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To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules. (

The most common argument used in defense of mass surveillance is ‘If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’. Try saying that to women in the US states where abortion has suddenly become illegal. Say it to investigative journalists in authoritarian countries. Saying ‘I have nothing to hide’ means you stop...


It literally happened in the US with period tracker app data getting subpoenaed in a state with an abortion ban.


The way it was explained to me was that regardless of gender, if you see someone in the woods, there might be other people nearby and they might pose a serious threat to you. Bears don’t really gang up on people, so you should be okay if you keep your distance.

I don’t know whether or not I agree with that risk assessment, but I can see that it comes from a logical standpoint.

Pardon me, do you have the rule? (

A comic strip titled “WONDERMARK by David Malki!” featuring five panels. In the first panel, a dodo bird asks a seated man, “Pardon me, do you have the time?” The man responds, “Yes, it’s—”. In the second panel, the dodo exclaims, “You have the time!” The third panel shows multiple dodos excitedly saying,...


Everyone else:

“Pardon me, do you have the time?”



That doesn’t matter. You don’t get to just unlitaterally revoke something people paid for because they didn’t want to sign up for an account at a company that was unrelated to Minecraft when they bought the game. This should be illegal.


That doesn’t matter. If you buy a house and miss a sentence buried in page 2,784 of the agreement that says that the previous owner can arbitrarily decide to take the house back whenever they feel like it, that still won’t hold up in court. Digital products need to work the same way.


If replicators existed in our universe, they would probably have some sort of DRM built-in and make you pay a fee to the people who made the patterns it replicates whenever you use it. This would naturally progress to bundles and subscriptions, just like how we went from digitally “buying” movies to paying for streaming services that give us access to a large bundle of media. There would also be no way around this because whoever invented the technology would be the only one selling it and the DRM would likely be hardware-level.


If they can prove you got a bunch of gold with a loan and then your descendants suddenly have a bunch of gold, but they can’t prove it’s the same gold, is that enough to make the descendants pay back the loan?

What if you did it with Monero to make it impossible to prove it’s the same money?


As it is now, only people who read about it or live there and try to find the song will ever even know about the block. If Google refused and was kicked out of Hong Kong, just about every single citizen would notice and the government would have to explain precisely why they decided to ban all Google services over a song about freedom. I don’t think the people in charge would last long if that happened, considering how integral Google’s services are to many people’s lives.


Oh ok :(


I don’t even like tankies, but this one didn’t say anything wrong.

I just finished setting up Linux Mint for an old buddy of mine on his old dog of a laptop, rendering it useful once again! (

Edit 2: to everyone suggesting an SDD: i know. Look, if this guy had enough $$$ for an SSD, he could buy a used lappy less than half the age of this one that has an ssd and 2-3x the memory....


I got a laptop with an HDD a while back because I’m an idiot “more storage space hurr durr!”

It took 10-15 minutes to boot and another 5-10 just to open a web browser when it was running Windows 10. Even once stuff was open, everything was so laggy that it wasn’t really usable. I’d miss a solid chunk of whatever we were supposed to be doing on our laptops in class when I was using it for that.

Linux changed EVERYTHING. It boots in just a couple of minutes and only needs a minute or two to settle itself before things start running smoothly. I even managed to play Hollow Knight on it with no lag!

People don’t realize how bloated Windows is until they try Linux. If your computer is slow and was made in the last 10 years, no it isn’t, your OS is.


I think this may not be a bad way to teach kids the dangers of compound interest, but only if you refund the excess interest afterwards because actually tricking your kid into draining their bank account in interest is a dick move.


That’s why you let them think they lost a bunch of money for a few moments before giving it all back and telling them you love them, but that not everyone loves them in the same way and that real bankers won’t be so kind.


My concern is that this race to the bottom is so that they can intentionally become unsustainable due to ad blockers. From there, they may be able to get Congress to ban ad blocking altogether.


Well, I would just keep watching without signing in, then. Losing out on recommendations would be mildly annoying, but I could still access my subscription feed by being signed in on one window and copying video links to another one where I’m not.


That’s why I’d sign out ASAP if they made the announcement. It’d also definitely light a fire under my ass to start switching things to ProtonMail.


I don’t think it was very well-known in 2014. Besides, “everyone should know that this is a scam” isn’t a reason to make scams legal.


It’s not even just the technical barriers. Lemmy has technical barriers and still works fine. Matrix is soooooo fucking SSSSSSLLLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW. A simple chat program that takes longer to load a channel than it takes for my aging PC to boot an AAA game is simply unusable. This is 2024, not 1994.


Wouldn’t let your friend leave? So, false imprisonment, or because it’s in a car, kidnapping?


No, some guy named Taylor has to train the model for you.


I felt like ENT had potential for greatness given its premise, but every single time time travel was involved, it actively made the show worse. It was supposed to be all about the early beginnings of the Federation and the first Enterprise’s journey into the unknown, but they kept interrupting it with random temporal cold war bullshit that nobody cares about.


That’s crazy lol, it was soooooo bad! I felt like that and some of the attempts to appeal specifically to straight men were the things that ruined an otherwise very interesting show.


I don’t understand (from a technical standpoint) why they can’t just ship a dual boot that only partitions any real space for an OS once you actually use it. Linux is what, 2-3GB on its own with a DE? You could use less than 1% of a modern computer’s storage to give users the option to activate and allocate space to an already-working Linux install whenever they feel like it, and if they really need those few gigs and don’t want Linux, they could just delete it.


Maybe they already knew about Q. It’d be kinda funny if they didn’t and were completely perplexed.


only to be keenly aware at all moments of how pollution, deforestation, and climate change is damaging the forest in real time.

There is no evidence to suggest that fungi are conscious.


I am not saying bacteria are conscious. I am saying that as a fungus (or bacterium), you wouldn’t be aware of environmental collapse because you wouldn’t be aware of anything. You wouldn’t suffer.


Are you seriously trying to argue that fungi have a level of consciousness or sentience because they have simple chemical processes that guide their growth based on external stimulus?

I suppose you must also believe that growing Chorus Plants in Minecraft are self-aware because they don’t grow through blocks.


I just tried it with Copilot and all four results matched the prompt. No humans. Which one did you use?

AeroLemming, (edited )

It looks like the changelog is on the Play Store, but there is no actual update yet. I didn’t even know that was possible.

Edit: It was because I bought the game on an old account.


How can they prevent you from hosting unofficial events? What legal basis do they have for it?


I hate that. Thanks for the response.


Why is it legal to bait and switch people by adding ads after you pay for it? Every single TV should be refunded.


I also think that all consumer hardware should have mandatory open source APIs and, when viable, a way to replace the current software.


I fucking loved the Forsaken expansion and felt that it was worth the money. I got Black Armory not realizing it wasn’t an expansion like Forsaken and was so fucking disappointed. I eventually quit because they kept making the game worse.


Google’s “did you mean”: 💪 Gboard’s autocorrect: 💩


$110??? That’s over 15 hours of labor at minimum wage. Holy shit.


This is why all games should use independent forums moderated by passionate community members. If only there was some federated, open source platform they could move to in order to discuss the game anonymously and without repercussions from the devs…


I don’t understand why they should give a shit. I mean, I know it’s because they’re litigious pricks, but there’s no real reason for them to care. Nobody sits around reading AI-generated lyrics instead of listening to actual music.


Haha Godot go brrrrrrr


There are a lot of game engines out there. Godot is a good engine if you’re jumping from Unity because it’s a lot more similar to Unity than some other engines and they both can use C#.


Yeah, at least if they’re not free-to-play. Publishers have shown time and time again that you can NOT trust them with your money. Only pay for something if you know exactly what you’re getting.


I know you bought your car 10 years ago, but you refused to make an account with the company that bought your car dealer out after you bought a car from them, so now we’re repossessing it.

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