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I couldn’t believe it when the portrait was revealed. The first time I saw it was actually in a meme made by Elden Ring fans, which put the portrait in the context of scarlet rot afflicted Caelid. It was hilarious how not-out-of-place it looked


When I was at university, the student union had a small fund for creative projects that weren’t related to your degree. Many of the people who applied for cameras also included Adobe licenses on their funding application, because many of them were new to film or photography so they defaulted to what is “industry standard”, because that’s what the majority of online tutorials are available for.


Oh, one Discord feature I really like is how it doesn’t have the ability to mass mute servers so that you’re not pinged awake at 3am by someone tagging @everyone. You can either turn off notifications for everything, or go through servers one by one.



I’ve been meaning to check out matrix, so thanks for making this post, maybe it’ll push me to do it finally.

Also, I love your dress, it’s got such a cute pattern and fit (and speaking of fit, masterful camera work/posing — I can never figure out how to do a flattering shot when taking full body pictures, but this is great)


Non Credible Defence is a community on Lemmy (I forget which instance) that seems to be about the Ukraine-Russian war, favouring the Ukrainian side (I think). I’m uncertain of this because the most distinctive aspect of NCD is the “shitposty” approach to what is sometimes really dark war stuff, which makes discerning their “stance” difficult. I’ve seen some people denounce NCD and argue that it’s inappropriate to make light of the realities of the war with memes, but I can also see the argument that NCD is at least partly satirical, and that people have been coping with the horrors of war by making light of it for millennia. I haven’t spent much time in that community myself, so take my explanation with a pinch of salt.

It’s easier to answer your first question about Raytheon. They’re an American (I think) military manufacturer who are profiting absurdly from Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestine. Arms manufacturers and other corporations putting rainbows on stuff during June is always a bit cringe, but it’s more offensive than ever. N.b. I don’t know if Raytheon has actually done any pride branding or if that logo in the image is created for meme purposes.


My best friend died a few years ago. He was a dumbass with his passwords and I did tech support for him a few times, so I knew his password. It’s nice to be able to share his games with friends (many of whom already had library sharing set up, but it needs to be redone if a sharee switches devices, I think). I was talking about this issue to some friends recently, because we were lucky to have my friend’s details. How grim it is to be on the forefront of this question, eh?


My ex cried when watching this scene for the first time after coming out as trans


It’s an outfit from a particular episode where she sings a song that’s one of the first overt gay hints

Edit:’s a bop


One of my favourite biochemistry tutors at university was also a reverend. We never spoke about the overlap but I’ve read his books since graduating and it’s interesting to see how his faith augments his science and vice versa.


I don’t understand this joke, is anyone willing to explain it for me?


I was wondering where the weird w-like symbol formed by the brownie pan means something.


I’m familiar with edging, but I’m not sure I see the joke. That might be because “edge” feels somewhat semantically separate to “edging” in my mind. As a clearer example of what I mean, if the word “edgy” came up, I would be way more likely to think of it as describing someone or something that tries too hard to be dark and provocative. I’d be very confused if someone used “edgy” as an adjectivified form of “edging”.

Besides that though, I’m sure that edging was a thing 15 years ago; the Wikipedia article for “edging(sexual practice)” dates back to 2006, for one. Part of why I didn’t get the joke is because I can’t think of any logical link between edging and 15 years ago, so I think I concluded that the meme wasn’t about the sex thing.

Is there still something I’m missing, or am I just being supremely autistic about this?


The trick is that you don’t actually need to be willing to burn down your house, you just have to make other people believe that you would.


I’m glad for people like you, because I’ve spent a good chunk of my life desperately wishing to be in that club, and then another chunk being sad that I wouldn’t be able to be. I was miserable and latched onto something that I believed would alleviate it, but I nowadays definitely think I’m happier not being in that club.


I think I mostly just wanted to be in the "so rich I never have to think about money again. Growing up super poor left its marks on me and now even though I am relatively secure and comfortable, I still have a background anxiety about whether I’ll have enough.

There’s an instinct within me that screams that I shouldn’t share resources with other people unless I’m sure I have more than enough for myself. If I indulged that instinct, that would mean that in a situation where there’s enough for everyone, I’d feel most comfortable with 3 or more shares, because then even if I gave away one of my shares to someone else, I’d still have what I need, plus some buffer. There’s a reason I work very hard to not indulge that instinct though, because I don’t want to hoard at the expense of other people like me.

Like I say, it’s just part of a wish of not having to think about money at all. I had some very rich friends in uni, and sometimes they’d shop in places where the clothes didn’t have price tags, the kinds of places where if you had to ask, you couldn’t afford it. I envied the fact that they didn’t have to think about money more than I did the material luxuries they could afford


I agree, the fact that the painting was never titled or displayed publicly adds a lot to the work. It was just in his dining room, alongside other similar paintings, if I recall. That context makes the already unnerving work hit harder. Thanks for sharing this tidbit


That was very cool, thanks for sharing.

I would argue seeing the barn makes it even sillier, but in a good way.


My late best friend and I came up with a bunch of these. “Morrowind in VR” meant “the absurd enthusiasm and dedication of nerds” or an endeavour requiring such. Often said with a shrug when responding to someone surprised at an impressive endeavour. E.g. "oh my god, someone made a 32bit computer inside of Terraria!"

Another one that my medievalist friend came up with when I made her watch this episode of Star Trek was “TV archivists with white gloves”, because it really annoys her to see archivists on TV wearing white gloves when that hasn’t been best practice for years — consensus is that they reduce dexterity and make cracking pages more likely, and that skin oils are way less of a risk (especially if you wash your hands before handling manuscripts, as you should). She speculates that white gloves have become a signifier of expertise, and that’s why they persist. I like this particular phrase as an attempt at Tamarian because it captures aspects of how pop culture understanding takes so long to that it is often straight-up wrong.


Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious. It’s a baby shredder. What gets me is imagining a bunch of people in an office figuring out what scale to print out the UN charter so it would fit in the tiny shredder.


It reminds me of an article I read recently about Ukrainian porn actress Josephine Jackson, who used her notoriety to raise money and awareness for disabled veterans…/josephine-jackson-ukraine-porn-star…


Big agree. I also want the option of having evil, edgy queers who aren’t from the mirror universe, but that would only make sense against a backdrop of more representation in general


Are you familiar with If not, you might like it. It’s a blog by a historian named Brett Devereaux and there’s a decent amount of interesting Ancient Greek content on there. I particularly enjoyed his series on the pop culture understanding of Sparta Vs actual history: (…/collections-this-isnt-sparta-part-i-…)

What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?

I’m working on a some materials for a class wherein I’ll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we’re including a section we’re calling “foot guns”. Basically it’s ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers....


Man, that’s a really dumb story that I find really relatable despite not having had any experiences like that. It feels like it’d be very in character for me though. Thanks for sharing, it helps me feel less silly in the various times where I’ve messed up (of which I am struggling to recall specific examples, but whatever brain part is responsible for embarrassment can remember, apparently)


Oh no, that’s horrifying.


Not got any computer related stories from my messed up family, but I can relate to many of the vibes here. Solidarity on the family front.


Oh man, Clockwork mod, that takes me back. Although I had my android phone for a while before I built up the courage to root it, in part due to stories like yours


(RTFM = Read the Fucking Manual)

Adding this because I only learned this acronym just last week, and wish to share the knowledge with anyone else like me)


Neat idea, I hope I’ll remember this when I’m setting up my next server.


Overall science TL;DR

Relatively large single-celled organisms such as amoeba often engulf and digest other, smaller micro-organisms. Sometimes they’re not digested and the smaller one just continues living inside the big one. This is a big deal because it’s how we got mitochondria, which are thought to be descended from free-living, parasitic, tiny bacteria. As we all know, mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, and indeed, without mitochondria, complex life as we know it could never have evolved. Chloroplasts also evolved this way.

There’s been a lot of debate about at what point the little bacterium on the inside stops being thought of as a bacterium and starts being more of an organelle, because it’s not just as simple as one organism inside another one, because symbiosis (a mutually beneficial relationship) isn’t a binary condition. One facet of symbiosis that I find cool is the exchange of genetic material — did you know that mitochondria have their own genome that’s much smaller than ours, and that mitochondrial genomes are inherited from your mum? Genes from the host cell can be transported to the little cell, and vice versa. They can become more optimised, just like how if you moved from a tiny, person flat into a fully equipped 5 bed family home, you might throw away your rusty tin opener.

Most of how this happened with mitochondria and chloroplasts is speculative because of how incredibly improbable this “endosymbiont event” would have been, but now we’re getting to see that gradient of endosymbiosis play out, this time with a nitrogen-fixing (captures nitrogen from the air) and an algae. It’s very cool, and I’m glad to learn of it.

If you find this stuff cool, one of my favourite pop-sci books I’ve ever read is Nick Lane’s “Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life” — I read it the year before going to uni to study biochemistry and it was accessible, but I learned a ton! Message me if you want a pdf link.


Sometimes my heart wants to resent people like you for having supportive parents, but that’s coming from an hurt and irrational part of me that’s valid, but not useful to listen to. I’m glad that people like you and your parents exist, and I’m glad for your comment here, because even though I’m a long way away from my parents, it’s useful to be reminded that my experience was not normal and it wasn’t okay. Thanks for helping remind me and hopefully others that we deserve(d) a safe family home


I hadn’t thought about it this way. Even more reason to hate this stupid, hateful, legislation.


Auntie Dawn, I realise you’re probably more like me than I realised. Especially because my family probably call me a bitch who’s ashamed of her working class background now too.


I agree - it can be overwhelming to constantly be reminded of areas in which one is lacking in knowledge (like when having to learn how to solve a relatively simple error), but the availability of learning resources really helps avoid demoralisation.


I actually had to go and reread the post because I didn’t get a scare quote vibe from it and had to double check what part you were referencing. My interpretation of that was more critiquing/mocking views that treat science as a monolith, especially Established Science™. Of course, there are areas of science that are considered to be “settled matters” (or at least, more settled than most), but it’s more productive to think of science as an ongoing process rather than an established body of knowledge. Like, I think the useful part is the way we consider what we consider to be established knowledge and learn from that. This is especially true in fields where new technology can place established knowledge in a new light.

I think that Twitter OP was more poking at people who use science in their appeal to authority arguments. Often what these people call science, I would call Scientism. Now that I reread it though, I can see the possible scare quote vibes


I think people who are bored with the game are just playing it wrong. Imo, if we take into account the potential for user created cosmetic skins, it’s better viewed as a kind of creative sandbox. I’m running a stars and squares theme at the moment that looks so good, but I’ve rarely seen anyone else use them.

I feel like comments like this are completely missing the point of the game — the metagame is what turned so many players away, and that’s probably for the best, because we want people who are in it for the love of the game, not just winning. It’s why reskins are great, because it forces me to view the game in a whole new light without having to sacrifice any of the core gameplay that I love.



It’s a long video, but this video by Philosophy Tube explains why it’s definitely a trans rights problem, not just the broken NHS. The long wait times across the board is what makes the trans healthcare side of it so outrageous, because it’s structured in a way that takes an already bad problem (shortage of services) and makes it so much worse through gatekeeping and bureaucracy.

Your comment also inadvertently highlights one of the especially insidious aspects of UK trans healthcare being broken and nonsense — it’s fairly common knowledge that the NHS is on its knees, so activism aimed at making trans healthcare less shit is often perceived as an attempt to “jump the queue” so to speak, which feeds into anti-trans sentiment. (To be clear, no negativity is intended towards you here, I think that unless you have direct experience of trans healthcare in the UK, it’s hard to know just how bad it is).

I was going to give a couple of examples of the kind of gatekeeping I mean, but I’m bad at brevity; if you’re someone who watches video essays, I would strongly recommend the Philosophy Tube one above. It’s even pretty entertaining, for such a grim topic.


I read your comment and desperately wanted to reply with something reassuring, but you’re right, it’s utterly fucked and it’s terrifying. It makes it hard to be hopeful. This is probably the opposite of “reassuring”, but I’d rather acknowledge how awful things are and be here with you for a moment than to scroll by. I’m cis, but being in community with trans folk in the UK has made it clearer than ever that none of us are free until all of us are free. Sympathy and solidarity to you, and the strength to keep resisting.


This may be an inappropriate comment given the context of the article, but her eyeliner is excellent, it looks great. I hope I can look half as elegant if I’m ever arrested for resisting authoritarianism.


Yeah, it took me a moment to get it, but then I was like “oh, neat! That’s very clever”


That reminds me of a fairly recent article about research around visualisation systems to aid with interpretable or explainable AI systems (XAI). The idea was that if we can make AI systems that explain their reasonings, then they can be a useful tool, especially in the hands of domain experts.

Turns out that actually, the fancy visualisations that made it easier to understand how the model had come to a conclusion actually made subject matter experts less accurate in catching errors. This surprised researchers and when they later tried to make sense of it, they realised that they had inadvertently dialled up people’s likelihood to trust the model because it looked legit.

One of my favourite aphorisms is “all models are wrong, some are useful.” Seems that the tricky part is figuring out how wrong and how useful.


Oh man, as someone who’s been interfacing with a lot of university bureaucracy lately, this is so on point it hurts. I feel like you could get a press release from my university and swap in some Star Trek words and it’d be a similar vibe.

Jewish settlers set their sights on Gaza beachfront (

Mrs Weiss heads a radical settler organisation called Nachala, or homeland. For decades, she has been kickstarting Jewish settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, on Palestinian land captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war. Some in the settler movement have cherished the dream - or pipedream - of...


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