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I played it like a year ago and there were still a ton of active users showing up my list. I think it could surprise you.


Can you confirm which game mechanic gives you more player stuff? I don’t remember since it’s been a year since I last played. I think this game is old enough for spoilers, ha. So it’s okay.


There were so many levels of mechanica 8n that game that I probably didn’t even know about. For example, I never did any contracts. The online component in general fit so well in the game though. Seeing useful items or structures left behind by other players was so cool.


Well most modern gamers are probably like 14 years old and probably never even played Skyrim. So I’m not surprised young kids are buying this creation kit garbage with Mommy’s credit card.


He played a black guy in Tropic Thunder.


Literally the best show ever made. I’ve seen every episode like 80 times, and it’s still hilarious every time.


Lol @ when he tries to do the exercism on Tom by forcing him to “learn to read.”


Why? Because you have comtempt for drug users? What drugs she does is her business. She was carrying paraphernalia which is legal under her state’s law. Are you really that closed minded that you feel she deserves 30 years in prison?


That’s a myth. Spicy food does not cause ulcers, but it will irritate existing ulcers.


Yea, same, ha. I can’t go too crazy with spice unless I wanna be pooping hot fire snakes the next day.


You don’t have to scribble out the bad words btw. Who are you trying to protect? We’re all adults here (probably)


Fair enough.

18+ I wish I was Asexual.

Seriously I hate that. I always fantasize about having sex with very attractive women. It really grinds my fuck gears because I know that I will be a virgin forever because prostitution is illegal in Canada. So I unfortunately can not pay a very attractive 18 year old woman to have sex with me. I really wish that I was Asexual...


Bro. You’re putting the pussy on a pedestal.


You literally said you wanna bang beautiful 18 year girls lmao. Girls have pussies. You’re putting the pussy on a pedestal bro.




Yea, I fully understand that. Lol. Putting the pussy on a pedestal simply means that you’re putting too much self worth into sex. Doesn’t matter if you’re looking for romance or just sex itself.

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

There was no way to spam X to yell “Jaaasooonnn or Ssshaaawwwnnnn.” - 0/12

In all seriousness. Great game. Definitely their best. Definitely the least cringe. Heavy rain is a meme game and a classic, but I can’t get over the fact that the main playable female character in that game is literally ONLY there to function as a sexual object that fucks the main character, takes care of him, and gets assaulted in her underwear. Luckily Detroit didn’t seem to have nearly as much of that cringe bullshit. David Cage writes video game scripts like a fucking incel, so glad Detroit was a welcome change of pace.


Or those her real hands, or is this AI? Lol.

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

A heavily modded Skyrim/FO4 save with hundreds of hours on it can easily go above 200mb.


Most games never hit anywhere near that, but some large open world rpgs like Skyrim track the location of every single object in the game world. Like you can drop a piece of cheese on the bottom left corner of the map, come back 500 hours later, and it’ll still be there. now imagine all of the objects you’re buying and selling and manipulating over those hundreds of hours. Now add in a shit ton of script mods and other stuff that may add even more objects. And add in all of the quest data and interaction data that gets saved etc etc, and your save file can easily hit multiple gigabytes, with each file approaching 200mb.


Fyi on PCVR, this headset will NOT have HDR, Eye tracking, and other features. Kind of an important call out…


Hey. Maybe don’t post strangers on the Internet without their consent? I’m going to guess maybe you wouldn’t appreciate it if someone did that to you, and you woke up to find yourself trending on Lemmy?


The entire first testament is a metaphor. It blows my mind that anyone can think otherwise.


Oh gotchya! Yea each major religion has the same underlying themes at the end of the day.


I am going to predict that only like 1% of the future commenters here understand this reference.


Yea I will gladly ignore any answers labeled as “AI Answers.”

What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? (kbin.social)

As I've gotten older as a player, I have found myself dropping some eras of gaming that I used to be nostalgic for. One of them is the 8-bit era, the NES days. I have played some of the best that system had to offer and I will never say that system didn't have any good games....


Same. I play games to enter a relaxation state after a long day at work. Playing a 45 minute cutthroat CS2 match with my friends where I have to be at attention constantly, while they’re all screaming at each other for being bad, isn’t exactly my idea of relaxation…


Bro $4,000 OLED TVs are riddled with rows of home screen ads. What are you talking about that paid content has no ads? ALL CONTENT HAS FUCKING ADS. This has gotten absurd. Fuck ads.


I’m not responding to OP. I’m responding to you.

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

Man…you said the issue with all of this is people not willing to pay to remove ads. I’m saying that even when you buy expensive products, you still have ads. So ads are everywhere, regardless of whether you pay or use free products. The entire business model is fucked. That’s what I’m saying. I’m not sure what it causing the confusion here.


Yea. Separate but related issues I suppose. I just feel like even when we pay tons of money for expensive products, we will get ads. Even modern cars are collecting an obscene amount of data even though we pay a shit ton of money for them. It’s completely out of control.


Me too but it’ll never happen. The age of good single player AAA games are long long gone.


Looks like there is debate on whether that studio is AAA. So maybe, yea.


Just take laxatives 30 minutes prior to needing to shit your pants?

9 years later, I finally played fallout 4

Having dropped New Vegas in the past due to lost interest, I decided to try this game out finally since a friend of mine was having a fallout 3 playthrough himself. It was it 8 bucks, so I figured why not. I have to say, I put way more hours into this game than both other Bethesda games I’ve played through (Skyrim and...


Fallout 4 was a top tier fallout game with mods. The more you mod it, the better it gets. Fallout 4 with no mods is meh.


But that’s exactly what wabbajack is. It’s really easy to set up. It’s like a one click install.


Wabbajack does use a MO2 install…at least it can. Everything you’re describing exists. The future is now, old man.


Cool. Only like 8 years too late.

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

It will. I’m just salty because I beat the game like 3 times and don’t have the patience for another playthrough.


Account creation fatigue. I’m personally not fond of creating a one-off account for every fucking game I play on steam. It’s enough already. EA account, ubisoft account, rockstar account, PSN account, xyz account, ugh. Every new account I create is just an additional attack vector for when all of these companies eventually get hacked. I get occasional emails about security breaches or unauthorized attempts for random ass accounts I created years ago, and it’s so frustrating. I don’t even have a playstation. It’s just so annoying. I’m sick of it. I don’t believe for a fucking second that Sony is requiring this for “security and safety.” Those fucks just want to inflate their user numbers for the shareholders and collect our data to sell to 3rd parties. I am so fucking sick of this shit already. I bought the game on steam. Just let me use my steam account only god dammit.


Maybe be pissed about both?


Serious question. Why is this game fun? I played it a few years ago for like 5 hours and I thought it was absolute dogshit and boring as shit Has it improved dramatically since then? Do you guys just enjoy Inventory Simulator? I just don’t get it.


I get texts for real (but still shitty) job offers. I think texting someone’s cellphone for an unprompted job offer should be fucking illegal. I had some fucking clown recruiter call me 5 times, email me 3 times. Leave 2 voicemails, and send me 5 texts. This was all within the span of a god damn fucking HOUR. These people should be in jail.


This is the only appropriate response.

About to try the Outer Worlds

I’ve been very busy with work the last few months so I haven’t really played any games, but things are finally starting to get back to normal a bit and I wanted to try this RPG. I played it a bit when it came out but decided to really dive into it this time. Just wondering if there’s anyone here who’s played it and has...


I found this game incredibly boring and dull. Honestly, play something else.


Because we need Israel as our buffer in the middle east, whether you like it or not. So the truth of the matter is that the US won’t do fucking dick about Israel. Our government will just grumble about it but ultimately watch from the sidelines. That’s just the hard truth. At the end if the day, we need a strong ally in the region, whether anyone likes it or not.

Also, not saying that I agree with Israel’s actions. I absolutely do not, but not having a strong ally like Israel would be absolutely detrimental to the interest of the United States. There is no solution to this problem.

Also, blame Britain for the Israeli-Palestinian problem. They set things up like this in the region in the early-mid 1900s, and then peaces out and dumped the issue on the US.

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