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Word of mouth has always been far more powerful, and especially now in the internet age.


I’m not opposed to allowing ads, but until there are enforceable limits it’s too risky. If a service that serves a malware ad or a scam ad risks its entire system being blocked across all sites, then maybe we could get somewhere.

We’d need something like ad server whitelists and fast-acting disqualifications. No ad server anonymity or rapid name changes, no adding backdoors for your friends. If your break the guidelines, you loose the ability to do business anywhere for at least a day.


Man, a monospace fixed size array would be really nice for ASCII art eh? Kinda like a text image. I suppose you could take a screenshot, but then there’s image hosting issues in the future.

Sorry, random idea.


I’ve only had two mentionable issues with Linux so far: A GPU bug that causes a few games to reliably hang my GPU (which may have been fixed recently with newer mesa drivers; I haven’t checked), and Helvum not recognizing anything (which was probably me installing it wrong or something).

Windows however… Changing system settings with no warning, forgetting network configuration out of the blue, GPU crashes that hard rebooted windows, and driver updates that prevent booting at all. Some software gets installed without notice, others get removed without notice. The forced update debacle has lost me more than one open document. I’ve had critical audio issues on every machine I’ve used, including individual school machines that should be identical. Several of my remaining windows machines have issues with various system programs maxing out the disk write speed and locking up everything for dozens of minutes at a time.

And then more recently there’s the security violations, always online behavior, enshitification, and removal of user choice.

This may be a tad biased as I’ve used windows for a few decades and Linux for just over a year, but going back is always a chore…


The [youtube(.)com] link is the actual website that you watch the video on which can have a crap load of extra stuff like playlist info, highlighted comment info, where you came from, and probably more. The links can get really long, like 100+ characters.

The [youtu(.)be] link is a redirect website who’s only purpose is to reduce the size of the link to just the watch ID and timestamp. It dumps even the query language to keep the links under 30 characters or so.

Such link shorteners (such as bit(.)ly or tinyurl) were popular when Twitter was getting big and the character limit was an SMS message length; 140 characters. youtu(.)be in particular helped avoid bait and switch scams (as you can tell it’s definitely a video instead of going in blind) and it has the watch ID so titles, thumbnails, and embeds still work.


And then compacted them!


Urge? Kinda dark and villainous feeling.

Upgrade! “The Rust Upgrade Strike Team! Upgrade Today!” Sounds very propagandistic, almost doublespeak.

Ultimatum? Mildly threatening.

Utopia? It has the self righteous feel.

Uhvangelism, hurhur.


My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux

I have been daily driving Linux for over two years now and I have switched distros many times. So, when my friend bought a new laptop, I convinced him to install Linux Mint on it. I asked him if he wanted to dual boot, he said no because it would fill up all his storage. We installed Linux Mint. The other day, he wanted to play...


Prism runs better than the official launcher on both windows and linux, I don’t what the issue is. Java maybe?


On the rare occasions you need to use a terminal, how often is it for something completely new? Something you need to look up to understand?

Also, how often is the MAN page enough lookup, without having to sift through 17 sites than are describing subtly different things?


Bigger problem, even if they know about MAN pages, remembering what their looking for is hard. You can’t type ‘man dnf’ if you don’t remember what your package manager is called.

I wonder how feasible searching MAN pages is.


This is the important point IMHO. This kind of feedback is exactly something I’d love to do, but I don’t think I had any idea about it before this post. Just a little popup on a new install/upgrade would be a much broader net.


Russia is 12th in Uranium exports, with 0.001% of global exports. Kazakhstan is first at 59%, but there’s Canada with 30%, France with 8%, and the US with 2%. There’s plenty of politically easy Uranium, especially if people start buying it over Kazakhstan.

India, Brazil, Australia, and the US are also slated to have the most Thorium resources, which could be a more significant nuclear fuel with modern and near-modern reactors.


Boiling crab bucket?


That’s fantastic! Obviously no one will ever use it.


Would you have any idea why is consistently crashing android firefox? Trying to scroll past “waydroid” makes the app reload and is taking some of my services with it, which is really weird.


It only happens with the mobile version of the site, desktop version is fine.

The crash still happens in a private tab, as well as the in-app firefox browser on Boost. Even when disabling uBlock, still crashes.

Is this due to an old android version maybe? I’m still rocking android 9, would that limit firefox somehow? Firefox is still 125.2.0, so that’s not old yet.

Maybe it’s using too much memory. That would explain why firefox isn’t making a crash log, and might explain why my services are dying too. The issue is always with the “work with your hardware, not for it” section, which never loads and always causes a crash when it should load but never before. Perhaps there’s a big memory leak there in the mobile version?


And then you find a tread of a dozen people apl having exactly the same obscure problem, with the only advice being “update drivers”.


Man, just as that style of quarry fell out of popularity for being too laggy, Mojang went and fixed the cause of their lag. Now massive pits would be cool, but everyone uses direct replacement quarries or even just ore generators.

On the other hand, you could make a good ol’ pit quarry yourself with Create! It’s a bit harder, and probably more likely to break, but definitely impressive and unique.


I’ve found the official launcher to be terrible, laggy, unstable, and poorly designed even on windows. I don’t think it can even launch bedrock anyway, I need to use the unofficial *nix launcher and the android APK to play on a realm.


Ah, that’s exactly what I’m talking about!


I bet it’s something to do with the drop shadow. Seems like the center of mass is shifted, eh?


I occasionally see a larger cursor on GNOME, but it’s always been alongside larger scaling for everything. Steam in particular sometimes decides to ignore it’s high DPI setting and looks like it’s running on a phone screen. Firefox occasionally as well.

This must be some issue with how DPI modes are recorded and how apps are launched. Restarting the app has fixed it every time for me, so I’ve never looked deeper into it.

How do we know if there aren't a bunch of more undetected backdoors?

I have been thinking about self-hosting my personal photos on my linux server. After the recent backdoor was detected I’m more hesitant to do so especially because i’m no security expert and don’t have the time and knowledge to audit my server. All I’ve done so far is disabling password logins and changing the ssh port....


Even better: there are also backdoors in closed-source software that will never be found. There may be fewer backdoors inserted, but the ones that get in there are far more likely to stay undiscovered.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...


The best and brightest put them there because it made them more money. This problem won’t go away until the system is changed.


Forwarding emails to the correct address is a bullying problem?


I couldn’t get the trackpad working right on X (why tf is acceleration on by default?), tried switching to Wayland in the first few hours of using Linux, and haven’t had significant issues since. At that point I had no reference on performance, so no way to tell if X would be better.

There’s maybe one bug that causes an unrecoverable GPU hang when using certain applications, but that may have been fixed in the kernel already, and I just need to use something newer than 22.04 LTS.


The official Discord app is halfway there. Sharing a window works with sound, sharing the entire screen doesn’t work at all. Webcord can share the entire screen, though I don’t know about sound yet.

To be entirely fair, Discord on windows can’t share the entire screen with sound either, at least for me.

Can Linux be dual booted on a computer with Windows?

I have a Lenovo Yoga running Windows 10 on a 1TB SSD and at some point will probably have to upgrade it to Windows 11. I use it for school and have to keep Windows on it for now because of what I’m currently doing. I want to start getting into Linux in hopes of making the switch sometime down the line. Is partitioning the disk...


All models are wrong, but some are useful.

Personally, even this rough sketch helped me frame other things I’ve heard about a lot better. A quick rundown of the most important points of each distro is exactly what I need to bridge the gap between “just use Mint/Debian/Pop_OS!” and the more involved concepts of Atomic, security focused, hardware support, philosophy, and what not.

This isn’t so much about finding the right choice as it is about discarding the wrong ones. I can go through the tree and see what’s likely to spend resources on something I don’t care about, what might be too advanced for me, and what sounds interesting. Really understanding three choices is far simpler than being swamped with 30+.


If that’s what a “talk” to plants drink does, I’d love to get a “talk” to humans drink. Imagine the psychology experiments I could set up if I could understand the subconscious pheromone, posture, subvocal, and other various poorly understood methods of communication!


This is definitely the biggest concern. Somewhat short battery life is also significant.


No, Framework. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.


Than Thinkpads? I don’t know, but probably lower. My Framework only gets 8 hours of use, and 30 hours sleeping if I’m lucky. Definitely not the best, but being plugged in isn’t too bad, and the adapter is nice and small.


If it’s bakeable, it’d be great for patching up my terrible pizone sealing!


Horsepower isn’t a measure of how much power one horse can produce at any time, but rather over an entire day. It’s roughly the number of horses an engine could replace running 24/7.

Running a horse at 15 horsepower would tire it out rather quickly, so you’d need many teams of horses rotated around to maintain 15 horsepower.


My favorite reason is seeing women in roles not explicitly written for women. Either it helps me reframe what women can be (reframing being a great reason to read stories anyway) or it points out how hilariously coded those roles are.

My second favorite reason is about playing something I am not, and examining how that changes my outlook and decisions. It’s the same reason I want to play as a robot, or an alien, or a golem, or a dwarf, or whatever else.

Lastly, but maybe most poignantly, is women tend to have more varied depictions than men. There are far too many depictions of men that are brutish, boisterous, and warlike, which I am extremely not, and usually don’t have any want to play as. Games that give you a character creator are way better in this respect, and I’m much closer to 50/50 male/female characters in those.


I pretty much agree with everything here except D&D. I just don’t have enough confidence in my voice to play a female character exclusively. I already have some difficulty doing it well enough for DMing, but this is something I hope to change. Maybe that’s because I’ve never played with a premade though.


My one big criticism of the Ti-83/84 is implicit multiplication. Ti says 1/2x is 0.5x when I needed the reciprocal of 2x.


Exponents are second, parentheses/brackets are always first. What order you do your exponents in is another ambiguity though.


I agree it needs to be more clearly defined, but one of the reasons it wasn’t clearly defined was because mathematicians thought it was so universal it didn’t need defining, like how parentheses work to begin with.

Casio tried not doing umplicit multiplication after some american teachers complained, then went back to doing it after everyone else complained. Implicit multiplication is the standard.


2^3^4 is ambiguous. 2^(3^4) is standard practice, but some calculators aren’t that smart and will do (2^3)^4.

It’s ambiguous because it works both ways, not because we don’t have a standard. Confusion is possible.


It’s ambiguous because it works both ways, not because we don’t have a standard.

Try reading the whole sentence. There is a standard, I’m not claiming there isn’t. Confusion exists because operating against the standard doesn’t immediately break everything like ignoring brackets would.

Just to make sure we’re on the same page (because different clients render text differently, more ambiguous standards…), what does this text say?


It should say 2^3^4; “Two to the power of three to the power of four”. The proper answer is 2⁸¹, but many math interpreters (including Excel, MATLAB, and many students) will instead compute 8⁴, which is quite different.

We have a standard because it’s ambiguous. If there was only one way to do it, we’d just do that, no standard needed. You’d need to go pretty deep into kettle math or group theory to find atypical addition for example.


That’s an after the fact justification.


The original Greek “-ikos” was both the feminine singular when refering to “the art” (the whole field), and the neuter plural when refering to “things pertaining to the art”. Latin took just the feminine singular, and most Latin-based languages today still use a singular, including English terms older than 1500 or so, like chemistry rather than chemics, taxonomy v. taxonomics, or arithmetic as opposed to arithmetics‽

Later in the Renaissance, people remembered Greek existed, and decided to try and bring back the neuter plural by taking a perfectly good -ic and slapping an s on it. Thus we get the somewhat newer sciences of physics, mathematics, ballistics, demographics, statistics, and so on.

The shortening of mathematics to “math” and “maths” was done much later, around 1900, give or take a few decades. Both versions can be found as purely written contractions beforehand, but their use in speech and whether the s was thruncated appears random.

Thus, if you must use a plural, the original useage has singular for the field (“Biomechanics is a difficult subject.”), and plural for things relating to the field (“The mathematics used are difficult to parse.”); don’t try to justify using several thousand year old grammar (from a region remote enough that we forgot about it for several centuries) with syntax rules not present in the original. English is plenty fucked up as it is, let it build it’s own syntax and heal a bit, eh?

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