ShittyBeatlesFCPres, to politics in Trump confidant Roger Stone caught on tape talking about Mar-a-Lago judge and the real reason trial delays matter

One of the funniest Twitter moments was when the FBI arrested Roger Stone and [American football player] Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson teeeted, “FBI arrested my neighbor Roger before my morning jog, I’ve only seen shit like that in movies, crazy to start to my Friday.”

I think more people learned about it from people sharing that Tweet than from any news organization.

Theprogressivist, avatar

That’s hilarious but sad at the same time.

cybervseas, to politics in Devin Nunes' suit against Washington Post over Trump Tower wiretapping claims is rejected

Dang that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while.


Just don’t talk about his cow, that’s a sore spot.


His bull is a sore spot too.


Former California Republican Representative (and Trump ass-sucking sycophant) Devin Nunes is the CEO of Truth Social.

He’s been busy pumping and dumping Russian rubles for Diaper Don.


That’s how long bullshit takes…

UnderpantsWeevil, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy avatar

The claim is only a threat because the courts are so comically stacked towards his position.

Americans don’t want to read the writing on the wall. Democracy already failed. We’ve simply refused to acknowledge we’re living in the rubble.

CosmicCleric, avatar

Americans don’t want to read the writing on the wall. Democracy already failed. We’ve simply refused to acknowledge we’re living in the rubble.

We’re not there yet, calm yourself. Your rhetoric doesn’t help.

Having said that, wake the fuck up people, participate.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

We’re not there yet

Go check out states like Ohio and Wisconsin, where 40% of the voting base selects a supermajority of the legislature.

My own Texas Senate has been similarly packed and stacked. And that’s before you get into the openly adversarial practices of state voting offices.

We are not a democracy in any real sense. We are, at best, a Republic of regional demagogues and despots.

Having said that, wake the fuck up people, participate.

Lining up for another game of 3-card-monte because this time I can beat the dealer.

CosmicCleric, avatar

You don’t think if people stop just standing by the sidelines watching, but instead participate, specifically pushing back on their Representatives and their Senators, asking for change, that things wouldn’t change? At all?

Congress does what it does because we all sit on our asses and do nothing about it, except maybe go vote every once in awhile.

They have no respect for us, because they don’t see us as participating in the system, only companies that give them money are seen in their eyes to be participating.

Democracy already failed.” is total bullshit, plain and simple, and it’s rhetoric that doesn’t help solve any problems.


UnderpantsWeevil, avatar
CosmicCleric, avatar

The deck is stacked and the game is rigged.

First link is about someone on parole voting, when they can’t.

Second link is about someone who got caught when trying to do fraudulent voting activities.

The third link is a person with a prior felony conviction (that she pleaded guilty to), that is ineligible to seek office, trying to seek office/vote.

Those are three one-offs, in the margins. None of those prevent the system from working overall.

You’re grasping at straws.


UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

You’re grasping at straws.

I question whether you’ve ever actually participated in an election before.

CosmicCleric, avatar

I question whether you’ve ever actually participated in an election before.

Actually, I’ve voted in every election I was asked to.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Extreme Weasel Word Phrasing

CosmicCleric, avatar

Extreme Weasel Word Phrasing

How so?


The Wisconsin Supreme Court threw out the gerrymandered election maps. This happened only after an election shifted the balance of the court. That election had record breaking turnout, because the people were engaged and ready to fight for their rights.

Democracy isn’t dead, but it is in danger. Giving up isn’t going to make things better.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

The Wisconsin Supreme Court threw out the gerrymandered election maps.…/wisconsin-gop-undoes-legislative-g…

The lines put forward by Evers in court and passed by the Legislature Tuesday still slightly favor Republicans, according to an analysis from Marquette University Law School. But they are competitive overall and give both parties a chance to compete for a majority in both legislative chambers.

One red wave, one red governor, and the state goes right back to where it started.

The situation is untenable when one party works exhaustively to cheat on the first day in office and the other has to spend the next ten years cleaning up the mess.

As of March, we’re seeing generic Republicans with a coin flip chance of winning statewide with a map that marginally favors their party.


One of the ways democracy falls is if we prematurely declare it fallen. Abortion referendums in deep red states have passed. Democrats have won in Alabama suburbs. Republicans could at best tie Democrats in economic conditions that heavily favored them.

Democracy is succeeding. What we’re seeing is that it takes time to change things, because there is entrenched power. That’s slowly eroding away though, because they have gone too far against the people.

We are in a position to completely eliminate entrenched Republican power over the next decade or so if we remain persistent, all through democracy. It will be slow, but it will work.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

One of the ways democracy falls is if we prematurely declare it fallen

You’ve got it backwards. Democracies fall because people assert the institutional rot can’t happen to their sacred soil and refuse to acknowledge their own internal failures.

Democracy is succeeding.

When barely half the eligible voting population bothers to participate? When seats are so heavily gerrymandered that 40% of the voting public can command a super majority in the legislature? When every election is (fairly or not) considered rigged or stolen going back to the Kennedy Administration?

We are in a position to completely eliminate entrenched Republican power over the next decade

We are not. Nobody on the Dem side of the ballot wants this. Party leadership wants a strong opposition. They even state as much publicly.

JeeBaiChow, to politics in Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality

False accusations gonna go through the roof in Louisiana. Calling it now.

Also, how are women child sex offenders affected by all this?

Rapidcreek, to politics in Trump DOJ lawyer behind fake electors plot should be disbarred, disciplinary panel says



3.5 years late. I get that justice is slow, but the state bar should be significantly faster.

btaf45, to politics in Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish

Hey kids! There are lots of fun ways to break the 1st Commandment!

List of some random gods in order of importance

  1. Asherah
  2. Her husband Yahweh

I suggest we all start revering Ahura Mazda.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Zoom zoom

JeeBaiChow, to politics in Judge nixes Trump effort to subpoena Stormy Daniels over documentary and witness communications

Still whining. So much whining. The likes of which we’ve never seen before.


So much whining we’re gonna be tired of whining

7 years ago

BigMacHole, to politics in Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish

I can’t Wait until the Supreme Court makes it LEGAL to Force Schools to post Satanic Text in EVERY classroom!

Bytemeister, (edited )

What about my religion? We have core tenants to existence…

1: Thou shall not bitch about what thou finds out, after thou fucketh around.

2: Thy Lord and Savior hath empowered thou to skip school and throw rocks at parked luxury SUVs without consequence.

3: Any other religious commandment system preceding or proceeding this system are an affront to thy mental sovereign, and must be vandalized or destroyed before any other task can be done.

fartington, to politics in Alito pens divisive opinion limiting immigrant rights over strongly-worded Jackson dissent


  • Loading...
  • treefrog,

    Deport they neighbors

    Mastengwe, to politics in Trump DOJ lawyer behind fake electors plot should be disbarred, disciplinary panel says

    Remember, bOtH siDeS though.

    TransplantedSconie, to politics in Trump DOJ lawyer behind fake electors plot should be disbarred, disciplinary panel says

    At first glance, I thought it said, " should be dismembered."


    Vive la révolution!


    Close enough

    Veraxus, (edited ) to politics in Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish

    If this goes the way he wants, he’ll also get the Seven Tenets everywhere the Ten Commandments are.


    There’s so many religions and so many rules. Let’s just post them all.


    You may be on to something, there……/religious-leader-wants-to-displ…


    We can create a new one with all of the rules!

    5oap10116, to politics in Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality

    This will certainly help them pay their debt to society and become fully functioning rehabilitated members. I can see only pros. /s

    sin_free_for_00_days, to politics in Mark Meadows unmasked in Arizona fake electors indictment, faces 9 felony charges

    Better late than never, I suppose.

    Gerudo, to politics in Trump DOJ lawyer behind fake electors plot should be disbarred, disciplinary panel says

    It took them this long to figure that out?

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