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Flatpak saved my ass when I super broke my Arch upgrade but didn’t have time to fix it before work. I ran using only Flatpak apps for like 6 weeks because they were the only thing that worked


Trying to set up snapshots is what broke my system. Not sure what the issue was exactly, but BTRFS was reporting a different amount of used space than there actually was, and my snapshots started recursively backing up until everything died

Next time I install Linux I’m going to use Ext4 and snapshots out the gate


Honestly, I’m kind of tired of complicated stuff. I just want a fs that works and is easy to do recovery operations on when it doesn’t work. My SSD is big enough


I LOVE SEAL!! Found it a few weeks ago. Even used it today. Free music ftw!


Btw, Dinnerbone (the Minecraft OG) works on this


??? There’s nothing in this wording that implies anything more than “don’t negatively review us”


Small in-window dialogs in QtQuick-based software have gotten a visual overhaul to remove everything not visually necessary, which gives the text and buttons more focus (Carl Schwan, Frameworks 6.3. Link 1 and link 2)

Eww noo

OsrsNeedsF2P, (edited )

I used to use Protonmail and VPN, but one day my password just randomly stopped working and I lost access to everything. Switched over to Tutanota and Mullvad and have had zero issues since.


Lmao you’re right. Removed the first part. It came to look like an ad because I posted my first thought, then came back with my second one and appended it.

As far as the password goes, to this day I have no idea how it happened. I don’t want to admit I use the same password for everything, but ye know… it just stopped working for Proton one day.


As someone who rehosts an old game after the official servers shutdown, we have a dedicated servers for cheating and real moderators for the non-cheat ones. It works great but big corps don’t way to pay for mods.

I also wonder why big companies don’t do it to train ML algorithms on the cheat server data too…


As someone who ran BTRFS for years, I’m personally switching back to EXT4. Yes, the compression and other features are nice, but when things go wrong and you have to do a recovery, it’s not worth the complexity


When booting into a live CD, mounting the various subpartitions is super annoying.

When your disk space hits full, things break uncontrollably because different programs don’t have a consistent measurement of how much space is left.

When shrinking partitions, you can lose data if you shrink it too much. I’m not talking about forced overrides of any configs, I’m talking about things like KDE Partition Manager.

All of these things can be excused one way or another, but at the end of the day I just want a stable filesystem that doesn’t lose my docs.


Lemme say this - While complex, I can vouch for recovering files on BTRFS. I can’t vouch for recovering files on ext4, because I never had to.


Brave or Vanced or Firefox with uBlock origin


The irony of a Google product pissing you off so you switch from iOS to Android


I don’t think the Brave CEO cares about getting caught


XFCE doesn’t support it yet so I’m not on it.

Also last I tried, autoclickers weren’t working

Box86/box64 is frickin dope rpi400 (sh.itjust.works)

I have been messing with my raspberry pi 400 and stumbled across box86. This program converts x86 calls to arm. And it works pretty well, i got the orginal pvz (disk verison) running through wine and box 86! The game is slow on cutscenes but gameplay is suprisingly playable and was more playable then my first pc lmao!...


Your lag is probably due to the hardware more than the translation layers


A few years ago there was a Lemmy instance on I2P


Yea I think it shut down due to lack of users/interest. This was before Lemmy even had federation working, so much smaller community


I worked at BlackBerry (many years later) and this was my understanding. They were brutally reimpmementing all the Android APIs


Anyone who cares about this and doesn’t require a Windows server is already using BSD/Linux/etc


The fee introduction didn’t lead to the resignation of the Unity CEO. He was brought in to do the layoffs, make necessary buisness decisions, and leave with a golden parachute for being the scapegoat.

Source: Was Unity dev for 3 years, including during this fiasco


People downvoting you don’t seem to remember the whole “messages aren’t delivered while you’re not online” thing



Reminds me of my previous job where our LLM was grading things too high. The AI “engineer” adjusted the prompt to tell the LLM that the average output should be 3. I had a hard time explaining that wouldn’t do anything at all, because all the chats were independent events.

Anyways, I quit that place and the project completely derailed.


A pardon for Snowden, Assange, and Chelsea would give Biden a lot of credit


Yes, this guy. This messenger you’re currently shooting deserves a pardon and multiple awards.

He exposed more corruption and illegal actions than either of us ever will. We need to encourage these heroic deeds. The FBI planted evidence on him. His client attorney privilege was violated. If he was actually such a bad person, these illegal lengths should never have been used to frame him.


Literally from the article you posted:

“WikiLeaks rejects all submissions that it cannot verify. WikiLeaks rejects submissions that have already been published elsewhere or which are likely to be considered insignificant. WikiLeaks has never rejected a submission due to its country of origin,” the organization wrote in a Twitter direct message when contacted by FP about the Russian cache.

Assange has mentioned on numerous occasions that they get a lot of fake leaks sent by ABCs designed to hurt WikiLeaks’ credibility. Unless there is concrete evidence of him being a Russian asset (and it has to be concrete, especially knowing that he has literally been framed by the FBI on multiple occasions), I’m not going to immediately drop my support for whistleblowers.


He was literally extradited to the US? Of course he can be pardoned, the US is the country hunting him


I just want to say I don’t disagree with anything you said on in facts of your comment (like WikiLeaks’ chatlogs). Those are facts. The other things like what WikiLeaks can or cannot verify are the he said/she said, and I’m cautious to blame WikiLeaks for it because of all the BS and slander (much of which was later found out to be false) that Assange faced.

Even if we ignore the fact of who Assange is - I don’t want future whistleblowers to get the same illegal treatment (like the attorney client privilege abuse) as Assange. Precedence matters in cases like this. It determines what future whistleblowers will face.

I won’t even ask for evidence

Here it is anyways: independentaustralia.net/…/the-fbi-tried-to-make-…

The quotes are from the Minister of the Interior, and later the Minister of Justice in Iceland, in case you were wondering on the reputabilitiy.


As someone who loved Manjaro and installed it everywhere, the whole thing is (was?) amateur hour run by clowns. Drama, bugs, but lots of opportunity to contribute if you were equally blind.


insert BMW Nazi logo beside the BMW trans logo


Came here to say the same thing. At least 2 people’s brains will melt at this


2 Very high priority Plasma bugs (down from 4 last week).



He’s at 13,115 posts on the Phoronix Forums as of writing. He’s the third most prolific commenter in the forums.

No kidding


Possibly the most eye opening quote is at the end of the article:

“When the bond was reduced, we thought they could cover the damages themselves and didn’t think we’d hear back from them again, but they called us back” a couple of days later, Hankey said. The talks went quickly, with the company saying it would collateralize the full amount using a combination of cash and bonds. The money it eventually did put up appeared to be all cash, Hankey added."

Some billionaires expected Trump to be able to post the bond, but Trump could not. If Trump is fooling billionaires, do you really think he’s not fooling you?


It’s probably not gonna happen, but it’s great that this discussion is happening at all. Maybe it’ll encourage Gnome to improve their customizability, which seems to be the main advantage point of KDE


I felt that way before meeting a GNOME dev. Their target audience is the whole world of users who either don’t already have a computer or don’t know how to use one. They don’t want people customizing their apps. They don’t want a calculator named anything other than “Calculator”. They’re target audience is the 2B users that we don’t currently interact with.

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