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What are his faults?

Genuine question.


You mean there’s no weird creatures created from humans by the effects of FTL?

Hold on, I gotchu


Warp ten baby, infinite velocity!


Well, I read both.

Seems a bit sensationalist. I don’t consider him any worse than before.


Reject humanity — return to axolotl?


You know, as someone who’s been a cashier and a taxi driver, I can see both of those being vaguely plausible.

Probably moreso if businesses actually embraced remote work.

Republican Admits Impeachment Probe Hasn't Found Any Crime by Joe Biden

Representative Don Bacon, a Nebraska Republican, told NBC News’ Kristen Welker on Sunday that according to lawyers hired by Congress, “at this point, there’s not a specific crime that’s been committed” by President Joe Biden in the impeachment probe against him.


I’m just adding this comment for engagement.

Any Finns here would appreciate me joking about how my vote was the 609th? Not because of 69, but because of 609_uu


The theif could simply be allergic to something in her milk that’s not in the creamer.

So… hypothetically… I make my own lunch and bring it to work. It has peanuts. And perhaps some flu virus I’m carrying. You steal it and eat it. You get sick.

And… I’m* somehow responsible?

It’s unreasonable to think you can steal things out of open containers and expect “proper labeling”.


The EU also has a mutual defense clause.

That and many others in Europe. Unfortunately none that Ukraine was a part of.

Which is why Ukraine needs quick accession to the EU.


This dude is going by pre-20th century European borders lol

I know it’s a meme we don’t exist, but we actually do. We’ve also got the biggest and arguably most accurate artillery in Europe.

Homeland defence willingness against a superior enemy is at 83%, one of the highest rates in Europe.

And seeing what we managed in WWII against Russia without allies or gear (now we have both), when the Soviets were well armed, it’s understandable Putin would be a bit apprehensive about opening up a new front on the Finnish border.


But what if it is Shakira?

You’d be kicking yourself.

It’s just ten million, totally worth it.


I mean that’s a nice comment and all but

many intersex possibilities on the gender spectrum

Sex and gender are different, although often conflated because a lot of the times they’re still used interchangeably, as in most contexts sex and gender do align, but not all.

Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. (That’s the part your article and image talk about; sex.) Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people



I’m not disagreeing with the information in the picture, I’m reiterating it to someone who’s use of language showed they either phrased themselves poorly or don’t yet fully understand the distinction between “sex” and “gender”.



“many intersex possibilities on the gender spectrum” is “funky”", yeah.

“intersex possibilities” don’t exist on the gender spectrum, because the gender spectrum is about gender and not about sex, which has it’s own (albeit more polarised) spectrum.

Hope that makes it clear (although I thought I made it clear that was what I was objecting to in my earlier comment)


Cheers m8


But of course, what can you expect from someone saying “trial by combat” in public with a serious face?

Really? Lol. Ah, in relation to all the Jan 6th BS, last year’s news. Still, mfking crazy


Yeah, you’re not wrong, per se.

I might be completely stupid and wrong about this and everything, but I don’t think I’m too far off.

Essentially Neuralink is just very high tier EEG, electroencephalography, measuring brainwaves.

You can buy yourself a kit for 100 bucks or so. But… you’ll get like a two-channel device with a few sensors, which won’t really have any sort of accuracy. You could go for a professional model for a few thousand or something, and have good sensors and a few dozen channels.

They’ll still be outside the skull though.

I just looked this up the other day, and uh, guess the amount of channels on Neuralink?

“Neuralink has developed an application-specific integrated circuit to create a 1,536-channel recording system. This system consists of 256 amplifiers capable of being individually programmed, analog-to-digital converters within the chip and peripheral circuit control to serialize the digitized information obtained.”

So I don’t know what would be a good comparison to the scale difference here. Perhaps one is like listening to someone having sex in the next room while there’s also loud music playing (limited channels, poor-ish signal), and the other is actually being in that room, having that sex yourself (100x the channels, signal pretty much straight from the source.)

Someone smarter can correct me where I went wrong.

This technology is fascinating, I’m just so annoyed/apprehensive Musk owns the company doing the pioneering work.


Well you’ll need three states which are easily translated to the commands.

The more channels you have, the easier it is tor recognise any specific configuration of brainwaves.

It’s not like thoughts are as easy to pinpoint as spatial coordinates. You don’t really decide what your specific brainwave output will be when you focus on thinking “up”. It will be a combination of different brain waves, and the more accurately you can measure that, the easier it is for the computer to pick up when you’re thinking “up”.

Try playing a tune with just three tones available to you, it’d be hard.

The technology isn’t new, but the resolution sort of is.

Hell they used the tech in a House episode in like, 2009.

What do you mean “if you can’t control them”? The channels are how many bands you’re reading, and they are using quite fancy computers to do the reading. What’s there to control? BCI is just a fancier interface than a keyboard, it’s still only one-way, so I don’t understand what you mean by “control” in this context.

‘Get on a plane’: Danish minister urged to meet Greenland coil scandal women (www.theguardian.com)

The Danish health minister should “get on a plane and visit” some of the thousands of women thought to be living with the consequences of being forcibly fitted with the contraceptive coil as children, Greenland’s gender equality minister has said....


Reverse racism is bullshit because “white” as a category is only exclusionary. It does not exist to acknowledge any culture or nationality. I am white but would lose nothing from my identity if the concept were abolished tomorrow.

That’s a nice point actually

I would be considered white now in the US, but 120 years ago, I wouldn’t have been.

And personally, I don’t identify one way or the other, because it’s not an aspect I measure people by.


He chose to go with a slightly autistic positronic brain which can’t (or won’t) do contractions, over the previous model, which was too suave to the point of becoming sociopathic.

Should’ve gone with smaller corrections, perhaps, but Data works quite well.

Even when he’s malfunctioning.


Do a barrel roll

(Try writing that into google btw)


This is why I don’t have complaints about the naming law in my country



Humanity in general is too kind to kill its vicious leaders, which represent a minority, greedy psychopaths the lot of them, not representative of the wider population.

The paradox of tolerance and all that.


Laughs in Finnish


Oh you’re talking about people who don’t know how to write properly? Yeah, some Finns have problems with that, given how common compound words are.


Your username tells me this isn’t the first time you’ve had that thought.


Oh, it’s unintentional?

Well… Perhaps you’ll be pleasantly surprised;



Makes the connotation very different, I agree.


Well enjoy it, your magnetic majesty.


Well a “man-made famine” fulfills another part of the genocide definition

Killing members of the group;

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

So it’s important in the sense that it’s one step closer to a definite conviction of a genocide.

It’s definitely ethnic cleansing. But fucking bureaucracy bullshit, so they’re probably following the four-stage strategy

I got banned from world news on lemmy because I argued one of these genocidal Israelis and they ended up spamming and mass reporting me after they obfuscated the thread. The only and worst “personal insult” I used, once, was “IDF troll”, and that wasn’t even bullshit.

I’m so tired of nothing good happening in the world.

You want to start a revolution with me, friend?


The pretentiousness is off the scales with this one


That’s not actually impossible.

There exists drugs which are called “empathogens”, as in “generating empathy”.

Psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, they all belong to that group.


I’m strongly of the opinion that if all hateful billionaires and other arseholes were made to get a little empathy forced down their throat, we’d be much better off.

Like the “pretty obvious when you think about it” accords.


Got to say, that’s quite creative.

Horrific, but creative


It’s obviously pointing to the South Pole and they don’t have any bears. :F


There always has to be one IDF troll.


GENEVA (19 February 2024) – UN experts today expressed alarm over credible allegations of egregious human rights violations to which Palestinian women and girls continue to be subjected in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

But to you, the entire rest of the world is magically in Hamas’ pocket because they call you out on this asinine bullshit.

Guess Israel is a better judge of weather Israel is committing warcrimes than the UN would be right? Like asking Trump if he’s guilty of anything.

Bombing women and children and you’re proud of it or so weakwilled you’ve bought into the propaganda saying that shooting the kids is fine, because they’re probably Hamas anyway.

Israel is a piece of shit fascist theocracy, and currently killing and raping innocents, and defending them is morally indefensible and will be seen mostly the same as WWII era Germans who didn’t oppose the holocaust.

Dasus, (edited )

“If any of the accounts

There’s plenty, which is what I just proved. Your trolling just relied on putting down the source, so there’s the UN experts.

That doesn’t change anything though, you IDF trolls tend to argue “UN is actually led by Hamas”.

“Now make a list of Hamas’ warcrimes”

First off, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism

Secondly, did your mom never teach you two wrongs don’t make a right?

Thirdly, the death toll in has surpassed 30,000 — a large majority women and children.

But again, you’re just gonna argue that all those kids were Hamas.

Fourth, is the state of Israel a member of the UN or a terrorist organisation? Because there are standards for members of the UN, whereas for terrorist organisations…

There is no depth to what sort of mental gymnastics you’ll get up to defending Israel’s atrocities, because you can’t even conceive you’ve been brainwashed.

It turns my stomach.

Also you edited your earlier comment after my reply to it. Tsk tsk


Sure it is, lil’ trollito.

That’s why you now ignore everything previously discussed. Because you argue that “if any of the reports are true” and then I link the UN Human Rights Office report about sexual assaults on Palestinians, and you conveniently ignore that.

You also ignore how you’re using whataboutism, a known propaganda technique, to try to say “well, but what about Hamas’ crimes”. But weirdly you don’t answer when I ask you is Israel a member of the UN or a terrorist organisation?

Just like I said, no limit to your mental gymnastics. IDF trolls, smh

You don’t feel the tiniest bit guilty defending a supposedly democratic state that is slaughtering children? Over 12,300 children have been killed in Gaza. Were they all Hamas members? Or perhaps just innocent Palestinians?


Oh boo hoo I didn’t answer your loaded and nonsense rhetorical question. Are you quizzing me on UN member states?

You’re trying to compare Israel and Hamas.

Thus we need to establish what you’re comparing.

Code of conduct?

So your standard for the expected conduct from a UN member state is the same as from a terrorist organisation?

Because Israel is breaking laws that UN member have agreed to respect.

There aren’t any credible reports of Israeli hostages being raped. Not one.

There’s tons of credible reports of Israelis abusing Palestinians.

Your position is consistent, yes. The position being “never question anything Israel is doing no matter how horrible it is”. The same as citizens of Nazi Germany.

Warning someone you’re gonna bomb them doesn’t absolve you of bombing them. Bombing civilians is a war crime no matter how many nice notes you give in advance.

They could turn themselves in and scuttle the tunnels right now and not one more bomb would fall

This kind of brainwashing is impossible to fight

this was and remains part of Hamas’s plan after October 7

“My country is genociding women and children on purpose but it’s all actually morally right, because revenge is moral and right.”

My god, you’re like one of those tiny-penis antifeminist bodybuilders, who get slapped by a tiny girl for behaving like an asshole and then you hit knock them on the ground with a fist to the face so hard they get permanent brain damage and then you look at everyone and go “she started it.”

It’s honestly baffling to me that people like you exist. The delusions which you labour under are fascinating. I don’t understand how some people can literally ignore reality to the extent you are.

You’re claiming that UN and 150+ states are spreading Hamas propaganda, but that Israel is the only one tellingthe truth despite a lack of any evidence and killing 12 300 children, which you consider morally defensible.

It’s sickening.


No, I stand with virtually all of Washington DC and all of the foreign service and intelligence communities in the western world.

You’re ridiculous. Like I said, there’s no fighting such brainwashing. So I’m not debating you anymore, I’m replying because I wish to see all the pathetic excuses you come up with, so you make a fool of yourself for all the world to see, and vocally support a genocide.


Member States adopted a resolution, demanding an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and well as “ensuring humanitarian access”.

It passed with a large majority of 153 in favour and 10 against, with 23 abstentions

How many is that, huh?

I’m not comparing Israel and Hamas to say they should behave the same. I’m saying Hamas does not behave as a member of the international community and therefore it is not one

No shit? Thus there is no way of trying to enforce Hamas, a terrorist organisation, to uphold it’s agreement with the UN; because it’s not a state nor a member of the UN.

Israel is.

Israel has committed to following the Geneva conventions. Something they are now purposefully breaking, by torturing and raping prisoners, attacking aid convoys, and killing over 12,300 children. ALL OF WHICH you try to excuse with “well Hamas had it coming”.

You don’t recognise that Hamas isn’t Palestine. Palestine is a nation. Hamas is not. Israel is using Hamas’ attacks as an excuse to genocide Palestine.

That’s about as proportional an ethical of a response as if hypothetically I dated your sister, then she dumped me, and for that, I torture and kill your entire family.

I continually condemn Israeli war crimes and call for the perpetrators to be prosecuted.

Okay so you admit they are genociding Palestine? You admit Israel is committing crimes against humanity? But you think that Israel itself will judge itself for these acts, and prosecute itself? Haiyaaa, like I said, no fighting brainwashing like that.


These have included murder, intentional targeting of civilians, killing prisoners of war and surrendered combatants, indiscriminate attacks, collective punishment, starvation, the use of human shields, sexual violence and rape, torture, pillage, forced transfer, breach of medical neutrality, targeting journalists, attacking civilian and protected objects, wanton destruction, incitement to genocide, and genocide.


You’re calling UN resolutions passed with an overwhelming majority “symbolic”.

There’s no fighting your kind of brainwashing, just like I’ve said. You’ll get more and more anxious, with more and more “look, buds”, because you have to keep these delusions alive by literally dismissing everything anyone except Israel says.

More pathetic excuses about targeting Hamas, completely ignoring all the evidence a literal genocide. Just how do you live with yourself? I’m genuinely curious as to what goes on in your head when you decide to defend the slaughter of over 12,000 children.

You think asserting some of your regurgitated nonsense means anything while you call passed UN resolutions “symbolic”. Your opinion does not matter. The UN’s **does. **

I guess you might be Israeli, which would explain it a bit. I can see how it’d be really scary to stand up to the genocidal maniacs you share a country with. Much like Germans, during the Nazi regime.

And the perpetrators didn’t warn anyone.

You need to realise this is just downright stupid though. Do you think if I warned you that I’m gonna rape you, it’d make it alright? A war crime isn’t excused by “we dropped leaflets”.

Not to mention that the dropping of leaflets saying that they’re gonna get bombed, constitutes in itself a war crime. “In addition to its status as established customary law, the principle of civilian immunity has been codified in numerous treaties. One of the clearest expressions of the principle is set out in article 51(2) of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, which states: The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence, the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population, are prohibited.”


“As long as Hamas does not release the hostages in its hands - the only thing that needs to enter Gaza are hundreds of tons of explosives from the Air Force, not an ounce of humanitarian aid.”

  • Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir in Oct 2023


“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” - Defense Minister Yoav Gallant

These are objectively verified statements of Israeli officials. That is literally genocidal rhetoric, which is threatening war crimes, and then goes on to commit war crimes.

It’s literally quite incredible how delusional and brainwashed you have to be to consider what is going on in Gaza to be a justified, “proportional” response. At least WWII Germans realised to be ashamed.



ICJ found it plausible that Israel’s acts could amount to genocide and issued six provisional measures, ordering Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent genocidal acts, including preventing and punishing incitement to genocide, ensuring aid and services reach Palestinians under siege in Gaza, and preserving evidence of crimes committed in Gaza.

But you’ll just repeat the same sad propaganda again, iterating how UN is not to be believed in, how they don’t matter and how anything that speaks against Israel is “Hamas” propaganda and how those 12 000 kids actually deserved to die.

That sort of behaviour is… so depressing to me. I can’t believe any human would ever think like that, yet you constantly keep pretending you do.


Now you’re pretending there are no objective facts, like the OVER 12000 DEAD CHILDREN? That all these are “alleged” things?

Pick up a dictionary, IDF troll.

plausible /ˈplɔːzɪbl/ adjective (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

The UN does not state that something is PROBABLE without good cause, unlike you, who claim that nothing can be proved from anything and nothing is real unless the IDF says it is, and that every objective fact we have isnt’ actually an objective fact.

You’re literally defending the massacre of children. How do you sleep at night?

This isn’t war. This is a genocide. Those words have meanings, and the whole world, the UNITED NATIONS OF EARTH, have deemed it PROBABLE that Israel is committing a genocide, with an overwhelming majority.

The Allies bombed military targets, not an open air prison. Do you think it may have been actually a bit silly if they had warned Germany of the bombs they were gonna drop? Especially because dropping those leaflets would’ve required an additional flight to drop them, putting the planes in danger? The only warnings were given to Japan about nukes, and there were no conventions about nukes when they were invented. Those came after WWII.

Keep repeating your propaganda, just like the Nazis did. Every comment you leave is more delusional and every single one is unremovable in the long run, as even if you delete them, they are already archived. Like I said, I’m not debating you. You’re a trolly little propaganda bot who keeps ignoring all the actual evidence and can’t provide any credible sources for any of his rhetoric. Your comments are here so there’s objective proof that you’re defending a genocide, and that will never go away.

“It’s all Hamas’ fault, they made us do this”. Exactly what the Nazis said about the Jews.

Honestly, it’s beyond ironic that Israel is the one to commit an act like this. And to think there are still people alive who were in concentration camps. It beggars belief.



Stomp your foot and cry all you want, you’re still the baddies, and every single comment you leave proves me more and more right, and showcases it to everyone reading this.


I’ve said several times, you’re not someone who can be persuaded. That’s the only thing I’m trying to persuade people of. Hopefully you’d realise that too, but as mentioned previously, you’re not a person who can change their mind.

The point is to showcase just how strong Israeli propaganda is.

Currently, you’re literally chanting “UN doesn’t matter, OCHR doesn’t matter, human rights don’t matter, nothing can ever be proved and everything online is wrong, no reporters should be trusted (unless they’re pro-Israel) and in fact, facts don’t actually exist, anywhere, at all!”

What exactly would it take for you to admit that Israel is committing several war crimes, the worst of which is the genocide of Palestinians? This is rhetorical, because you’re literally unable to answer that, as there is no amount of evidence that would ever change your mind, because you don’t base your opinion on facts, you base it on what you get told.

Weird how “you can find anything on the internet”, but you can’t seem to find anyone who disagrees with the UNITED NATIONS and the Human Rights Watch. Guess “anything” doesn’t include “support for my propaganda”, huh? I mean, ofc it does, but even you realise how ridiculous those propaganda sites would be in comparison to the Human Rights Watch, United Nations, International Court of Justice and the OCHR.

For instance you trying to assert that you, a random IDF trollito on Lemmy would know better than Raz Segal, the associate professor of holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, who says:

Perpetrators of genocide rarely express their intentions in direct and explicit ways, so courts are left to infer such intent through an analysis of state actions or leaked memoranda. In the case of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, however, as the Law for Palestine database shows, people with command authority have been making genocidal statements repeatedly over the past three months.

They have dehumanised Palestinians in their rhetoric, and painted the population in Gaza, as a whole, as Israel’s enemy. Bolstered by the hubris of settler colonial power and the knowledge that it has killed, maimed, destroyed, expelled, humiliated, imprisoned and dispossessed with more than seven decades of impunity and by the continued material and moral support of the United States, Israelis are explicit and unashamed about their genocidal intent because they have imagined and prosecuted a war against people who they see as colonised “savages”.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant described Palestinians precisely in this way, as “human animals”, in his proclamation of the “total siege” on October 9. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Gaza as “the city of evil” on October 7, and then on December 24, framed Israel’s attack as a fight against “monsters”. “This is a battle, not only of Israel against these barbarians, it is a battle of civilisation against barbarism,” he said.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog said a few weeks earlier, on December 5, that Israel’s attack on Gaza is “a war that is intended, really, truly, to save western civilisation… [from] an empire of evil”.

Netanyahu and other senior Israeli ministers have left no doubt that saving “Western civilisation” requires the total destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza by describing them as the Biblical people of Amalek – a people perceived in whole as an enemy that must be destroyed – and as Nazis.

How does it feel being on the wrong side of history?


You’re not someone who can be persuaded. That’s the only thing I’m trying to persuade people of. Hopefully you’d realise that too, but as mentioned previously, you’re not a person who can change their mind.

The point is to showcase just how strong Israeli propaganda is.

Currently, you’re literally chanting “UN doesn’t matter, OCHR doesn’t matter, human rights don’t matter, nothing can ever be proved and everything online is wrong, no reporters should be trusted (unless they’re pro-Israel) and in fact, facts don’t actually exist, anywhere, at all!”

What exactly would it take for you to admit that Israel is committing several war crimes, the worst of which is the genocide of Palestinians? This is rhetorical, because you’re literally unable to answer that, as there is no amount of evidence that would ever change your mind, because you don’t base your opinion on facts, you base it on what you get told.

Weird how “you can find anything on the internet”, but you can’t seem to find anyone who disagrees with the UNITED NATIONS and the Human Rights Watch. Guess “anything” doesn’t include “support for my propaganda”, huh? I mean, ofc it does, but even you realise how ridiculous those propaganda sites would be in comparison to the Human Rights Watch, United Nations, International Court of Justice and the OCHR.

For instance you trying to assert that you, a random IDF trollito on Lemmy would know better than Raz Segal, the associate professor of holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, who says:

Perpetrators of genocide rarely express their intentions in direct and explicit ways, so courts are left to infer such intent through an analysis of state actions or leaked memoranda. In the case of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, however, as the Law for Palestine database shows, people with command authority have been making genocidal statements repeatedly over the past three months.

They have dehumanised Palestinians in their rhetoric, and painted the population in Gaza, as a whole, as Israel’s enemy. Bolstered by the hubris of settler colonial power and the knowledge that it has killed, maimed, destroyed, expelled, humiliated, imprisoned and dispossessed with more than seven decades of impunity and by the continued material and moral support of the United States, Israelis are explicit and unashamed about their genocidal intent because they have imagined and prosecuted a war against people who they see as colonised “savages”.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant described Palestinians precisely in this way, as “human animals”, in his proclamation of the “total siege” on October 9. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Gaza as “the city of evil” on October 7, and then on December 24, framed Israel’s attack as a fight against “monsters”. “This is a battle, not only of Israel against these barbarians, it is a battle of civilisation against barbarism,” he said.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog said a few weeks earlier, on December 5, that Israel’s attack on Gaza is “a war that is intended, really, truly, to save western civilisation… [from] an empire of evil”.

Netanyahu and other senior Israeli ministers have left no doubt that saving “Western civilisation” requires the total destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza by describing them as the Biblical people of Amalek – a people perceived in whole as an enemy that must be destroyed – and as Nazis.

How does it feel being on the wrong side of history?


You know what has got to stop?

People thinking any mention of a personal attribute of the other person is an “ad hominem.”

That’s not what “argumentum ad hominem” means.

Here’s an example.

“You are wrong, because [a long list of logic, with good supporting evidence from credible sources], you [enterinsult].”

That is not an ad hominem. Here’s an example of what would be:

“You are wrong, because you are a [enterinsult.]”

I’m not inventing this shit. I’m not generalising. He is an Israeli person by all accounts, and he’s touting IDF propaganda. So in this case, it is actually factual as well. In most cases, people are using ad hominem, because they’re going “no, we don’t need to listen to you, because you are a [enterfactioninsult]”. That IS an ad hominem. Deconstructing the actual rhetoric used by the IDF and calling the other person a troll for refusing to engage with any of the evidence is actually, factual, and not the argument I’m making.

“Elevate the discourse.”

You know I’m so tired of this. I’m honestly tired of people getting more worked up about a mild insult online than they are of actual genocide going on. If I could count the times someone’s gotten mad and used that as an excuse to highroad me, oh boy, it’d be in the tens of thousands. It’s ridiculous. There are far more pressing issues in the world than trying “not cuss” at other people.

It’s infuriating honestly. Especially when it’s a really mild and accurate “insulting” description from a comment in which I actually make a proper argument, with sources. In my opinion, that sort of “no we can’t use that kind of language” is exactly the sort of attitude why bad people are in power in the world. Because people think “you should always respect the person you’re talking to.” Fuck that. I’m not going to respect a person who is defending the genocide of children. No, sir, I will not.

And we shouldn’t respect the billionaires and other fuckers either. There’s the disconnect. We all want to live in a good world, and want everyone to be respectful and respectable, but not everyone is, and the people who keep exploiting every normal, respectable person, don’t deserve respect. And we should make it very clear to them.

The paradox of tolerance states that if a society’s practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.


I did, yes.


Honestly, your way of replying is so fucking annoying, that I prefer not to.

You got mad and left me like 6 replies, and you think you’re “elevating the discourse”?

Don’t teach your father to fuck.


Oh cmon, there’s plenty of examples of sexual assault! Credible allegations!


/oPt: UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls

Oh wait no, that’s Palestinians getting raped, by Israelis. That’s not gonna work, eh, let me try again.

Well, this source is perhaps less reliable than OCHR (The UN Human Rights Office) from the first link, but at least it’s an example. Here.


Oh shit that’s Palestinians being the victim again. Weird. But despite the lack of any evidence to be found, I’m sure there is a lot if it.



You seem really pretentious.

I hope you get over that. I can give you some contacts if you need a good therapist, buddy.


Holy fucking shit that is despicable.

They brag about killing an unarmed man cowering under a bed.

Then they congratulate the killer.

Then they go back to shoot at the corpse.

What. The. Fucking. Hell.

And I can’t do anything about it except keep up some degree of internet activism, but that doesn’t really alleviate that feeling of needing to do something.

I hope that video gets around and ruins the life of this Lior named person who did the killing. As in I hope he faces some motherfucking consequences for this horrible stuff.


What the fuck is happening to the internet recently?

Capitalism is spreading further into the dark reaches of the internet.

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