breadsmasher, avatar







Still a better game than LoLi



Assman, avatar

Sounds more like SMITE than overwatch


Or Paragon even. That game was so fun back in the day before it got killed. If anyone can make something that fun again, it’s probably Valve.


Was it really that good? I heard it was overwatch from wish when it launched but then got better. I never tried it, because i didn't wanna learn something new.


It was a hero shooter MOBA but with some verticality, so that’s about as far as the Overwatch comparison goes. I had a great time with it. I like traditional MOBAs but don’t have the skill/patience/time for them, so hero shooter MOBAs are the perfect way for me to be able to play them more casually. In my opinion, of the few I’ve tried, Paragon was the best implementation of a hero shooter MOBA; the core gameplay just felt really tight to me.


There’s a remake out right now called Predecessor that I’ve been enjoying, free on PC/PS/Xbox.


Oh shit, I hadn’t heard of that. I’ll definitely check it out; thanks for the recommendation.


Before that there was Super Monday Night Combat.


God I miss Monday Night Combat. It was one of my favorite indie games on the 360.


Yeah, that really brings me back. I had like 4 tokens on Steam to give the game away when they were trying to get more people to play. There was some other hero shooter MOBA a little after that too, by Epic or something. Didn’t last very long and wasn’t all that great, but I still played the shit out of the falcon character that could “fly”. Man, I need to jump into another one of these games.


Sounds more like TF2 crossed with DOTA, which sounds weirdly fun and hella toxic.


Isn't Smite exactly this?


Ish, smite is literally a MOBA with the camera sitting behind the characters shoulder instead of top-down.

Easiest and only description of SMITE is third-person MOBA. I’ve played since 2012

Sabata11792, avatar

I can't wait to be called new and exciting racial slurs as I lose the game for my team.


Or bring back the classics. I haven't been called a swamp kisser in a while.

Sabata11792, avatar

I don't want to get banned but just assume I tend to go 1 and 15 and every notices every time.


I bet it will be made to run awesome on steam deck.

Zoomboingding, avatar

Try out Predecessor, it’s F2P and exactly this


Can you imagine the chaos of a veteran Dota2 player being matched with a notorious conga dancer?


Valve famously only works on what excites them. You’re yelling me THIS is that?? How utterly defeatingly disappointing.


Bold statement. Might wanna hold judgment till you actually see some gameplay.

Kecessa, (edited )

It goes both ways then, people who are happy should shut up until they see some gameplay.


Yeah I agree.

We don’t know anything yet.


But sir… The comment section? Why are we here?


People who don’t care are allowed to comment, that’s it.

edgemaster72, avatar

My time is here


Artifact would like a word.


While I’ll likely still play this I have to agree.


Typically valve only puts out games that showcase something new, so might be interesting


Looks nervously at counter strike and dota.


They were both originally mods that they adopted rather than original creations though, right?


I think, also if I recall both games were genre defining

dsemy, (edited )

Is it really surprising? It’s not like it’s their first competitive shooter.


Like idk, when overwatch came out, it was an absolute blast. I wasn't looking forward to it at all, i didn't care for it a bit until i played it. It just got run into the ground slowly. Also they made team fortress 2 way WAY before, and yeah that's what they excites them.


Just think of the loot boxes they can sell.


Valve’s game development division feels more like a weird cult than a proper game company. I don’t think they get “excited” for the things that most people get excited for. (Remember when they were excited for a virtual card game where you have to pay for every card?) The Valve of the 2000s is long gone IMO


So they're ripping off the game that ripped them off. The industry is in an absolute state.

AFallingAnvil, avatar

There’s no such thing as an original idea. Just look at tvtropes. The whole idea is to make a new take on a previous idea, to integrate and innovate. No idea if this will be successful in doing that, but the premise alone shouldn’t condemn it.

Swedneck, avatar

god this is like when everyone called first person shooters “doom clones”, overwatch is absolutely not a tf2 ripoff lmao, and making a hero shooter does not mean it’s an overwatch ripoff either.

Rezbit, avatar

Gigantic can’t catch a break :(

Dukeofdummies, avatar

That's interesting... bold move though. I can think of MANY failed 3rd person mobas.


I just want a nice story driven single player game from Valve again that isn’t VR.


Me too but it’ll never happen. The age of good single player AAA games are long long gone.


Wasn’t last years game of the year, Baldurs gate 3, a triple Aaa, single player, game that had an amazing story?


Looks like there is debate on whether that studio is AAA. So maybe, yea.

Quazatron, avatar

Hang on, that is a single player game? I now auto-discard AAA games up front because most of them are online multiplayer affairs with fancy in-game items to purchase and silly anti-cheat gimmicks that give Linux users a hard time.

I might look into buying this one, then.


Yep. You can play alone, couch co-op with controllers, or with friends online if that’s what you’re into. I’ve logged a couple of hundred hours alone and another hundred or so couch co-op.


I want to play it in couch co-op but I kept hearing that you miss out on content by playing it that way. For a first playthrough, is that true?


You’re going to miss content no matter how you play. It’s the nature of the game. Some decisions lock you out of options.

I can’t think of anything you’d inherently miss from couch co-op.


I played through the whole game with my gf and didn’t see nor read anything that would indicate that.

Regardless of if you play, solo or with up to 4 people there are 4 characters in your party. Your main character can be one of the predefined ones or not. You will probably have/want a mix of both.

First play through will take more than 100h and you will still have plenty to see for subsequent playtroughs. It’s literally impossible to see all of it first time regardless of how you play.

Just get it, it’s not just a GOTY, it’s one of the best games in a long while.


No. My girlfriend and I are 140 hours in and still not finished, and I’m amazed at how smooth the coop works with the story. You can each be different places doing different things, or you can travel together, you can each have your own relationships with npcs. A lot of conversations with npcs will repeat depending on who’s talking, but important story ones won’t. As long as you mostly stick together and make choices together, you’ll have every option a single player game does.


Indeed! You can choose to co-op with friends, but it isn’t necessary at all. It’s a really nice model for RPGs.


Year before was Elden Ring. I’ve never played that one online.


Have you played A Plague Tale (innocence, then requiem)? It’s one of the best story driven games I’ve ever played. It’s entirely linear, so plot urgency doesn’t feel artificial like it does in open world games.


I played the first one but not the second yet. I did enjoyed the experience and the hairstyles stood out for the character designs with the ribbons.


I liked the plot of this game, but I did not like it as a game. I have not played the second one.


Same. Something I can play, save anywhere to deal with life, and pick back up when time allows. I was one of those weirdos who really enjoyed Doom 3 when it came out (with the ducttape mod; that was one mechanic I didn't like) and grew up on old Commodore, Amiga, and PC single-player games and NES/SNES/Genisis RPGs. I want that again.


Whatever it ends up being, I’m not interested. Never cared for competitive gaming. Sad that Valve has decided to use part of their enormous talent pool for, well, this while almost any genre would’ve been better.

Also, this is already a highly saturated niche. I don’t doubt Valve’s technical prowess and knowhow to develop a game that can surpass all the other ones in quality, but a gilded turd is still a turd under that gold leaf, even if it’s technically the best turd in the world.

CileTheSane, avatar

That’s unfortunate that it’s not a genre you personally are interested in, but it is a popular genre and Valve is a business. Just because it’s not to your tastes doesn’t mean it’s a waste of their talent.


Oh absolutely. I’m not conceited enough to imagine Valve is developing games for me or that I’m entitled to anything. Just venting my personal disappointment with their choice. I still consider them the cream of the crop in game and hardware development.

Peffse, (edited )

I’m just curious why Valve looked at the oversaturated hero shooter market (seriously, we’ve had failures 8 years ago now) and said “Oh yeah, let’s devote our resources there”

edit: Like, I seriously can’t understand it. Not even Blizzard is coming out unscathed from Overwatch 2.

CileTheSane, avatar

Not even Blizzard is coming out unscathed from Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 didn’t fall because it’s a hero shooter


this is where you say “It failed because…”

My assertion was that it was an imperfect hero shooter among many hero shooters. The more competition, the harder it is to enter a game.

CileTheSane, avatar

this is where you say “It failed because…”

Gestures broadly

Not really my responsibility to make an argument for you. Of all the reasons Overwatch 2 might not have performed well, it being a Hero Shooter doesn’t have any strong evidence and you didn’t provide anything showing that was the reason.

One could argue Overwatch 2 being a Hero Shooter is why it didn’t perform worse than it already has, given its problems.

CileTheSane, avatar
  1. Blizzard is bad at balancing the game - could be true of any game, doesn’t have to be a shooter
  2. Blizzard cancels promised mode - Blizzard being bad at design and following through on promises.
  3. See 1.
  4. Forcing a game to become the sequel, not making meaningful changes other than monetization
  5. See 1
  6. Blizzard made a bad game

None of these are a result of Overwatch 2 being a shooter, and all of them are a result of Blizzard being shit at making quality games, caring about players, and following through on promises. So thank you, you have done a fantastic job demonstrating that Overwatch 2 being a shooter is not the reason it didn’t perform well.


Competitive online games have been Valve‘s focus for well over a decade so it‘s in line with their portfolio. If anything, Alyx was an outlier they only did because they have a headset to sell it with. I think they know what they‘re doing. Sucks for you to not be their target audience though because they are pretty good at making games.

Paradox, avatar

overwatch style

You mean team fortress style

VindictiveJudge, avatar

They had better call it Team Fortress 2 Episode 1.


Team Fortress: Archimedes

Skepticpunk, (edited )

Team Fortress Alpha: Mercenaries’ Dreams


Love my plushie, haven’t played but maybe 3-4 hours since acquiring it a decade ago, still have the plushie though.

lorty, avatar

Why are people angry? This is exactly the kind of game valve has worked on for the last few years.


I’m not angry, but I’m tired of live service esports games. Also the last time Valve arrived late to a trend (Artifact) it didn’t turn out well.


Holy shit, I forgot about Artifact lol.


Technically, HL1 was Valve arriving late to a trend. (FPSes)


Because many of us remember before that, when Valve revolutionized the single player first person genre again and again with the Portal and mainline Half-Life games.

Any other dev would have capitalized on the massive interest in a sequel or at least sold off the property so someone else could have continued those franchises.


Yep. sigh I guess I’ll go replay Portal 2 again. It really is fantastic, I should be happy that we got it when we did.


Imagine downvoting someone for saying they’re going to replay one of the best single player games of all time.

yamanii, avatar

The valve of yesteryear would’ve a great single player campaign to go together with the multiplayer, just like Half-Life.


Ugh, as if we don’t have enough of this kind of game already. SMITE 2 and Marvel Rivals are coming soon. Valve for fucks sake, look at how well Half Life: Alyx did. I seriously hope they’re working on a future Half Life game or some new story driven style game at the very least. I’m calling it now, Deadlock is going to be another Artifact.


SMITE isn’t a shooter, though. Overwatch 2 killed Overwatch and left an empty space. I don’t see a problem if two games (or more) try to fill it. I hope they are fun.

That said, it shouldn’t be Valve’s only focus if fans are expecting different games from them.


I really like what I see , and icefrog has been working on it for a long time. If he’s involved then I’m interested, the man created the moba genre and IMO the best moba on the market.

rustyfish, avatar

1000 IQ power move: Valve promotes a fake game with fake trailers and fake reviews.

Day of the release approaches.

People buy and fire it up.

Starting screen says “Half Life 3”.

Thousands die from a stroke.


I'd like a HL3, but not yet another competitive pvp game. So not sure if that would be the right approach if they can't even hit the same target audience.

NielsBohron, avatar

I’m inclined to agree with you, but Valve doesn’t often miss


Valve hasn’t released nothing but tech demos since Artifact, and that was a huge miss. And excluding Artifact, Valve hasn’t released nothing but tech demos in over a decade. So you could say Valve hasn’t hit the mark in over 10 years.

acedelgado, avatar

Alyx came out 4 years ago, and is recognized as one of the best VR titles of all time. It's a full 15 hour game, so not a tech demo. I'd say that's a hit.


Alex is a tech demo designed to sell headsets.

It also was unplayable for me made me sick and I can play things like super hot or beat saber for hours


Super Hot and Beat Saber don’t cause motion sickness. If you have no idea about how the different kinds of VR movement affect nausea and haven’t developed any VR legs, then that’s absolutely on you. Especially given that Alyx remains accessible to people prone to motion sickness by giving you the option for teleport locomotion and snap turning instead. I know my limits and while I can use smooth locomotion, I still use snap turning. Don’t blame the game if you don’t know your limits and it’s essentially your first VR game in which you don’t stay in a single spot.


The double negatives hurt my heart here

FangedWyvern42, avatar

HL Alyx and Dota Underlords aren’t tech demos lol.


They don’t often shoot either. I would agree when they do shoot they tend to hit though. At minimum, it’ll be interesting to see what the studio with such a large stream of revenue finally decides to release. Even if it’s horrible, it’ll be a moment to remember.


-1000 IQ, that’s an instant false advertising lawsuit slam dunk

rustyfish, avatar

So we are back at normal 😎


As long as they don’t do pre-orders they’re fine.


If it’s literally the first thing on startup, anyone annoyed can just refund it


I might actually have some sort of cardiac event.

Coelacanth, avatar

I had a lot of good times and even more bad times with DotA over the years, until I finally freed myself from it years ago.

IceFrog being behind this backed by Valve bodes well, and I think the premise of an FPS/MOBA hybrid has promise, despite the market being insanely oversaturated already.

I’m not really interested in competitive games these days, but I hope it’ll be good to watch at least. Following The International was fun even after I quit DotA.


Trust me the market could use some competition. The only thing that really comes close to OW is Paladins.


My first thought was that Valve was basically making a Paladins clone.


Was gonna say. How is the hero shooter market over-saturated? There’s like 3 games that people actually know about, and like 2 of those are good/decent.

Coelacanth, avatar

I could be mistaken, as I don’t really play competitive games anymore. I thought between Overwatch, Valorant, Apex, The Finals and what have you there was lots of stiff competition.

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