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Rather important for rain sensing windshield wipers to not immediately break


In this context it is being used to reduce rendering load and therefore be less intensive on computer resources.


No …


No, I’m saying you are fundamentally misunderstanding what technology they’re talking about and are thinking every type of AI is the same. In this article she is talking about graphics AI running on the local system as part of the graphics pipeline. It is less performance and therefore power intensive. There is no “vast AI network” behind AMDs presumptive work on a competor to DLSS/frame generation.

SUVs made up 20% of global emissions growth and 55% of car sales globally in 2023 (

This is just insane. Not only are cars themself mostly unnecessary, if the right infrastructure is provided, but SUVs also use more resources to run and be produced then small cars, without any advantage over them. So an obvious waste, which could easily be cut to reduce emissions....


There are three levels of lies, lies, damned lies and statistics…


Some citizens want it gone, others can’t believe it’s still there at all.


What’s the point of confusion?


It was at night, pretty common method of intimidation. It also could’ve been an unrelated shooting on the street though. Dunno if more info was found.


Israel has zero expeditionary capability, that is not how military conflict works.


Spain has a far, far larger mobile military strength than Israel. Like it’s not even comparable. Israel has zero operational landing craft as far as I know. Spain has a carrier group. The degree of military capability flex that is operating even a single carrier group is insane, I wouldn’t discount Spain as being basically demilitarized lol. Only 10 countries in the world posses a carrier capable of fielding fixed wing aircraft and it’s dubious how quickly Russia could get theirs running, it is currently undergoing repairs.


It’s unreal how people do not understand the difference between defending a homeland, invading a country via an easily traversable large land border, attacking a country across a geographic barrier and attacking a country in a whole different part of the world. Israel’s ability to threaten mainland Europe would not amount to anything beyond terrorism, though potentially nuclear terrorism. All of Nazi Germany, fielding the industrial capacity of most of Europe was probably not capable of successfully invading even the UK across the English Channel, even if they weren’t distracted on the Eastern Front. They simply didn’t have the naval power required.


I don’t think anyone was suggesting anyone had the ability to surprise any country with the presence of an aircraft carrier. They kinda stand out. The location of every major aircraft carrier group in the world is public knowledge, there is literally no point in trying to conceal it.


Spain is not in the top 10 strongest navies in the world obviously but it is still one of only 9 countries in the world that has a currently operational vessel capable of fielding fixed wing aircraft of any kind. 6 if you only want countries with carrier launched fighters. (3 if you don’t count VTOL/SVOTL at all). And the Spanish carrier in question can field about 3 dozen harriers (and technically it’s capable of launching F35s but Spain has declined to buy them)


That is the pure combat composition setup, which can fit 25 airplanes below deck and 6 in parking spots on the flight deck.


That is the pure combat composition setup, which can fit 25 airplanes below deck and 6 in parking spots on the flight deck.

And there are 10 not 11 because Russia has one but it is not currently operational, it is undergoing repairs and retrofits and considering the focus of their military it is dubious how quickly they could field it.


Yuuup, never switching to Windows 11 Windows 10 till something doesn’t work, them back to Linux

kerrigan778, (edited )

Yeah yeah, I’m sure it has gotten easier but I last used Linux well before Proton and I have an NVIDIA card and I remember all too well how that worked back in the day. Long story short it’s too much trouble until I actually have to change something anyways.

Oh yeah, also I have an HDR gsync display and good grief I can’t wait for those to be fully supported cross platform.


Most people have just two speakers, and if you have headphones a good stereo surround software can actually be even better than the surround from multichannel


Look, I get the joke you’re making but seriously, people need to comprehend that the Geneva convention (even if we lump in the other treaties that often get confused with it) doesn’t cover what civilians are and aren’t allowed to do.

I and police for that matter can use tear gas pending local laws regardless of what the Geneva PROTOCOL says on the matter. Because I am not participating in a war in an official capacity.

A civilian doctor in another country might be tied by medical ethics codes he has agreed to but he is not tied by the Geneva Convention unless maybe if he is acting in an official capacity for the country and even then it would vary how international law would be applied because neither Hamas nor Palestine are signatories of that convention and likely Hamas soldiers are not fighting in uniform.

I am not casting a moral judgement on any of the above, I’m just tired of people not understanding what the Geneva Convention and the broader laws of warfare actually mean.


When you pull your pussy down past your knees…


I don’t see how this is misuse, some people are just terrified of sex and nudity.

Secret Hamas Files Show How It Spied on Everyday Palestinians (

The Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has for years overseen a secret police force in Gaza that conducted surveillance on everyday Palestinians and built files on young people, journalists and those who questioned the government, according to intelligence officials and a trove of internal documents reviewed by The New York Times....


It just doesn’t seem like the most relevant headline right now, “Hamas still also bad” is a bit water is wet.


Threatening use of nukes is a decent scare tactic to make the western bloc hesitant to get more involved. Actually doing it would virtually guarantee the hammer was dropped on them.


They’re all sealed theoretically, but shit goes wrong like in Flint, still having the lead pipes with sealers is theoretically not dangerous but is considered a bit of a ticking time bomb.


That doesn’t change that we simply don’t have ways of curing or treating lots of things. If he’s developing Alzheimer’s for example no amount of money can do much of anything.


Engineering a practical prototype for an electric sports car in the year 2003 makes you pretty cool, if nothing else.

Yeah that was AC Propulsion though, and in 1996, and a completely different group of people.

The Tesla guys had the idea of shoving it into a Lotus Elise and marketing it as a tech company.

kerrigan778, (edited )

This meme hurts me physically every time it gets reposted. It is not a complete picture of anything, it’s just easy to make people thoughtlessly accept stories if they shit on Elon, who to be clear deserves it. Those two guys were the first guys who started Tesla to bring the work of AC Propulsions to market. They are first and foremost tech millionaires (now quite likely billionaires) and do not deserve idolization either. The engineers of AC Propulsion ie Wally Rippel who also helped design the EV1 are the ones who actually made the technology happen.

The Tesla guys had the idea to put the tzero concept and tech into production shoved into a Lotus Elise and to market it to silicon valley investors as essentially a tech company. Elon was the main investor who went for it, also after speaking to AC Propulsion about putting the tzero into production. The rest is pretty well documented history of Elon being a huge asshole who accomplished very little if anything off his own merit while pushing out everyone around him.

But as far as “These are the real founders of Tesla” goes, the only things they did on their own was suggest AC Propulsions to put the tzero into production a bit sooner than Elon and deciding to create a tech startup to license the tzero technology and put it into a Lotus and style it as a tech company. If you want to inform people of the real heroes behind the electric car and Tesla, teach people about the tzero, AC Propulsion, Wally Rippel, and the other engineers who made the battery electric vehicle a feasible reality.


The business strategy wasn’t remotely proven though, it was still just an idea, no part of the car was designed yet. It was two people who had no idea how to design a car doing the groundwork to start a company working with Lotus and AC Propulsion and then a few months later it was three with Ian Wright lending some business work with the relationship between Lotus and AC Propulsion, then a few months later it was four with Elon who lent money and knew about as much about designing a car as the previous three, then a few months later it was five and they finally had a CTO at least.


Weird how every time Israel levels an area of Gaza and then later levels the same area again it has stuff built there that isn’t terrorism. But I guess all those homes and infrastructure that keep having to be rebuilt are all terrorism.


He’s Jewish I’m pretty sure, a lot of ours hair just does that when it gets a little longer and the conditions are right.


They have enormous amounts of natural gas dipshit.


The Black Sea Ukrainian Shelf was discovered in 2012 to contain an estimated 2 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. Access to a huge portion of it depends on Crimea which was annexed in 2014.


Have… Have you never seen a roundabout?


It’s pretty basic harm reduction. We support harm reduction. A terrible person being killed is harm reduction even if a terrible person being imprisoned and being rehabilitated if at all possible and made to be as productive of a member of society as possible in prison would be better harm reduction. The world is too big and too awful to look at everything in absolutes.

And it’s nice to see awful rich people actually get the real punishments they often deserve instead of poor people get those punishments that they often don’t deserve.


It’s a very easy argument for us both to have while dealing entirely in hypotheticals of how we feel about what other people are doing. I’m not executing anyone and I’m not in any position to do so I’m just enjoying watching bad things happen to bad people. The fact that I don’t trust anyone to be able to legally decide who deserves to be killed in cold blood doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate some real justice being done where it usually isn’t.




I mean, a lot of games are 100 GB+ each now. And then there’s mods, I’ve had plenty of 200+ GB Skyrim installs. MSFS2020 can easily tread beyond 300 GB with terrain packs and aircraft.


I mean, you know how there are a million free indie games and lots of slightly shady websites where you can download free copies of paid games? But lots of people still buy games because it’s a better experience or they like to feel like they’re supporting people who are making the kinds of games that they like? It’s a lot like that, but with stigma.


Well that’s just the piracy magpie collector instincts lol. I dunno, I’ve never paid for that kind of porn, just AVNs


He had one death yes, what about second death?


“That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation. Go and study it.”

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