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In my playthrough (which I’m still working through so no act 3 spoilers please), I couldn’t figure out how to open the pod she was in at first. I ended up shooting something overhead which fell and put caustic brine everywhere. When I finally opened the pod she jumped out and immediately died to the brine. I’ve never actually heard her speak 😅


I’ll be honest, I don’t even remember who Minthara is, so I definitely didn’t get her either.


Oooooh got it! That’s cool actually I had no idea. I imagine she’s pretty mutually exclusive with some of the others.


Glad I’m not the only one who couldn’t figure that out lmao


What’s bad about the re-release? I read the article and it honestly sounds like it’s trying to improve the game. I must be missing something.


Yeah, AI was ok, but have you tried AII?


I like this way too, as long as they don’t make every area start at the same easy level. It’s fun to find places you can’t do yet. I think the new enemies thing works even better if it’s more like they start to show up in areas you previously cleared out, rather than appearing in places you haven’t been yet.


After watching the new dune movie I got inspired to play through a campaign on Dune: Spice Wars. So probably that!

Let’s Skip The Dragon Age: The Veilguard Vs. Baldur’s Gate 3 Comparisons, Yeah? (

*Dragon Age: The Veilguard *is going to be divisive. It already is. When you’ve spent ten years waiting for something with an idea of what it would be in your head, if it’s not that thing, you’re bound to be disappointed. But ultimately, *The Veilguard *is not trying to accomplish the same things *Baldur’s Gate 3 *did....


I think you can compare whatever you want. The farther apart the two things are though – apples to oranges – the more the comparison becomes a matter of your taste and opinion rather than a critical, objective comparison.


I recently moved out of Seattle up north a ways and it was weird to see styrofoam again. Feels dirty lol. Glad this got passed.


It felt like they wanted to focus on features more in this one. There was a lot to unpack I think for those who like to go through and theory craft.

I do agree that the ones you mention were much better cinematically though.


I’m curious, what kind of niches do you see unfilled still? I already felt like some of the gen 3 specs were reaching a bit.


Those all seem like good ones to me, too. Honestly the defensive juggernaut thing doesn’t really exist period in GW2, so I guess it’s by design. At least not compared to other RPGs. Everyone is quite squishy.

You’ve made me realize that a mesmer fantasy I miss from GW1 is a domination magic mesmer. Something that heavily punishes certain types of gameplay and doesn’t do the illusion thing. Is that what you were getting at with the mesmer part?

I wonder if they would ever consider adding new specs to only some classes instead of all at once. On one hand people would definitely rage and whine, but I could imagine that making for much better designed specs over time.


Definitely check out the myst remake, as it has modern movement available (and it’s gorgeous). These two games are basically puzzle game masterpieces and remembered so fondly for a reason. Hope you enjoy them. 🙂


Wow I was just saying I would love to see a remaster of this!


I didn’t even buy them at 60. This would change nothing for me except further cement my patient gaming lifestyle.


This is a game I would love to have a remaster of.


“Damn, look at the tail on that one!”

The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread (

“Inspired” by the Square-Enix putting their foot in their mouth thread, I thought it’d be interesting to make a little thread about indie games. People always talk about wanting to try different, cheaper titles, but with how hard it is to get good gaming news and the state of advertisement/marketing, word of mouth tends to...


Would there be any interest (or does it already exist) for a community dedicated to indie shoutouts? I picture somewhere specifically for fans and devs to call attention to good games without marketing budgets or their own work in the case of devs.


Worth a play if you have no nostalgia for it?


If this was used in a really subtle and tasteful way I think it could be very cool. Having a personalized tutorial based on your exact situation sounds great. However, I don’t trust that it will be subtle or tasteful given the rabid level of AI pushing from the tech sector right now.


I think it’s more likely that a new batch of AA studios take the crown of leading the industry. All the mega corporate publicly owned old guard will continue to cannibalize themselves into irrelevance.


This is great if you can do it, but saying it’s simple is a bit of a stretch.


Corpos are incapable of learning the right lessons. I wouldn’t be surprised if the take away from this at Sony was to eliminate internal voices that were against the decision so it’s easier to pull off next time.


American here: your cops are above the law, too? 😑


I don’t have any specific recommendations but I’m from the Pacific Northwest and it’s really interesting to me to see a post like this. Are you from there too?


There’s a ton of Scandinavian influence in western Washington state where I’m from. I think you’d feel pretty at home. 🙂


Generally publishers handle storefront and distribution


Same, never had this happen and I’ve also been in the woods many times.


It’s a big question these days about whether you should get one or not, but they traditionally do a lot of things that game developers may not be great at:

  • marketing (this is a huge upside as marketing is time consuming and expensive)
  • storefront management and relations (many publishers have connections with people who control digital storefronts so they get special treatment)
  • resources for developers (some publishers serve as resources for less experienced developers if they need additional help)
  • community management (this kind of falls under marketing, but some publishers have staff that manage outreach and community platforms)

I’m not an expert on this so anyone who knows more please expand on this or correct me if I’m wrong. This is what I know as someone who has looked into publishers for my own games but ultimately didn’t use one.


So true on the power of marketing. I really speak from experience on this too, because I released a game I spent three years of spare time on, tried really hard, but with no marketing budget and no idea what I was doing it barely got any eyes on it. Learned a lot from that experience.

“If you build it they will come” is largely bullshit from my experience. People will never try your stuff if they don’t know you exist.


Most devs are passionate about their work, but the point is that the company around them needs to give them enough time and flexibility to make something great. Diablo 4 didn’t have that, but BG3 did (I can’t speak to helldivers because I haven’t played it enough yet).


That’s still worse.


I don’t disagree with your take, but I also think it’s extremely naive to think that that bigger issue is as easy to tackle as the “symptoms” as you call them. You’re basically saying “don’t get mad that bad things are happening to you, all we need to do is completely rebuild a societal power structure against the will of those in power”. I admire your goals, but dismissing smaller scale issues because you’d like to focus solely on the biggest issue is at best naive, and at worst risks ignoring real people’s suffering for the sake of perfection.


I totally agree with you on this. I actually don’t hate AI in all forms, but right now it’s being used for a lot of crap and not very much good as far as I can see. I hope people will find ways to use it to help not hurt.


Sorry to hear it’s also getting worse over there. I live in the US, so you can imagine this stuff hits a little closer to home over here with how crap our consumer and worker protections laws are at this point. I’m rooting for you guys because you seem to have at least some sane people in power still!


That’s the trick, they don’t think about it.


Shitty corporate backed agency supports corpos. More news at 11.


This is true. I went through a long period of this exact pattern in my early 20s and while some positives came out of it, it also made me never feel good enough and like I always had to change things to be better. Nothing was ever enough and it was depressing and exhausting.

I only realized how toxic the pattern had become when I started going to therapy. The therapist pointed out that all of my appreciation towards myself was conditional. I only felt good if condition x/y/z was met, and there were always new conditions to make me feel not good enough anymore. He encouraged me not to remove all conditional appreciation, but to try and find an equal degree of unconditional appreciation and love towards myself that wasn’t based on others. Not easy to do, but it made a real impression on me and it changed my outlook, even if I don’t always succeed.


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