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Or idk, perhaps try to keep guns away from any substance abusers, be the substance they abuse legal or not.

But that’s specifically abuse I’m talking about, not reasonable recreational use.


Of course it is.

But preventing abusers from getting guns is much easier in a system where the default is not “until proven crazy, anyone can have a gun”.

So where I live you need a doctor’s note saying you don’t have issues like that before getting a gun.

Ofc you can develop the problem after getting the permits, but I know a few gun owners who developed an alcohol problem and one so massive they started being violent towards others when properly pissed.

Both had their guns taken away.


Acknowledge, no.

Pretended he didn’t do what he clearly did, saying only a psychopath would, not realising how psychopathic it is to try to deny the verified quotes? Yes.


Definitely not defending the psychopathic geriatric clown, but he’s also like almost 80.

He did draft dodge or something back in the day. So you’re not wrong at all, I just wanted to point out people that old are rarely deployed. And “rarely” is a bit of an understatement there.


That’s certainly true.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (yle.fi)

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....


Well I don’t think we really have, honestly.

It’s just that the inbred racists who are all too common don’t think these elections mattered.

Yeah. 42% turnout.



Finn here.

42 % turnout.

We still have a massive problem with rising nationalism and general right-wing rhetoric, don’t kid yourselves. It’s just that those morons don’t think EU elections matter.


Again, I congratulate the Finnish public on rejecting right-wing and authoritarian politics, especially after having to suffer under it at home.

If only


As in… why does this dynamic only apply to Finnland?

I don’t think I even implied it did.



Carts a cutback?

Were you a kid when N64 came out?

Carts lasted ages longer than discs. Sure for some actually responsible adult player discs would probably have been better but for preteens fighting with their siblings on who’s turn it is and what will be played…?

(We once ruined a PS2 game because we had it upright and it fell and the disc took such a deep scratch it never worked past that point again. I still feel guilty and feel I missed out on HP2. And that was 5 years after we got a N64, so PS1 discs would’ve been even more at risk.)

The controller is weird by modern standards , yeah, but it wasn’t too weird at the time. It’s sort of like two controllers in one, a more classic form like the snes and the basic ps1 controller and a more modern one with a joystick with the middle-handle.

There was no weirdness at all using it when it came out. The “basic” model (think xbox controller) only came out a bit later.

But nowadays? Idk, I don’t have one, but we tried playing Goldeneye 64 with my brother and man the control schemes were all over the place and I couldn’t for the life of me get “in the groove” and we used to play 4 player deatmatch a ton for years and I was ace at it.


It was weird in a Nintendo way, yeah, but imo there was hardly anything illogical about it. The triple handle setup was reasoned in the way that if there was a more “classic” control scheme in the game, you might use the d-pad instead of the joystick (which was shit in the way it wore out though). Most games did use the joystick, but not all, and not all the time.

I think the reasoning was to have more adaptability in traditional Nintendo sort of way.

Also, the Dreamcast controller looks very weird as well, has less buttons and came out two years after.


Omfg I once took a hit of CO2 as I thought my CO2 capsules were my N2O capsules.

Fuckin’ 'orrible

Laughing gas is sweet and soft, taking a hit of CO2 is like choking on cactuses.

I had exposure to tear gas in the army and while it was a milder version (simulating mild-moderate exposure), I definitely preferred it to CO2.


As Holt demonstrates, not everyone chooses the more enjoyable and less moral choice. (For Holt there isn’t a moral reason, he’s just disinterested, but nonetheless makes the same choice of not choosing to enjoy food.)

At the end of the day, it’s why there are so many so viable vegan alternatives nowadays.

Nowadays it’d be somewhat easy to fool a non-vegan into thinking they’re eating meat, occasionally at least. Trying to pull that off 20 years ago would’ve been impossible.


Eerily reminiscent of Hitler’s rise to power.

1924 he was in jail and it boosted tf out of his politics

Captain Janeway - Hair Master (lemmy.world)

My favorite part was how her hair was in a beautiful and much more complicated knot in the premier episode, then it was a mangled mess after Voyager was thrown to the Delta Quadrant, but they make a show of her fixing it into the simpler knot with her bare hands while walking the corridors from one disaster to another....


Hair mousse, light non-matte pomade?

I honestly don’t know any better, I’ve just been looking into that sort of thing. Pomade has got me the best results so far but I’m horrible at hair and the pomade is a bit too thick. A more of a cream type next time, I think.


Oh she was in those!

I always found her somewhat sexy and now I think I know why, because when I was going through puberty, I used to occasionally like watching Charlie’s Angels.



Well. Guess she just has that je ne sais quo.


It’s not “pipe dreams” as much as it is “complete fantasy purposefully peddled by actual Russian misinformation actors”.


Check out for instance @archcomrade [he/him] @midwest.social

I even got banned there for pointing out how clearly he’s an actual Russian troll. He doesn’t even deny it and you can see he isn’t American, yet literally all he does is post “don’t vote biden”.

This juicy guy isn’t much different


Hopefully we can help spread awareness

My cynicism says no.

But I hope that’s just a mental thing, and I’ll continue to act as if I’m wrong about it.

I find it helpful to tag shills so I can easily recognize them later

Me too buddy.


Have you ever seen or heard about “the trolley problem”?

You know what isn’t an option in it. “I walk away without taking any responsibility.”

Because willfull inaction is a choice with consequences. It is an action by itself.

And you’re genuinely trying yo deny Russians use information warfare. This is exactly what I meant with the whole reduced cognitive capacity bit.





There actually is a Horn Pub in my city.

And yes, it uses the Porn Hub aesthetic


He knows it but ofc he pretends not to


90? That’s generous.

More like 99%


It’s weird how people honestly learn more history from drama nowadays than actual school or something. And this isn’t a diss of any sort, I do that all the time; watch an interesting drama “based on reality” or something and afterwards I fact-check what things were actually historical and what weren’t.

Iran-Contra affair used to be pretty well known, actually, but there’s a clear generational gap and I’m other side of the gap. But I know it used to be known better. How do I know that? Well, from an American Dad bit, obviously (“Wow, I just learned while I was being entertained!”)




to be fair people doing what is essentially high-treason while having access to an unlimited supply of cocaine might lead some of them to do a bump or two for the stress, leading to a horrible negative feed-back loop.


honestly the only people I would except that sort of shit is from people who are chronically somewhat psychotic from having abused stimulants for a loooong time. or ones who’ve not necessarily abused them long, but have stayed up for three or four days straight with stims. starts getting freaky at that point.

either or explains most of Trumps verbal output imho


No, because they don’t speak english.

Lots of people in the world who don’t speak English.


You’re pretending your personal views are general views.

You know that you can’t write “as long as theres pride parades, I’ll hate the homos”, because you know that’s wrong. You also can’t even write that you personally dislike gay people, writing “there’s many reasons to hate homosexuals”, pretending (or deluding yourself) that other people are as homophobic as you.

We aren’t.

Stand behind your bullshit or stfu instead of this vague “I’m saying what everyone is thinking”. No, you’re not, but you are telling us what you’re thinking about.


Varmaa siksi koska mä veikkaan et puhu mitään muuta kieltä, joten jos mä rupeen kirjottaa jollai muul kielel, ni sun pitää vaivautua itse kääntämään se (mikä ei tosin nykyään vaadi kun sen kaks klikkaust, sillonku mnää olin piän ni sullei ois ollu mitää tsänssiä).

Monolinguistic people rarely realise just how overtly ethnocentric they’re being. Guess it’s hard to see when you don’t have any other languages to think in.

How hard would it have been to just refrain from the word English in that sentence? Why did you feel the need to add it? Does “animals don’t speak” somehow not convey the meaning of that? (Genuine questions, not sarcasm.)

Of course people don’t fucking speak english, what a stupid fucking comment.

If you think that’s stupid, wait until you hear about the guy who said the same thing of animals.


There are lots of parrots who can clearly utter recognisable English, so yes, there are animals who speak English. On what level can they understand the language they use, that’s another question entirely. Which more or less was my point in replying to you. :)

Anyway, for those actually interested in what the current research says about how much animals can use language, NativLang on YT has an awesome series on animal speech/grammar that goes into depth on the subject. Here’s the first video.


Again, distancing language while still perpetuating the same shitty rhetoric of “disease spreaders”. Pitiful.

Various forms of homosexuality account for roughly a tenth of the population, more or less. Only about 80% of people identify

You know spreading HIV on purpose is a severe crime in most of the world, right? Weird how you’re not talking about how “as long as men continue their toxic masculinity in the guise of ‘football matches’, people will continue to hate them”. Did you know there are men who purposefully kill other people? ‘serial killers’ they’re called."

And there’s a whole lot more killers than there are people spreading HIV on purpose. And you won’t even believe this, there’s a whole fucking culture (not even a subculture, but a culture) of making documentaries, tv-shows and podcasts about these ‘serial killers’.

So that’s why I… everyone except definitely not me hates men.

“I’m just pointing out reasons”

No you’re not. You’re listing your own personal rationalisations for your personal homophobia. And oh boy…


First off, please just accept your sexuality so you can keep those fantasies private.


None of this is made up


Yes, yes, there’s a massive conspiracy by “the homos” to “attack heterosexuals with HIV” and you don’t provide any proof, even though it’s so easy to look it up?

Hmm… where else have I heard “DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH”? Oh right, in every debate with every flat earther, antivaxxer and gun nut or other some such right-leaning people who simply can’t refrain from slopping their cognitive diarrhea all over the internet while not possessing the intellectual rigour to even attempt to source what I’m sure they must know to be incredibly unlikely things.


and it also probably helps when you’re classifying humans separately to animals for the purpose of a semantical argument

Nice try but the implication of animals being distinct was quite clear. The point is that there was absolutely no need to add the extra “English” to the end of “animals don’t speak [English]”, and actually omitting it would’ve made the sentence more inclusive and less prescriptively wrong. Even less wrong would’ve been to say “animals don’t have language”, although we’re actually not a 100% on that, given that there are definite communications. We’re having a hard time defining what level we’re on ourself and where we came from to be able to understand a similar evolution happening on an entirely different branch of evolution.

Along with the fact that it’s arguably hate speech to some degree to refer to certain groups of people as animals separately from others,

Is it? Is it really? Because I don’t think it is in any way, unless it’s explicitly hate speech that you’re doing in the context, and then anything in that context is hate speech. So you think no-one should ever refer to “Finnish people” for instance, because they would be doing a hate-speech on me, eh? Or that you can’t talk about the differences between European and American cultures, as you can’t refer to people separately without it being hate speech?

no, they don’t speak spoken languages, with semantic meanings, and rooted histories. The same way that humans do “english” for example.

But see, they do. They do speak the same way, but language isn’t just about speech. Speech is only a part of language. You seem to be having trouble seeing those two concepts as different from each other. Animals can speak, ie remember and use words.

yes technically parrots can recognize, and recreate sounds, it’s not that they understand english, or words, or language. It’s that they’re capable of recreating vocal anomalies of human speech, pretty well. Likewise, i can also mimic someone else speaking in another language, or just individual words, but that doesn’t mean that i’m speaking the language. In order for me to speak that language, i need to be able to communicate in some commonly understood and defined dialect, that other people can understand, such that i’m capable of understanding them as well. Parrots cannot do this.

See, this is sort of my core point that came out very strongly from just you having had to use “English” in your sentence. You’re ignorant, but you don’t like to think of yourself as ignorant. You’re intellectually lazy, but you don’t like thinking about yourself that way. So you pretend you’re not.

First off, I already gave you way more information on the subject, which clearly you didn’t even open let alone peruse although it’s a very in-depth dive to what properties of languages we’ve observed animals using and how much do we understand about how they understand their own understanding. And that sort of thing. Anyway, with just 30 secs in Google you’d find the most famous parrots on the matter:


Alex had a vocabulary of over 100 words,[17] but was exceptional in that he appeared to have understanding of what he said. For example, when Alex was shown an object and asked about its shape, color, or material, he could label it correctly.[15] He could describe a key as a key no matter what its size or color, and could determine how the key was different from others.[7] Looking at a mirror, he said “what color”, and learned the word “grey” after being told “grey” six times.[18] This made him the first non-human animal to have ever asked a question, let alone an existential one (apes who have been trained to use sign-language have so far failed to ever ask a single question).[19]

Alex was said to have understood the turn-taking of communication and sometimes the syntax used in language.[14] He named an apple a “banerry” (pronounced as rhyming with some pronunciations of “canary”), which a linguist friend of Pepperberg’s thought to be a combination of “banana” and “cherry”, two fruits he was more familiar with.[18]

You were saying that " i need to be able to communicate in some commonly understood and defined dialect, that other people can understand, such that i’m capable of understanding them as well. Parrots cannot do this."?

This must be a deepfake then

because i don’t know if you know, ethics, is an english word. It comes from the english language.

I’ve more than likely been using English for longer than you have, and I’m sorry to say you got it wrong again.

“Ethics” as word with the very same meaning it has today was spoken aloud long before English was a thing. It actually comes from Greek, through Latin.


ethic (n.)

late 14c., ethik “study of morals,” from Old French etique “ethics, moral philosophy” (13c.), from Late Latin ethica, from Greek ēthike philosophia “moral philosophy,” fem. of ēthikos “ethical, pertaining to character,” from ēthos “moral character,” related to ēthos “custom” (see ethos). Meaning “moral principles of a person or group” is attested from 1650s.

You make bold assumptions which I don’t see have much scientific basis in them. Like yes, animals have their “own” ethics and one could make the argument that all ethics are subjective and no such thing exists as objective ethics. However, saying they’re “wholly independent” might be a reach, since we know that we share some of our most fundamental concepts of what is “unfair” with some of our close cousins.

My point is that you should look question yourself a bit more and be open to other people actually knowing what your’e speaking about, and adding to it, instead of thinking everyone is always arguing against you.


yes technically parrots can recognize, and recreate sounds, it’s not that they understand english, or words, or language. It’s that they’re capable of recreating vocal anomalies of human speech, pretty well. Likewise, i can also mimic someone else speaking in another language, or just individual words, but that doesn’t mean that i’m speaking the language.

You’re repeating the age-old myth of “parrots just parrot, they don’t actually understand anything they parrot”.

This is decidedly untrue, and there’s heaps of science behind that. A lot of which I have shown you. So that assertion is proved untrue, ie “wrong”.

ethics, is an english word. It comes from the english language.

This is also just plain wrong. It’s a Greek word that comes to English from Latin. So not an English word, actually. (See my first point about monolinguistic speakers often being a bit ethnocentric. Not your fault, one language is limiting in more ways than one.)

Parrots can indeed speak, but to what extent do they actually understand the language, or have grammar? That’s the video I linked in my very first reply.


Can animals grammar? – introduction to my animated series which goes deep in just what the capabilities are, because there is a lot of debate in the science world.

Thoguht you might be interested, but guess you’re more interested in “winning” a conversation than actually having one.


yes technically parrots can recognize, and recreate sounds, it’s not that they understand english, or words, or language. It’s that they’re capable of recreating vocal anomalies of human speech, pretty well. Likewise, i can also mimic someone else speaking in another language, or just individual words, but that doesn’t mean that i’m speaking the language.

You’re repeating the age-old myth of “parrots just parrot, they don’t actually understand anything they parrot”.

This is decidedly untrue, and there’s heaps of science behind that. A lot of which I have shown you. So that assertion is proved untrue, ie “wrong”.

ethics, is an english word. It comes from the english language.

This is also just plain wrong. It’s a Greek word that comes to English from Latin. So not an English word, actually. (See my first point about monolinguistic speakers often being a bit ethnocentric. Not your fault, one language is limiting in more ways than one.)

Parrots can indeed speak, but to what extent do they actually understand the language, or have grammar? That’s the video I linked in my very first reply.


Can animals grammar? – introduction to my animated series which goes deep in just what the capabilities are, because there is a lot of debate in the science world.

Thoguht you might be interested, but guess you’re more interested in “winning” a conversation than actually having one.

Edit lol replied to myself accidentally. Meant to put this at the bottom end of the thread.


And this is why we can’t have nice things democracy.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.



Almost as if a few hundred years of selective breeding for blood sports to an animal that is exceedingly fast at adapting might make it predisposed to… uhm… kicking off.


No… no. Not everything, but rhetoric like in your comment.

You’re literally cheering on eugenics, with a false hope of what it would achieve.


Yeah I was TV-watching age at that time and something I’ve watched as new when I was under 10 does is something I might describe as “old”, depending on context.

Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals (www.theguardian.com)

The insect glue, produced from edible oils, was inspired by plants such as sundews that use the strategy to capture their prey. A key advantage of physical pesticides over toxic pesticides is that pests are highly unlikely to evolve resistance, as this would require them to develop much larger and stronger bodies, while bigger...


M-mecr… ur… mercre…

I’ll have the lye, please.


Oh so they do want a war? Billionaires and hectomillionaires against everyone else?

I’m down, when do we start?





You’re ranting about furry hentai to someone who made a joke about there being a bird species which is called “tit”.

You wooshed. Hard.

Dasus, (edited )

and pressed it on a record,

Holy shit I never realised that. Either it’s actually pressed on an record, or he just used a video recording of some other disc being played and then added it to this video. As he’d have to use separate audio probably anyway, unless he put the output from the player directly into the camera. Anyhow, I never noticed that as I mostly listened this. However it’s done yeah, Love it.

Edit he specifically says it is a track made for this specific purpose because of the thing he says, I had forgot, because it’s been years since I watched this.


Considering the distress in Gaza, I think it should’ve been a bit faster. There’s definitely capability for that, especially from someone like the US military.

If this was some completely different sort of situation and US lives were in that sort of danger, I think it would’ve gone up a bit quicker.

A month isn’t unreasonably long, but I believe it could’ve been achieved much faster in dire need, and I think there is very dire need indeed.

Like if the people making the floating pier were under the same amount of motivation as the people who made the Dunkirk evacuation possible (which means pretty much everyone involved, can’t credit a single party for something like that), I think there would already be a pier.

I’m not blaming the US for “taking too long”, I’m just saying I personally believe (and have lots of that belief based on at least some facts) that it could’ve been done faster.

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