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Is homosexuality still politics? Because I’m definitely feeling a lot of that at the moment


Oh damn, that’s real good, I hope it applies to other states. My girlfriend’s son would’ve needed puberty blockers even if he wasn’t trans


Individualism as a double edged sword. We’re more open to increased personal freedoms, but less open to collective solutions


Power to the people must be accompanied by knowledge to the people!

Samuel Alito’s Wife Goes Full MAGA in Secret Recording (

Martha-Ann Alito, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, complained about the Pride flag, ranted about “feminazis,” and explained a flag design that she has been creating in her head in anticipation of when her husband is “free of this nonsense,” according to undercover audio released by a journalist and...


On one hand I don’t believe in punishing people for their ancestors. On the other hand I don’t think her family ever left that party


That’s why it’s less popular, these days aids gets more opposition funding than desantis does


Yeah my Mistress plays a healer. As a bottom I’m way more of a tank


That’s rude. As a slutty woman I think even prudes should be allowed bodily autonomy as well.


An attempt to further associate abortion with the perceived immorality of sluttiness and to assert that all needed abortions are due to preventable choices on the part of the individual needing them. I wish it was true, but I live in reality.


Ok but the night of long knives is a thing that very much did happen. It wasn’t that gay Nazis saw the error of their ways, it’s that their party stabbed them


Yeah that’s the thing, they’ll be really nice to your face as they take away your rights and protections. They know you’re one of the good ones. Right up until you start expecting something of them.

The left expects things of people. We expect you not to be a racist, and so racists think we can be pretty mean. We expect you to not be a misogynist, so we wind up being mean feminist killjoys…


I find gay republicans often dislike gay culture (which is fine, it’s not for every gay person) and struggle to understand that some people will gladly call you a friend while firmly but quietly opposing an aspect of you, and that other people can hate your guts while they stand up for your rights.

Israel phasing out use of desert detention camp after CNN investigation detailing abuses | CNN (

Israel has transferred hundreds of Palestinian detainees out of the shadowy detention facility of Sde Teiman in Israel’s Negev desert, a state attorney told Israel’s Supreme Court on Wednesday during a first-ever hearing about the facility where prisoners from Gaza have allegedly been held under conditions of extreme abuse....


It’s ok because they have a deep connection between their genetics and that dirt.


I kinda get what they mean. It’s not that she’s ugly, it’s that she’s hot as fuck but doesn’t look like a generic “hot actress”


And I’ve consistently been of the opinion they should barring certain crimes. I hate this felon’s guts, not a fan of most felons to be honest, but a vandalism felony as a 19 year old? Drug dealers? And that’s not getting into felonies I’m questionable as to if they should be crimes.

How to fix Korea's birthrate? Put girls in school earlier, controversial report argues (

“Notably, Chang’s report claims that biological females develop earlier than males do, so requiring girls to enter school at younger ages will create classes in which the two sexes are of more equal maturity as they age. This, the author posits, makes it more likely that those classmates will be attracted to each other, and...


It’s that easy in most countries (though really just making it not a financial detriment to reproduce is better), but in South Korea it’s more than the money. A lot of South Korean women are withholding reproductive labor due to the intensity of the cultural misogyny


Are legal experts widely arguing it was unfair? Every lawyer take I’ve seen has been that it was if anything overly fair


Well Springer was an American politician so that makes sense


Jack Parsons?

Wait no he’d have a witchcraft and rocket science section


Also we’re more likely to be aware of and accounting for mental health issues and so hesitate to bring a gun into a house with someone who shouldn’t have one. I want a firearm for self defense, my wife has depression and seeing as the whole goal is to keep her safe I do so by not having a gun


Also there’s a reason that revolutions tend to wind up with apolitical bureaucrat types in charge. The people who believe in something enough to fight and die for it do so.


I only wish it’d been 63, because holy hell that would’ve been funnier

📄 rule (

alt-textIt blows our hivemind that the United States doesn’t use the ISO 216 paper size standard (A4, A5 and the gang). Like, we consider ourselves worldly people and are aware of America’s little idiosyncrasies like mass incarceration, the widespread availability of assault weapons and not being able to transfer money via...


But also this isn’t a sudden change in doctrine, it’s like a century in the making in its current form, but the groundwork is as old as it being a state religion. Nothing is incapable of being corrupted by the powerful


I don’t need to feel superior I already know I am


Yes. Well no, but yes. Hemisphere on the whole? No. Land in the hemisphere? No. Land in the hemisphere that isn’t Antarctica? Yes, it’s much more likely to be located closer to the equator. Of the 6 inhabited continents 3 (North America, Europe, and Asia) are entirely located in the northern hemisphere.

You have some areas like Patagonia that are akin to somewhere like europe, but the equator is lower on every continent it passes through than you probably think. The equator in South America is found in the Amazon basin. In Africa it’s in in the Congo and a bit above Nairobi (Johannesburg is the northernmost major city in Africa below the southern tropics). In the Asian sphere it passes through Indonesia. About half of Australia is tropical.

For another comparison the top of the Tropic of Cancer (northern one) is in the middle of the Sahara, below New Delhi, right above Hong Kong, and about in the middle of Mexico.


So I actually had something like this last year where my hearing aids began connecting to a neighbor’s device and yeah no worst fucking thing


The thing about crazy sex is it’s awesome until you learn to stop liking it. But you’ll fucking learn and it’ll be the hard way


Oh it can stop being good. Trauma can do shit to you. Crazy in the head and crazy in bed sometimes blend into shit like sexual violence. And suddenly what you find yourself really craving is someone who is stable yet adventurous, someone who will discuss what crazy shit we’ll do together then discuss what we liked and didn’t afterwards.

Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled. (

If you are keeping score at home, you have surely noticed that the two most important defense officials in Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet — Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the former military chief of staff Benny Gantz — warned last week that Netanyahu is leading Israel into a disastrous abyss by refusing to present...


The first cause of the left must always be domestic anti fascism. Not out of a nationalistic sense, but out of raw practicality. When fascists gain power everything else we believe in is thrown away


And don’t worry, these Dems will cause the crisis of capitalism too. Just without killing the communists like the republicans may attempt to


Can you lie? Can you do sleight of hand? Can you be deliberately obtuse, incompetent, and prone to accidentally starting fires? Can you hide things or smuggle?

Partisan work may be needed for those unable to fight


It happens in Catholicism sometimes because liberal Catholics just ignore shit and get ignored until they start leaving. The church has understood this since the Protestant reformation.


If there is a hell may the demons tormenting him be women.


No. It’s a theocracy and he doesn’t hold supreme power. Revolution in Iran will be a bloodbath. The best case scenario would’ve been something akin to the liberalization of Spain post Franco, but that’s highly unlikely.

Theocracies aren’t known for their long term stability, but Iran is known for its being absolute hell to invade. The regime is likely to starve itself of something, be it food, money, reproductive labor, or skilled labor. It will be slow, turbulent, and ugly


But it’s important to remember economic collapse doesn’t end a totalitarian regime. It weakens it, but so long as they can feed enough of their people for revolution to not be a matter of survival and they have the arms to stop everyone else it becomes a matter of their will and their ability to maintain internal control.


In the coming days we’ll see the course. Last year there were feminist revolts and protests, many women and girls were executed for them. It’s clear there’s still a divided political will, but the theocracy has maintained its monopoly on violence. If anything is going to change for the better it’s likely going to involve some assassinations


Ok, but as someone who’s seen a fair bit of drag Napoleon Dynamite looks like the drag persona, not Taylor Swift.

Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals (

The insect glue, produced from edible oils, was inspired by plants such as sundews that use the strategy to capture their prey. A key advantage of physical pesticides over toxic pesticides is that pests are highly unlikely to evolve resistance, as this would require them to develop much larger and stronger bodies, while bigger...


But that does spare them from the ravages of guacamole and nopales


Eating pussy may be her most redeemable quality. Well it would be if she weren’t so predatory about it


May he go the same way Alexander II did.


He died of a common condition that afflicted world leaders at the time: pissing off anarchists


I could be anywhere from Huber heights to Zanesville to Euclid to Albany. Not in Cincinnati though, absolute hellhole that Cincinnati is


Near Athens. And yes we have an Athens too

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