jordanlund, avatar

They were OK before the ruling too so long as there’s an ® behind the name.


That’s one thing that drives me fucking crazy, voters let that single letter define if they support policy or hate it. If trump had done and said everything he’s done over the last several years but had a (D) they would hate him. And vice versa.


It’s not a bipartisan issue. Democrats do not have the same slavish adoration for their leaders that Republicans do.


I’m a Democrat and I have a Sexy Shirtless Photo of Genocide Joe Biden on my wall!


They are actually claiming that genocide is the lesser evil, yes, they do have a slavish adoration for their leaders


You’re a god damned idiot if you don’t think there would be at least as much genocide under Trump.


I’m not claiming there wouldn’t be but right now that is speculation, right now. Biden is actively engaging in it

psvrh, avatar

Al Franken quit. Bob Menendez is facing trial. Rod Blagojevich was convicted. Wiener and Cuomo were shamed from office

Jim Jordan is still there. Matt Gaetz is still there. It took comic-book levels of evil to turf Santos.

And then we have Trump.

So no, being critical of your own team isn’t bipartisan. It may have been at one time, but that’s at least thirty years ago.


Another voice calling you out on this bullshit.

Team Blue has kicked and will kick members out who give the party a bad name. Hell, they’ll kick 'em out before the conviction. That doesn’t happen with Republicans, with only Santos (gee, Hispanic name, I wonder why) facing the music for his bullshit in all of the GQP.

Fuck this Both Sides bullshit. It’s not true, and we shouldn’t stand for it.


They kick Henry Cuellar, pro life under federal investigation. They didn’t kick Menendez currently under indictment. They didn’t kick pro life Pelosi.


Trying to find it again, but I had seen a set of polls earlier where they had asked some republicans “Would you be ok with a convicted felon as president?” and other republicans “would you be ok with Trump as president if he were a convicted felon?”, and the ones asked the Trump version had said yes at a much higher rate than the generic question.


They do this for everything, actually. Repubs have no values other than whatever currently benefits their in group.


Trump can’t win with only 58 percent of the Republican vote. He needs somewhere in area of at least 80 - 90 percent. I see this survey result as good news.


Surveys are back to trump beating Biden by several points


The only people answering those sorts of polls are weirdo old people. Which heavily skews towards Crime Boss Donald


According to farmers and rural hickabillies in the countryside of red state usa, Trump has a commanding lead over Biden.


Lmao yeah man I have a weirdo old grandma in Florida and she answers every single poll she can. Bet you can’t imagine who she votes for


Oh jeez they’re full on “Have you ever met a Biden voter? I’ve never met one.” with the heavy insinuation that it’s all fake.


Weird old people jave been dictating American politics for decades


The only people who vote are weirdo old people, so the surveys should be a concern.


Not true.


Polls are also incredibly unreliable this far out in the most unpredictable election the country has seen in recent history.


And if they’re national polls, they mean nothing.

FuglyDuck, avatar

it’s almost like the people funding these polls want to convince people that lots of others are voting for Trump too, so it’s okay to vote for a insurrectionist, rapist, and convicted felon.


Your government doesn’t think he’s an insurrectionist. The department of Justice won’t even bring charges of it

FuglyDuck, avatar

Half the government are scared of looking partisan and the other half are equally guilty.

Presumption of innocence isn’t a statement of fact- it is a presumption meant to inform proceedings at (and before,) trial so as to protect civil liberties; and while in that context is important, the reality that Trump and his supporters/puppet masters have incited insurrection is incontrovertible. We watched it happen live


have incited insurrection is incontrovertible.

Too bad the DOJ doesnt think so

FuglyDuck, avatar

Then it’s a good thing that fact and truth don’t rely on what complicit assholes think, isn’t it?


Until the doj charges him, it means absolutely nothing

FuglyDuck, avatar

Keep telling yourself that.


Except for these charges, right?…/trump-january-6-charges-indictment-coun….


If you’ll notice, not a single one of those mentions insurrection


Polls don’t mean shit. When the time comes, go out and vote!


This isn’t a poll of all voters, it’s a poll of Republican voters. Interpret it as you wish, but you have no evidence that it doesn’t mean shit.


Evidence: it is a poll


Start ignoring all polls then don’t be surprised when you fail badly.


I paid attention to the polls in 2016 and thought Trump didn’t stand a chance, so I voted 3rd party like I always do. I was wrong. I no longer pay attention to polls.


Well good for you, but this poll isn’t about the general. It is no different than opinion surveys taken every day. It has nothing to do with the electoral college.


I paid attention to polls, as well. They swung wildly around as the news cycle shifted between bad news for Trump and bad news for Hillary. Then, Comey’s letter drops at the perfect time (deliberate or not) to bring Hillary’s numbers just low enough to give Trump an edge in key states. That happened too late for any new polls to absorb the info before the election.

When was giving around 75% chance for a Hillary victory, that doesn’t mean her victory was assured. It means Trump needed to flip two coins and have them both come up heads.

Polls aren’t useless. They are a statistical tool. People applied them badly.


Comey’s stunt was deliberate AF. And it was an unforgivable crime that likely leads to the US becoming a dictatorship. If I were in Comey’s presence, I’d spit in his face for what he did.


His message here is that Republicans can SAY whatever they want to to pollsters, and there’s a movement out on Team Pepe to do just that.

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality, judiciously, as you will, we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

Never forget that.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

You’re assuming they’re not going to vote for him, and you’re wrong


58 percent are OK with it. 42% aren’t ok with it, but it’s still “Better than Biden”


They’re okay with it because they know this was nothing more than political persecution

Riccosuave, avatar

Then why was Michael Cohen convicted? Was that a political persecution too, or are you just crying foul because somebody finally held your knuckle-dragging god king to account for once in his miserably pathetic fucking existence?


9 jurors agreed on by both prosecution and defense decided unanimously that the crimes occurred and he was guilty of them. How is that political?


It’s political because the person you’re responding to is a fucking moron.


12 jurors, my dude.


Even better… I’m cracking up over here.


Well, his username checks out.


"Joe Biden or anyone from his Justice Department has absolutely zero to do with the Manhattan District Attorney office, they have no jurisdiction over him, they have no contact with him, they have no control certainly over him. So to say that Joe Biden brought this case is one of the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. We know that’s not the case and even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”

— Former Trump lawyer Joe Tacopina, quoted by NBC News.…/former-trump-lawyer-says-ridiculous…

You are repeating a story designed for the rubes.

experbia, avatar

You are repeating a story designed for the rubes.

Trying to shame conservatives like this doesn’t work. They’re actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities. It’s their entire identity. They see this and think “hell yeah, you don’t want me repeating the story?? I better do it harder anyway!” - it doesn’t matter that you are actually saying “btw this makes you look very dumb and gullible”, all they heard was “i don’t like this”, and since you’re The Enemy™, they love what you don’t and hate what you do, and they double down on whatever it was, to Win Harder™.

This is why they’ll often seem to take self-defeating or self-contradictory positions, and if you point that out, they take it as winning against you twice (instead of proving themselves wrong) and go straight to calling you a loser and patting themselves on the back.


That’s why you hit them where it hurts. Into their little fragile egos, don’t even take them serious. Laugh at their face, show them they’re just clowns, dumber than monkeys

That’s how I “argue” with people that don’t act in good faith anyway. It works because “winning” is sooo important to them but those idiots aren’t even close to would be competition anyway


I love how you people don’t even question your own absurd narratives. Just pure self-righteous arrogance and the certainty that everyone but you is stupid. You’re utterly incapable of even considering people who disagree with you as fully human, and then are legitimately surprised when the people you look down on with arrogant contempt loathe and hate you.

experbia, avatar

You’re utterly incapable of even considering people who disagree with you as fully human

I’ve said and believe nothing of the sort. you’re confusing my ideology with the fascist dehumanizing ideology your party espouses to justify inhuman practices against foreigners and domestic minorities.

surprised when [we] loathe and hate you

this doesn’t surprise me at all. your entire political ideology would collapse if you didn’t unconditionally loathe someone. you’re putting the cart before the horse.

certainty that everyone but you is stupid

well, if someone does things that are really stupid over and over, is told that they’re stupid and provided evidence accordingly, but continues to do so anyway… quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, probably is. it’s hard to see it otherwise. I actively try to remember there’s a real person with a rich internal life on the other end, despite what you think otherwise, and despite the lack of reciprocal consideration from Republicans.


I’ve said and believe nothing of the sort.

So you didn’t say “They’re actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities?” Because it’s right there on my screen and I was able to copy and paste it from your comment, which shouldn’t be possible if you didn’t say it.

this doesn’t surprise me at all. your entire political ideology would collapse if you didn’t unconditionally loathe someone.

You’re projecting. It’s your political ideology that is based on unconditional hatred. I doubt you could even begin to explicate the conservative ideology in broad strokes, let alone specifics. Like many liberals, you think conservatism is entirely an expression of bigotry and closed-mindedness. That is a deeply ignorant and self-congratulatory belief that people like you cling to because it prevents you from questioning your own ideology, and is, in fact, an expression of your own close-minded bigotry.

I actively try to remember there’s a real person with a rich internal life on the other end

Wow, You have really pulled the wool over your own eyes. You reduce everyone on the right to idiots who are proud to be gullible victims, and then pretend you try to think of your political enemies as people with actual internal lives? No you don’t. Stop bullshitting yourself.

experbia, avatar

So you didn’t say “They’re actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities?”

i did indeed say that. what I didn’t say - and what I was clearly referring to with that quote you’ve pulled about me not saying a thing - is that I don’t view them as human, as you insinuated I said. if that’s your interpretation, you are incorrect. perhaps you’ve gotten confused by which part of my response correlates to which part of your messages. or perhaps you’re intentionally misconstruing it to make it appear as though you’re “dunking on me”, as usual for arguments with conservatives.

I doubt you could even begin to explicate the conservative ideology in broad strokes

i doubt it too, because there is a constant fundamental disconnect between what conservatism purports to be and what it actually practices. I doubt it’s possible for you to explicate it either in a way that isn’t immediately contradicted with the actions taken by your leaders and community, too. the closest thing to a stable ideology conservatism has had in the past 20 years is “liberals are the enemy: do the opposite of whatever they say, even if we were telling you to do it 10 minutes ago”.

No you don’t. Stop bullshitting yourself.

perhaps I should have emphasized “try”. it gets harder with every interaction with yet another deranged conservative lunatic who wants to make me illegal or dead because my mere quiet existence is somehow a threat to their misplaced feelings of superiority. I’m only human.

i’m sleepy so let’s wrap it up like you all like to do: This has been fun, thanks for taking the L.


what I didn’t say - and what I was clearly referring to with that quote you’ve pulled about me not saying a thing - is that I don’t view them as human, as you insinuated I said. if that’s your interpretation, you are incorrect.

I said “You’re utterly incapable of even considering people who disagree with you as fully human.” What I meant is that you see them as “actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities,” which portrays them as less than fully human. You are viewing them as caricatures of people, not as people.

i doubt it too, because there is a constant fundamental disconnect between what conservatism purports to be and what it actually practices. I doubt it’s possible for you to explicate it either in a way that isn’t immediately contradicted with the actions taken by your leaders and community, too.

Conservative ideology emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, values, and practices, advocating for a cautious approach to change. It values individual responsibility, limited government intervention, free-market economics, and the protection of personal freedoms. Conservatives often stress the importance of maintaining social order, national security, and a strong sense of community and cultural heritage. They believe that established traditions and institutions are time-tested and should be upheld to ensure societal stability and continuity.

Any contradictions are likely explained by a liberal’s misunderstanding of the concept of personal freedoms, which is best understood as the freedom to act within the bounds of moral behavior. Because conservatives value sanctity and liberals do not (see Haidt), liberals are often confused why conservatives can claim to value freedom while seeking to repress sacrilegious activities.

i’m sleepy so let’s wrap it up like you all like to do: This has been fun, thanks for taking the L.

When you have to declare premature victory, you are only making it obvious you can’t defend yourself.


Because conservatives value sanctity and liberals do not (see Haidt), liberals are often confused why conservatives can claim to value freedom while seeking to repress sacrilegious activities.

It sounds like you’re just describing/defending Christofascism. You don’t get to define my morality and then claim it’s freedom.

Brunbrun6766, avatar

It’s like when that one uncle does something stupidly embarrassing in public, but you’re less embarrassed at what he’s doing/saying and more at how absolutely stupid it’s making HIM look and by extension you for being with him in this public setting. Then he doubles down and decides to keep doing it over and over because he’s “just messing with you” and by the end everyone in the room, thinks he’s a moron, and you’ve lost all respect for him.

That’s MAGA idiots.


We’ll see if they turn over the communications between the Whitehouse and the DA’s, which I doubt they will do. And you’d have to be pretty naive to think that the number 3 guy in the justice department just decided right before the Trump trial to demote himself to work for the local DA in New York that just happened to be the same office that persecuted Trump. Why would anyone ever do something like that?


Oh look, the newest entrant for my right-wing nut tag!

Btw, you missed the exit for Twitter/Truth Social, it’s back there


Ugh I gotta buy a subscription to tag in Sync


I thought it was just a feature of Lemmy, but ig it’s a Boost built-in feature lol


What a nice feature! I wish I had that.

Spitzspot, avatar

Ty for the tip!


This reminds me of the flat earthers or the moon landing conspiracy theorists. At some point, the number of people colluding becomes so great, it must be a miracle.


Not a miracle, it’s what you call corruption



jordanlund, avatar

If it were political, then Michael Cohen wouldn’t have been prosecuted and imprisoned for the same crime, in which Donald Trump was “Individual 1”.

That was 2018, who was President in 2018? 🤔

JoMiran, avatar
EleventhHour, avatar

Oh, look, Republican hypocrisy.


Just another Tuesday.


To the surprise of absolutely no one.


They're OK with having a convicted criminal for president. He was a criminal for the entire term.

0110010001100010, avatar

He’s been a criminal for all of his adult life. He’s just rich and white and flew under the radar enough. If he had just fucked off into retirement on some island rather than becoming president (and committing more crimes) you’d probably never hear about him anymore and he could have lived in peace.


They say some people are so poor, all they have is money.

But he got tired of money, he gets off on power and being the prophet of his little cult


yeah but then he wouldn’t be the megalomaniac that he is

NovaPrime, avatar

He’s no Jesus. Certainly no fucking Elvis.


Nelson Mandela was a convicted criminal when he was elected president of South Africa. Vaclav Havel was a convicted criminal when he was elected president of the Czech Republic. Corrupting the legal system to criminalize political opposition does very little to make a political figure less popular. Often, it just makes them martyrs.


Trump is no Mandela. And something tells me Trump’s supporters would feel very different about voting for someone like Mandela…


Kind of missing the point there, bub.


Nah, it’s you missing the point.

Trump wasn’t convicted for who he was. He doesn’t get a pass because of who he is or the fact he’s running for President, either. A jury of 12 people unanimously declared that the prosecution proved their case 34 times. Any one of them could have said no to the charges. In fact, one seemed to be very interested in that course of action. But in a room with only 11 other people, he weighed the evidence, considered the charges, listened to the arguments made by both the Defence and Prosecution, and then, with all of that weighing on his mind, and with the added weight of his conscience, came to the conclusion that he couldn’t get Trump off on a SINGLE charge.

Put Trump’s supporters on a jury for a trial of a Black man doing the shit Trump did, they’d ABSOLUTELY convict that Black man of the charges they insist were cooked up for Trump on the exact same evidence, WHILE protesting that Trump was unfairly convicted by “Demoncrat plants and lawyers and Deep State Operatives”. Fortunately, our court system is designed to filter out these kinds of people, which is why I don’t buy your bullshit about ‘corrupting the legal system’. It’s not corrupted, despite all the effort Team Pepe puts into it. Now buzz off with your nonsense.

mosiacmango, (edited )

Corrupting the legal system to criminalize political opposition does very little to make a political figure less popular. Often, it just makes them martyrs.

It’s a good thing that didn’t happen. Having an independent state prosecutor bring state crimes in front of a jury of his peers in a public trial has been a great example of democracy working as intended.




Of course they are. They would love to have a mob boss as a supreme dictator.


And the Olympic Games in shifting the goal post has officially opened!


The goalpost is only red because the goalpost is moving so fast away


I actually got this reference 😂

OpenStars, avatar

This surely will end well.

This surely won’t like, embolden anyone, to do anything, or anything crazy like that.


34 Felonies is fine and dandy with the party of law and order. Fucking clowns.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Of course they are. How is this news? They’re scum. Scum is scum.


The head of Nixon in a jar must be super pissed right about now


Still pisses me off that Ford didn’t pardon Nixon for a crime, he pardoned him for a crime he might have done. A then reasonable SCOTUS would probably overturned it. BTW, charges were being drawn up by a young promising attorney on the Watergate Committee, Hillary Clinton.


The Party of Law and Order!

SpaceCowboy, avatar

The GOP is truly the party of Law & Order!


You’re trying to paint the GOP as hypocrites, but it doesn’t work because your own hypocrisy is too obvious. Liberals don’t care about law & order. Trump isn’t being prosecuted because the left has suddenly become champions of justice. Everyone can see how the law is being perverted to persecute Trump for the political threat he represents.

The only people you’re fooling is yourselves. Nobody else is buying this.


Fuck off.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

The guy is a shady New York real estate guy that’s been defrauding people his whole life. He finally gets convicted of one of the many crimes he’s committed and it’s political?

He’s a criminal, always has been, always will be. But most of the GOP is too chicken shit to admit it, so Republican Party is going to nominate a convicted felon to be their candidate for President.

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