ATDA, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System

Was this AI programmed by the fucking Israeli Peter Gibbons?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to politics in FAA Bill Includes 'Test Flight' for Banning Student Loan Forgiveness avatar

Why are student loans even mentioned in a bill about the FAA? Why not add a rider to fund the pornographic arts while you're at it?

Blackmist, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System

Something that surprised me is the sheer size of a “family home” in Gaza.

We’re not talking an apartment or even a house. We’re talking a decent sized apartment building. Six floors or so. A hundred people.

TransplantedSconie, to politics in FAA Bill Includes 'Test Flight' for Banning Student Loan Forgiveness

Yes, let’s make it so people are stuck in a cycle of debt with no way out, no way to buy a home, and no way to build generational wealth.

Not much later:

Why aren’t they buying homes? They are killing the housing market!

Why aren’t they buying expensive goods? They are killing the manufacturing market!

Why aren’t they having children!?! They are killing the birth rate!!

jordanlund, to politics in FAA Bill Includes 'Test Flight' for Banning Student Loan Forgiveness avatar

“If Congress will stop debt relief for pilots now, they’ll do it to nurses tomorrow, teachers the next day, and social workers the day after,”

Aaaand…? Not seeing a downside here…


So you don’t want teachers, social workers, or nurses then?


They were saying that this “slippery slope” of helping people get debt relief isn’t the big scary threat they statement seems to imply.

I.e., “if we allow debt relief for pilots, what will stop them from allowing it for nurses, teachers, and social workers???” And the person is saying “I don’t see that as a problem.”

They just misread the context of the comment.


I’m assuming you forgot the /s

If not, they should start with stopping debt relief for corporations and b/millionaires

noxy, avatar

maybe start with: pilot shortage gets worse?

AMDIsOurLord, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System

If you still believe the “Hamas” bullshit, you literally don’t have a brain

The crap Israel spins about Hamas is all a pile of horse shit so they can carry out their Manifest Destiny conquer of the middle east and purge the “holy land” and cleanse it from the “lesser people” and establish a rule of “god’s chosen”, that’s literally what Zionists have believed for over ~70 years

Hamas is literally better than most of the governments and “freedom fighters” the united states finds itself in bed with

Linkerbaan, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System avatar

The original article had some really damning lines. Israel is beyond barbaric they try to bomb suspects inside of their family homes instead of trying to target active combatants

“We were not interested in killing [Hamas] operatives only when they were in a military building or engaged in a military activity,” A., an intelligence officer, told +972 and Local Call. “On the contrary, the IDF bombed them in homes without hesitation, as a first option. It’s much easier to bomb a family’s home. The system is built to look for them in these situations.”

Killing as many civilians as possible is modus operandi for israelis.

MeanEYE, avatar

No. That’s not killing “as many as possible”. That’s accepting civilians around the official to be killed. If anything it’s extremely targeted attack. Killing as many as possible would be carpet bombing the whole thing and calling it a day.


Still a war crime.


fucking bootlickers man, what makes a person such a fascist apologist

Zehzin, avatar

Being raised by propaganda will do that.

tocopherol, (edited )

Images after bombing, the area was essentially carpet bombed. There have been thousands of more bombs dropped since this article. The IDF wouldn’t function without western support. This is plausable deniability, they can kill substantial numbers of people and blame it on this system or ‘collateral damage’. They have to maintain an image at least somewhat. So they kill as many as they can get away with.

The Israeli state has made it clear for years they don’t believe in the long-term existance of Palestine. This is part of their project to eliminate as many Palestinians as possible to more easily take territory.


IDK slaying 100 civilians per target sounds like a fuckload of war crimes if you ask me.


If they can track them then they can wait. This is the definition of a proportionate force war crime.


Killing as many as possible is very untrue. If the aim was to kill everyone, the conflict would have been over within a week and 2 million people would be dead.

Israel has tolerances how many civilians can be killed for one Hamas member. Issue is that I don’t believe that 100 lives are worth for a single unimportant terrorist. That’s worth condemning.

Also, targeting homes should be the last resort if nothing else is possible. Not the first option. This is worth condemning, as well.

Linkerbaan, avatar

They want to make life as cruel and horrible as possible for everyone in Gaza. Also their goal is to kill as many as possible while having people defend them for “not targeting civilians”.


Rather it seems to me they don’t really care. They just want to get the job done while testing how far can they go. And they know they can go very far because otherwise west would lose a close ally in mideast.

And it’s quite sad because despite the fact that Israel has the right to defend itself, it should not have a right to do what it is currently doing.

Linkerbaan, avatar

As an occupier israel does not have the right to defend itself.


Israel has the right to defend itself like every country. It does not occupy Palestinian territories, just undisputed ones (which is also illegal). In terms of Gaza, they withdrew in 2005.

So whilst starting the war against Hamas was fully understandable, it has to be done in accordance with the international law. And Israel fails to do that.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Israel has blockade Gaza since 2000s. They are an occupier. And Gaza has the right to defend itself and this barbaric occupier.


No, they left Gaza in 2005.

There are 0 Israelis in Gaza. The only thing Gaza can defend against is Hamas.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Strange i recall there being a giant fence around Gaza and israel controlling everything that goes in and out. Maybe I’ve read a few too many Human Rights Organisation reports.


It’s pretty understandable that there is a fence. Also, Israel does not have all borders and even allows millions of dollars to get in.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Strange you justify worlds largest concentration camp where israel systematically murders and starves innocent civilians.


Have you ever been to a concentration camp?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Have you ever been to one? Have you learned anything about the Holocaust? It seems not.


I have visited several ones - Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sereď (work camp). If you visited one, you would know the comparison is absurd.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Wow that’s really cool.

If only you opened your eyes and learned anything during your visit.


I learnt a lot, for example, I know how a concentration camps look and don’t draw comparisons between incomparable.

Linkerbaan, avatar

You have learned nothing and should be ashamed.


Ad hominem is usually used when someone lacks a factual argument, so they just attack the person.

Linkerbaan, avatar

It’s horrible but it’s still far from a concentration camp.

Linkerbaan, avatar

I’ve read a lot of stories of Jews surviving concentration camps, you must think they weren’t all that bad either.

The amount of children being killed each day in Gaza matches that of a concentration camp.


Compare size of Gaza to the size of a concentration camp.

Edit: The number of people killed is also not the best metric because it does not take into consideration the brutality.

Linkerbaan, avatar

The brutality of israel is indeed at the same level of those of the Nazi’s. Shooting desperate people for food. Starving people to death. Mass bombing families at night.

When we look at brutality this is directly comparable to the Holocaust and israel is comparable to the Nazi’s


Not at all. Is israel: a) changing people’s eye color by injecting a needle to their eyes? b) stitching together twins? c) using hungry dogs to eat people while alive? d) doing useless surgeries on healthy people without anesthesia?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Yes israel is systematically blocking anesthetics and bombing children, having them undergo amputations without anesthetics and sufficient medical equipment.

Yes they have let dogs eat people at Shifa recently and even more recently this video of israel shooting a Palestinian trying to collect food and then having dogs eat him

1,000 children have undergone amputations without anaesthesia in Gaza

Limbs of Palestinians detained by Israel amputated because of injuries caused by shackles, doctor says

The doctor, at the field hospital set up at the Sde Teiman Detention Camp in the Negev desert, said Palestinian detainees face deplorable conditions and violations at the facility.

“Just this week, two prisoners had their legs amputated due to injuries from leg irons, which unfortunately is a routine event,” he said in a letter to the defence and health ministers and the attorney general cited by Haaretz.


Yes, so it’s not comparable.

Linkerbaan, avatar

It is sad that you are this much in denial of reality. You have been linked evidence.


Yes, evidence that is by far not as brutal.

Linkerbaan, avatar

“Israel has a right to self defense”

“Yes israel is running a concentration camp but the Nazi’s were more brutal!”

Crazy how that works


It doesn’t have a concentration camp and it has right to defend.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Oh no every 50 last comments were quickly forgotten and Hasbara is back.

Keeponstalin, (edited )

The Israeli imposed closure on Gaza began in 1991, temporarily, becoming permanent in 1993. The barrier began around Gaza around 1972.

The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development - Third Edition by Sara M. Roy

The Blockade is still Occupation

The Gaza Strip − why the history of the densely populated enclave is key to understanding the current conflict


Israel cannot blockade whole Gaza as there is a border with egypt. Also, Israel allows a lot of money into gaza.

Keeponstalin, (edited )

Israel is still in control of all air, water, and borders of Gaza. And it’s policies of De-development are directly responsible for the conditions Gaza is in today.

Specifically, experts from the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory found “noting” positions held by the UN Security Council, UNGA, a 2014 declaration adopted by the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the ICRC, and “positions of previous commissions of inquiry,” that Israel has “control exercised over, inter alia, [Gaza’s] airspace and territorial waters, land crossings at the borders, supply of civilian infrastructure, including water and electricity, and key governmental functions such as the management of the Palestinian population registry.” They also point to “other forms of force, such as military incursions and firing missiles.”

For the Gaza-Egypt border, they hold that while the Palestinian Authority operates the crossing under the supervision of EU monitors, Israel ultimately has control. Israeli security forces supervise the passenger lists—deciding who can cross—and monitor the operations and can withhold the “consent and cooperation” required to keep the crossing open. In that vein, experts note that Israel’s “coercive measures” have further “impeded efforts to build proper democratic institutions,” and that Israel still has not transferred sovereign powers and instead maintains control over “the [Palestinian Authority]’s ability to function effectively.” Based on the actual exercise of effective control, they, therefore, find that Israel has occupied Gaza since the broader occupation of Palestine began in 1967.

Israel claims it is no longer occupying the Gaza Strip. What does international law say?

Through 1993 Israel imposed a one-way system of tariffs and duties on the importation of goods through its borders; leaving Israel for Gaza, however, no tariffs or other regulations applied. Thus, for Israeli exports to Gaza, the Strip was treated as part of Israel; but for Gazan exports to Israel, the Strip was treated as a foreign entity subject to various “non-tariff barriers.” This placed Israel at a distinct advantage for trading and limited Gaza’s access to Israeli and foreign markets. Gazans had no recourse against such policies, being totally unable to protect themselves with tariffs or exchange rate controls. Thus, they had to pay more for highly protected Israeli products than they would if they had some control over their own economy. Such policies deprived the occupied territories of significant customs revenue, estimated at $118-$176 million in 1986. (Arguably, the economic terms of the Gaza—Jericho Agreement modify the situation only slightly.)

  • page 240

In a report released in May 2015, the World Bank revealed that as a result of Israel’s blockade and OPE, Gaza’s manufacturing sector shrank by as much as 60 percent over eight years while real per capita income is 31 percent lower than it was 20 years ago. The report also stated that the blockade alone is responsible for a 50 percent decrease in Gaza’s GDP since 2007. Furthermore, OPE (com- bined with the tunnel closure) exacerbated an already grave situation by reducing Gaza’s economy by an additional $460 million.

  • Page 402

The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development - Third Edition by Sara M. Roy

Thrashy, (edited ) avatar

There are so many things that were horrifying about the US’s prosecution of the Global War on Terror, but at least when confronted with the same problem the US was like, “what if we invented a knife missile that can hit a guy in the driver’s seat of a car without hurting anybody standing next to the car?” whereas the IDF took the position that a 100:1 ratio of innocent bystander to presumed militant is totally acceptable (in an environment where fully half of those innocent bystanders are children to boot). Just absolutely ghoulish levels of inhumanity.

xePBMg9, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System

IDF: “Where is hamas?”

Chatgpt: “I don’t have knowledge of specific events or developments that occurred after my knowledge cutoff date of January 2022.”

IDF: “is it where the food trucks are?”

Chatgpt: “I don’t have sufficient information.”

IDF: “just say yes”

Chatgpt: “yes.”

jeffw, avatar

I feel really really bad about laughing at this

rockSlayer, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System

I see, so we’re just believing that it’s “faulty AI” rather than deliberate decisions? When it comes to war crimes, it’s not the fault of the AI.


You can’t prosecute an AI. - Israel probably

givesomefucks, to politics in House Dems Expose How GOP Social Security Cuts 'Would Hurt Families'

80+ years ago it was supposed to be universal healthcare…

Even remaining at the status quo at this point is a loss, Americans deserve more

superfes, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System

“Error prone” is a funny way to say “Working as designed”

Jake_Farm, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System avatar

Sounds like the equivalent of US drone strikes.

jeffw, avatar

Yeah, but US drone strikes aren’t so intense on one small area or group of people


What do you mean? There’s a whole generation of Yemeni children afraid of Sunny days because those are the days that people die. I’m a place that gets 300+ days of sunshine a year.

We we’re much worse.

jeffw, avatar

It’s not a genocide. Not defending what we’ve done, but I don’t think it’s fair to compare to genocide


I would fully disagree. We targeted civilians, not in war zones at functions like weddings, funerals and other explicitly civilian gatherings. We (the US) had the intent to kill civilians, and our tolerances for civilian casualties were an order of magnitude larger than what the IDF is using.

If anything it’s not comparable because what we did was worse.

MeanEYE, avatar

Thank you for knowing history and at least trying to educate others from it. People here are so willing to bend definitions and ignore events that were far worse just so it can fit their narrative.

MeanEYE, avatar

How can you bend definition of genocide so much as to excuse yourself but blame Israel at the same time. Here’s a refresher for you.

jeffw, avatar

Ok, here’s a refresher for you

Zehzin, avatar

All the starving people in Yemen would disagree with the not genocide comment. Like in Palestine, a religious nationalist is committing atrocities with full US support.

Sterile_Technique, to world in IDF Allowed 100 Civilian Deaths for Every Hamas Official Targeted by Error-Prone AI System avatar

Pretty sure that’s a feature, not a bug. Evil fucks.

febra, to world in 'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer

So nothing new. Israel still going on about with its genocide.

givesomefucks, to politics in State Department Spokesman Urged to Resign Over 'Despicable' Attack on UN Expert

Watch Biden make this piece of shit his new running mate


“Watch me make something up to get angry about”

FenrirIII, avatar

Watch every moron make this about Biden

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