KneeTitts, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case avatar

Im sure he’ll weasel out of it somehow… I mean hes a rich white guy in Amerikkka, the legal system literally has no way of dealing with people like him and he is proving that every day.

Hazzia, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case

The Art of the Deal


Winning so hard it hurts


The Sound of His Squeal

crazyCat, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case

You love to see it.

MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case


assassin_aragorn, to politics in 'I Think We Should Kill 'Em All,' GOP Rep. Andy Ogles Says of Palestinians in Gaza

Turns out yes, things can get much worse for Palestinians if Republicans win in November.


When I hear things like Dearborn MI is voting for Trump, there’s a sick part of me that wants to see what would happen if the Arab community was the reason Trump got into power.

Like, I understand that you’re very angry with the current situation but are you actually going to ruin your life and that of millions of your supposed brothers in the middle east to express that anger? Do people forget what Trump did as soon as he was in office last time?


If both parties are going to genocide Arabs while they’re in charge, the blood is on their hands and no one else’s. Only assholes and morons will blame Arabs in the US for the massacre of Palestinians.

Viking_Hippie, to politics in To End 'Nightmare' in Gaza, Sanders Moves to Block Funding for Israeli Weapons

Please let him succeed this time! 🤞🤞🤞


But according to Nancy Pelosi, it’s just Chinese propaganda!


With all due respect to her, which is none, Nancy Pelosi needs to go away and never speak to the public about anything again.


Age caps in politics when?


Not age caps, periodic mandatory cognitive function tests.

Bernie is only slightly younger than Pelosi chronologically, but at least a couple decades sharper mentally. Trump is YOUNGER than Bernie but as senile as the day is long at the height of summer.

Though most start to decline at or a few years after 70, some people can stay sharp long after and we need people like Bernie just as much as we don’t need people like Pelosi.

Gazumi, to politics in 'I Think We Should Kill 'Em All,' GOP Rep. Andy Ogles Says of Palestinians in Gaza

What a piece of sh1t he is. Dismissing lives with the ease of a psychopath with power.


You can say "shit," it's okay.


But instead they said shONEt


Is that, like, sonet but with flatulism?


It’s a portmanteau of shit cunt, obviously

twistypencil, to politics in To End 'Nightmare' in Gaza, Sanders Moves to Block Funding for Israeli Weapons

Let’s organize a write in for Bernie this election


There are socialist third party candidates already running. Claudia/Karina from PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) and Cornell West. I think it would make more sense to throw support behind one of them.


I agree. If you are in a decidedly red state that will already vote for a Republican. A socialist runner up would be hilarious.

NoneOfUrBusiness, to world in Canada, Sweden Restore UNRWA Funds as Report Accuses Israel of Torturing Agency Staff

Biden be like: What's wrong with torture we do it all the time.

damnthefilibuster, to world in Canada, Sweden Restore UNRWA Funds as Report Accuses Israel of Torturing Agency Staff

Totally a normal thing for a regime to do when retaliating terrorism. Totally.

TokenBoomer, to world in Canada, Sweden Restore UNRWA Funds as Report Accuses Israel of Torturing Agency Staff

”The Damage is done, so I guess I’ll be leavin’”

From “Cry me a River to the Sea,” from Justin Timberlake, who happens to be a Zionist. Also, Will Ferrel is too. 😕

Burn_The_Right, to world in 'Complete Madness': Israel Blocks Food Aid as More Gaza Children Starve to Death

Defund Israel. Defund genocide.

Deceptichum, to politics in Tlaib, Bush Raise 'Stop Sending Bombs' Signs as Biden Pledges More Aid for Gaza avatar

Bidens a Zionist, he’s said so himself multiple times. He’ll find a way to ship them more bombs if anything.

Also that last remark is damn near similar to what I was saying on another post, mad respect for whoever that person is.


The US certainly needs to stop sending arms to Isreal. But even if they do, will the middle east please fucking stop with the religious fundamentalist leaders?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Ask America to stop installing them

The 1953 Iranian coup d’état was the U.S.- and British-instigated, Iranian army-led overthrow of the elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Mosaddegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP), to verify that AIOC was paying the contracted royalties to Iran, and to limit the company’s control over Iranian oil reserves.[


Yeah, it is fucked up that they did that. Like I said, I don’t support arming Israel. I don’t support military intervention in the middle east at all. I don’t have universal healthcare because some greedy oil baron or religious fundamentalist zealot on the other side of the Earth enslaves or massacres people because he wants a bigger share of the dumpster fire.

Linkerbaan, avatar

The religious fundies keep popping up because any time a government rightfully wants to take control of their own natural resources, a Western nation or Russia overthrows them (and now China is also starting to indebt them)


in the old days, according to even ‘the bible’, if your people had resources, but just bronze weapons, your gonna get some iron-wielding visitors soon. Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss.


Setting aside the US's history of installing those leaders, who cares if that's what the people want?


Do you think they’re holding fair elections to elect these leaders into power?

cqthca, to politics in Tlaib, Bush Raise 'Stop Sending Bombs' Signs as Biden Pledges More Aid for Gaza

The US has to send our old stuff to someone, or it expires on the shelf. The US has to have the latest kit. – Signed, The Military-Industrial-Complex

cupcakezealot, to world in Five Gazans Killed by US Aid Airdrops as Biden Faces Backlash Over 'Gimmicks' avatar

what even is this source? delivering humanitarian aid is a gimmick now?


Dropping humanitarian aid from airplanes, or building a stupid pier is incredibly inefficient and costly. It’s theatre to appease the liberals. It’s designed to win back voters who are pissed off that genocide Joe won’t take meaningful action.

cupcakezealot, avatar

this is the same kind of attitude that republicans have against ukraine or dr fauci…


No it isn’t. People are starving to death and the best they can come up with is to parachute 30,000 meals to 1 million people? I’ll ask you again how many weeks would it take to provide one meal to each of the over 1 million people there? Does that seem even remotely efficient to you?

Children are starving to death and genocide Joe is providing political theater.


I find it truly amazing that brain dead liberals actually believe air lifting food is a viable alternative to opening the roads and sending in convoys of trucks. Do you understand they delivered just 30,000 meals in one week? Now do you also understand there are over 1 million people waiting for food. Do the math, how many weeks would it take provide 1 million people with one meal?

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