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He could also have not lied in the report that would have legally mandated stopping shipments


Biden really needs to be more careful that the final reports that his administration presents actually resembles the expert opinions it is allegedly based on


Homie, you can’t always tell if it will be always online before you buy it. Game companies are notorious for hiding things like that and microtransactions in the pre-release versions, so many people who buy those games don’t know they are always online, or believe that they are confirmed to not be. Nevermind the ones that go back and change old games to add in shitty proprietary launchers a few years after release.


She and Whitmer have both debased themselves for Israel’s genocide now as well. They both proved to that they aren’t fit for office, if Whitmer goes for president in 2028 I might vomit after her comments about the uncommitted campaign.


Weird because a whole bunch of us showed up for a primary where there wasn’t any choice and still voted uncommitted. The dem response to that is to shriek we want trump to win, because it turns out they don’t care about our values just that we check the box that keeps them in power.


To give the appearance of caring while not actually trying to improve the situation

What the ‘uncommitted’ vote says about Biden’s reelection (

Tuesday’s primaries saw the final states cast presidential votes in the Democratic primary. More than 650,000 Democrats voted against Biden over the last four months by choosing options such as “uncommitted,” with others protesting in other states through write-ins, blank ballots, votes for other candidates and other...


Excited to hear all the people trippling down on Biden explain how more than half a million people who are committed enough to go out and vote in a primary solely to voice their displeasure at Biden’s Gaza policy are actually inconsequential and should be ignored. I’m sure we’ll hear all sorts about how ‘those people are too lazy to vote’ despite them already having proven otherwise.

A new poll shows trouble for Biden with young voters, especially among voters of color (

It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said...


How about the more than half a million uncommitted votes on this exact issue? He is in real danger in Michigan which is vital to his reelection.


I’m from Michigan and while its not the top of the list, it is enough to tip the already close scale against him. He needs to address this.


Stopping the supply of support to Israel, not blocking the UN from acting, and revisiting the report his administration lied in about whether this was a genocide.


I hope immigrants sneak in and move your house a few inches further from your work every day


My favorite episode of trek. I am basically incapable of watching it without being reduced to blubbering


This is so funny because counterspell would still just be the best in the game


I assume the rest of your life based on like ten internet posts you’ve made. I’m a genius please pat me on the back’

HuntressHimbo, (edited )

Would be funny if the last panel had George Lucas in the turbolift with a knife


Thats an interesting wrinkle I hadn’t considered. Was the release in Brazil done at the same time? Maybe XP benefitted from additional patches before the Brazilian release.


In semi convinced the way forward would be to remove biden from office on January 1st after voting him in. Deny Trump and then tell the dems absolutely not try fucking harder.


The margin usually refers to the number of votes that they can safely lose in their own party and still have a bill pass, so with the same number of GOP reps the margin shouldn’t change.

Biden needs Blue Wall victories to win 2024 Electoral College map (

While polls broadly show Biden continuing to fall behind former President Donald Trump in swing states across the country, they consistently show the older, whiter states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as the most competitive for Biden. Trump has larger leads in the Sun Belt states, in large part owing to Biden’s loss...


Sure sounds like Biden should be giving the Michigan uncommitted voters some actual consideration. Action on Gaza will help him here and he needs our votes.


I mean my coworkers families are in danger today, why would you expect them to give a shit about an election six months away when they might get the call to find out they don’t have relatives tomorrow.


Please explain how electing a Republican in 6 months could possibly lower their families chances tomorrow. People not pressuring Biden are telling them don’t worry six months from now you can keep things exactly as bad for your family as they are now, but if you don’t we promise it will get even worse.

0 opportunity to improve things and a fat chance to make them worse, gee I wonder why they’re not sold. Dead is dead, and we are asking them to give us six months of waiting on the off chance that things would be worse the other way.


No, because you are still failing to address the time aspect. Tomorrow, as in 6 months before the elections.


I’m sure the same government that uncritically swallows every lie Israel has pushed to further their genocide is exactly who we should trust to vet this intel


The schadenfreude at seeing Trump decline publically is real, but the opening paragraphs about “Biden’s Rise” were everything he said about Pecker several paragraphs later. I’m not impressed that the president can clap back when he is co-signing a genocide.

Acting like he is some heroic figure rising to the occasion is garbage when he seems like he’s trying to work his way up to being Blue Dubya. He’s a slightly less decomposed corpse, but he’s just not even close to adequate for the state of the world. I kinda wish something would fall on both of them before the election so we could choose someone actually good, but it feels almost certain that the DNC would just kingmaker an even more feckless husk channeling the spirit of a Raytheon executive.


Everyone else: This bank is directly invested in manufactoring illegal weapons.

You: Blaming bankers for the direct obvious result of their investment sounds pretty antisemetic


Rocking that beer whiskey cider happy triangle


After reading the article it seems likely this is still the case. They said operating system links still open in edge even when you have another browser configured, so Microsoft is still putting Edge in a privileged position. I guess we just have to wait and see how privileged it ends up being.


For me it was fish that I couldnt stand, and I tried to hide it behind the laundry machine since the standard punishment for not finishing dinner was sit in the laundry room until it was gone.


Hmm, sounds like maybe he shouldn’t have bypassed Congress multiple times to sell arms to israel. Or avoided structuring transfers to avoid congressional oversight


Its a good time and seeing the beavers doing their cute little thing never gets old. That is sadly a double edged sword because if you’re bad like me it is quite possible to have your beaver community fall to famine


April 20th isn’t that far off either, and is conveniently before the election too


Really just sounds like he took Roosevelt’s speech and just gutted it. Roosevelts 4 Freedoms: Speech and expression, worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Bidens: Freedom to vote and have your vote counted, freedom of choice, freedom to have a fair shot, and freedoms from fear.

Freedom of worship -> freedom of choice is fine, they’re not really equivalent and the latter is way more relevant atm.

Fear remains unchanged.

Speech and expression -> vote and have your vote counted also kind of not equivalent, but if we’re generous and assume he means having actual democratic power thats fine. Don’t necessarily believe thats what he’s going for but there will be a lot more to the speech I imagine.

Freedom from want -> Freedom to have a fair shot is really pathetic. This is so watered down. From you have the right to abundance in your life to you have the right to get rolled over by a corporation and live in servitude as long as you’re equally as likely to get fucked as your peers.

Also the fact that this article mentions him linking the conflict in Ukraine to freedom but not Palestine is horrific.


Something about Gaza and the election I think people need to consider is that eventually the government documents and intelligence on this is going to become public. With how much of what the IDF has said has already been shown to be outright fabrications, I can’t escape the conclusion that the U.S. Government communications on this are going to be incredibly damning. Every time a US official uncritically accepts IDF propoganda we are adding explosives to the ticking bomb that is the public exposure.

Not pressuring Biden on Gaza is gambling that this all remains sealed until after the election, or that there isn’t anything in there that will destroy his chances in November. Supporting the genocide is both unconscionable AND an extreme electoral risk.


Repeatedly murdering the same small group of heroic individuals on ritual meat hooks at the direction of an eldritch being


Having been a linux user around the time of both rollouts I’ve had a way better time with pipewire. We’ve come a long way since OG pulseaudio


I went Ubuntu -> Xubuntu -> Debian -> Manjaro -> Arch -> Nix

Arch is still the longest lasting and I’m dual booting with Nix right now, but Nix has been a dream when it comes to gaming stability and I think if it continues I’ll stay.


Without the smoke stack I’m used to seeing this looks almost restrained for an American truck

Who, in your opinion, is the most annoying character in any game?

Personally, it’s Faith from Farcry 5 for me. Uninteresting dialog that can be summed up to “I was bullied once” and that’s it. Literally every other character is so much more interesting. Jacob gives you a sequence where you run through a gulag which he then uses against you, John tries to kill you and is openly hateful...


I had a bit of an inverse experience between the two. My gut reaction to Wyll was good, but his story made me dislike him, but Gale I disliked off the bat but came to appreciate after a bit of dialogue.


Every time I open the multiplayer lobby browser the field showing the adventure being played gives me a little punch of hope that there is an editor of some kind in the works


Fingers crossed that the GPU driver fix means my partner can finally play with me without crashing constantly

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