Hazzia, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case

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givesomefucks, to politics in Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case

I’ll believe it when it happens.

Last time he had one lined up but up until the last second said it was impossible. Likely to maximize donations from his rubes.


(Letitia James, wearing her pearls and flipping her hair) “You best believe it.”


Why do you feel the need to turn her into a racial stereotype?


Not a racial stereotype. If you ever watch her press conferences you’d know that’s the way she is. A smart hard ass prosecutor who has no problem taking on Trump or the NRA. I’d hate to be in her cross hair.


Well, you could insist your racism is ok, because reasons…

If you were being honest you could easily provide one of those many videos you claim exist.


I’m confused? Is there a stereotype that all black women wear pearls and flip their hair when they talk? If you told me that was a stereotype of any race I would actually guess white but I kind of thought that was just something that women with a certain personality did, regardless of race.

It sounds like you read their comment and visualized something racist in your own mind. Maybe the call is coming from inside the house?


By all means, you can provide a link of her actually acting/talking like that too.

That other account sure as shit doesn’t want to.

But most people could find a better use of their time than defending racism online, you do you tho I guess…


I don’t know much about her and I don’t watch her press conferences. I’m not defending anyone, your comment has just genuinely confused me because I’ve never heard of this stereotype in my 33 years on earth, living in a racist state in a racist country.

I’m just asking how a hair flip and pearls is racist? Can you explain that?


(Letitia James, wearing her pearls and flipping her hair) “You best believe it.”

She’s a high level public employee…

No one would imply a white woman in her position acted like that, and despite you and the other account insisting she acts like that so it’s not racist, neither of you show any interest in taking the two seconds to prove it if she always acts like that like the other account said.


Can you please just tell me what the racist part is?? Is it misrepresenting her personality that makes it racist? I’m telling you I genuinely do not understand and I’m trying to learn something from you but you seem hell bent on making people out to be racists instead of actually informing people about the topic.

In that case I think you’re racist because you have misrepresented my personality.


There is no racist part. They’re being intentionally trolling


I literally told you that I would assume it’s a white stereotype of any. When someone says wearing pearls and flipping hair, I literally picture a wealthy white socialite in my mind.


That looked fun. I noted that you said you hadn’t seen Letitia James in a press conference. So here

She always wears the pearls when she dances on the corpse. She used to hair flip, but i don’t see it here. In any case, when she decided not to run for Governor of NY, the current governor said “that’s really bad news for Trump and the NRA”


Keep digging, troll


I picture a cross between a lady who lunches and an emo teenager.

b3an, avatar

Yeah in my head I was thinking a white Karen tbh. Am I racist because I picked white? Or not racist because I didn’t choose black? Maybe it had NOTHING TO DO with skin color, until that dude brought it up. 🙄


You could accuse whoever you like of being racist,

But you could also stop being a troll


Weird how often when I block an account, it usually doesn’t take long for an account with very few comments to come along wanting to continue the arguement…

bigMouthCommie, avatar

poisoning the well is not good faith discussion.

KillingAndKindess, avatar

This person is a full time time-waster of some variety. Almost double the comments in a half a year than my entire 8 year reddit account had.

Sorry you’re being economically pressured to sit in a troll farm, gotta be a rough situation.


Just take the loss, damn. Who doubles down like this when they’re proven wrong!?


Who doubles down like this when they’re proven wrong!?

If someone provided the video of her acting like that, I didn’t see it because at some point I’ve blocked them.

You can link one for other people, if you can actually manage to find it. But I’m not going to see any of your comments anymore either.


If you are interested you can go and find one, it’s not going to be difficult. We are not here to bring you stuff. What a level of entitlement, sir (or ma’am).


That’s like when a Christian says God is real, but when you ask for proof they tell you to find proof God isn’t real.

How can I prove she doesn’t act like that?

Watch every single second of her on film to verify she doesn’t ever act like a racist caricature, then come back and tell you I was right?

To prove me wrong is incredibly easy, but no one can seem to do it.

To prove me right is literally fucking impossible unless I link you ever single second she’s ever recorded on video, and you watch all of it.

What do you not understand about this?


I want to know why so many people don’t understand


Well, it doesn’t have what every kept saying it would have.

But thanks for being the only one to actually link a video.


Tell me you don’t know fuck about shit wiithout telling me you don’t know fuck about shit.

b3an, avatar

Re: Donations, I saw this today. So it may not be that easy (ha!!).

Behind Trump’s campaign cash crunch: Small-dollar donor fatigue, major donor hesitation


  • Former President Donald Trump is facing two major fundraising problems: a shortage of big money interest and a drop in small-dollar donor support.
  • The decline in small-dollar contributors could be a significant obstacle, as the former president seeks to cobble together a 2024 war chest.
  • Small-dollar donors are critical to Trump’s ability to raise enough money to fund his presidential campaign.
NoneOfUrBusiness, to world in Canada, Sweden Restore UNRWA Funds as Report Accuses Israel of Torturing Agency Staff

Biden be like: What's wrong with torture we do it all the time.

damnthefilibuster, to world in Canada, Sweden Restore UNRWA Funds as Report Accuses Israel of Torturing Agency Staff

Totally a normal thing for a regime to do when retaliating terrorism. Totally.

TokenBoomer, to world in Canada, Sweden Restore UNRWA Funds as Report Accuses Israel of Torturing Agency Staff

”The Damage is done, so I guess I’ll be leavin’”

From “Cry me a River to the Sea,” from Justin Timberlake, who happens to be a Zionist. Also, Will Ferrel is too. 😕

Burn_The_Right, to world in 'Complete Madness': Israel Blocks Food Aid as More Gaza Children Starve to Death

Defund Israel. Defund genocide.

cqthca, to politics in Tlaib, Bush Raise 'Stop Sending Bombs' Signs as Biden Pledges More Aid for Gaza

The US has to send our old stuff to someone, or it expires on the shelf. The US has to have the latest kit. – Signed, The Military-Industrial-Complex

cupcakezealot, to world in Five Gazans Killed by US Aid Airdrops as Biden Faces Backlash Over 'Gimmicks' avatar

what even is this source? delivering humanitarian aid is a gimmick now?


Dropping humanitarian aid from airplanes, or building a stupid pier is incredibly inefficient and costly. It’s theatre to appease the liberals. It’s designed to win back voters who are pissed off that genocide Joe won’t take meaningful action.

cupcakezealot, avatar

this is the same kind of attitude that republicans have against ukraine or dr fauci…


No it isn’t. People are starving to death and the best they can come up with is to parachute 30,000 meals to 1 million people? I’ll ask you again how many weeks would it take to provide one meal to each of the over 1 million people there? Does that seem even remotely efficient to you?

Children are starving to death and genocide Joe is providing political theater.


I find it truly amazing that brain dead liberals actually believe air lifting food is a viable alternative to opening the roads and sending in convoys of trucks. Do you understand they delivered just 30,000 meals in one week? Now do you also understand there are over 1 million people waiting for food. Do the math, how many weeks would it take provide 1 million people with one meal?

Harbinger01173430, to world in 'Complete Madness': Israel Blocks Food Aid as More Gaza Children Starve to Death


Treczoks, to world in 'Complete Madness': Israel Blocks Food Aid as More Gaza Children Starve to Death

People who “just starve” don’t get listed as normal victims of war. And it is a cheaper way to depopulate the Gaza strip. Which suits the Israeli government perfectly.

CaractacusPotts, to world in Five Gazans Killed by US Aid Airdrops as Biden Faces Backlash Over 'Gimmicks'

The President sends bombs that kill Palestinians and now the airdropped aid kills Palestinians as well. This is atrocious and it has to stop. - Ilhan Omar

nokturne213, to world in Five Gazans Killed by US Aid Airdrops as Biden Faces Backlash Over 'Gimmicks'

“Enough w/ the gimmicks of dropping food from the air & building a pier in two months,” Josh Ruebner, an adjunct lecturer at Georgetown University and former policy director of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, wrote in a social media post directed at Biden.

Since when is air dropping aid a gimmick?


70,000 meals have been dropped in Gaza over the past week, which is a small portion of what’s needed considering the territory has a population of more than 2 million people.

It’s theater. US could force Israel to comply and let the aid in, but instead this is a cheap trick to try and win back voters who think Biden is a failure on this issue.


And now this genocidal apologist is talking about building some stupid pier. More theater.

cupcakezealot, avatar

US could force Israel to comply

how? cutting support would cause hamas to be emboldened. using force would be throwing decades of treaties away (and remember this started because israeli civilians were killed in a terrorist attack) and alienate a nuclear power… just like cutting aid to ukraine, all that would happen is israeli civilians and gazans would continue to suffer

netanyahu isnt going to moderate because the un passes a non binding resolution and hamas isnt going to moderate because the us pulls funding


Apparently you were too lazy to read my previous reply, so I’ll repost it for you. Save your speculation as to whether or not Hamas would be emboldened, it’s meaningless nonsense.

What tactics has the West utilized against Russia that they have not employed against Israel?

Economic sanctions. Apply them to Israeli leadership in the military and in politics. Plus Business leaders and bankers. Prevent Israeli banking institutions “from accessing SWIFT, the international system for financial transactions, and restricting access to Western financial markets.” Ban Israeli access to international goods and services import as well as export. Let’s see how long their military can go without oil.

remember this started because israeli civilians were killed in a terrorist attack

This started because Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian territory and has violated every cease-fire over the last 15 years. If you think it started on October 7 you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

xePBMg9, to world in 'Complete Madness': Israel Blocks Food Aid as More Gaza Children Starve to Death

How do you exterminate an entire population? You can use zyklon B chambers. But inescapable famine works too. Not sure which one stresses the victim out more.

Linkerbaan, avatar

The zylkon B was only needeed because the concentration camp wasn’t large enough to slowly starve everyone to death. That would have taken Hitler years. Lucky israel had years of preparation to build a far larger concentration camp than Hitler ever had.

xmunk, to politics in Biden Legacy = Genocide

So how do yall feel about the US building a floating harbor off Gaza to ship in humanitarian aide instead of being forced to air drop the aide by Israel’s noncompliance?

Suavevillain, to politics in Tlaib, Bush Raise 'Stop Sending Bombs' Signs as Biden Pledges More Aid for Gaza avatar

I have nothing but respect for Tlaib and Bush for doing this.

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