@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar



I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.

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@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Man, I have a buncha people giving me shit on my thread for BG3 asking if one of the encounters can be cheesed because the way it would be cheesed is hilarious. It’s a clone fight and I was curious if you could make the clone spawn naked and make the fight a non-issue. Now some people are upset and tell me I should just “play the game.” Is that not what I am doing? I was gonna do it anyway, I just wanted to know if I should save before hand if it fucked me over completely.

I like breaking games. It’s fun. I’ll play them the way they were “intended” once or twice; but after that I’m doing everything but that. Just to see what I can actually get away with. I thought that was the point of an interactive experience. Why the hell would I want to just do the canned ‘canon’ shit? I want to do all the things you can’t do in reality because they would hurt yourself or others. I want to test the limits of the game designer’s imagination. If I can think of it and they missed it or if they actually put that little detail in.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I kinda hate that I am targeted because what I have fun doing in GTA5 is stunting with the Oppressor Mk1. People see it on the map and immediately start trying to fuck with me when I’m just in the mountains doing flips and ignoring everyone. :/

I don’t even have the guns unlocked for it!


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  • Kolanaki,
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    still play the same as games from 2015

    I wish they played more like games from the late 90’s, early 2000’s, instead of stripping out a lot of depth in favor of visuals. Back then, I expected games to get more complex and look better. Instead, they’ve looked better, but played worse each passing year.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Play something like The Quarry and you’ll want them to be a tad more realistic, cuz it’s not quite there and triggers the uncanny valley effect. Seeing the likeness of a real person in a video game even with the best graphics available is still very easily seen to be a video game. Some stuff in the works right now yet to be released built on UE5 is even closer. Some things have been shown to look almost photorealistic, such as Unrecord or The Matrix tech demo. Like so much so, people thought they were fake at first.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Every new piece of info I see about this game just tells me exactly what I was expecting. Skyrim/Fallout but with a new coat of paint. The only thing actually new and has me excited beyond knowing they generally make fun games is the space combat shit. And frankly, I’m more inclined to think it’s going to be the jankiest, most broken part of the game considering it’s still on the creation engine and vehicles have never been very good on it. But I would love to be wrong.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Bethesda’s been going all in on surprisingly expensive microtransactions for really tiny amounts of content, like in Fallout 4 and 76, and it wouldn’t be shocking for them to continue in that direction.

    This isn’t even new. Bethesda literally set the standard for overpriced MTX with the god damn horse armor in Oblivion for $7.50. That was the first time in history the microtransaction was used and it garnered much the same response as they do now.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I don’t have faith in the modding scene to fix it properly (since they never did it for me for FO4 or skyrim)

    Sounds like you need to learn how to make your own. The toolset isn’t very difficult to learn and can do practically everything you’d want to do mechanically to the game. Most of the mods I use are self made, because stuff I can download generally isn’t perfect. They do too much or not enough and it’s very rare that I find something that is perfectly what I want. So I make it myself.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Fair points but I do have issue with the combat stuff; I can’t remember the name of it, but the last time I was playing I had found a mod that made combat exactly like Dark Souls. It was a serious game changer.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    half the length of an original NES controller

    God damn. If you haven’t held an original NES controller since back in the day when you were a kid, lemme tell you: They are already fucking small. This thing would definitely suck to use unless you are under the age of 10 or have dwarfism (or possibly Donald Trump).

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    The cool things done with the nudity include:

    • Karlach’s chest glowing from the Infernal Engine she uses as a heart

    And that’s it. They’re not particularly good looking or anything. Other than Karlach, the nudity is quite generic and unsexy.

    I feel like having full nudity is just a cheap gimmick that doesn’t add anything of value. The only mainstream game I’ve played that even uses nudity as a mechanic to do something special is Elden Ring and you’re not even totally nude in that game.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Plenty of games are able to determine what you’re using without having such a screen. The “press any key to continue” screen has been a thing my entire life (born in 85), and it has never been necessary for anything other than simulating the “insert coin” screen for arcade games.

    BG3 can use both at the same time, and yet it still has two of these screens. If you’re playing with a controller, it will say press any key then you press a button and it changes to “press A to continue” before you actually get to the main menu.

    And it’s even dumber because you can see the game detects your controller before the first logo screen ends when the cursor is auto hidden.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Personally, I think if I cant just use both at the same time it’s kind of shit. Only a handful of games actually work like that, and it’s insane. I shouldn’t have to go into the settings and switch control types. I should just be able to use them if they’re plugged in, like GTA or BG3.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    The individuals working on the game might care.

    The managers who make the decisions don’t. Doesn’t matter if they are a publisher or the development company itself. It’s a bit blurry these days anyway, what with how easy it is to self publish and how many publishers have their own internal development studios.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    You know what creates engagement and retains players?

    Making a good game that’s actually fun to play instead of focusing on how you’re gonna sell me hats and paint jobs and weaponizing FOMO.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I don’t think Early Access should go away as it’s not inherently bad in and of itself.

    What’s bad about it is when it’s used to sell a totally unfinished piece of shit that stays an unfinished piece of shit indefinitely.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    That’s just part of the mismanagement.

    What worries me is that one of the leakers who was leaking shit about Redfall prior to release who was 100% correct about everything, also said he saw Starfield and it was in worse shape than Redfall was. It’s obviously coming out later, but not that much later.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    While true, the state of Redfall was far worse than the expectation for a mainline Bethesda RPG (comparatively), even as bad as they have been in the past. So saying Starfield was in worse shape still has some hefty weight to it, if the leak is true. It will have at least had more time in the oven for things to be fixed up a bit more in line with normal expectations. And that’s my hope.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    They would have to also start charging to save scum. Why would I pay $5 for a crit when I can just reload my save and try until I get one? Every new save is $0.50 and every reload is also $0.50.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I can fuck a bear in this game?!

    BRB, I’ll be speed running bear fuck%

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    If you level it up enough, it becomes “sex with animals.”

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I’ve barely even talked to the dude who I assume is the wildshape you can romance. Of course I didn’t know. I’ve been rolling with the boss bitches because all the good fighters are the ladies.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Why do authors keep inserting their kinks into books?

    Oh… I suggest you don’t read my books when they come out. They’re romance novels entirely focused on my kinks.

    Bards are Baldur's Gate 3's best class and I can't imagine playing it as anything else (www.pcgamer.com)

    I was planning on paying a rogue, paladin, or warlock (based on my tabletop characters), but this article nearly has me convinced. I am waiting for the PS5 release, so any agreement or dissension from my PC friends? Other class recommendations?...

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Bard is always the first thing I play in D&D crpgs that let me. It’s a great class that lets you do a little bit of everything. Plus it’s great to do a face-melting lute solo as the last thing you do before ending your turn, since Performance is a free action.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    X3: Terran Conflict - Ignoring the story plot and just playing sandbox (“custom game”) makes you nothing more than a citizen in a universe that doesn’t care if you succeed and success is a long, hard road to the top of whatever avenue you pursue. One of the best space games there is. It’s also moddable and there are some awesome mods out there to make the game even better.

    Mount & Blade: Bannerlord - Basically the same as above; but in a medieval wargame/RPG… It’s pretty unique in gameplay so I’m not sure what to really call it. You start off as just a dude and can work your way up to becoming a king and conquering the entire country. The combat is part large-scale strategy, part 4X and part action sim as you move units around a world map for positioning and getting to cities and outposts, and battles put you in control of your singular dude swinging your weapon with some nice mouse controls, while also able to command your literal thousands of men in moment to moment tactical decisions.

    Dwarf Fortress - Specifically Adventure mode in the pre-Steam version (since Adventure mode is not yet in the Steam version). You’re literally whatever character you create living in a fantasy world. It’s a simulation more than any other kind of genre. You can basically do whatever you can think of. You can be whatever you want up to and including a literal god if you work hard enough. There is no story other than the history of the world, which the game records and even after you die and make a new character in the same world, any mark that previous character left continues to exist and can affect others. Like say you steal from a guy, get into a fight and end up killing him. His son might seek revenge on your character, succeed and then fall into a depression. It’s kind of a mad lib of sorts so you have to have some imagination, but it’s the most complex game that exists right now.

    Kenshi - Nobody likes you, you own nothing, you’re weak as shit, the world is massive, and you can also basically do anything if you work at it. Command huge armies. Become a robot and forego the need to eat. Build cities. Conquer the planet. Not only is the game play incredibly fun and rewarding, it has a super interesting world with plenty of cool lore. Plays kind of like an ARTS and has complexity that comes close to Dwarf Fortress’s.

    Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 1: Infected (www.youtube.com)

    I never heard of Baldur’s Gate, but the other day someone on lemmy recommended this playthrough of the game that was just released. I watched it and it’s different from Skyrim etc, in that it has a way deeper story and is played slower. It’s a bit like DnD apparently, which I don’t know much about either....

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    it’s a bit like D&D

    No, dude. It is D&D. It’s set in Forgotten Realms, follows the actual lore and uses the actual mechanics of the pen and paper game for all the dice rolling stuff (barring a few things that need tweaking for the medium and eschewing more meta rules that can only work in a PnP setting).

    As a fan of both the original Baldur’s Gate games and D&D in general, I have found BG3 to be the absolute pinnacle of the D&D CRPG subgenre. It lets you do so much more stuff than any other D&D game. I love it. It’s been a while… The last D&D game that did as much as BG3 is doing now was Neverwinter Nights.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I got a ton of games on CD from years past; but I got no disc drive on my computer anymore, so I just pirate them instead of buying them again on Steam or GOG unless they have something new to make it worth buying (like an engine port or new features or whatever).

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I think the only game I have tried that with that worked has been Oblivion and Shivering Isles. Some of them are so old, they don’t have any keys. Like Quake and Doom. But those were put in bundles and with updated engine ports and such a couple years ago on Steam and I got those. Like the entire pre-2016 Doom collection, plus some other games on the original engine for $5 total. Not a bad deal. Some of those games I didn’t actually already own, too, like Strife and Hexen 2. Always wanted Strife, but only had the shareware as a kid. Couldn’t beat that as a kid back then anyway; I only ever got through the entire thing pirating it in my 20’s at a time when it wasn’t able to be purchased anywhere.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Unless they fuck it up worse than 76, I’m pretty sure Starfield will likely be remembered the same way Skyrim and Fallout 4 are.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Pretty much. They’re likely never to make something as good or that surpasses Morrowind.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Right… It’s the audience’s fault and not the show runners who outright refused to follow the books and games leading to the star of the show leaving. 🙄

    Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

    Just for the heads up, this thread will probably have a lot of spoilers. I’m gonna try to go vague on spoilers for anybody that hasn’t played Hotline Miami 2. If you’ve played the game, you’ll probably know what I mean, but I’m going to say some purposefully esoteric shit to keep it out of full spoiler territory....

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I remember the first time I cried because of the events of a video game.

    Final Fantasy 7. Aerith’s death scene.

    Up to that point, you’re given several romance options between her and Tifa and I basically friend-zoned Tifa and was pursuing Aerith. So when Sephiroth murders her out of nowhere, it was like he really murdered my girlfriend. FWIW, the game came out when I was 12 and I was probably 13 or 14 when I actually got to own a copy and play through the whole thing.

    The most latest game, tho, that hits hard is Cyberpunk 2077. The overall main plot is just a mashup of cyberpunk films like Johnny Mnemonic, Strange Days, 6th Day, 5th Element, Dredd, etc; but the side stories with the main characters are where the real beauty lies. Shit had me choked up like every time there was a lengthy bit of dialogue. The reason your character is dying might be goofy, but the way they portray someone who knows they are going to die is pretty fucking good. And the unique thing is that it’s you. Your own character, not some other character you’re just meant to empathize with.

    Xbox Is Suspending Players Caught Using Emulators (gameranx.com)

    For a good while, there was a bit of hype built around the Xbox Series S, in particular for the retro gaming scene. It was a cheaper device that offered a small form factor. Likewise, it allowed consumers to download emulators and enjoy various retro video games. But while this process was available, some consumers were...

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Are these modified consoles or are they getting the emulator off the Xbox’s own fucking store? Banning people for using something you yourself provided is fucked up, and seems likely to be illegal somehow.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Inventory management wasn’t really much of a concern for me in the ones where the key items/puzzle solution items aren’t held in the same container. I could have sworn 4 had that tho. Maybe it’s just the remake that changed it? 🤔 I’m currently playing the remake and it’s been putting key items in their own inventory space.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Gonna have to start grafting more arms and hands to your body so you can use them all at once, Godrick.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Said as much the first time I saw this. ESRB is really overstepping their bounds with this BS.

    Time to Move on From PS5?

    I’ve been having some thoughts lately that I would have believed crazy just a few years ago. I’m starting to think it might be time to move on from my PS5 and triple A gaming as a whole. I’ve had a PlayStation from the PS2 all the way to the latest generation of consoles. I remember fondly time spent roaming the lands of...

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I’m actually finding a lot of neat little indie games that only exist on Playstation because of the PS5. It’s not as big of a market as PC, but the games tend to be a bit more polished.

    I initially bought it for Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne because I had already explored every other Fromsoft game on PC and didn’t want to wait for a new one or these to even be announced as coming to PC. I figured since I had to pay to play online, I might as well go all in and got a year of PS+ Premium. Aside from the two aforementioned games and a physical copy of NHL23, every game I have on the system is from PS+.

    I’ve been playing it more than my PC lately. They’ve had some good shit the last couple months.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I had tons of GBA games but the one I remember most fondly is Link’s Awakening DX.

    Second would be uh… Damn, I forgot the name of it! It was that Hideo Kojima game with a solar panel in the cart because it used sunlight as a gimmick. It was the closest thing to a MGS game there was on GameBoy at the time, and I loved it. Didn’t care for the gimmick tho. You couldn’t actually see the screen if you were in direct sunlight which the sensor needed (unlike my damn calculator, using a lamp didn’t work).

    Edit: Boktai! You mentioned it further down in the comments lol

    Pokémon Sleep: Japanese walkthrough site lists “sleeping pills” as a tool for real competitive sleepers, but quickly backtracks (automaton-media.com)

    A Japanese video game walkthrough listing sleeping pills as one of their recommended methods to get high scores in Pokémon Sleep has gone viral on Japanese Twitter recently. The mention of sleeping aid has since been deleted from the site.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Hey, if cuddling a Charmander while I sleep is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

    Bethesda Is Changing The Way You Pickpocket In Starfield (www.gamespot.com)

    Thanks to a video posted by Reddit user OkPain2022, we're given a glimpse of how pickpocketing will work. Of course, you'll still need to approach them by crouching, and after you do that, a prompt will appear, allowing you to steal from them. After that, another menu will appear, showing you what they have and the odds of you...

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I don’t normally pick pocket, but I have played the old thief games and pick pocketing was a bit the same. You had to actually follow and aim at their tiny little belt pouch. But that wasn’t an RPG; you succeeded by just being good at playing the game that way.

    With how Bethesda’s game usually work, I can see this fucking sucking balls trying to follow the NPC while the menu of their inventory is up, unless it’s still gonna pause while you decide what to take.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    My first time through in their games is balls to the wall action. I don’t stealth. I just sprint in and shoot big guns/swing big hammers. Stealth is for when I already know where every enemy in the game is so I can kill everything and never actually be seen or attacked.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Fuck off with that shit.

    You’re a god damn rating board meant to help parents choose what their kids see; not an enforcer of morality for everyone.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    More to the point, it’s a game about being an assassin for corporate sanctioned attacks on competitors, where human life is valued in how much their organs sell for on the black market. And then it gets weird.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Or quit your job and become a full time Twitch streamer.

    What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

    Ever since the language puzzle in Tunic that got me to fill up 6 pocket sized pages of notes over multiple days while trying to puzzle it out as I tried to and, eventually, succeeded at translating the in-game “paper” manual, I’ve had a craving for games that force you to pull out a notebook and take notes/puzzle things...

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Mostly old point and click games like Sierra and Lucasarts things. Stuff where you can easily softlock yourself with 1 simple mistake.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I like Game Grumps. I don’t even watch them for the games they play; Dan and Arin are just funny as hell. It’s like watching RiffTrax/MST3K but for video games. Literally watching their Space Quest V play through right now.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I only have analogue pockets on my pants. I didn’t even know they made digital pockets.

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