@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar



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@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

How is a governor signing a blatantly unconstitutional law or refusing to comply with a federal law not a crime? The latter at least should end up with the FBI arresting desantis.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Why is there a range on payment for training? You’d think that’d be standardized.

Trump Lawyer Makes Disturbing Immunity Claim Before Supreme Court: Apparently, John Sauer thinks staging a coup should be considered a presidential act (newrepublic.com)

Donald Trump’s lawyer pushed an outrageous line of thinking on Thursday during oral arguments at the Supreme Court over whether the former president has immunity for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election: that a U.S. president could order a military coup d’état with almost no chance of repercussions....

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Biden should just have Trump arrested and sent to gitmo. If the president really does have all this unilateral power only able to be stopped by impeachment there’s no real way to prevent a dictator. Just arrest anyone in Congress who’d vote to impeach you.

It’d absolutely be the end of this country but we’re already staring that in the face as Trump tells the SCOTUS what he plans to do.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

He’s probably just scared Trump is going to purge his ass if he wins again.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

I pretty much never see porn show up for me in all. I get a bunch of communities showing pictures of partially clad women I have to block but that’s it. Did you disable NSFW?

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

MS really shouldn’t have been allowed to buy Activision. That’s way too fucking big, especially right after Bethesda.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah. If a non-billionaire (allegedly) tweeted out barely-veiled threats to jurors and witnesses and the judge’s family that causes their friends to send death threats, you’d be in prison after you violated the gag order. Maybe not even get a gag order: just also charged with tampering.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Agreed. The Oxford comma doesn’t contribute to any confusion. At worst, it’s a bit superfluous. But I always use it because it’s more clear what you’re saying.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Shit. Do factory settings have this chronic neck pain and ADHD? BRB going to reset a few times.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah but Republicans think it does and have been trying to suppress voters for a while. Mostly in specific districts and for specific methods like threatening people using ballot drop boxes.

Neato, (edited )
@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah. There are Rock operas which are albums that tell a unified story, but not one which is meant to be acted out like an actual opera.

The Doors Who album Tommy was one of the first to be billed as such. As well as most of what The Protomen and The Mechanisms have put out.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

If you just compare your life to some of the worst off then yeah, no one ever gets to complain about anything.

This whole outrage is misunderstanding the fact that people can have problems, especially perceive themselves as having problems, that are on their own scale and not comparable to the world at large. Also her songs are written to be relatable to some extent and not just 100% autobiographical so more people can envision their own problems and circumstances. But that’s like, 99% of music so it feels weird to say it.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah, definitely. Thanks.

eastonjohan, to 196

Boeing tells pilots to check seats after Latam plane incident


@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

The Wall Street Journal reported that a flight attendant accidentally hit a switch on the pilot’s seat, which pushed the pilot into the controls, forcing down the plane’s nose

So either the switch is in a bad position or is too easy to hit.

During the incident people were thrown against the roof of the plane, which was travelling from Australia to New Zealand

Keep your seatbelts on at all times! Unless you’re getting up to use the restroom or grab a bag, belts on. This is why they mandate this on most flights. Unexpected turbulence can do something similar.

Once had a flight attendant crouch next to my seat for to such turbulence. They were unfazed meaning this isn’t uncommon.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

They won’t. They got shown up by New Vegas and even had that stupid bonus scheme to cheat Obsidian out of pay. Neither company would agree to do that again.

Also someone would have to use Bethesda’s ass engine yet again and no one wants those ugly models and awful performance.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

On the other hand, newcomers tend to… totally ruin the thing you’ve loved for decades.

This is one of the most gatekeeping thing I’ve heard in a while. You don’t want new people to discover something you like because they might like it differently.

So let’s all hope this doesn’t lead to watered down cash grabs

You mean more than the mobile game and Fallout 76?

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

He probably won’t go to jail no matter what he does. House arrest is most likely.

"If you don't vote <insert democrat> democracy will end" (harpers.org)

This article does a great job of explaining people’s frustration with having to vote for Biden again. It’s long, so here are some quotes. They’re totally cherry-picked, I’d recommend reading the whole thing (especially if you think the problem started with Biden, and that Clinton and Obama were ever good choices)....

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

The labor movement is stronger today than any time in my life of forty years. It’s not what it was a century ago, but what is?

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Lol. We’ve tried this before, DeSantis. Courts side with Satan.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

I’ve been thinking along the same lines for a while. If I call 911 and submit a knowingly false report, I get charged with a crime. If I submit knowingly false paperwork to the government, I can be charged with a crime or at least infraction and fined.

But these people we elect who have entire staffs that are for making sure they always have enough information are submitting blatantly unconstitutional laws just to get them passed through a majority congress to be again and again shot down at the judicial level should really face consequences.

Though I don’t know what that would be without it being used to easily punish political opponents. If there’s a law that does this and gives the judiciary more power, how will it be used when conservatives control those 2 branches?

Trump juror quits over fear of being outed after Fox News host says she should scare Trump (www.salon.com)

Those calls came after numerous media outlets reported potentially identifying biographical information about the woman, including her job and the neighborhood she called home. Fox News Jesse Watters highlighted the juror’s details while reading through public pool notes about the selected members. “This nurse scares me if...

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

If the courts don’t immediately arrest and charge this person with juror intimidation/tampering then it’s all over. The fascist mob will figure out who the jurors are and threaten their families en masse because there will be no consequences.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Any service member who supports Trump is indeed a “sucker and loser”. You pretty much have to be to that that kind of abuse and still support him.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Blatantly unconstitutional.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black famously stated in Everson v. Board of Education that “[t]he First Amendment has erected a wall between church and state,” and “[t]hat wall must be kept high and impregnable.”

Government may not adopt or ban instances of religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah, that’s probably right.

And then the Satanic Temple comes in with a lawsuit forcing Tennessee to “recognize” their literature as well for equality under the law.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

If traveling is an option for these people why ban it at all? Oh right, because only privileged people should have the ability to get healthcare. The poors are slaves and get what their masters give them, right Lake?

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

The law, House Bill 433, blocks local governments from several activities, including setting a minimum wage higher than that of the state or federal governments. It also restricts local authorities from “[r]equiring an employer, including an employer contracting with the political subdivision, to meet or provide heat exposure requirements not otherwise required under state or federal law” or “[g]iving preference, or considering or seeking information, in a competitive solicitation to an employer based on the employer’s heat exposure requirements,” according to a summary released by the Legislature.

No one is allowed to do anything except desantis. Very authoritarian. It’s also a way to ensure no one can compete on workplace safety. Ensuring everywhere is just as stupidly dangerous.

Fuck desantis.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah. I’d abandon the series until someone can do a high quality one that’s different though it’s not a clear comparison.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Party of hate. Party of bigots. Party of persecution.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

I don’t think Celiac’s cares about your political stance.

Also can you taste lavender in a coffee? I thought it was a pretty delicate flavor. Didn’t even know there was lavender syrup.

How to revitalize this sub?

I love the original patientgamers subreddit so I was stoked to find this community. And because lemmy seems to have a more knowledgeable crowd any topic I posted here had great engagement and discussions, despite the small community. I am too busy to be a mod but maybe I can help by sparking this discussion: what would be needed...

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah. Commenting is important. I look at my feed under Hot and I see a bunch of new posts over the last few hours and they all have 0 comments. Lemmy w/o comments is just a community-driven RSS feed. I comment first when I actually have something to add but it’s just as important as posting new links.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

GenAI generally can’t spell worth a shit. It doesn’t actually know how, it just predicts words and sentences.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Wouldn’t the offspring of either be a billionaire as soon as either father gave her a billion? Or gave her control of a company that was going to earn her that much? Seems like an easy ask for the 2 richest people.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah. Every streaming company should instantly do it to avoid lawsuits. Then they VPN company should block Kansas because they could be held liable.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

I’m sure it’s worth whatever the server hardware sells for second hand.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Same can be said for driving a car. No one can be ever vigilant. Sometimes you run over some kids. It happens. /s

Trump’s Brain Is Not Okay (ghostarchive.org)

While for many it’s obvious how serious Trump’s declining mental capacity has become, for too many Americans that reality has not yet broken through. The media continues to treat Trump like a normal candidate; many Americans have baked Trump’s bizarre behavior into their perceptions of him; and many take right-wing lies...

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Both sides bullshit. Biden gave an hour speech that was well received. Trump slurs his rehashed rhetoric. But sure, same thing.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

You do have to choose a side when you vote…

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Discord should be used as an easy way to keep people up to date and host links, like a replacement for Twitter. Not too be the sole source of hosting info. They should still have websites the discord points to.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Odds on this meaning be gets a vacation day or just the opportunity to take an unpaid day off on a holiday?

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

People misunderstanding and looking at it in partial maybe?

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

The Onion is over here crying because it’s been having to low-ball reality for a decade.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yes. But he’s also Lightbulb Man, Lantern Man and TV a Man. Just to name a few.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

What the frick? Let’s make a bomb to make popcorn!

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

And it’ll be selectively enforced. That’ll been poor people and minorities essentially can’t report crimes.

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