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The biggest limiting factor in airplanes is the production speed. Building airliners is slow which is why there are very long waiting lists. Nothing’s wrong that’s just planes. New planes are cheaper to operate so its a good idea to order new planes even if you’re not planning a significant expansion.

This is also why airlines will be slow to react to boeing’s safety record in orders. Switching orders means losing your place and going to the back of airbus’s waiting list.


True, but this article is specifically about the 737. Apart from the a220, none of the aircraft you listed are both in production and part of the 737’s market segment.

The a320 neo family has about 7000 orders awaiting delivery. It is not feasible to switch for most airlines for the reasons I previously mentioned.


Stormtroopers only miss important characters. Its plot armor. Star wars characters comment on the incredible accuracy of stormtroopers when finding evidence of shots that happened off screen.

He would hit the redshirt. Redshirts don’t have plot armor.



Do you really think the us is so small we can only arm one war at a time? Nonsense.

Gaza does show that the us has little say over how their weapons are used. There are serious consequences for crossing biden’s red line, like having to move the red line.


But does matrix have the discord feature where it plays the notification sound and then shows 87 notifications from 12 different servers with no decernable way to tell which one made the sound?

Not yet found another chat app that has that feature.


Yes, but it sorts in chronological order so the notifications are all old. It doesn’t even load the whole list at once you can’t even scroll to the end to see the current notifications.


The FMV bits show characters in the world rather than just on a screen. Using FMV for that would be weird to say the least. I doubt they will.


They will be using CGI characters, but it sounds like they hope to do a better job of it this time around. The 90s digital camera footage would be unusable for a modern game, beyond recasting and refilming I don’t see any other feasible way to make the FMV not look out of place in a modern game.

From gameinformer

One of the biggest technical challenges for Anderson and Gamiel has been bringing Riven’s characters back to life. The original game featured live-action video performances by several actors, including Rand Miller as Atrus, Sheila Goold and Regina Altay as his wife Catherine, and Royal Shakespeare Company alumnus John Keston as his father Gehn.

But it’s literally impossible to graft a 2D video from 1997 into a real-time, high-resolution 3D environment. Cyan’s previous remake, 2021’s award-winning VR and PC version of Myst, featured computer-generated characters in lieu of the original live-action performances. “It was… an experiment,” Miller laughs, but for the new Riven, Cyan hired a full-time animation lead, Autumn Palfenier, to raise the uncanny valley.

“For Gehn, we tried analyzing the [old] video and tracking certain features, but the resolution was so low, and it’s not even a full shot, so it just wasn’t doable,” Anderson says. Instead, they’ve been filming performances in Cyan’s basement using motion-capture technology.

“I can say on the record that this is a union production with SAG-AFTRA,” Gamiel says, referring to the same labor guild that represents Hollywood actors. “We wanted to get some incredible talent into this game.”

She won’t tell me who’s playing who but does confirm that Miller will return as Atrus and that the studio managed to salvage an old audio recording of John Keston, who died from COVID-19 complications in February 2022 at the age of 97. “We had an actor study John’s performance and then do it in sync with the original audio, so we got Gehn’s full body,” Anderson says. They show me a work-in-progress close-up of Gehn’s face, which exceeds my expectations.


My post got removed for having a title that claimed that rule was not in the title, despite the word, “rule” being present in the denial. This is a kangaroo court.


The aircraft involved is a short-haul Embraer jet used by KLM’s Cityhopper service

If its a boeing they will put it in the headline for more clicks


Because the US is not allowed to put boots on the ground in Palestine, they are relying on isreal to build the part of the aid pier that connects it to the land. This plan relies on having the people who are blocking the aid, build the pier that bypasses their attempts to block the aid.

It’s not surprising that no aid trucks are able to enter despite the pier.


Have any of the involved voice actors confirmed the claims made in the article? I’ve seen multiple articles on this game, and the only quotes are from the game’s director.

So far I’ve only seen one side claim this is ethical. That’s not enough.

Hildegarde, (edited )

That’s clearly two bears high fiving


What is the timeframe in the contract? The quotes only show a tiny excerpt of the whole contract.

I don’t see anything unreasonable about this if the terms expire when the game releases or the review embargo lifts. Reviewers can’t review pre-release copies of games until the embargo lifts.

If the non disparagement clause remains in effect after release, that’s very bad. Impossible to tell which it is from the tiny excerpt provided.


You would have to show ID if a police officer pulled you over. It’s literally how the previous commenter described. The EU has the schengen area, which is an open boarders agreement that works nearly identically to the open boarders agreement between US states.

The reason the social security card says not to use it for identification is beause it’s really bad at it. But it is used as an ID number anyway. The US doesn’t have a national ID system in theory, but in practice it does. Not having an official national ID number just makes it less secure and convenient.


That is not a reasonable first step.

Biden has paused and threatened to stop weapons shipments, but those only ever included offensive weapons.

They have a defensive anti-rocket system that requires regular shipments from the US. Biden never threatened to cut those supplies off, nor has he threatened to cut off any of the other aid they receive.

Stopping all weapons shipments would change their behavior. Better thing to try instead.


The country exists because of us support. All of their neighbors hate them. Cutting off all military aid would be crippling, not something that could be ignored.

The us has a ton of leverage without a coup or invasion. Better to start with that.


They could sell the studio without the IPs, bring in some revenue, but it’s worth more to kill the studio than let it exist to compete.


In the US the permanent resident card is green, and its often called the green card. Sometimes americans use the term for equivalent documents in other countries.


I’m pretty sure she’s from the American Capital Territory. It’s often mistaken for the only state with the word state in its name so I understand the confusion.


Arcane austin was already killed by the development of redfall. Most of the talent responsible for making dishonered and prey the games they were left during development of redfall. If arcane austin went back to making immersive sims instead of closing, it would be a new team making it, with little help from the pedegree implied by arcane’s legacy.

Keep in mind however that arcane was two studios, the main studio in lyon france, and the other in austin texas. Dishonered was developed jointly. Dishonored 2 was lyon, pray was austin, and deathloop was lyon.

The lyon studio still exists. They are continuing to make games. The only thing announced from arcane is the marvel’s blade game. Not optimistic, but arcane may still be around a while yet.


Oxenfree is an adventure game that takes place on an island off the coast of northern Oregon. Good little game that tells its story in about 5 hours.


Because it is a good video by a channel that makes quality game related content.

Its not the fault of a channel that google made an atrocious sorting algorithm.


It makes no sense to call something a clone when it was made by the same studio that made the original. Very few wanted to call quake a doom clone.


Is that why they stealth launched the next gen patch just before the launch of Fallout London?


This airport is small. It is only serviced by one commercial flight to one other airport. There are systems that allow for precision landings during poor visibility without GPS, but they are expensive so airports of this size often don’t have them.

Large airports use the Instrument Landing System, which are radio antennas built near the runway which broadcast radio beams along the approach path so the plane can land using their radios even in near zero visibility.

GPS based approaches are often used in small airports because they are much cheaper to use than radio based systems. Airplanes can land visually if conditions are right, but if GPS is needed for the only instrument approach for this airport and the weather isn’t clear, they have to divert.


Sadly, the ILS has replaced the JMLS because it’s more reliable.


Doc Mitchell is good. How do I get the good ending where he rules the Mojave?


Doc Mitchell is better than you think


Voting is a popularity contest. Any unpopular opinion community that uses voting to drive the sorting will run into this issue. Genuinely unpopular opinions will be unpopular and thus downvoted, genuinely popular opinions will be downvoted from being clearly unsuited for the community. The opinions that get votes are the ones that many people agree with but think are unpopular. You won’t get unpopular opinions, only popular opinions that people think are a bit spicy.

This is the cursed problem of unpopular opinion threads on lemmy or reddit. It is unsolvable.

The fact that the moderators are moderating in a way that maintains the community as it is, is not the main problem as far as I see.

First Look: Riven Gameplay Reveal (youtu.be)

As an older, and increasingly jaded gamer, I’m having a hard time remembering when I’ve last been so excited over a release as this one. Riven is seemingly getting the gold-standard treatment with a ground-up remake that not only utilizes 3D (and VR) to give depth to the world but also adds new content while keeping the...


That game has been remade and re-released too many times. It’s enough.


That will not fundamentally alter the experience.


This is a good metaphor on voting. You are not the driver, you are a passenger. Your choices cannot change the route.


why is civil forfeiture not on the chart?


Some monitors or TVs have a split screen function built in. There’s probably a box too somewhere.


Holy shit. I thought being trans only gave you an air dash.


The great tit is currently “least concern.” They’re not even close to endangered.


Cheeseburgers are named after the German city of Cheeseburg.


If you look at this from an entirely cynical lens, backing Kojima is the sensible choice. Kojima wasn’t leaving the industry. He would have a high level, influential job wherever he ended up.

At the same time, Konami was publicly backing out of the games industry. Konami is a multimedia company with many divisions. Their casinos are far more profitable than their games, so they were making major cuts to their gaming division.

Backing the major industry figure against the company that doesn’t want to make games anymore is what anyone running a show like the game awards would optimally do. That’s why you shouldn’t consider it a principled stance.


They settled because they knew what would happen if it went to a court. Yuzu’s actions were blatantly illegal.


They were making $30k a month from their patreon. That’s enough money to afford a lawyer, and plenty of incentive to defend themselves in court if they genuine believed they weren’t doing anything illegal.

Their patreon had custom builds of the emulator specifically tailored to run leaked games before release. In their own patreon, yuzu’s developers admitted to having copies of nintendo’s games at a time they could not be legally purchased. They also admitted to profiting from those illegally obtained ROMs for an amount that patreon shares publicly. That is the sort of slam-dunk evidence that would make nintendo’s lawyers salivate.

This isn’t an unclear situation. Yuzu was legally in the wrong. If this went to trial they would almost assuredly lose even more. If yuzu was doing more piracy there’s no way to hide it during discovery.

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