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This looks amazing! I love it so much. I bet my coworkers will too


Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism isn’t just a saying, it’s a lifestyle


Waifu made a choice, that’s what happened


Unfortunately it would be critically underfunded and expected to make a profit. Also they have to have the entire funds of government pensions available for all workers in advance


It would disqualify the 2 major presidential candidates if it was applied nationally, as well as 50 sitting members of Congress (assuming they all wanted to run)


The study doesn’t count because it’s hamas


Probably. Place a sign in the bunker freezer until a worker has a moment to pull them from the front


I definitely misread the title as IKEA for a moment. Imagine if corporations helped fix the problem they helped cause.

Please help me understand why I should share my identity

To start for anyone that may be concerned by the title, I’ve always considered myself an ally and I’ve supported both family and friends when they came out to me. I’ve always known that it takes a lot of trust for someone to come out like that, and I want to be the friend that they feel safe to talk with about that stuff....


this was extremely helpful, thank you! You know how everyone experiences autism differently? Well, interpersonal stuff is an endless void for me.


good point. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that the whole point of pride is to exist the way we want to, including how we interact with our identity


Polls are also incredibly unreliable this far out in the most unpredictable election the country has seen in recent history.


Netanyahu’s cabinet is pissed because the far right coalition believes that there can not be peaceful living with arabs or Muslims. Ben-Gvir has stated outright that Palestinians don’t deserve to live. Nearly every time a ceasefire is broken, it’s by Israel. Every time the IDF “starts an investigation”, it falls into the void and never gets concluded. Israel has a lot to prove.


She’s a billionaire. She’s used to killing people for selfish interests.

rockSlayer, (edited )

“in Hamas custody”, or killed by Israeli strikes? So far all the hostages have died from actions by Israel. The difference is extremely important in this case and the weasel word title doesn’t help with giving accurate info.

Edit: it’s worth pointing out that this is not OPs fault, but the fault of the news org


I think there’s a saying that answers that question


You mean like this post they made discussing the reaction of Israel’s government? Ozma isn’t the only one allowed to post things. If you think there’s a gap in what gets posted, why don’t you post it?


I recommend Pride at Work, an organization within the AFL-CIO to help organize LGBT+ workers and advise unions and locals on being more representative for their queer comrades


There’s a Hamas headquarters under the IRS


This looks like good old fashioned Photoshop. These are in like the first 50 image results when searching prison tower and trump tower

prison tower

trump tower


Don’t worry friend, there has never once been a unique idea. On the other hand though, there are millions at any given time that have not heard about something major. You made people’s day a little better, even if you didn’t wholly invent the thought


Agitate, educate, organize. Vote, protest, unionize, build political coalitions, support local progressive politicians, etc. We need to do everything, and anything helps. We, the people, have all the power. To use it, we need to act collectively.


If the problem is that energy is too cheap, then the power grid should be entirely nationalized. We don’t need to prop up their profits.


I want to be both. I want to be the 90 yo great grandpa sneaking the kids out of their high school classes to take them skydiving, and giving them life advice on the way (if they ask for it)


Well I mean the US didn’t give a shit when the IDF intentionally killed Shireen Akleh, US citizen and journalist reporting on the 2022 violence in the West Bank at a refugee camp. Why would they care? The US government will never drop their support of Israel and will never take action against the state. Israel could sink a carrier and the US would still debate whether or not they should take action.


I’d hope so, but lately it’s starting to feel like the US is ok with a very special state touching it’s boats.


I agree, we as citizens need to continue to pressure politicians into action against genocide. But I’m concerned that the grassroots pressure is going to fall apart as soon as the elections are over, regardless of who wins. I think the world is heading towards the next cycle of violence instead of stopping it in the here-and-now, with no justice for those that are suffering.


Jesus tapdancing Christ, this really is a redux of 1968. Something, something, history rhymes, etc.


Sex work needs legislation and unions, and work as defined by capitalism is degrading

House votes to require delivery of bombs to Israel in GOP-led rebuke of Biden policies (

The House delivered a rebuke to President Joe Biden Thursday for pausing a shipment of bombs to Israel, passing legislation that seeks to force the weapons transfer as Republicans worked to highlight Democratic divisions over the Israel-Hamas war....


Looks like I have a representative to call.


He’s hoarding the bimbo surgery for him and his wife!


At this point they should just hold on to all the updates they want to add, and make it a sequel. I love all the things that they’ve added and it’s clearly a piece of passion, but at some point they’re going to need to publish something else

rockSlayer, (edited )

Because 4 years ago he said he was working on another game based on stardew.


It’s a major black mark on his labor record, but I can tell you with first hand experience as a union organizer that he’s done significant things that should have been done decades ago.


I hate the 24 hour news cycle too, but this is worth keeping in the back of your mind. When politicians start asking these questions publicly but it doesn’t seem like anything’s changed, it’s because we’re missing information.


The examiner is trying their best ok, it would be rude to hold it in


I say we all abandon work tomorrow and go wherever this is


You get to take the extra pills home at the end of the day, like a heat lamp in a fast food place after close


Stadium country is garbage. Dark country and folk music actually does interesting things with those terms.

Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China (

Chinese police hunting international corruption targets were allowed into Australia by the federal police and subsequently escorted a woman back to China for trial, in a major breach of Chinese-Australian police protocols....


They forgot to switch to their alt lmao


I returned because I noticed your edit. I was being a bit snide, mostly because the meme is assuming everyone who calls someone a lib is authoritarian-aligned. If you’d like to know about the positive work I do as an organizer, I’d be happy to share. However, to me those actions are just the right thing to do and not worth bringing up randomly.


I’ve thought about this for most of the day. Social Democracy (think Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc) is probably the best out of all capitalist ideologies, but is still subject to the regressive nature of private capital. Other than that, most of them are complete dogshit. Capitalist monarchies, “anarcho-capitalism” (read neo-feudalism), US libertarianism, capitalist oligarchy, fascism*, etc are awful for regular people and horribly lacking in their analysis of capital and it’s relationship between the capitalists and workers. We’re currently living under neoliberal democracy, so imagine things getting much worse for us. That’s what most of those ideologies are like.

  • it should be noted that fascism is mostly just a death cult that loves hierarchies like capitalism.

I bet the poor fellas ended up like RFK’s worms too. Starved to death


yes, they do. Both* US political parties are neoliberal parties. Regulation of markets is still a free market. Unions do not inherently oppose free markets either.

  • must go back at least 10 years for this to be true for Republicans

It sounds to me like you don’t know what a market economy is.

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