some_guy, to politics in If Trump Wins, the GOP Is Ready to Wage War on the Working Class

But I thought the GOP has successfully branded itself as for the working people? Republican voters are fucking stupid.

FenrirIII, avatar

GOP plays country music and talks about Jesus/God. That’s enough to get a solid 40% of the country to vote for them.


As I said, they’re fucking stupid.


You forgot trucks, guns, and drinking themselves stupid instead of trying to understand the world and people outside of their deliberately myopic views.


They have also branded themselves as the fiscally responsible party and that is a joke.

vintageballs, (edited ) to world in The Online Speech Given by Yanis Varoufakis After German Police Raid Palestine Congress [Brett Wilkins | Apr 12, 2024 | Common Dreams]

Conveniently left out of the not at all biased article: the congress was canceled because it explicitly broke the conditions under which it was allowed to be held. They aired the live stream of a hate speaker who is banned from political appearances in Germany, because he has broken hate speech laws in the past.

The organizers were explicitly warned against airing this speaker and ignored it - can’t act surprised when the congress is cancelled.

theacharnian, avatar

The fucking Rector of the University of Glasgow is not some “hate speaker”. He is a god damn hero doctor who has had to operate without anaesthetics on children victims of IDF barbarity. It is understandable that someone might get a bit extreme in their expressions after such an experience. Just ask lt Aldo Raine.


I assume you are referring to Ghassan Abu-Sittah, although I can’t find anything tying him to the University of Glasgow.

The person whose video message triggered the ban of the event, however, was Salman Abu Sitta. Different person.


What makes him a hate speaker? What did he say


I believe it’s because of this article he wrote. It’s him talking about his family’s history in Palestine, some background on the war, and him condoning the Oct 7 attack. He basically says the attackers had determination and courage, were “returning to their land” and he could have been one of them if he was younger and still lived there under the poor conditions.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Very nice article.

Really goes to show how Nazi Germany is Banning anyone speaking the truth about how oppressed Palestinians are. And telling reality of the oppression has become illegal.

There is no free speech in Germany this is clear now.

reagansrottencorpse, to world in The Online Speech Given by Yanis Varoufakis After German Police Raid Palestine Congress [Brett Wilkins | Apr 12, 2024 | Common Dreams]

Is the SPD going to let actual Nazis take over again? Or are they going to just fill that void themselves?


What’s your argument ? They are rightfully banning people that support terrorists. The banned people are the fascists.

admin, to politics in If Trump Wins, the GOP Is Ready to Wage War on the Working Class

At this point, how tf people even consider him fit for such crucial role.

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

He has an R next to his name.


It’s not even that though, because lots of people love him more than the R, such that the GOP has to follow his stupid lead on everything.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

He’s going to own the libz, and that’s all I care about! /s

anticolonialist, to politics in If Trump Wins, the GOP Is Ready to Wage War on the Working Class

Capitalism is in perpetual war with the working class, it isnt specific to republicans.


But if Trump wins it’ll be back to the 19th century.


Vote for him and push him left after the election. That method worked so well for Biden


thanks for making me spit out my coffee 😂


I know you’re joking but I’ve seen that sentiment on here before.


It did. But only because Biden was already trending that way. Trump has never been for anyone but himself. As imperfect a candidate as Biden is. And he is very. Especially when it comes to Palestine Etc. He’s in a whole nother higher League compared to Trump.

To have even a fraction of similar success. You’d have to find someone independently wealthy and left leaning. To follow trump around 24/7 licking his greasy orange taint. Unpaid, keeping everyone else away. Because trump memory makes a goldfish memory look like elephant’s memory. And even then, you’d likely fail because trump is a natural born narcicist.

betterdeadthanreddit, to politics in If Trump Wins, the GOP Is Ready to Wage War on the Working Class

This makes sense if the plan is to destroy the US before another country can become a credible threat and find a way to get the job done. It’s petty and childish but then again, so are the people (term used loosely) involved.

Deceptichum, to politics in If Trump Wins, the GOP Is Ready to Wage War on the Working Class avatar

The working class lost the war a century ago.

TropicalDingdong, to politics in If Trump Wins, the GOP Is Ready to Wage War on the Working Class

the GOP Is Ready to Wage War wage another war on the Working Class

snooggums, to politics in If Trump Wins, the GOP Is Ready to Wage War on the Working Class avatar

They have been at war with the working class since at least Reagan and have been lying about it the whole time.


Yet the working class still votes for them

wagesj45, avatar

Racism trumps self interest, it seems.

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

(paraphrased) Make the lowest white man believe he is better than the highest man of color, and he will empty his pockets for you.



He understood that being from Texas


The idiots with two brain cells fighting for third place are the ones still voting for him. Everyone else that can think for themselves and doesn’t need fox “news” to tell them what do and how to feel has moved on from him.


At least since FDR. They tried to overthrow and kill the man for Christ sakes because of the new deal.

Hobbes_Dent, to politics in If Trump Wins, the GOP Is Ready to Wage War on the Working Class

Wage war? More like mop up and finish the class off.

Only got room for the slave and merchant classes down below the billionaires and their politicians.

deafboy, to world in Orbán Challenger Promises New Era of Hungarian Politics at Massive Budapest Rally avatar

Demonstrations against Orbán’s increasingly autocratic 14-year rule were sparked by Péter Magyar, a lawyer and former associate of the prime minister who recently released an audio recording exposing corruption in the ruling Fidesz party.

It breaks my hearth every time I see people protesting for the wrong reasons. Regresivists should be rejected based on their openly proclaimed ideology. Not because someone took a bribe and his buddy tried to cover it up.

The law-abiding extremists are what truly scares me.


This was just the straw that broke the camels back.

ATDA, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System

Was this AI programmed by the fucking Israeli Peter Gibbons?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to politics in FAA Bill Includes 'Test Flight' for Banning Student Loan Forgiveness avatar

Why are student loans even mentioned in a bill about the FAA? Why not add a rider to fund the pornographic arts while you're at it?

Blackmist, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System

Something that surprised me is the sheer size of a “family home” in Gaza.

We’re not talking an apartment or even a house. We’re talking a decent sized apartment building. Six floors or so. A hundred people.

TransplantedSconie, to politics in FAA Bill Includes 'Test Flight' for Banning Student Loan Forgiveness

Yes, let’s make it so people are stuck in a cycle of debt with no way out, no way to buy a home, and no way to build generational wealth.

Not much later:

Why aren’t they buying homes? They are killing the housing market!

Why aren’t they buying expensive goods? They are killing the manufacturing market!

Why aren’t they having children!?! They are killing the birth rate!!

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