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The kids don’t have hats. Does she hate her kids??


It’s just a sparkling apology if it isn’t administered under oath as part of a court pleading.


If you were writing the article you probably wouldn’t get to pick your headline. Headline writing is not an art, it’s a boring science of putting it in the most regular and concise of terms.

He resigned amid allegations of abuse. Those are the cold hard facts. If it turns out that the Christian Monitor how misquoted him or coerced him etc then this outlet might also be liable for claiming something not quite 100% defensible in a court of law.


I don’t believe in the anti christ. But if I did.


In particular, Jesus showing off his wounds was the big evidence it was him and he had come back from the dead. He isn’t just being weird in front of religious people. He is selling himself as the new messiah.


Yes but in a very specific way.


As others pointed out, a lot of factors would go into this decision. How many working hours can she normally put in if the average client only pays for an hour? How much time does she have to spend cleaning herself up between? How much risk is there in taking a new client?

Its pretty similar to working freelance compared to a paycheck. If I wanted to go on my own as a freelancer I could probably charge 2-3x my hourly salary rate as a freelancer. But I’d have to hunt for my next meal. I’d have to figure out all my 1099s. I’d have to change stragies to get new clients… Or I can just work my current corpo job making an OK salary but always know I have a paycheck coming and insurance.


The implication is clear. The art of the deal?


When your turn out game is run by illegal PAC communication and in tandem with the KGB, it probably doesn’t really matter that tween you put in charge.


Yeah I mean in some cases it’s not hard to surmise. Given the context (class, diagram) and how many numbers you have assigned, what formulas are available to you, you might be able to guess the teacher shoved the numbers into the wrong formulas to create the incorrect answers. For some classes simply supplying nearby numbers to the correct response might not be “real” enough.

Student logic is certainly a thing, but I can’t image it much help for the complexity shown in the meme. Basic geometry or math word problems as found in biology or statistics? Yeah sure


Because actually learning will do both. Learning only calculated guesses will only really teach you how to deal with manufactured scenarios. I won’t really even serve you much past high school.



But if their isn’t some human author to your problem, student logic will be way less helpful than logic actually honed by learning how to learn.


Yes I’m implying student logic is only applicable in contexts where a teacher has laid out a test for you to intuit.

Student logic doesn’t apply when you have to come up with a new idea to an actual problem that exists in the real world.

There is value to learning student logic. It shows creativity. It shows a level of understanding of the material and how to be a teacher. But it’s not the same as learning the material.


since November 2023, when a computer malfunction on board the spacecraft caused it to return garbled data.


Apparently it’s on a 12 foot antenna. That’s crazy. I thought for sure they’d be communicating on a much larger dish.

I’d wager the data rate is pretty low, to increase the fidelity.


Biden rigged the DOJ to garner sympathy and also to punish his son for doing too much marihuana


I plan to copy my town in to Roller Coaster Tycoon and use it as a model for how to make choices for my successful mayoral campaign.


Unless he is standing up to Trump and that faction of his own party, it doesn’t really matter

Missing mother found dead inside 16-foot-long python after it swallowed her whole in Indonesia (

A woman has been found dead inside the belly of a snake after it swallowed her whole in central Indonesia, a local official said Saturday, marking at least the fifth person to be devoured by a python in the country since 2017....


They inspected every snake with a hjman sized lump


The Russian shills a year ago were so sure that removing the dollar from the petroleum economy was about to tear down US hegemony, immediately and completely.


Lots of videos could be made with this same title. Part 15!

Trump plans to claim sweeping powers to cancel federal spending: In a second term, allies said the former president would look at funding cuts for the World Health Organization and green energy (

Classically, Congress held the power of the purse, able to both bar and require spending. This imposed a significant limit on Presidential power. With a bought court supporting him, Trump would have significant ability to essentially chart power as a king.


I’ll never make it sadly.

But I dream of a game that kind of looks and feels like a Pokémon game. But you are a witch or herbalist going round the different biomes in a fantasy setting making remedies and potions like a morrowind game.

So obviously there’s be your dying grandma or mentor and some sort of evil overtaking the land. You set out of the city with your knife, shovel and glassware. There’d be a pokedex of plant and animal parts to find and fill out. Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, then maybe also monster parts. There’d probably be a crafting tree like I’m Minecraft. Different biomes, seasons, or biome locations would inevitably have to be gated by tools or potions.

Eventually you’d discover the recipe to make the thing to defeat the BBEG and he’d probably show up to stop you from getting the last and rarest ingredient in the potion. Etc.

Would definitely need to ride the knifes edge of challenging a players knowledge and intuition about botany, as well as tropes in witchcraft and fantasy. Without being too hard, too requiring of memory and notes…

A challenge to making the game? Would need probably 5x the art in an old Zelda or Pokémon game. Talking 200+ unique foraged items, 6+ biomes with sub biome/habitats. Monsters. Townsfolk. Etc. Oh and I’d like have to learn how to code and make art. So yeah. Someone. Please make this game for me. Or tell me it exists.


It’s not like the US says you HAVE to execute someone convicted of treason, right? Even in death penalty states people get the lesser sentence of life with no chance for parole.

I can see why this is maybe the one crime some people ambivalent about the death penalty would want to keep it as an option for: to make sure the traitors supports don’t yank them out of prison and try again.

But if Russia or whomever breaks into a supermax prison to get some spy or politician out, I think the country has worse problems than a traitor on the lose.


It’s the kind of kayfabe he excels at.

I think house arrest and/or parole makes the most sense here. Politically and in reality. Somehow, he’s a first offender. Make him pay to check into a dirty office in NYC once a week, pee in a cup, promise he hasn’t spoken to any other known felons since his last parole check in…

Denies him the martyrdom of a few months in jail, as well as the inane drama he would inevitably force out of it.

As much as I would love to see him in jail, as much as he deserves it… Drug tests and maybe an ankle bracelet would be more realistic.


I’m not an expert on NY law I’m just kind of spitballing about what you hear about parole and house arrest via movies and headlines.


*becomes borg

*contracts auto brewery syndrome

*dies of alcoholism


These are not the action figures you are looking for.


"It’s a truism of the criminal justice system that defendants hoping for lenient treatment at their sentencing are expected to take responsibility for their actions, even express remorse. "

Yep I think one of the biggest things you hire a lawyer for is how to properly cry and beg ahead of sentencing. Some cases you are just boned and you plead guilty and try to convince the judge you are a low risk of future crimes.

This is not something Trump is capable of doing. However maybe all the politics he has played about it will do enough work for him.


I watched the episode recently where I think Dax is on trial for murder? And Sisko is waxing poetic about how he used to pick up chicks with Curzon (and can’t any more?) and then later he’s lamenting that if she were still Curzon he give them a nice punch in the mouth for being so frustrating (but now can’t punch his friend because she’s a woman)

I don’t mean to demean the show or the character Dax, but it was definitely a window into a time where the creators either couldn’t or didn’t want to consider Dax still being attracted to women, but also that it’s totally normal to want to punch your male friends but not your female friend.


Well this might answer the question about whether his lawyers will get paid.


Context for the young and otherwise uninitiated. Casey Anthony was accused and ultimately acquitted of drowning her daughter Caylee. It was all over the news between late 2008 and then 2011. People were NOT happy about the acquittal. But then again, those people were not on the jury.

NeptuneOrbit, (edited )

If I were on SCOTUS I’d tell some PAC to sue and then I’d just automatically hear the case and then I’d rule the Ohio law unconstitutional, because it flies in the face of how a moron thinks our election system goes 🙄

Edit: Down votes and no replies? I guess I dropped my /s


Well it had the most up votes! So clearly it was the most generally useful and true response in the whole thread!


Humor IS a quality though. Human voters are able, in aggregate, able to award certain types of humor. Which an LLM is not able to. Which gets recycled with no context, as fact.

The internet would be a vastly different place if sarcasm and in jokes were not regarded as a type of “quality” content.


Remember when states were not just supposed to choose for the American people?


I’m ironically pointing to SCOTUS saying that even if an insurrectionist cannot be president, and the state of Colorado has a law that the secretary of state must check eligibility, that Colorado cannot bar said insurrectionist, because reasons including a “patchwork” of the states and it must be Congress who makes this decision. I guess if the ballot in Georgia and Florida don’t have identical candidates lists, that’s a constitutional crisis?

And I know it’s different but it’s not really. Ohio just wants democrats to stay home so Brown loses.


See below. I’m ironically calling out the ruling for CO who is not, apparently, according to their state laws, supposed to decide who is eligible to be on the ballot, because that would lead to a patchwork or whatever.

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