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“My pronouns might be they/them, but yours are about to be were/was.”

This message brought to you by Lockheed Martin: proudly supporting LGBTQ+ drone pilots worldwide.

oatscoop, (edited )

One: you can be sued for anything regardless of if it’s true or not. Someone could find some sleazebag lawyer and sue you for drowning hundreds of puppies while laughing about it – does that make you a puppy killer?

Two: We have presidents that we … yet weren’t sued for it.

oatscoop, (edited )

Your “devil’s advocate” is a moron that can safely be told to fuck off. “Cis white males” aren’t losing shit – it’s the same damn program it’s always been except it’s open to all kids now … and hopefully has far fewer kids getting molested by the adult leaders

cis white male

I would love to hear your “devil’s advocate” explain how are the white kids are being hurt by this change.


The tired, old trope of “Every accusation is a confession” tends to be true with conservatives.


In a hypothetical civil war peoole wouldn’t shoot the helicopters and jets. They’d blend with the regular population in to hide from them. They’d shoot the pilot when the pilot is out buying groceries or filling their car with gas … or kidnap their loved ones.

A civil war would be horrifying. There would be no uniforms, no front lines, and no rules of war. Both sides would go after the other’s friends and family when they can’t find or attack their enemy directly.


I’m with you on that. What makes the Steam Deck so appealing is it’s a handheld PC.

oatscoop, (edited )

I often go to nursing homes for medical calls, and asking for basic patient information is always a treat at the crappier ones.

Pro-tip: when the medic asks you things like “What are we here for?”, “How long have they been having this issue?”, or “What’s their medical history?” you don’t actually have to answer. Just give a blank stare and say “I don’t know, I just started my shift” or “They’re not my patient”. All you have to do is give the ambulance crew the patient’s name and birthday, and even that’s optional.

Is the patient dead and you don’t know when it happened? Say “I was talking to them a few minutes ago!” even if they’re cold to the touch. Bonus points if the pt has a DNR and you don’t give it to the medic.

If all that is too much work, say “I’ll go check” and find somewhere to hide until they leave with the patient – this situation is their problem now.

oatscoop, (edited )

Yeah, the majority of them aren’t “bots”. It’s mostly people acting as useful idiots, parroting talking points put forth by Kremlin backed trolls. The shit reeks of 2018’s totally organic “Walk Away” movement – the arguments and slogans practically rhyme.

I don’t like the “bots” thing either since it’s inaccurate to what’s actually going on, but at the same time I don’t know a concise way to call out pretty obvious Russian state backed AstroTurfing.


I agree that there’s a lot of direct trolling online, but I wouldn’t discount the number of “useful idiots”.

Remember Q-anon? The core of that entire “movement” was a handful of people on an obscure website steering discourse and pumping out conspiracy theories to a few hundred dedicated direct followers. That audience served as both a testbed for ideas and a free “localization service” – they’d take an unpolished core idea and through discourse transform it into something marketable for wider consumption. Said followers obscure the source of the messaging, amplify it, spread it to traditional social media / the real world, “fight” dissidents, etc.

Those “useful idiots” are a fundamental part of an efficient, cost effective, and successful disinformation campaign.

oatscoop, (edited )

I know this Is an old post, but in the early 2000s 70’s fashion came back in vogue – a 30 years difference. And 30 years ago from today is the 90s, so it makes sense.

I think it’s a result of the 40 year old crowd. They’re a demographic with money and starting to get nostalgic for their childhood, so the market caters to that . Kids get exposed to it, a few trend setters decide it’s cool/vintage, and it takes off from there.


$50 says Putin demanded an audit of their military from top to bottom several weeks into the invasion of Ukraine, and he was very upset to learn the true state of their nuclear capabilities.

“Appear strong where you are weak” is 90% of Putin’s MO.


You know it’s bad when you recognize the user name.


If you had actually read the Wikipedia article:

In 1973, a federal district court in Arizona decided that the act was unconstitutional, and Arizona could not keep the party off the ballot in the 1972 general election (Blawis v. Bolin). In 1961, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the act did not bar the party from participating in New York’s unemployment insurance system (Communist Party v. Catherwood).

So yes, the law passed during the the McCarthy era … and was afterwards declared unconstitutional.

The Communist Party USA is still around and even have a website.

oatscoop, (edited )

Some people have zero spatial awareness and/or an inability to judge speed and distance – their brains just aren’t wired for it. They can be perfectly normal in every other way, and some don’t even realize (or are willing to admit) it’s a problem.


Unfortunately in huge swaths of America a driver’s license is practically a necessity – there are no realistic alternatives. A 30 minute to an hour drive to go to work or get groceries isn’t uncommon.


They are used for planes. The problem is the usable ones are stupidly expensive and/or classified millitary hardware.

oatscoop, (edited )

I own a leather motorcycle jacket I’ve abused for 20+ years that is none of those things, and it wasn’t particularly expensive. I’ve repaired some loose stitches and rub some leather balm into it twice a year.

Yes: garbage quality leather is crap, and most of the “fast fashion” items on the market use trash leather. But decent quality leather will last for decades if you put a minimal amount of care into it. It’s relatively easy to maintain and repair too.

oatscoop, (edited )

I can only speak to the USA, but in my area the number one crop in this area is dent corn and soya. Of the corn grown here 40% goes into ethanol production, and

Commercial poultry production heavily relies on grain – typically corn. It’s the primary ingredient in the processed feed overwhelmingly used for commercial poultry, as seen in this typical mix.

We absolutely grow crops specifically to feed livestock. And this is ignoring the 52 million acres used for alfalfa and hay-grass.


Every generation uses old slang they mistakenly believe they invented.


Fax, no printer.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...


You’re right: nobody is entitled to your vote.

That being said, everyone else has the right to judge and comment on your choice and justification of it.


I’m fairly certain these people are trolling.


I mean … they’re still cats with cat brains – you’re not going to be having deep conversations with them.

The vast majority of their language is body language and you can figure out what they’re “saying” by just looking at them. Also, they’re cats: even if they know what you’re trying to say if it’s something they don’t like they won’t care.

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions (www.vox.com)

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....


Accelerationists come in two flavors: bad actors and morons.


Combined with a working smoke detector outside the bedroom this will save your life. Twice in my career I’ve gone into a house filled with smoke and had to wake people up to inform them their house is on fire.

oatscoop, (edited )


“Hey … so your kitchen is on fire. You should probably grab a pair of pants.”


It’s not, unfortunately. Anything with more than 0.3% delta-9 by dry weight is still “marijuana”.

Hilariously, the farm bill did open the doors for legal delta-8 and delta-10 products – which was certainly not their intention. A lot of states quickly closed that “loophole” though.


I get the impression she has very little “real world” experience, particularly with people.

oatscoop, (edited )

Targeting a smaller, receptive audience is actually better than going after larger and more diverse ones. With the later you’re more likely to get called out for your bullshit.

The former is more likely to listen, and a small echo-chamber will eliminate dissidents. That relatively small core group will gladly modify the message to better appeal to the local/culture they belong to, and spread it wide-and-far while obscuring the original source.

It’s a highly effective strategy: look at Qanon. It started on 8chan of all places, with a tiny userbase behind it.

oatscoop, (edited )

I mean, there’s this.

And this.

He’s also the president: he can make proposals, he can sign executive orders, but he can’t force funding for those things. He can’t wave his hands and pass laws – those are things congress does, and shockingly every single progressive or pro working class idea he or his party backs gets immediately shut down in congress by the GOP.


Not a bad idea, but you’d be relying on the IDF and Hamas not to fuck it up. The odds of a fuck-up increases exponentially with every idiot you add to a situation.


A heavily downvoted 1 month old account.


I have had more “straight” guys send me dick picks and ask if we can hook up (at my place, obviously) than I can count.

oatscoop, (edited )

47, married, DL.


Bonus points if their profile pic very clearly has their wife cropped out.


Compact Flash cards are popular as an HDD replacement in retro computing – with the downside of no sound.

Luckily people have made a device to emulate the sound of a real hard drive.


If you get windows one step above “cheapest available” you get a moveable screen.


The main downside is that you can’t eat raw eggs in the US

You can buy pasteurized eggs, though they can be hard to find. You can also DIY them with a sous vide cooker.


Sous vide is just accurately holding a water bath at a given temperature. You put your food in (in a baggie if necessary) at a specific temperature and time to achieve a consistent “doneness”.

130-140 farenheit for an hour is enough to kill pathogens in eggs, but low enough it doesn’t cook them.


Adobe used to not give a shit about piracy for personal use, and a reasoni t was so easy to pirate. They knew a lot of those kids making memes would grow up to be either paying customers or work for someone that is.

  1. Forrest had a serious intellectual disability, and she almost certainly felt like she was taking advantage of him.

Well you’re entitled to your option … but it’s a dumb one and you should feel bad about having it. Also, I’m going to needless drag unrelated politics into this.

Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed (www.bigtechnology.com)

The new data — comprehensive and definitive — should put to rest the countervailing narratives over Musk’s management of the app. Under his stewardship, X’s daily user base has declined from an estimated 140 million users to 121 million, with a widening gap between people who check the app daily vs. monthly. X’s...


I view the term “social media” as a continuum and not a box. There are degrees of “social media” with the extreme being sites built around using people’s “real-life” identities.

oatscoop, (edited )

Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror

It was the OG Counterstrike that started as an Unreal Tournament mod before getting a standalone release. It was popular for a long time entirely because it had zero anti-piracy built in and it supported modding. The game came out in 1999 and people still play it today.

Got it for $5 in the bargain bin at EB games.

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