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If it’s possible

It’s always “possible”. In fact, it’s inevitable that an accident or emergency will happen. They happen every day. It’s clearly Tesla’s fault for having terrible controls but what else is new?

That’s why we have dedicated first responders instead of just fire hoses everywhere. Many fires can be stopped with just some baking soda or a wet towel, but non-professionals can’t be trusted to act rationally in that situation.


No, it sounds correct. Taxing billionaires’ income is fine, but the real money would come from actually taxing corporations more.

See, they only have income in certain circumstances, so the amount raised from an income tax would not be very high. You can raise corporate taxes by a little bit and get much more.

That way the income is taxed before it gets to anyone. It doesn’t matter if they have a billion dollars. Plus it encourages investment in the company (wages, new products, better quality, etc.) because business costs are tax write-offs.

KevonLooney, (edited )

They always say it’s an “unprecedented moment”. Let’s not act like there’s actual American Nazis in the streets or riots. That has literally happened many times.

It’s actually been the norm for a lot of US history. We live in an unprecedented time of peace where it’s actually uncommon for this to happen. They just last year set aside the convictions of 110 black soldiers who were involved in a riot. None of the white police officers involved were ever punished.

Edit: these cosplayers are nothing. Do you guys understand that this shit used to happen all the time?

That’s why this riot happened. The police were beating up black men who were soldiers in uniform for no reason. Torches? That’s nothing.

Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term (

That was one of the more interesting SOTU addresses I’ve seen. Personally, I think he said most of the things that needed to be said, and he said them reasonably well. I’m sure he’s going to get some flack for attacking Trump directly (though not by name), but I was frankly glad to see it. Doing otherwise makes it seem...


And Trump didn’t even deliver the rebuttal. Low energy! Sad.


That indicates that a quorum can be reached with just one member from each state. Every state has a derpy representative from cookoo-land.


Did you read this article? Maybe the title of the article?


The act that funds the IRS to go after tax cheats is corrupt? And you think nationalized industries are not corrupt?


Do you remember 2016? Most pollsters picked Hillary to win. It was not “super accurate”. Most people were shocked by the outcome.

And no, Trump isn’t “less unpopular” than Biden. That’s the point of the article. Based on the current polls, Trump should not be struggling at all against a centrist candidate that no one knows (Nikki Haley). That’s like a pro team having trouble beating a college team. It’s not good and shows large problems.

Biden only has pressure from the left, and there isn’t even a candidate that can stand against him. The “no one” votes, are mainly people saying they want a generic progressive who doesn’t exist right now. In the general election, it’s much harder to overcome centrists who dislike you than right or left wing voters.


You are comparing “approval” ratings with “favorability” ratings. Trump has no favorability ratings because he’s not in office. These are not the same.

Biden’s “favorability” is lower because there are people who want him to be more progressive. That doesn’t mean they won’t vote for him in a race against Trump.

You can’t use “favorability” to gauge whether people will vote because it compares the candidate to a mythical generic person. The ballot doesn’t ask “do you like what Joe Biden is doing?” it asks “do you prefer Biden or Trump?”

Those are very different questions. Biden will pull ahead once people actually think about Trump being president. It’s not a hypothetical like in 2016. He was president and he lost in 2020.


There are leaders available. You have to help find them. Right now you’re just sitting there, having tried nothing, and you’re all out of ideas.


Lol. People are betting on Obama to win? People are idiots.

It doesn’t matter what these polls show. Georgia has two progressive Democratic Senators and this shows Trump leading by 6% there! That’s obviously wrong. Nevada is not going to vote for Trump by 8%. They voted for Biden by 2%! It wasn’t even close.

Polls mean nothing now because there’s no reason for Biden voters to answer that phone call. Trump voters want to shout “Trump!” to anyone who’ll listen. Biden voters don’t need to be heard because their ego isn’t wrapped up in their choice.

It’s true Biden is down in “approval ratings”, but that doesn’t mean those people are voting for a Republican. A large part of them probably want a progressive instead. Biden can lose the “approval” popularity contest and still win the election, because the other choice is so bad.


That doesn’t prevent you from volunteering for or donating to small candidates. Do you think Obama was the establishment favorite over Hillary Clinton in 2008?

If you want to make snarky comments instead of doing anything, that’s up to you.


You’re the one worried about “democracy nosediving”. I’m just telling you that you can do something about it. Your response is “no u”.

I can see why you’re frustrated. You’ve tried nothing and you’re all out of ideas.


You’re forgetting the entire Pacific War, which had little to do with Europe. You’re forgetting Japan invading China and interrupting the civil war. You’re forgetting Japan invading every island in between them and New Guinea.

Your comment infantilizes local groups who used the war to settle local or regional rivalries. Colonial subjects were not idiots being used. They took up sides based on their goals and historical alliances.


You can use a windmill, waterwheel, or animals to turn a generator. The real problem would be getting a magnet and enough purified copper. Most people do not realize how complicated and interdependent our society is. No person is an island and no invention is either.


NATO vs Russia would be like the Iraq War on steroids. All of their planes would be grounded and their troops in Ukraine would surrender in huge numbers. Drones would not help Russia because NATO troops would move too quickly.

Look at what happened in the first Gulf War. Saddam’s elite Republican Guard troops were destroyed by air and artillery fire, then mopped up in the largest tank battles since WW2.

Saddam had 1 million troops dug in defensively, fighting in territory they knew well, using many of the same weapons the Russians have now. His casualties were like 20% - 30%. Russia would be worse.


Some people are literally never going to be satisfied.

News flash: if you tell everyone that you won’t be satisfied with anything remotely possible, people will stop listening to you.

Stop being like MAGA chuds who don’t even know what they want. They just want “to win”.


You guys are both right. He is downplaying the affect of climate change. It’s not just going to be “some reduction in the standard of living”. You are wrong in thinking there will be no food.

Some crops may not be available year-round, for any price. Right now you can get tropical fruit any month in colder climates. This may go away for many months of the year. Maybe shipping is disrupted by larger storms, so goods take longer to arrive.

Basically it may be like during the pandemic when transportation shut down, and you couldn’t get some goods at any price. That’s more than a “reduction in standard of living”.


These pictures posted in this thread are all definitely “art”. You can tell because they clearly provoke emotion, even if that emotion is confusion.

But remember, just because it’s art doesn’t mean it’s good art.


Most people were not very accepting of “different” people back then, but maybe it was just not talked about. There were a ton of “confirmed bachelors” and plenty of women had “roommates”.

People in the North and South were not different. The North had a ton of racists who didn’t want to fight and die for “colored people”. There was a huge riot in NYC of people who didn’t want to be drafted. They killed black people they found for no reason.


Bitcoin is just a scam in general.

“Bro, I’ll sell you this really complicated number. No one else has it.”

“What can I do with it?”

“Sell it for more money to a bigger fool than you.”

"I’m in.*


Last month, Business Insider’s Sinéad Baker wrote that Russia was strategically trying to bait Ukraine into using up its Patriot stocks to leave itself vulnerable.

This is like the most idiotic strategy. It will take Ukraine a short amount of time to get more missiles. They are probably sending back every single MB of data from these Patriots to the US Army.

The US hasn’t fought a country with actual jets in decades. This is priceless information for them and missiles are basically free.


Be careful who you praise:

Navalny took part in the Russian March, an annual demonstration in Moscow that draws ultranationalists, including some who adopt swastika-like symbols. In 2008, Navalny, like an apparent majority of Russians, supported Russian aggression in Georgia. In 2013, he made illegal immigration from Central Asia a central theme of his campaign for mayor of Moscow. In 2014, after Russia occupied Crimea, he said that, while he opposed the invasion, he did not think that Crimea could be just “handed back” by a post-Putin Russian government.…/the-evolution-of-alexey-navalnys-…


Something that would sound dumb written out as a comment?


No one in a city or suburbs is thinking about rural areas besides, “Oh that looks relaxing.” But people in rural areas talk the most shit like yelling, “Enjoy sniffing each other’s farts!” to a passing jet. Then crying about wanting to leave Toenail, AL.


Just because people think a military needs arms, that doesn’t mean they think their unhinged neighbor needs them. The 2A says a well regulated militia should have arms, not just any rando.

This wasn’t even a debate until recently. In the Old West every town had a prohibition on guns in town. If they didn’t need them, you don’t.


You brought up Nazis. It was national armies and navies that defeated them, not randos with handguns.


You need help if you really believe that. It’s not healthy to be that afraid. You’re not going to be a partizan in a righteous war.

I am related to many people who fought and died in WW1 and 2. I know Holocaust survivors too, number tattoos and everything. Do you know how many guns they have? Like 3 disused hunting rifles total. Do you know what they say they learned fighting actual Nazis? Live your life and don’t be afraid.

You don’t need a gun to feel like a big man. It’s a safety blanket for adults. Fear is the thing that will actually kill you. King George III and Hitler can’t hurt you.


Or better yet, there are many dudes who look like a sack of crap but will absolutely destroy you at some athletic competition.

You will watch a dude twice your age whoop your ass at something, I guarantee it. And there will be nothing you can do about it. That 60 year old man is retired and has literally nothing else to do but practice. You came to have fun. This is his warmup.


without bias, and brings up the data as evidence.

There is no news without bias. You just said you didn’t want a series of events listed as news. Anything extra is opinion. Even the selection of which facts to include is opinion.

You want either a book or a scientific journal. The well researched ones are boring. I promise, you don’t want them:


Well it doesn’t happen. Something that’s 70% water can’t explode. Have you ever heard of an animal exploding randomly? There’s literally no way for it to happen.


You don’t need a degree in finance to do this calculation. You are simply looking for the present value of a stream of income.

It depends on what interest rate you think is “risk free”. Right now treasuries range from 5% to 3%. Just divide the yearly dividend (12 * 50) by that interest rate. $50 per month risk-free in perpetuity is worth $12,000 to $20,000.


The swill milk scandal was a major adulterated food scandal in the state of New York in the 1850s. The New York Times reported an estimate that in one year 8,000 infants died from swill milk.


You are just baking from scratch, but more it’s expensive and less healthy.

My man, wait until you discover spices. You can make anything “spicy” or “garlic” flavored.


By reading a recipe really quickly and making your own, it will taste better and be healthier and cheaper. That’s the point.


That’s not how statistics works. Every person will lose almost exactly 50%.

Estimates for the number of bacterial cells within the average 70kg Human male is around 38 trillion

Do you know what the chance of 100% of them being snapped is?

0.50 ^ (38 trillion) = 0.0000000000000…

The calculator ran out of zeros.


Exactly. This person is noticing a local recession and believes the entire world is like their small town. It isn’t.

Recessions have causes and “housing expensive” is not a cause. In a recession everyone loses, not just “some factory workers” or “people who rent”. This person is describing the effects of situational unemployment, which can hurt small towns reliant on only one industry.


Somehow, everyone has lost 20-40% of their turnover while producing the same financial results.

That’s called inflation. And stickers aren’t a good way to track the economy. Where do you put the sticker on a service or app?


How do you sell more apps if people buy fewer phones?

Maybe you don’t know this but you can install multiple apps on one phone. And there are a ton of services built into those apps. They don’t all build their own payment processor, or security packages, or a ton of other backend things you never see. You just don’t see all the b2b services that you use every day.

Then there’s all the physical services. People always need haircuts and plumbers. Look at the actual numbers and you’ll see that layoffs are quite low now:

Honestly, your thinking appears to be influenced by your personal feelings and not the actual facts. There’s always problems in the world. Today’s problems seem bigger but that’s just recency bias. In the 90s there was literal war and genocide in Europe and around the world. The economy was fine.


That’s… what a photo is. While technically correct, no one would use “Photo:” as a meme format. It’s just redundant and dumb.

GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour (

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.


One correction:

Apple releases “iTetris” for $3000. Their fans claim it’s way better than the original. It’s the same game with only 8 levels, but you can pay extra for more.


Do not mix soap and vinegar. You will just de-saponify the soap and end up with expensive oil and salt. Vinegar is an acid and soap is a base. Use them separately.

Yes, you learned a new word today:


I agree with one caveat: the Palestinians can help themselves the same way India, South Africa, and other colonial peoples have. Non-violent resistance gets really good results in democracies. It’s not easy, but it’s less dangerous than attacking a modern military.

The hardest step is getting rid of Hamas, which is more like a mafia than a government. They’re more interested in keeping their power and position with help from Iran. In South Africa, Nelson Mandela was a violent terrorist before he turned to 100% non-violence.

Here’s an interesting article that no one will read:


Yeah, that’s correct:

Despotic governments can stand ‘moral force’ till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.

That’s why I said democracies are vulnerable to non-violent resistance.

Democracies, like Israel, are the opposite of authoritarian governments. Developed democracies can withstand all the force you send at them because they rule with the consent of the governed and have much larger resources at their disposal.

They are more vulnerable to soft power. Hamas already has broadcast abilities. They should literally get rid of most weapons, and start broadcasting 24/7 about the hardships of living in the West Bank and Gaza. They have an unlimited amount of ammo because Israel genuinely makes people’s lives terrible.

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