Burn_The_Right, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy

Next up on Fox News: “How the U.S. Military is an Assault on Freedom!”

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

The military industrial complex will now proceed to go broke, presumably. Checkmate fascists.


Think we can trick conservatives into defunding the “woke” military?



Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

If the generals keep disobeying and talking shit on Trump, there’s a gambler’s chance


Probably, they’ve been running stories about how the military is too soft to fight a war because women and trans stuff. Which is just hilarious.

Fedizen, to politics in Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish

Once they start allowing exceptions to separation of church and state it also tears down the door of free speech and allows people to be prosecuted for blasphemy or whatever nonsense actual witch hunting

Stern, to politics in Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality avatar

Unless the evidentiary standard is like, “video evidence of the person stating their full name and social security number before doing it”, I’m firmly against any punishment that can’t be reversed or at least readily resolved like the death penalty or castration. We’ve got plenty of cases overturned years later on DNA evidence and the like.


Yeah, the right wing obsession with punishment is absurd. Even if we do have that level of evidence, the first reaction should be an attempt to rehabilitate, not inflict irreparable harm.

It’s also stupid because sometimes sexual abuse of a child is about power, not sexual pleasure itself.

Tylerdurdon, to politics in Trump confidant Roger Stone caught on tape talking about Mar-a-Lago judge and the real reason trial delays matter

It’s almost like they let him out of jail just for this kind of garbage. But who, pray tell, would have done such a thing?

PS - if you think it’s Roger’s first spin, go watch Unprecedented. Bear in mind, this is likely to make you a tad unhinged.

kescusay, to politics in Judge nixes Trump effort to subpoena Stormy Daniels over documentary and witness communications avatar

Throwing everything at the wall to see if it at least sticks long enough to delay the trial a little bit more. Alas, Judge Merchan is simply not putting up with it.

Suck it, Trump, you disgusting orange clown.

snausagesinablanket, to politics in Trump confidant Roger Stone caught on tape talking about Mar-a-Lago judge and the real reason trial delays matter avatar
Jimbabwe, to politics in Man with carload of weapons and ‘hit list’ that included Biden, Obama and Clinton gets years in prison

lol! All his meticulous planning and not even half a thought on how to shut the fuck up around cops.

Officer: “Sir I pulled you over because you were driving aggressi-“

Him: “I plan to do crimes!! Lots of them!”


Probably got pulled over by the wrong cops. The right(bad apples) would have just let him go.

Sanctus, to politics in Man with carload of weapons and ‘hit list’ that included Biden, Obama and Clinton gets years in prison avatar

Our security agencies should be on red alert right now. He’s not the only one drinking the kool aid.

bolexforsoup, (edited ) to politics in Jan. 6 officer says mother swatted after he called Tump 'authoritarian'


FuglyDuck, avatar

Who will just do whatever you tell them to, and not ask too many questions.

rand_alpha19, to politics in Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality

I'm not really sure what removing a female sex offender's ovaries are supposed to do to prevent recidivism. As far as I'm aware, that wouldn't do anything but send her into early menopause; restlessness, irritability, and libido might actually increase, which may make reoffending more likely.

d00ery, to politics in Man with carload of weapons and ‘hit list’ that included Biden, Obama and Clinton gets years in prison

It sounds like he needs mental help.

There’s no mention of a lawyer or any support, the guys just completely dropped himself in it. Perhaps a very low IQ or some sort of mental health problems that prison is really not going to help.

This is far from normal behaviour.


It’s kind of a shame, dude is clearly mentally ill but there’s no mention in the article of any attempts to treat it. Just straight to jail. If anything it’s just going to worsen in prison and probably end up murdering someone and/or getting murdered.


Is a low IQ correlated to a person’s propensity to commit violent acts? As a person with low IQ, I don’t feel like prison is either less of a deterent from committing crimes, or less likely to be a reforming experience, but I’ve never been to prison and recognize that my impressions would only be an anecdote and not something to draw conclusion from.


I honestly do not know how IQ and the ability to judge the future outcomes of ones actions tie together.

I do know that confessing to crimes, and then saying that he’ll try to commit those same offences upon release is not a very sensible idea if he values his freedom from prison. On the otherhand perhaps the guy thinks his being a martyr for the cause and his openness will encourage others, time will tell.

workerONE, to politics in Alito pens divisive opinion limiting immigrant rights over strongly-worded Jackson dissent

“In each instance, the three petitioners, led by Moris Esmelis Campos-Chaves in the case stylized as Campos-Chaves v. Garland, were sent an initial “notice to appear” or “NTA” that did not contain date or time information. And, as a result of that missing information, those notices did not fall in line with the statutory requirements of the INA. Later, each petitioner was sent a follow-up notice or notices that did contain the date and time information of their removal hearing. In time, each petitioner was ordered to be removed by an immigration judge. They later sought to reopen their cases and have those orders tossed.

Now, the Supreme Court has ruled that so long as the government eventually sends an immigrant notice containing the correct date and time information, the removal process can be initiated.”

guyrocket, to politics in Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality avatar

Next we should cut off thieves' hands. Then harvest organs randomly from prisoners.

They're criminals. They should not have any rights. Fuck em, right?


rayyy, to politics in Jan. 6 officer says mother swatted after he called Tump 'authoritarian'

Swatting the guy’s mother. That’s really, really low but that is where they are.

t3rmit3, to politics in Mark Meadows unmasked in Arizona fake electors indictment, faces 9 felony charges

Lock him up!


Set him on fire.

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