to happen.


Yeah, that fucking clown of a politician trying to create policies that would only benefit his voters

No. Biden is a capitalist. He serves money first and voters second. American people in general are dead last.

Called on congress to block the rail strike: pbs.org/…/biden-calls-on-congress-to-block-potent…

Walks back his own campaign promise for $50k forgiveness: thehill.com/…/539139-biden-balks-at-50k-student-l…

Goes around congress to sell weapons to Israel: www.cnn.com/2023/12/29/politics/…/index.html

Forced federal workers back to office: www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/politics/…/index.html

Increased the defense budget: www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/…/index.html


I love how politicians become “very nice” and “active” when it’s elections time 😂 Like, my brother, you’ve been in this spot for 4 years, why are you just calling for these fucking obvious things? Also, yes, mother fucker, stop the fucking genocide first before anything.


And the smoothed brain cheerleaders here just gobbling it up.

Bro its an election year. Precisely 0 legislation will be getting passed. You had your chance at one bill Biden and if you didn’t get it into that bill, it wasn’t a priority to you.

This is the mechanism that politicians use to lie. The only people this kind of wag the dog propaganda works on are people who are already voting for Biden, but its the 18-36 year olds he’s lost right now. Its the tiktok generation who have watched the atrocities their meager wages have paid for in taxes he needs to get. And no, a lip-servicing isn’t gonna do it.


Absolutely. Couldn’t have said it better. I’m so fucking sick of “see, the other guy is bad, elect me” while doing less than the bare minimum. No, fuck face, go get fucked. Biden ran on public option in healthcare, and haven’t beeped a word about it ever since he got what he wanted. People are fucking drowning in student loans and medical debt and he couldn’t even keep the $10k student loans forgiveness and Medicaid got even more cut on his watch. Fuckers don’t give a single fuck about us. We are on our own, but like you said, they have their smoothed brain cheerleaders who are all over their dicks no matter what.


Morons- “he’s not a king and didn’t do everything so I’m gonna sit out and cry and let a fascist be elected who will be 100x worse. Look at me- im making a difference!”

That’s also the problem. Your kind are NEVER pleased unless you get 100℅. Wake up- NO ONE gets 100℅ of what they want and by doing this crap you make it so your vote isn’t worth fighting for because you’re not reliable in the least.

But hey, go off king


There ya go. Bullying people into voting “blue no matter who”. It has always been this "either a democrat or a ‘fascist’ " bullshit. Literally every single elections. The morons are the ones who keep falling for it every single time. Maybe this country does need a fascist to run it to the ground so the real morons wake up and stop this cycle of bullshit. You’ll never catch that carrot, trust me.


Because nowhere else in the world matters, right? There are no horrors happening anywhere else so the American election should depend solely on what’s happening in Gaza? Personally, I would love to see Bibi out of power and the Palestinian people freed from tyranny, but opposing Biden’s reelection will have absolutely no positive impact on the likelihood of that happening. In fact, if Trump gets in he has said he’ll support Israel’s campaign in Gaza. Undermining Biden will not get you what you want. Trump and a Republican congress would help Israel wipe out the Palestinian people completely.

Now, if you really want to help make the world a better place, start opposing Republican candidates at every level and start supporting progressive candidates who will work to change the whole world instead of just the tiny portion of it that worries you most right now.


Now, if you really want to help make the world a better place, start opposing Republican candidates at every level and start supporting progressive candidates

Establishment democrats are supporting Republican candidates in order to block progressives. Also, while we’re at it, here are a few things that Biden did all on his own fucking over progressive and leftist efforts.

Called on congress to block the rail strike: pbs.org/…/biden-calls-on-congress-to-block-potent…

Walks back his own campaign promise for $50k forgiveness: thehill.com/…/539139-biden-balks-at-50k-student-l…

Goes around congress to sell weapons to Israel: www.cnn.com/2023/12/29/politics/…/index.html

Forced federal workers back to office: www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/politics/…/index.html

Increased the defense budget: www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/…/index.html

Fuck Joe Biden.


Establishment democrats are…

You actually quoted me saying your should be supporting progressive candidates and reply with a list of things that “establishment democrats” have done or are doing. What’s your point exactly?

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Decreasing enthusiasm for electoral participation because this time getting a fascist government will DEFINITELY lead to a socialist utopia. /s


Fascism has grown under the leadership of establishment Democrats. They are failures at best or corrupt at worst.


You know full well what my point is. Establishment Democrats are launching intentional attacks against progressive and leftist candidates and efforts. Then they turn around and want to act like we’re on the same team.

@doublejay1999@lemmy.world avatar

This is so typical of lemmy lately. Just people yelling at clouds.

Reverendender, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy

This is wonderful. I did spot this:

and eliminate some tax deductions for executive compensation.

Why the fuck do tax deductions for executive compensation exist in the first place?!?!


Companies have been allowed to treat pay as a business expense. Executive pay is pay, so they treat it as a cost of doing business.


meanwhile, the 2017 tax cuts and jobs act contained a provision that now prevents companies from deducting research and development, expenses, including software development.


I’m continually amazed by the fediverse, people can come over to butt heads about politics from porn site comment sections.

I love it.

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar



Guy or gal above is from lemmynsfw.com, a porn instance


Oooooh butt heads, not butt heads.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


It really shouldn’t.

What they should do is reduce taxes on bonuses for middle and lower classes. The C-suits don’t need the tax break.


Because neoliberals have built managed democracies in every wealthy country the world over, ensuring that every election is between a blue neoliberal and a red neoliberal.

givesomefucks, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy

Too bad he won’t do anything. At most he’ll say he’s “looking into it” and hope people eventually stop asking.

Like, you’ve been president for four years Joe, half that time Dems had the House and Senate… Did you just realize this was something that needs addressed?

But at least he’s actually saying the right stuff now instead of ranting about “illegals”

ptz, (edited )
@ptz@dubvee.org avatar

Too bad he won’t do anything.

What, exactly, is within his sole power to do?

The answer is: Nothing. The president (or even the executive branch) has no power over tax laws whatsoever. That’s 100% Congress. The president can only sign into law or veto what Congress sends them. Aside from Executive Orders (which are still subject to judicial review), all the president can do is call for things.

And he is only calling for it now because it wouldn’t have made sense to do it any earlier. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (better known as the Trump Tax Cuts for the Wealthy), became effective in 2018 and is the law until 2025 when they’re due to be renewed or replaced. Biden took office in 2021 and the current year is 2024.

instead of ranting about “illegals”

The “ranting about illegals” statement is completley disingenuous and quite literally spreading right-wing propaganda.

From the official transcript of the damn speech (or rant as you’re calling it):

<span style="color:#323232;">REPRESENTATIVE GREENE: What about Laken Riley?
</span><span style="color:#323232;">(Cross-talk.)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">AUDIENCE: Booo —
</span><span style="color:#323232;">REPRESENTATIVE GREENE: Say her name!
</span><span style="color:#323232;">THE PRESIDENT: (The President holds up a pin reading “Say Her Name, Laken Riley.”) Lanken — Lanken (Laken) Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">REPRESENTATIVE GREENE: By an illegal!
</span><span style="color:#323232;">THE PRESIDENT: By an illegal. That’s right. But how many of thousands of people are being killed by legals?

That’s it. That’s the “rant”. Basically trapped into responding to Empty G’s heckling, fell into it, and now it’s a right-wing talking point.

Here’s the full transcript if you don’t trust my copy/paste skills: www.whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-union-2024/

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe, (edited )
@AlwaysNowNeverNotMe@kbin.social avatar

Plant very convincing notes in the lapels of every fortune 500 companies CEOs?

@ptz@dubvee.org avatar

I mean, that’s close.

Tax reform has to be implemented by Congress. All he can do is call for it. And good luck with that out of the current Congress. The only chance of that happening is if Dems get the House back and get a bigger/actual majority in the Senate.


An actual majority in both houses plus the President’s signature is all it takes to actually change tax rates for the wealthy — you can do it under reconciliation. The problem for Democrats is that there have long been a few who are bought off, so it takes more than a bare majority to do it.

@ptz@dubvee.org avatar

Yep. That’s how we got the current tax plan which heavily favors the wealthy, and it’s the only thing the R’s did when they had full control.


The problem for Democrats is that there have long been a few who are bought off, so it takes more than a bare majority to do it.

Exactly why it’s important to get out and vote blue.

Are they perfect? Absolutely not. And Manchin/Sinema did some heavy lifting in disenfranchising voters to think the Dems are useless.

But when 95% of the party is in line, but fails to get the majority because of two assholes, the answer isn’t to abandon the party, it’s to vote more in so that the two assholes don’t have the ability to derail the train by themselves.

At lleast, when the alternative is to hand the keys over to a party actively trying to destroy the country for their own selfish gain. And they aren’t even being subtle about it.

@ptz@dubvee.org avatar



What’s the answer when “the most progressive president in American history” actively fights and sabotages progressive and leftist efforts?

Called on congress to block the rail strike: pbs.org/…/biden-calls-on-congress-to-block-potent…

Walks back his own campaign promise for $50k forgiveness: thehill.com/…/539139-biden-balks-at-50k-student-l…

Goes around congress to sell weapons to Israel: www.cnn.com/2023/12/29/politics/…/index.html

Forced federal workers back to office: www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/politics/…/index.html

Increased the defense budget: www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/…/index.html


Oh, fuck off with your copy paste crap already


Yeah, not like we can have a president who thinks on his feet…

Better to have one that just says random offensive things without thinking.

trump does it intentionally, so it’s 100% cool for Biden to do it “accidentally” and I’m an asshole for wanting better for America.

ptz, (edited )
@ptz@dubvee.org avatar

Yeah, not like we can have a president who thinks on his feet…

So first it was him “ranting about illegals” and after that was fact-checked, now it’s he can’t think on his feet. Way to move the goalposts! 👍

and I’m an asshole for wanting better for America.

I didn’t call you an asshole. You threw and jumped on that grenade all by yourself.


Well, at least you learned what an implication is…

Figured you’d know already with a Dennis background.

I don’t think there’s anything else I can teach you, at least I’m done putting effort in.

Mastengwe, (edited )

You call what appears to be spreading opinionated propaganda an “effort?”

Many might call that your purpose here. (Keep in mind, I said “many,” not all- and “might” not “will,” therefore there’s nuance to what I said that relied on what followed to be understood.)

Understand how it works now?


What, exactly, is within his sole power to do?

Called on congress to block the rail strike: pbs.org/…/biden-calls-on-congress-to-block-potent…

Walks back his own campaign promise for $50k forgiveness: thehill.com/…/539139-biden-balks-at-50k-student-l…

Goes around congress to sell weapons to Israel: www.cnn.com/2023/12/29/politics/…/index.html

Forced federal workers back to office: www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/politics/…/index.html

Increased the defense budget: www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/…/index.html

Fuck Joe Biden.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m not a fan of Biden either, but he’s going to get my vote this presidential election due to their being no alternative.

There are more elections than just the presidential one that you should be voting in. Vote in all of your local ones and state level ones. The more progressive people that we can push through the chain the more stuff we can get passed that will help people and the more likely we are to get a more progressive president in the future.


The more progressive people that we can push through the chain

Never going to happen. Establishment Democrats will sabotage their efforts because there is literally zero repercussions for doing so. They fuck us over and then people like you insist we have to vote for them anyway.


@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Remember Hanlon's Razor: Don't suspect malice when incompetence can explain it.

And not the incompetence of the DNC. They're just responding to the environment. The American people don't want progressive ideas. A third of them want shinier, more inclusive Office Space, another third want segregation and mass deportation, and the final third don't vote for a bunch of reasons but mostly because the only options are those two.


You didn’t address my point at all.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Yes I did. I said the DNC isn't evil, they're incompetent, because it's a hell of a lot more likely.


Fine. Then I refuse to vote for an incompetent candidate.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Spoiler alert: They're all incompetent.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

My district recently flipped blue, that was due to people voting and pushing for better people.

Without voting all we do is secure sliding further and further down.

Change doesn’t happen overnight and there’s no such thing as a perfect candidate.

And if you’re not happy with the candidates that are running in your local area, try to get involved and get yourself on the ballot. You might just start yourself a political career.


You completely sailed over my criticism of establishment Democrats.

TransplantedSconie, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy

Dude living in a dilapidated double-wide named Jessie:



After Jessie finishes talking about the evils of socialism as he collects his food stamps and unemployment benefits.


And drives on roads stops at stops signs to go to the VA to get his benefits and the stops by the post office to get his mom’s Social security check.



And sends his 12 children to public schools.


No, he “homeschools” his kids so they don’t get brainwashed by the liberal trans gay agenda and start using a litterbox instead of a toilet. Because we all know using litterboxes is peak endgame liberal socialisms top priority after a good social safety net and universal healthcare. Disgusting perverts!


it’s true every time i go to the local LGBT center they make me pee in the litter box to gain entry :(


That dude was never active duty. He totally would have punched the drill instructor for getting in his face.

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

It’s half that, it’s half the idea that they’re giving it to the coloreds and it’s not fair that anyone might get something that they’re not getting.

Like, handouts and welfare etc are good as long as they’re getting it, and other tribes aren’t. If the Others get it instead, then it’s the worst thing ever.

Like when Floridians complain about the federal government sending disaster relief to other states.


Here’s “famous” actor Craig T Nelson complaining about receiving government aid.



It works for literally everything in america

“I recieved student loans/grants to pay for college, anyone help me out? no’”

“I got a union job that pays my mortgage, anyone help me out? no.”

“my parents took care of me as a child, anyone help me out? no.”

“I went to school as a child, anyone help me out? no.”

“I bought a car that I can drive on public roads, anyone help me out? no.”

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy
@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Okay, great.

And if it manages to make it through Congress it will be terrible, and if it’s not terrible it will be struck down by the Supreme Court or sued out of existence or legislated against in the states.

Welcome to the separation of powers.

I’m not gonna hold my breath.

@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

“Don’t ever try to do anything positive because it might not work out” is a terrible attitude.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

That “might” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.

How about this: I will eat my own foot shavings if half of this gets passed.


How much do you shave your foot? If you’re going to say this, you need to state a measurable amount

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

I will save my foot shavings from now on and will eat at most 250 mL (~1 cup) of them if Biden manages to get half of the things he's proposing here passed.

And I won't even sprinkle them on pasta. Just straight up with a spoon.

That's how little faith I have in our government.


Damn, bruh.


I’m saving this in the event:

1.) I remember.

2.) Any of it passes.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for helping me stay honest


And I won’t even sprinkle them on pasta.

The forbidden Parmesan.


That’s precisely the attitude people had when they voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries over all the other decent options.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar


@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

I'm sorry for understanding how our government works and our nation's actual demographics.


All you’re doing is approving and reinforcing this state of affairs by sharing your defeatist attitude.

If you don’t like it, either try and help do something about it, or shut the fuck up.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, (edited )
@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

This state of affairs doesn't need help being reinforced. It's been carved in stone and blood for 250 years. It's supported by people who profit greatly from people thinking that elections are how you change things.

Me pointing this out pales in comparison to all of that. Unless you think one asshole on a barely used social network has that sort of power, which would be fucking awesome.


Oh, so you want it to be this way? Because you’re clearly not shutting the fuck up.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

I forgot this is a libs only zone, and that criticism means you’re the enemy.

I’ll be sure to temper my anarchism in the future, while I watch the system you love so dearly continue to fail everyone.


Oh hey, look. You’re still not shutting the fuck up. Let’s indulge this conversation more.

Criticism is useful when it’s constructive. When it highlights a problem in order to find a solution. What you’re doing is not constructive in any way. It’s equivalent to wanting us to accept this system as it is.

No one here is implying that this system is perfect or that we love it. Biden is literally trying to make a change to the failing system here, and you’re lambasting him for trying. You’re being entirely hypocritical.

So you can either continue being a hypocrite, or actually shut the fuck up.


Here’s some criticism. Biden has spent his entire term sabotaging progressive and leftist efforts.

Called on congress to block the rail strike: pbs.org/…/biden-calls-on-congress-to-block-potent…

Walks back his own campaign promise for $50k forgiveness: thehill.com/…/539139-biden-balks-at-50k-student-l…

Goes around congress to sell weapons to Israel: www.cnn.com/2023/12/29/politics/…/index.html

Forced federal workers back to office: www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/politics/…/index.html

Increased the defense budget: www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/…/index.html

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Listen, dude: If you don't have enough english comprehension to understand I was expressing dismay at our system of government and not criticism of Joe "The Guy You're All Making Me Vote For" Biden, then I don't think this will be a fruitful conversation.

But if you want some constructive criticism to pass on to your boss, how about this: Turn every campaign event into a food back and free soup kitchen. Spend every dime of campaign contributions on paying off medical debt.

I guarantee that would work better at beating Trump than anything his highly paid consultants could ever post on Tik Tok.

P.S. One more liberal berating me about how "it has to be this way" will not convince me.


If you don’t have enough english comprehension to understand I was expressing dismay at our system of government and not criticism of Joe “The Guy You’re All Making Me Vote For” Biden, then I don’t think this will be a fruitful conversation.

Shills like you intentionally straddle that line so when you’re called out you can pretend that you were just nebulously criticizing the state of things instead of trying to influence an election.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

I’ve been called shill by better people than you on Reddit.

Seriously, listen to yourself, then reread my first comment. You’re deranged.


I’ve been called shill by better people than you on Reddit.

Then maybe you should stop shilling if even a degenerate like me can see it.

DogPeePoo, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy

How about getting Congress to stop trading in the stock market on their inside information

For fuck’s sake the head of the Fed was trading in the market he oversees— was caught doing it— and still remains in his position


He’s already proposed limits and caps to politician trading then everyone fought back against the Stock Act so he kicked it to Congress.


He stopped his own from doing it though since he was able to do that.


Have fun pulling any random possible complaint out every time a Democrat doing something good doesn’t turn our country into a fascist theocratic hellhole though lmfao.

Digital_Prophet, to politics in Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy
@Digital_Prophet@kbin.social avatar

Wow, trying something new, huh? I definitely haven't heard this exact same material every election since the 80s! How fresh and new! big ideas! If only somebody would have come up with "more social programs" and "tax corporations and the wealthy" before! I guess nobody thinking of these concepts must be why none of it ever happens, and not because the executive is just one of three branches of the US government so candidates for president can just vomit whatever hopeful fever dreams they want to, knowing full well none of it will ever make it past congress.


Ok. The alternative is to vote for the former president that actually implemented a massive tax cut for the rich. So clearly, it matters who you pick.

Also, Biden has managed to pardon a shit ton in student loans because he could bypass congress. So clearly, it’s not just paying lip service, but actually walking the walk when it’s available to him.

Vote in a Dem majority in both houses (with a margin so DINOs cant block them), and we can actually get something done.


It’s easy for them to say those words when all they have to do is ignore everything that actually happened.


Biden’s biggest mistake is not being more vocal about his accomplishments. He’s greatly exceeded my expectations.


He definitely has. The first few months of his presidency was crazy too. A litany of executive orders to course correct us away from Trumps massive shithole. The shear speed that “sleepy joe” moved at was astounding.


It’s more the media won’t sell that. It doesn’t drive clicks. They don’t publish anything that doesn’t sell and “president does a damn decent job” doesn’t sell.

The sky has been falling forever.

Fwiw, I totally agree he’s done great overall and especially with a razor thin margin the first couple years.


You mean these accomplishments?

Called on congress to block the rail strike: pbs.org/…/biden-calls-on-congress-to-block-potent…

Walks back his own campaign promise for $50k forgiveness: thehill.com/…/539139-biden-balks-at-50k-student-l…

Goes around congress to sell weapons to Israel: www.cnn.com/2023/12/29/politics/…/index.html

Forced federal workers back to office: www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/politics/…/index.html

Increased the defense budget: www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/…/index.html

Biden has spent his entire term fucking over progressive and leftist efforts.


Blah blah

Go back to Russia, comrade


Don’t let perfect stand in the way of good.


Glad to hear things are “good” for you. They’re not for me so I won’t be voting to prop up your experience when you don’t event have the decency to acknowledge mine.


I did acknowledge yours. A president will never make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time. If you’re going to hold your breath for the perfect president, you’re going to suffocate pretty quickly.

Biden was fully expected to uphold the current status quo. While he didn’t follow through on everything, he exceeded expectations and pushed through a lot of good changes.

You can find policy decisions on literally any leader that you’ll disagree with, but at least he has been pushing things in the right direction.


I did acknowledge yours. A president will never make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time. If you’re going to hold your breath for the perfect president, you’re going to suffocate pretty quickly.

That is not my perspective or my experience. Try again.


Are you enjoying the traitors tax hikes on working people? Guess what that evil piece of shit did at the same time? Cut taxes on corporations immensely and permanently, whilst making the small tax cuts for individuals purposefully expire.

There’s clearly one party who at least attempts to help the working class while the hilariously evil and overtly corrupt party does everything in their power to hurt us.

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