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Beer should be differentiated; certain beer drinkers are WAY higher on the “hatred for others” axis.


I didn’t think so but it can affect flavor and probably leech some chemicals out of plastic.


I’m 45 and suffer crippling, life long mental illness. Eventually you get used to counting the days. It’s tiring but at least I don’t want to step in front of a train.


We could skip and just jump to using a symbol.


That’s not true. It’s in color now.


Who has time to worry about Canada legalizing weed when the US (where I’m from) is balancing on an ever thinner knife’s while lunatics in/running for government positions are actively trying to pull us down into actual Hell. I just hope the chaos doesn’t spill over into y’all’s country. Canada has been a good neighbor and I’ve got friends and family up there.


It fits the narrative. Just like how Putin won their “election.”


I saw these guys on some show back during Discovery’s slide into trash content. IIRC they got plastic surgery to even out some minor variations to become more identical.


Should we lock & tag out the circuit?

Nah, this shitty sign should keep us safe.


Reminds me of an story I heard once. Guy working on a job locks and tags out a circuit so he can work on it. Guy goes up on a ladder to do the work.

Coworker comes along and sees circuit left locked; he decides he needs to activate the circuit. Coworker uses bolt cutters to remove the lock and flips on the circuit.

Guy on ladder gets literally knocked off the ladder, falls 10-20 feet onto grass. Guy is rushed to the ER.

Boss investigates, gives coworker two options: either he can quit immediately, or he can keep working and personally explain himself to guy in a month when he gets out of the hospital.


Thank you for your sacrifice; bless your browser’s blocker extensions.


I’ve had so many VR fanboys going on and on about how it’ll change the world, and I’ve always told them they were wrong because of the cost and tech limitations like battery life. Also the fact that people will think it looks stupid - even something as comparatively minimal as Google Glass was ridiculed, hated, and flopped.

Looks like I was right. Again.


Articles linked here, because Connect for Lemmy (Android) has no adblock fire when it opens up a link.


That’s their model; if you can’t win, just cheat harder.


Meh, this is a problem that will solve itself.


Doubt it; those idiots would probably advocate for using turpentine instead.

Disclaimer that shouldn’t be necessary but probably is: DON’T DRINK TURPENTINE.


Oh good I’m not the only one. I mean c’mon.


Because nobody’s ever thought of that before. The god-botherers need to get some new material.


Nobody likes him, not even his own constituents. They’re just idiots who vote R without even thinking about the alternative because reality causes cognitive dissonance.


The model is only as knowledgeable as its training data.


So are we all ignoring how the hand holding up the leg (not both, just the one). Is growing right out of the same leg it’s allegedly supporting?


I read once that the most accurate definition of their mindset boils down to “You don’t get to tell me what to do; I get to tell you what to do.”

Wanted American man flees to Russia, signs military contract (

A former American city council member who is wanted in the United States on child pornography charges appears to have fled to Russia and joined the Russian military, according to footage shared by regional authorities in the northern Khanty-Mansi autonomous district....


Good, I hope he meets the same fate as the rest of the Russian canon fodder.


Cry more emo kids, your tears are delicious.


Gee I wonder why anyone, especially Iran, would blame the US. I just can’t imagine a single reason.


We’ll stop treating you like monsters when you stop acting like monsters.


I think whoever wrote that headline needs to take some refresher courses on how English works.


That second sign has big “hello fellow children” vibes.


A lot of those wacky screws exist solely to keep people from randomly messing with them. You have to really go out of your way the get the right tool for the job, and that’s if there even is one.

Like the one-way screws holding together bathroom stalls.


You’re both rich and can fuck right off.


This stopped being a war and started being a genocide at some point, but the government and media just won’t say it and I’m tired of it.


In fairness Spot was a week known menace to everyone but Data. Although I suspect a Vulcan would probably have been fine. As for cats, I believe that even a targ would likely avoid picking a fight with a cat.


How many “unintentional” killings is this now?

After a certain point people stop “falling” out of windows.


Listen up Kermit. If you really wanted to intimidate us you’d threaten to add orange juice to our milk instead.


You’re a cinnamon roll, you get a Daedra, you’re on fire and frozen somehow, you get put in a Soul Gem…

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. (

Ignoring the lack of updates if the game is buggy, games back then were also more focused on quality and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money. I can’t count the number of times I played Metal Gear Solid games over and over to unlock new features playing the hardest difficulty and with...


Microsoft and Mojang make a lot of stupid decisions. Or rather, asshole decisions. I’m tired of it all.


How to say “my wife left me years ago” without actually saying it.


He was literally middle eastern so yeah.

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