Rapidcreek, to politics in Inside the Biden effort to recruit Nikki Haley donors to help defeat Donald Trump

1/2 of the Haley voters said they’d vote for Biden when polled, so Joe’s people jumped in immediately


She represents 20-30 percent of Republican primary voters. If Biden would cement these (HUGE if), he cannot lose the election. I don’t think you realise how thin the margins are!


Oh I realize, but it seems a little too good to be true.

givesomefucks, to politics in Inside the Biden effort to recruit Nikki Haley donors to help defeat Donald Trump

Neoliberals always care more about donors than voters…

Also, I don’t know why it just clicked that one of the people running Biden’s campaign is the dumbass who tried to make Quibi a thing, 1.75 billion on a company that lasted less than a year.

I just don’t know who thought Jeffery Katzenberg is good at anything other than making cartoons and raising money.

Like, I understand that with our political system campaigns need people like him. Hell, he helped Obama beat Hillary.

But why would you put him in charge of an entire campaign? He clearly has no idea how to spend donations effectively, he’s just a “bundler” for rich people who would probably donate on their own anyways.

some_guy, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation

Their reluctance stems, in part, from concerns that the RNC will use the money not to help elect Republicans, but to pay for Trump’s extensive legal fees, sources said.

Ding ding ding!

Republican leaders insist they have no such plans.

Well, that’s believable. Republicans are known for their honesty.

agent_flounder, avatar

They may not but are they running the RNC now?

Bluefalcon, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation

He has done so many scams on “small America,” eventually they will be tapped out. When your base is underpaid and uneducated, they don’t have a stable income.

The million- and billionaires will back a stable candidate. In 16’ they didn’t back him until he got in the White house. There is a reason people don’t bet on the Charges to win the Superbowl.

TheJims, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation

Maybe donors could convince him to stop committing crimes?

LEDZeppelin, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation

Small donor fatigue = already sucked them bone dry


I’m sure they could use a pair of fairly priced sneakers?


Between red hat and golden sneakers, morons all over the nation have been covered in shit from head to toe. Literally.

pacology, avatar


That’s binenomics for you right there. 4 years ago I was able to donate thousands to Trumps campaign but this year I can only donate tens. My gas and food bills are just too much. That’s why I’m continuing to donate and voting for Trump.

/s in case it’s not clear.

magnetosphere, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation avatar

“Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to [Haley] from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. We don’t want them, and will not accept them,” he wrote on Truth Social Jan. 24.

He probably felt Tough and Decisive while saying that, but now that the bridges have been burned and the fires are long since out, he might be second-guessing that statement. He’ll die before admitting he made a mistake, though.

agent_flounder, avatar

He’ll die before admitting he made a mistake, though.

Stop getting my hopes up.

MisterNeon, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation avatar

I wonder how many of those small donors from 2016 & 2020 are now dead from COVID given the shortfall.

kescusay, avatar

A not insignificant number. COVID-19 probably impacted the 2020 election and 2021 special elections.

Orbituary, avatar

3-4%. The statistics don’t care about politics.

johan, avatar

But your lifestyle does impact how likely it is you die from covid. Poorer Trump voters are probably more likely to have a relatively unhealthy lifestyle; maybe more likely to smoke, perhaps less likely to do exercise, perhaps older? And I’m fairly certain that Republican voters are less likely to be vaccinated against covid.

Not sure what your point was exactly, but wanted to point out people absolutely did not die at the same rate across the board and political affiliation (and therefore the likelihood of being vaccinated) could definitely be a factor.

Orbituary, avatar

3-4% is higher than the global average by a nominal amount.

partial_accumen, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation

I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that donors are no longer interested in paying for the ever growing legal judgments against Trump. The whole “stable billionaire” narrative takes a bit of a hit when you always have your hand out asking for someone else to pay the bills from you breaking the rules.

DogPeePoo, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation

It’s equivalent to burning money 🔥

He can’t keep his yap shut and the money is just sailing West and neatly settling into E. Jean’s coffers. Over and over 🙌🏻😆😂

eran_morad, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation

Pony up, idiots, trump has to pay hookers and legal fees.

Dagwood222, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation

The saddest thing is that the same people who would give Trump the shirt of their back will ignore homeless veterans




I don’t know how much louder I can keep ignoring these homeless people!!!

jordanlund, to politics in Behind Trump's campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation avatar

“When CNBC asked a Trump spokesperson precisely how much Trump had raised, the campaign did not reply.”

Well, they’re going to have to go public in 2 days and that’s going to be interesting.


They have to go public in 2 days? Explain.


There is a March 20 deadline to give some paperwork…/march-monthly-reporting-reminder-2024/




What if they just dont? What happens then?


Then we ask politely a second time. Maybe a strongly worded letter.


Whoa, whoa…it’s a sternly worded memo THEN a strongly worded letter.

That’s like jumping immediately to the triple-dog dare!


And if they ignore the triple-dog dare you ask? Then it’s straight to the quadruple-dog dare!

tsonfeir, avatar

Wake me up when they are threatening to put a committee together.


There’s a fine, apparently.

Not that Trump pays those, either.

tsonfeir, avatar

Can’t pay if you’re broke.


Here’s hoping.

kescusay, avatar

Do that too long, and judges start doing things like seizing assets.


I’ll believe that when I see it, but it would be nice.

kescusay, avatar

Agreed, but we’ll find out soon. Deadline’s in just six days.

jordanlund, to politics in Trump Georgia election case can proceed if DA Fani Willis or prosecutor Nathan Wade removes themselves avatar

If you’re trying to keep track of where we’re at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 03/15/2024

New York
34 state felonies
Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024
As with the January 6th trial, Trump lawyers are attempting to delay citing Presidential Immunity, despite the fact that Trump was not President when the crimes were committed.

Washington, D.C.
4 federal felonies
January 6th Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - The trial, originally scheduled for March 4th, has been placed on hold pending the Supreme Court ruling on Presidential Immunity. They are due to hear those arguments on April 25th.

40 federal felonies
Top Secret Documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

10 state felonies
Election Interference
As of 3/13/24 - Judge McAfee cleared 6 charges, 3 against Trump, saying they were too generic to be enforced.
As of 3/15/24 - The case may proceed, but either Fulton County DA, Fani Willis and her office or Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade must remove themselves due to the appearance of impropriety.
Arrest <- You Are Here
All 19 defendants have surrendered.
Trial - A trial date of Aug. 5, 2024 has been requested, not approved yet.
Three defendants, Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, and bail bondsman Scott Hall, have all pled guilty and have agreed to testify in other cases.

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, or the Arizona fake electors, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it’s a civil case and not a crimimal one. He was found liable in that case for $83.3 million.

There had been multiple cases in multiple states to remove Trump from the ballot, citing ineligibility under the 14th amendment.

The Supreme Court ruled on March 4th that states do not have the ability to determine eligibility in Federal elections.…/united-states-supreme-court-overtur…

heavy, to politics in Trump Georgia election case can proceed if DA Fani Willis or prosecutor Nathan Wade removes themselves

Part of me feels like the reason people are making a mountain of this, is because Willis is a woman. I don’t understand how prosecutors in a relationship is a conflict of interest issue here, and that their personal lives are on trial for something unrelated.

Would the same thing be happening it Willis was a man? Do we usually just attack the prosecutors themselves in the Courtroom? I think it would make sense if it was the defense or the judge they had a relationship with but the whole thing seems blown out of proportion.


This is probably the most important trial in the nation at the moment, maybe one of the most important since the civil war. Willis being a woman is irrelevant and something mainstream D and leftist media keep trying to trot out instead of addressing the issue head on.

Issue number one, is that she hired a personal injury lawyer for a constitutional law case. That alone should be enough to remove Wade from the trial. This isn’t his field of expertise and this shouldn’t be fucking amateur hour.

Then she starts dating him? and is taking trips on what appears to be the States dime? Bruh I don’t give a shit. This trial is way too important for this kind of fuckery. Like she’s taking the Cop CIty trial more seriously than she is this one. What the actual fuck??!?!

No fucking excuses. Her actions on this trial have been indefensible.


Thanks for your perspective.

It sounds like though, her actions on this trial could be called “being human” as well.

Is there evidence that says Wade is a bad and otherwise unfit lawyer for this case? I could be wrong, but it sounds like he paid for the trip they took. In either case what would that matter? How does that affect their judgement to act in this case?

Anyone can answer, but right now I’m not convinced this isn’t a dog and pony show diversion. If I get a chance, I’ll try and learn more about Willis and this case.


It isn’t that it affects the trial per se, but it looks like corruption, right?

I use my government position to hire my private practice lover for a high profile case, and then they treat me to several expensive vacations?

It’s not that it points to something fishy with the case directly, but when the DA is involved in obvious corruption, I can see bringing it up if your only defense is “this trial is part of a corrupt bid to keep me off the ballot.”

It’s not, but holy cow does it add fuel to that fire if you are in fact engaged in obvious corruption elsewhere.


I don’t think it looks like corruption, though. Being in a government position doesn’t make you immune from hiring from a pool of people you know, nor do I think that’s an overt problem if it’s on your own dime. These two are lovers, but they took several vacations because of her position? I don’t think that follows.

All of this is really beside my original point. I think a woman’s personal life has been made the main feature of a high profile case, and now everyone’s scrutinizing Willis, over dubious behavior at best, instead of at the defendant who’s accused of committing high crimes.

Anyone continuing to incite blame on Willis is falling for this obvious nonsense.


But she didn’t hire him on her own dime. She used her position as DA to have the DA’s office hire him to try the case.

You are absolutely not allowed to hire from a pool of people you know on the government’s dime. If the Department of Energy puts out a contract to build a power plant, the guy in charge of who gets hired has to disclose any conflict of interest, and is 1000% not allowed to award that work to a friend without oversight.

And if they did, and that friend then started giving them expensive gifts, that’s a huge huge no no.

And while you’re right that she does claim that they split the cost of the vacations, she claims that she reimbursed him for her half in cash, and has no receipts to that affect. Which could very well be true, but you must admit looks terrible.


You don’t get to ‘just be human’ at this level. Sorry. This isn’t the fucking beer leagues.

Hominine, avatar

It is gob smacking to see this own goal, and I also find myself wondering why she made such poor decisions.
For those not interested in blind conjecture (such as the post above yours), I recommend these resources as jumping off points:

Serious Trouble
Talking Feds

jordanlund, avatar

Willis is a BLACK woman. Yes, a man would have less trouble, a white man? Nobody would have blinked.

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