Ensign_Crab, to politics in Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet

Congress is working on issues that matter to the American people.

Like making sure the wealthy are even less accountable.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Its the Tragedy of the Commons. No single individual really has an incentive to stop flying, outside of the marginal impact on PR. So everyone just says its someone else’s problem.

The FAA is toothless. The EPA is toothless. The individual industry leaders are more legally beholden to shareholders than any regulatory body. Even in aggregate, the emission volume of flights pale beside the emissions caused by coal stacks and automotive emissions and bunker fuel from bulk cargo shipping, so its the billionaire equivalent of saying “At least I’m recycling” when pushed about what you’re doing to curb greenhouse gases.

At the end of the day, what we need is a comprehensive investment in high speed mass transit. But fossil fuel companies hate that. Aeronautics companies hate that. Politicians fixated on quarterly budget figures hate that. And the folks that would actually build rail in this country no longer exist.

So whatchagonna do? Shrug, blame “the system”, and go with the flow because everyone else is doing it.

Nobody, to politics in Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet

bill that was passed last week will allow private aircraft owners to anonymize their registration information

Private planes fly anonymously? Even if order and justice was restored to the world, we couldn’t find the next Epstein’s island.

And how will this affect drug trafficking? If you can’t trace private planes, it becomes the Wild West.

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

Oh, the anonymity only counts for the public. The alphabet soup guys will know.


investigative reporting should exist


Bezos owns the Washington Post


none of the media news outlets are owned by middle class or lower class.


You don’t know? Rich people is above suspect and law


Even if order and justice was restored to the world, we couldn’t find the next Epstein’s island.

Which is probably the whole idea.


And how will this affect drug trafficking?

Those planes will still be registered to the CIA

TH1NKTHRICE, to politics in Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet

It’s about Swift and not one of the richest people in the world who lives in the kleptocracy that passed this legislation and historically has made a big fuss over this issue?


I blind clicked hoping that wasn’t the answer


He is also in the article, yes.


As with the ticketmaster story, if you put Taylor Swift’s picture on the headline it gets more clicks.

It’s just that simple.


Not that you are wrong, but I think we should keep using Taylor Swift as the face of this because:

  1. She is the worst offender in this case, even if not the only.
  2. She is on the “left” (what passes for left in the us, a leftist billionare is obviously a contradiction). So this is a clear signal from us that this is not about us vs them. This is an issue even when done by someone on our “side” (like Taylor Swift is in our side lol, but for MAGAs and similar extremists she is).
  3. At the end of the day, any meassure stoping Taylor Swift from contaminating with her stupid jet will also help us stop all the other assholes.
  4. We don’t owe shit to Taylor Swift or any other celebrity, fuck her. We can talk after she stops being a deca millionare, in the mean time fuck her lol.

So get mad at her, use her bad image in this issue to push for change, and seriously, fuck her almost as hard as any other rich assholes. The fact that she is sligthly better than people pushing for a return to feudalism doesn’t make her a good person lol.

JimSamtanko, to politics in Pharma Exec Will Testify About Ozempic's Absurd Price Tag After Pressure From Bernie Sanders

Love that he’s still hitting the pavement. Bernie is one of the real ones.


Why can’t there be more politicians like him?



j4k3, to politics in Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet avatar

Neo feudalism just checked another box against democracy.

themeatbridge, to politics in Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet

Right, they did it for Taylor Swift.


It definitely had nothing to do with Elon Musk or Ken Griffin. Definitely not.


Just at a glance I’d say it had absolutely nothing to do with swift, just a false flag operation to announce the change and ignore the reason. Now we just need a hero to find a workaround.


I honestly believe that people are tracking Swift’s jet just to make the Elon trackers seem ridiculous. Like, who gives a shit where she’s going? Swifties and… literally nobody else is affected.

ptz, to technology in So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off avatar

Good. Maybe the hype will finally die down soon and “AI” won’t be shoved into every nook, cranny, and Notepad app anymore.

scrubbles, avatar

I’ll say AI is a bit more promising, but all of this just really reminds me of the blockchain craze in 2017. Every single business wanted to add blockchain because the suits upstairs just saw it as free money. Technical people down below were like “yeah cool, but there’s no place for it”. At least I could solve some problems, but business people again just think that it’s going to make them limitless money

tal, avatar

Nah, blockchain has extremely limited applications.

Generative AI legitimately does have quite a number of areas that it can be made use of. That doesn’t mean that it can’t be oversold for a given application or technical challenges be disregarded, but it’s not super-niche.

If you wanted to compare it to something that had a lot of buzz at one point, I’d use XML instead. XML does get used in a lot of areas, and it’s definitely not niche, but I remember when it was being heavily used in marketing as a sort of magic bullet for application data interchange some years back, and it’s not that.


Technical people down below were like “yeah cool, but there’s no place for it

I think you might underestimate entertainment and creation. Right now I can imagine some character or scenario in my head and generate a little avatar with stable situation then render it onto a live chat that (mostly) works.

I've paid like 2k for a computer that enables this. It's make money from me at least.


Before that it was 'big data'. remember that?

every 5 or so years the media needs some new tech to hype up to get people paranoid

Lanthanae, avatar

“big data” runs the content recommendation algorithms of all the sites people use which in tirn have a massive influence on the world. It’s crazy to think “big data” was just a buzzword when it’s a tangible thing that affects you day-to-day.

LLM powered tools are a heavy part of my daily workflow at this point, and have objectively increased my productive output.

This is like the exactly opposite of Bitcoin / NFTs. Crypto was something that made a lot of money but was useless. AI is something that is insanely useful but seems not to be making a lot of money. I do not understand what parallels people are finding between them.

privsecfoss, avatar

Nice try, Microsoft


Dude, we do big data every day at work. We just call it data engineering because why call it big if everything is big?


That’s what she said

Lanthanae, (edited ) avatar

AI ≠ Micros*ft


The hype cycle. And just like how even a reasonable read on the supposed benefits are going to leave most people very disappointed when it happens. And I’m glad you’re one of the people that have found a good use for LLMs, but you’re in the vocal minority, as far as I can tell

Lanthanae, avatar

That’s a weird argument. Most technological advancements are directly beneficial to the work of only a minority of people.

Nobody declares that it’s worthless to research and develop better CAD tools because engineers and product designers are a “vocal minority.” Software development and marketing are two fields where LMMs have already seen massive worth, and even if they’re a vocal minority, they’re not a negligible one.


I don’t see how saying things failing to live up to their promises and helping a mere fraction of the people claimed is. And I can’t speak to marketing, but I can to software development and it really is not having the impact claimed, at least in my professional network.

gdog05, to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread

Well that’s fucking terrifying.


Only if you’re a Dolphins fan!


I dunno, if I was in Tampa Bay, I’d be watching to see if pirates are next…

skip0110, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine? avatar

5.25 billion smartphone users, so they are paying about $5 per user. If you switch the default from Google, you are taking $5 from them!


TBH, 26.3 billion dollars are just a drop in the bucket for Google. That bucket of course filled with the money they got with industrial scale spying, cross-site tracking, denial of control, forced ads, destruction of competition, among countless dirty tricks they play on regular netizens.


They made a $40b profit last year. More than half their profits is a “drop in the bucket”?!


I actually use Bing so that I get Microsoft Rewards points, meaning I gain money by not using Google.

But I understand privacy homies going DuckDuckGo or something else.

homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet

It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it.


I’ve never wanted to be in that club. In fact, I think I’m happier because I’m not.


That works for them.


For now. But my club has more members, and they are getting very, very angry.


laughs in oligarch


I’m glad for people like you, because I’ve spent a good chunk of my life desperately wishing to be in that club, and then another chunk being sad that I wouldn’t be able to be. I was miserable and latched onto something that I believed would alleviate it, but I nowadays definitely think I’m happier not being in that club.


I’ve never really wanted to be in the private jet billionare club but I have always wanted to be in the “have a nice paid off house and enough money to safely start a small business” club. Sure, being a billionare would get me that but what would I do with the other 99.999% of the money?


I think I mostly just wanted to be in the "so rich I never have to think about money again. Growing up super poor left its marks on me and now even though I am relatively secure and comfortable, I still have a background anxiety about whether I’ll have enough.

There’s an instinct within me that screams that I shouldn’t share resources with other people unless I’m sure I have more than enough for myself. If I indulged that instinct, that would mean that in a situation where there’s enough for everyone, I’d feel most comfortable with 3 or more shares, because then even if I gave away one of my shares to someone else, I’d still have what I need, plus some buffer. There’s a reason I work very hard to not indulge that instinct though, because I don’t want to hoard at the expense of other people like me.

Like I say, it’s just part of a wish of not having to think about money at all. I had some very rich friends in uni, and sometimes they’d shop in places where the clothes didn’t have price tags, the kinds of places where if you had to ask, you couldn’t afford it. I envied the fact that they didn’t have to think about money more than I did the material luxuries they could afford

Stuttgart273, to technology in You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds avatar

The dangers of a monopoly. No matter how bad Google gets people will still use it because, in many people’s minds, there is no other search engine.


What are those? DDG, Bing, Ecosia etc. are all not really better than Google. I haven‘t tried Kagi yet, mostly because it costs money.


You can actually try kagi for free. 100 searches/month should be enough for you to decide if it’s worth the money to you.

(Not affiliated; just a happy user)

jherazob, avatar

Kagi went to bed with Brave, and when people protested they ignored it


That’s kinda stretching the definition of ‘went to bed’. Brave is one of the result providers you can select as a source, and that’s about it


Is kagi a metasearch engine? Or does it have its own crawler and so on?

bl4kers, avatar

I’m going to give Kagi a try, thanks to this comment - I didn’t know there was a free trial.


i was struggling with DDG too, but in another post i saw someone recommend searx and it is actually really good.


Fyi searx is deprecated or at least not maintained and discontinued Switch to searxNG which is an active fork and it is really good :D

kusivittula, is what i use. i didn’t even know it had different forks too


I’m using Qwant and it gives me better results than Google. Even Startpage does and it’s using Google behind the scenes.

Google managed to fuck up their personalization so much it makes the results worse (it’s almost like they only really care about tailoring the ads /s). And I’m suspecting it’s by design, if the results suck the users are more likely to either press the ads or go through more result pages, therefore seeing more ads.


I agree it does suck in general One thing I tried is using a metasearch engine and for the least part I find the results better and way more customizable (for reference I am self hosting searxNG)

MalReynolds, avatar

same, just being able to blacklist content farms I dislike is worth the price (standing up a container) of admission, but there’s plenty more good things.


I am actually kinda ok with DDG, but the results are.. not always very great and the second page is filled with weird websites related to my location..
Maybe i should try both Kagi and Searx

jherazob, avatar

Kagi went to bed with Brave, and when people protested they ignored it


What do you mean with “went to bed”?

jherazob, (edited ) avatar

Here’s a Masto thread explaining a bit the polemic

TL;DR: They became partners with Brave, when people pointed out Brave’s objectionable politics they responded… poorly (still read the thread, it has much more info)

Quick edit: Was pointed at this, looks like it’s even worse and the Kagi owner himself might be very objectionable too

Second edit: And it keeps getting worse, of course they had to get into AI…

Gaywallet, avatar

Yikes, thanks so much for these links. I’ve avoided kagi for awhile now for lack of need but it had been top of list of ‘things I should try’. Guess I can strike that one out now.


Oh boy.. guess the future will really be running our own stacks


DDG is on pair with google, that’s enough for me. (in some topics far better and in some far worse)


Not for international (non-English) results.


This is 100% true, no contest.


You can use Kagi for free if you make an account and only use it when the others fail. Love Kagi, but won’t pay for it.


eh, ddg is equally bad with it insisting it knows better than me what my query is and “fixing” it, leaving me to have to either fix it or click a link telling it “yes I really did want to search for that and not what you assumed”

Atropos, to politics in Pharma Exec Will Testify About Ozempic's Absurd Price Tag After Pressure From Bernie Sanders

Good stuff Bernie, wish you’d been our president

Cosmicomical, to politics in Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet

Dammit, I guess we can’t complain anymore about how much fuel they waste every day, so we are fine. Oh wait, no they are still pieces of shit.

orca, to technology in You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds avatar

Google search is horrendous now. Instead of showing you relevant search results, it’s become an advertising race to the top game. If they can find “sponsored” links or shopping results related to your search, those go to the very top space. It’s about to get way worse as the rise of AI continues to rot the brains of board room suits.

I use Ecosia and DDG. Ecosia on my personal laptop, and DDG on my phone browser.


Back in the early 00s (I think), there was a running joke about how the search engine Ask Jeeves had one purpose, and one purpose only: to amend any search to “where can I buy…?” Because no matter what you searched for, it would inevitably prioritise adverts and online shopping.

That’s what Google is now.

I also use Ecosia now. It’s powered by Bing on the back end, I believe, but the results are consistently better than what I get from Google. And it’s like… okay, yes, this is the world we live in now, where Bing is more useful than Google.


DDG keeps changing my search query because its “not returning a lot of results” or because it thinks I typo’d and it is infuriating to me, sometimes it doesnt even inform me that it did, not even giving me a link to click to get to my actual search query

'also noticed that it got worse around the same time google did

princessnorah, avatar

Yeah, that’s because it gets the results from Bing.


Yeah, jeez. The number of times I give up and Ctrl+F on the page I’ve clicked to, just to find that the phrase I double-quoted just does not exist there and that my time has been wasted


Omg yes

Search: “staplers”

“What’s all this saint stuff?? Hmm wtf?”

‘Where you trying to search for “St. Rap Lore?” Here are your results.’

orca, avatar

It’s very hit or miss for deeper searches. Sometimes at work I just default back to Google because I need quick results that are more relevant. Ecosia has been decent but I don’t have enough hours into it yet. I’m open to ideas, honestly.

scroll_responsibly, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine? avatar

For anyone who doesn’t click the link, Google paid $26.3 billion.

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