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Could the Federation defeat Star Wars' Empire in an all-out war?

Would a Federation warship like the Defiant out gun a Star Wars Star Destroyer? Who has a bigger armada? Who has the tactical advantage? Don’t forget that The Federation includes the Klingons, who love warfare and have fast, agile, heavily armed ships, with cloaking devices, and the Vulcans with superior logic and tactical...

Kbin_space_program, (edited )

Star Trek has vastly better sensors, shielding, weapons and science.

Sensors: they can detect the atmosphere and cargo inside a ship as well as how many individuals are in it. SW can't detect when an entire ship has docked to the hull.

Science: and then they can beam a person out of it. They can screw with any technology while transporting too.

Shielding: ISDs and Death Star can't keep fighter and the millennium falcon from running around inside their shield envelope. Federation shields give them the option to block crafting from passing.

Weapons: They made bombs that break space itself, and then apparently almost everyone agreed to ban them because its a stupidly dangerous idea.

Science 3: Genesis Device. Oh great you can destroy a planet. The Federation can create an entire solar system with a bomb.

Science 4: Federation developed a matter phasing cloak. Romulans made personal cloaks.

The only advantage the Empire has is numbers of ISDs. Even then, if the empire makes the wrong move they'll piss off the Dominion or the Borg, and the empire literally can't touch the borg.


Oh, the Eclipse. Yeah, the ship that the rebels stole and then blew up?

Federation captains deal with Q, some on a regular basis. Palpatine can somehow he came back against a being that is everything he wishes he was.


As far as I understand it though, their hyperspace is the same as ST's subspace network used by the Borg. It's very fast, but it only works on existing lanes. So while theoretically a SW ship is faster, it's only if they're using a known route. Which only exist in their galaxy.

Unlike ST though, SW ships can't map out hyperspace paths with sensors but have to do so manually via manned ship.


Also, "usually trouble".

Have rarely seen anyone have trouble crossing there. Unless it's Tesla, BMW or Audi SUV, then just let them go pass, because they can't drive anyways.


A maga movement to seize power and turn the US into a theocratic dictatorship.


Obama's biggest achievement was getting a worse version of Healthcare that the 2012 Republican candidate implemented as a governor.

Hasbro Calls Larian an 'Incredible Partner' After Studio Confirms it Won't be Making Baldur's Gate 4 - IGN (www.ign.com)

"Larian has been an incredible partner, and together we are proud of the success of Baldur’s Gate 3. Watch this space for more on some awesome D&D games we are bringing to life through Hasbro’s studios and our network of licensing partners. We have an unbeatable library of toy and game brands and many fantastic partners...


Well there is that Hasbro fired all of the Wotc team that helped Larian make BG3.

Kind of makes you salty.


They were lamenting that all of the team at Hasbro-Wotc that they worked with on BG3 was laid off.

Not that Hasbro caused layoffs at Larian.

Kbin_space_program, (edited )

Somewhat unexpectedly as its a free to play live service game and is notoriously grindy.


Last year was fire for them, they've got:
• cross platform play and save up
• a string of great updates
• working on reducing the overly grindy bits.
• its less pay to win now as the best weapons are purely behind gameplay.
• released an iphone version of the game and are working on an android one, I believe both are intended to be attached to the rest of the player base.

You can play a few matches(sub-30 minutes, usually sub 15) in a session and that's fine. You don't need any of the Prime warframes to do any content.


This. If you like the mechanics of bg3, go play Divinity Original Sin 2. It has a lot of the same enhancements that Larian added to dnd for BG3. Including more comprehensive elemental fields and height mechanics.

And it has a great modding community.

The sad part about Larian and BG3 is I was hoping for a definitive edition that gave Karlach her good ending.


Nah, that's her kinda bad ending. They cut the good good ending.
There is another ending for her involving the upper city(cut at the last minute due to performance issues) and I suspect the purified metal you get at the factory that involves her staying.


I don't think we're going to get the dos2 level of tools, simply because it would become a competitor to wotc's fabulous virtual tabletop microtransaction simulator.

It's nice to hope though, with you on that.

Kbin_space_program, (edited )


Let's start with why the first four deal exclusively with the Jewish faith and a clearly extremely selfish diety, then that you have to listen to your parents.

Then at number SIX, don't kill people.

Also note that outlawing sexual assault doesn't make the list. On the other hand, neither does anything about not allowing same-sex marriage.


This started as a joke on Reddit, making fun of landlords.


Yeah they were spamming the propaganda hard here when it happened.

Mike Johnson 'blindsided' by abrupt departure that could end Lauren Boebert's career (www.rawstory.com)

Boebert had switched districts after Buck announced his impending retirement to avoid a stiff challenge from Democrat Adam Frisch in the 3rd district, but Buck’s immediate departure will set up a special election in which the state Republican and Democratic parties will choose a nominee – and there’s no guarantee they’ll...


He might have been forced out to encourage a "rising star" to proceed.

That was how wannabe dictator Stephen Harper and his Reform party were done in in 2015 in Canada. They tried to run the old, sane conservatives out of their strongholds in the Maritimes.

A New York Times reporter was asked why they consistently frame things as bad for Biden but never bad for Trump. (old.reddit.com)

"I think what you're reacting to is that, at the moment, Biden is an unpopular president seeking a second term while Trump is a popular figure inside his party who is winning primary races. I wouldn't necessarily compare the two."...


Except Trump isnt overwhelmingly popular within his own party. Yes it's a strong majority within the GOP but its not a stranglehold. Nicki Haley was getting a consistent 40-45% of the GOP voters.


And DC.
And Iowa
And South Carolina.
And New Hampshire.

All places where Trump had less than 60% of the GOP vote


Very rarely. That's how he has at least kept, if not increased, the fortune he inherited.

His entire adult life is a story of payments to people, usually workers and contractors that did work on "his" buildings, being avoided.


Fun fact: Salesforce has been selling this exact service for ~8 years now. Its old tech.

It's their Wave Analytics package.


religious fervor.
Modi takes his orders from Stephen Harper a wannabe autocrat who runs a shadowy organizations pushing the far right across the democratic world.

It's why Pierre Poilievre doesn't say anything bad about Modi and India, because they are both in Harper's org.


If you've been using the same OS and computer since Firefox's initial release.

You need a new computer.


After he did his AMA on reddit he took a look around and stated something along the lines of it having "too much of the bad internet" and didn't stick around.

Also he's Canadian and not from the Prairies, so unlikely to be alt-right. His biggest flaw I've heard of in a few places is that he "works to rule" in the union sense. He does things that make him money WRT his fandom and his acting.

E.g. the big fallout he had with George Takei was because in his eyes, Takei as a person would benefit more from Sulu staying on the Enterprise and playing more in the movie, because more screen time equals more cash.

Takei took the minor role because it made sense for Sulu as a character, as well as personally the representation of a Japanese (and then closeted gay man) as the captain of a starship.


Discovery is a great Sci fi, but not that good at being Trek IMO, and didn't really respect the rest of Trek. It's better now that they moved it to the future of Trek where it's tech level makes sense, and there isn't a littany of other media in the same time period.

The first seasons of Picard were weird because it felt that it was more about other characters, and the TNG characters were more there for fan service to trick the fans into watching.

Lower Decks and SNW are fantastic.


Sorry, I wasn't implying Sulu was gay. I meant for him as an actor.


There are multiple points that we've determined that things would no longer be reversible.

We have likely crossed one of those points. We might be able to save it at this point, but we're probably not able to go back anymore. It's nice to hope that we could go back, but the reality is that it's almost certainly no longer possible.


Alternatively: Garak calls Dukat every now and then just to tear pages out and throw them away.


Garak absolutely has the skill and resources to do it without the death note(see the whole romulan senator thing). Moreover, his dad would see it as cheating and probably disapprove.

I think he'd tease Dukat that he has it, pretend to destroy it in front of Dukat, then in the Dominion invasion he'd kill "The Great Link."

Kbin_space_program, (edited )

As i understand the current consensus on Spinosaurus:
• it walked on all fours, not on two legs.
• it was probably similar to a giant croc as is mouth is design for catching fish.
• the tail looks like it could be used for swimming, but didn't have the muscle attachments for croc/gator tail swimming.
• which is weird because that should put it in an ideal situation to give fantastic skeletons(similar to the duck billed dinosaurs), but we barely have any. Worse is that the most complete skeleton was destroyed by allied bombing in WW2.
• and all of that raises the question of what the hell was the sail for. Since that doesn't make sense on an aquatic ambush predator.
• moreover, the sail wasn't a one-off, but a feature of half of the spinosaurids, so it was selected for. So it served some useful purpose.

Kbin_space_program, (edited )

Automation and Beam NG. You can make cars in the former and it has tools to import them into the latter where you can drive them around.

I made a hot-hatch with a supercharged V6 that can go well over 300kph. Also have reproduced the Jaguar xj220 and an 1980s Camaro.

The former is insane, it's just raw power. I fiddled with it and now it is a mid engine supercar that does wheelies when accelerating.

The Camaro is just hilarious fun though.

  1. Tea quality really matters. Almost all of the supermarket stuff in ultra fine bags is literally the leftover dust from actual tea making. (Looking at you, Tetley)
  2. Steep time and water temperature. Oversteeping make it bitter, which is unfortunately how most older people grew up serving it. Some teas need 5 minutes at 95C(Rooibos); other need a minute at 80C(most greens)

Not a sweet spot.

Morrowind was amazing because it is a hand built world. Oblivion had the same core error as Starfield: an overreliance on procedural generation.

For Skyrim they did it right. Just the right amount of procedural generation with enough manual work that things worked out.

You can't overlook the modding scene either. Oblivion had a great mod community with a lot of people getting into it and cutting their teeth there. So when Skyrim came out they were experts and made a lot of amazing mods, particularly framework mods.

But almost all of them are done and gone or corrupted into paid mods(e.g. Elianora, Kinggath(FO4)). So Starfield will never get a good modding scene because the core modding community doesn't exist now.

I am genuinely horrified to see how much data google collected from me

I created a google takeout and in that zip file I found some files containing a ton of data about me. It has logged every single page I visited while using the google search engine and chrome browser. It even logged every single time I opened an app on my old android phone. It even has VOICE RECORDINGS of me and a log of every...


You do realize that Google is far worse than Apple and Microsoft combined right?


Time to make a lot of wandering dwarf bots on reddit to make variations of various game phrases all over, so the LLM based bots just spout Rock And Stone and This is my favourite store on the Citadel?


In short, at 7th to 9th level spells shit get stupid really fast.

In any case, the sweet spot of the 5th edition ruleset(which Larian vastly improved upon) is levels 5 to 10. Under that and you're too squishy, over that and you start getting into the plane shifting and just outright death spells.


His most well known, and arguably approaching Nickleback levels of annoying is "quiet suburban sidestreet at 8am while I test and tune the engine every weekend."


Okay, so their approach to disenfranchised voters:

  1. No actual voting change.
  2. No voting reform.
  3. No enforcement of existing laws forcing companies to give people 8 hours to vote.
  4. We'll give them more days they can vote on! Sure that's the problem.

Eat the rich.


shocked Pikachu face
Jeez, you're telling me the oil industry Lied?

Oh. My. God.

Next you'll be telling me that the pipelines they jammed into BC aren't actually good for the country or the province.


The best thing to do in pokemon violet is to make the jump over the cliffs when you're level 15 and can face level 30 pokemon on top of the cliffs in the first zone.


Because he actually plays and enjoys games.

He's not just another mba "strip mine the user base for money" fucker.


Apparently even Valve's lawyers don't like dealing with Nintendo's lawyers.


First did it in Kotor because the female PC had much more fun conversation choices with Bastilla(namely she'd be a catty bitch towards you and it was hilarious.)

Then in Elder Scrolls Oblivion because if you wanted to look good, all of the best looking clothing and armor was for CBBE body.

Mass Effect 1-3 because the female PC had better lines and better inflection on the sarcastic lines.

World of Warcraft as a blood elf because when I tried it for shits n giggles I made 25 gold in the first hour of play from people just throwing gold and items at me for no reason.


Don't forget how he abandoned PC gaming when Unreal Tournament 3 bombed after they released shitty mid tools and the modding community they built up over UT 2k3 and 2k4 dissolved.


You missed the bit that game companies have to have their servers physically located in China.

Kbin_space_program, (edited )

The problem is that the spice and flavour of Skyrim was not using the fast travel and just exploring.

With modding to add random encounters and roaming friendlies/neutral mobs, Fallout 4 was great too. Even more so recently with the flyable vertibirds so that you could get the in-game fast travel that used resources.

But neither of those can exist in a game where fast travel is a core and unavoidable gameplay mechanic.

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