0110010001100010, to politics in Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish avatar

He wants it to go all the way to the supreme court so they can rule in his favor and further erode the separation of church and state. Fuck these assholes and this timeline…

Weirdmusic, avatar

Honestly, I can’t see how SCOTUS could rule in his favour. The US constitution clearly states that there is a seperation between church and state. For SCOTUS to rule in his favour would require them overturning the constitution itself.

Sanctus, avatar

I agree with this. I dont think this one was thought through. We shall see what the illegitimate court thinks. If they agree with him that should be our final line as a people.

seathru, avatar

The US constitution clearly states that there is a seperation between church and state.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe you’ll find that wording in the constitution.

seathru, avatar


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  • over_clox,

    ‘The Establishment Clause acts as a double security, prohibiting both control of the government by religion and political control of religion by the government. By it, the federal government of the United States and, by later extension, the governments of all U.S. states and U.S. territories, are prohibited from establishing or sponsoring religion.’

    snooggums, avatar

    Is a state congress not congress?

    Zombiepirate, avatar

    You should read this, it answers your question.


    Two things:

    1. Separation of Church and State is not codified into law


    1. 1A specifically says “Congress shall pass no law respecting any religion”. They’ll say this law was passed by a state, not congress. Ipso facto, they rule in his favor.
    snooggums, avatar


    1. The current conservative SCOTUS doesn’t care about precedent or the constitution and will rule however they want.

    That whole “it only applies to Congress” angle is malarkey.

    303 Creative v. Elenis: The 1st Amendment bars Colorado from forcing businesses to provide service that goes against their religious beliefs.

    Shurtleff v. City of Boston: The City of Boston could not reject flying a Christian flag when it had open many other groups to fly different flags for various occasions.

    Kennedy v. Bremerton School District: A school board wrongfully terminated a coach for praying on the field.

    These are all recent cases too. Of course, that doesn’t mean they won’t find some different bullshit reason to say this is fine.


    Man if they rule that states can discriminate based on religion, I look forward to all the left leaning states going in the total opposite direction.


    They’ll just agree with the lie that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and anything Christian is simply embracing our history.


    Wouldn’t the combo of the first amendment and the supremacy clause pretty neatly dismantle the new Louisiana law?


    That would be correct in my opinion but nothing this court does can surprise me anymore, legal or not.


    The actual text concerning religion says that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…”. It’s arguable that requiring publicly funding schools to display a specific religions moral code is establishing their religious views as a standard others must follow.

    The second part of that (prohibiting the free exercise thereof) is not affected. They are free to do whatever they want in their private homes and institutions. They just are not free to force those practices on others or other’s children. You don’t have the freedom to “exercise” if exercise means forcing your will on others. And anyone that thinks that should be the case is specifically calling to remove that constitutional freedom from our society.

    It’s un-American… by definition…


    but but but it’s an historical document, not religious at all [wink wink to stage left]


    Re: 1, the concept of church/state separation is espoused by the First Amendment, if not explicitly stated as such. But as has been made clear, Roberts’ SCOTUS has yet to miss a case dismantling that wall.

    Re: 2, SCOTUS has held that amendments only apply to Congress unless they have been incorporated via the 14th out to the states. The First Amendment’s restriction on state-endorsed religion was incorporated in a case from 1947 called Everson vs. Board of Education which means that if Congress can’t create an official government religion, state legislatures can’t either. Of course, what one SCOTUS decides another can overturn, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility for Roberts’ activist Court to remove the concept of incorporation altogether.


    The Constitution is just an interpretation of the teachings of the Founding Fathers. SCOTUS is the only body that has a direct line of communication to the Founding Fathers. We can rely on them to convey to the masses what the Founding Fathers truly intended.

    (I think this is sarcasm, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they used this logic)


    I only acknowledge direct lines to dead ppl if they got stupid hats and a custom made vehicle and I don’t see any supreme mobiles.

    snooggums, avatar

    Thomas’ RV was custom made by the guy who bribed him with it.


    Haven’t they already done that by using stuff that’s in the constitution or any law?


    The Constitution also clearly states that anyone who breaks their oath of office to commit treason against the country shall not hold political office unless cleared by 2/3rds majority in Congress. It’s time to admit that the rules are all made up and the Constitution doesn’t matter.


    I read that in his voice.


    For SCOTUS to rule in his favour would require them overturning the constitution itself.

    Nah, all they’d have to do is make up a bullshit interpretation that fits the political opinions of them and their billionaire friends. That’s basically what the majority of them are there for to begin with.


    The SCOTUS is thoroughly corrupt. We have three sitting justices who have been exposed as accepting bribes from parties with matters before the court, and we have two that are known to have committed perjury during their confirmation hearings.

    There is zero accountability or recourse. We no longer live in a country with a rule of law.


    Maybe youth weren’t paying attention to the Dobbs decision where they ignored the 9th amendment entirely and half of the 14th.


    Why would Robert’s Supreme Court care about the Constitution?


    The SCOTUS ruling on college loan forgiveness they simply said “we know the law explicitly says that you can do this but we don’t like it so, no and we’re not actually justifying this decision with any kind of criteria”


    The Constitution specifically states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” which is probably going to mean SCOTUS will rule that it’s okay because it’s a STATE Congress and not the federal Congress specifically called out in the Constitution making a law respecting the establishment of a religion. This seems like a solid letter of the law but not the spirit sort of reading that christofacists want.

    hopesdead, avatar

    Damnit Abed. Do not roll the dice.


    Exactly right… what should happen is that the Satanic Church, any Islam denomination, the Spaghetti Monster, etc should all start putting up their own billboards everywhere…

    While SCOTUS is compromised, there is no point in playing their game


    Just a heads up The Satanic Temple are the righteous group that litigates all these radical zealots. They don’t believe in a literal Satan unlike the Church of Satan.


    Church of Satan is also atheistic, although some may believe in magic and other energy work. Either way, neither group literally worships Satan. You might be thinking of the Order of Nine Angles.

    dojan, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy avatar

    I mean Trump and his allies goal is literally to dismantle democracy so that shouldn’t come as a surprise.

    GladiusB, avatar

    Such a patriot. To celebrate the county that gave him a life that most will never even think about. By dismantling it completely.


    It doesn’t matter if it’s a flaming pile of shit, as long as you’re at the top.

    Sanctus, to politics in Trump confidant Roger Stone caught on tape talking about Mar-a-Lago judge and the real reason trial delays matter avatar

    Stolen again? I’m so tired of this shit. They’re gonna do it again no matter the results. How is the FBI not all over these people? Its the same coup rheotirc.

    Theprogressivist, avatar

    Yep, it’s infuriating, but the FBI has a bunch of Trump loyalists, so it makes sense why they’ve had their thumbs up their asses regarding these chucklefucks.

    Sanctus, avatar

    I guarantee the Proud Boys are going to be harassing the polls. We’re going to have to muster a fucken militia just to be able to vote.


    [John Brown intensifies]

    Sanctus, avatar

    We are his soul marching on


    Just to be clear, shitfuck Stone isn’t admitting to stealing an election or trying to steal an election, he’s implying that President Biden stole the election.

    He goes on to say “We’re working on it: lawyers, judges, technology,”, so he’s definitely admitting to trying to steal this upcoming election.

    So yes, same coup rhetoric, and I would like nothing more to see his front door ravaged by a battering ram during an early morning no-knock warrant raid, but you are taking that one specific quote regarding an election being stolen again slightly out of context. Everything else you said is totally valid based on everything else Stone said on camera though.

    NegativeLookBehind, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy avatar

    It was later discovered that Kavanaugh turned the document into a beer bong after claiming to have “totally read that shit” and filling it with 3 Miller Lites, at a local frat party


    Well…It’s not like he was going to turn down a dare from Squee.

    TragicNotCute, avatar

    bro you never turn down a dare from a brother. Bro


    Truth. It’s like the time Clarence Thomas dared him to overturn Roe v. Wade. He was like, “Bro. Bro. You just watch me.”


    Especially a boof bro.

    jeffw, to politics in Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality avatar

    Next week in a totally unrelated news story: Louisiana to charge LGBTQ adults as sex offenders when they come within 100 feet of children


    Works out well for anyone looking to fully transition but can’t afford that phase of surgery. Louisiana wondering why all these out of state people hanging around their schools suddenly.


    Further underlines the baffling failure to understand about anything related to what experts call “humans” by the GOP.


    This is precisely what they’re doing.

    gregorum, to politics in Jan. 6 officer says mother swatted after he called Tump 'authoritarian'

    fascists really are the biggest crybabies.

    ptz, avatar

    Always have been.


    They’re the real snowflakes

    halcyoncmdr, avatar

    Of course. They assume that because they are dick and, that everyone else must be too.

    RealFknNito, avatar

    Except they’re not unique, just delicate and when enough gather together they can damage important infrastructure.


    Look, he’s no fascist. He’s just a strong leader who’s always right, doesn’t accept ‘no’ for an answer, makes his own rules, demands absolute loyalty and calls himself not only a patriot, but a nationalist who happens to be white…

    Sure he jokes about being a dictator, but only because he’s able to see the good in so many of them. Also it would only be on first day in office, since he loves democracy, stable democracy, like in the People’s Republic of China or Russia, where a strong leader can be elected more than just twice.

    Boy o boy, people not understanding this will give future historians quite a head scratcher.

    AquaTofana, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy

    A group of retired Generals/Admirals are the ones who convinced Congress to repeal DADT back in 2011 so our LGBTQ+ brethren could openly serve.

    I understand that the entire Government has changed since then, and it’s an entirely different branch of the Government that they’re petitioning, but fuck, this gives me hope.

    These people do still have some sort of influence, and they’re attempting to use it for good. That makes me happy.


    Most notable, though, is that they face no jeopardy for speaking out. None of them could do this while serving.


    This is true, to an extent. They can be much more vocal (publicly) than anyone currently serving, without fear of reprisal/loss of benefits.

    However, these retired O’s definitely have enough money that should they want to abandon ship and move their family elsewhere, they absolutely could. They don’t have to get involved anymore, so I like that they’re taking the time to do so. It shows that they still gaf.

    hamid, (edited )


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  • AquaTofana,

    Or, lol, what’s really happening here, is that we’re all going “Oh yay, they’re using their influence for something good. That’s one more tool to fight the MAGAts with.”

    But I forgot, this is the internet and we should just be straight up pessimistic and ask “Why are they even bothering? Don’t they know it’s useless?!?!Silly Generals, Democracy is dead.”

    hamid, (edited )


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  • DragonTypeWyvern,
    hamid, (edited )


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  • DragonTypeWyvern,

    No. The other liberal nations betrayed the Spanish Republic and Stalin wasn’t interested in supplying the Republican coalition for free (or without purging dissenters to Soviet hegemony) like Hitler and Mussolini were supplying the fascists.

    Personally, I just also don’t tend to criticize people for fighting the war against fascism just because they lost a battle.

    hamid, (edited )


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  • DragonTypeWyvern,

    Ah, yes, simply convince all Americans to be okay with the assassination of Trump without responding with violence themselves, so easy, so simple, definitely won’t create the war you’re on your high horse about avoiding lol

    Not that I disagree that Trump deserves a death sentence for crimes against democracy and the American people. I just think the war is unavoidable, regardless of who holds the reigns of the Republican Party. But, hey, maybe not.

    YeetPics, avatar

    Lolol you’re big mad, huh?

    YeetPics, avatar

    K thanks, bye.

    Asafum, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy

    I really can’t fucking believe he’s going to get away with everything. Their plan of running the clock is working and I have absolutely no doubt Trump will win the election allowing his AG dog to dutifully wipe everything away. Hell, seeing how this timeline is going I could even imagine his new AG opening an investigation into Biden that gets fast tracked somehow… We’ve all collectively somehow become even fucking dumber over the last 4 years that I could even be so sure Trump will win…

    It just blows my mind how someone so unbelievably stupid, someone so obviously corrupt in his personality, someone so abhorrent, could skate his way through the justice system. “Teflon Don” suits him. The only “positive” here are the civil suits that hit him where he cares most, his bank account.

    rdyoung, (edited )

    I get what you are saying but keep in mind that he has been losing his ability to stay composed for awhile now and it seems to be gaining speed. He is sundowning as we watch. I doubt he will be mentally capable of campaigning in a few months. He literally just told the world that Biden took a shit in the oval office, just when you think he can’t get more unhinged, he proves you wrong.

    I’m not sure where to find it now but some clinical psychologists or psychiatrists (iirc) gave a pretty decent breakdown of how trump is breaking down mentally.


    When did he say Biden took a shit in the Oval Office? Lol


    Looks like either Sunday or Monday.…/donald-trump-claims-biden-soiled-whi…

    I maintain that this is Defunded Donnie’s way of admitting he had a diaper accident in the oval office

    TheBat, avatar

    Every accusation is a confession. That’s the Republican way.

    So how long before we hear about Trump having done it?

    Or watch him drop a turd while campaigning?


    Let’s not go there. I don’t want to see news stories of maggats shitting on cars because they had Biden or Bernie stickers or any others supporting sane and intelligent things.


    I actually think the comment could be interpreted as Trump shit on the desk before leaving either to spite Biden (instead of leaving the traditional letter), or his declining mind allowed him to let slip an accident he himself had personally, and that “‘disgusting Biden’ is still using it, what a weirdo, I wouldn’t use it after I soiled it”.

    ripcord, avatar

    He told people Biden soiled itz and they laughed and clapped.

    I see no evidence this is a problem for him. His lack of cognition, morals, etc has never really been a problem before.


    It’s exactly on brand for him and his followers.

    Hillary Clinton was right when she said half his supporters were a basket of deplorables. Those that got upset about that put themselves into that group.

    They love him because of the unhinged shit he says. He takes the hate that the two minutes hate Fox News cultivates and brings it to the White House and that’s exactly what they want.


    If anything, Hillary was being too kind.


    She was actually off by 50%.


    Biden soiled

    It is ALWAYS projection, always. Numerous people have said the orange liar soiled himself regularly.


    Biden took a shit on the oval office

    Sounds like one of those projection accusation confessions.


    That’s likely exactly what it is.


    Either that, or his nannies told him the presidential diapers are Oval Office brand.


    This is 100% copium. The only thing that matters is actually convicting him and carrying out the criminal sentence. Until then, all this speculative BS is nothing but a distraction to provide cover for how badly all the leaders who aren’t already outright traitors are fucking this up.


    some clinical psychologists or psychiatrists (iirc) gave a pretty decent breakdown of how trump is breaking down mentally.

    this one here?


    That looks like it.


    All he needs to do is be able to stand up come election day, then they can just weekend at Bernies for the next 4 years.


    This should be a joke but with the gullibility of his most devoted followers and how far computer generated images and video have come, this is a real possibility.


    It’s the cult plus some normies voting against Biden. Don’t underestimate how little they give a shit. We thought it ended with grab em by the sexual assault parts.


    I thought for sure it would end when he shit all over McCain for being a POW.

    Never let a Trump voter tell you they are pro military. Ever.


    They hate veterans so much. They treat them like future unhoused mentally ill and guide them down the path.


    On the other hand, let this be motivation to make him lose in November. All his legal maneuvers will be moot at that point, and he’ll have some very angry judges to answer to.

    If Trump loses, the delays mean nothing. He will never enjoy a free day of peace ever again.

    Potatos_are_not_friends, to politics in Man with carload of weapons and ‘hit list’ that included Biden, Obama and Clinton gets years in prison

    However, the took a strange turn when Xiong began railing about the state of politics in the nation’s capital, rattling off right-wing conspiracy theories, and telling the deputy that “getting a hotel would not be necessary” for his trip.

    “Xiong began to attempt to control the conversation and began talking about his disapproval for government due to the sex abuse of children, some of which that has occurred by President Biden,” investigators wrote.

    MAGA trump supporters who are PoC or a minority always makes me confused. They really aren’t realizing these rallies, they’re the butt of the joke, being uncle ruckus.

    jeffw, avatar

    I mean, the man clearly had some mental illness going on. I dont think it’s all well thought out


    As easy as it would be to dismiss a lot of people like this as having mental illnesses, he just sounds like you’re typical conspiracy believing, far right, Trump supporter. The mental illness may have come into play when he actually decided to act on it, but make no mistake, many, many others are believing and repeating the same rhetoric and just not demented enough to act (yet), and they don’t deserve the easy out of “mental illness.”

    jeffw, avatar

    He said he’s the only person left who can save the country… he talked about analyzing the White House grounds and imagined up a “weak point” in the security… this is not a typical thought pattern


    True, but still only a few steps up from “someone just needs to put a bullet in Biden” which is a not too uncommon of a phrase in red districts.


    He don’t sound sane, but from what little US politic I catch in news it’s pretty common far up into your law and political system. Maybe all the way to the top.

    I believe your doing yourself a disfavour by assuming he’s criminally insane


    It does sound crazy, but some of their echo chambers have spent YEARS repeating two conflicting messages 1) we need to use violence to “fix” the country and 2) anyone who actually tries to organize any activity is an FBI member trying to arrest people. It’s true that a sane person still wouldn’t try to go kill politicians by themselves, but it’s no surprise to me that some of those members eventually do come to the “I am the only person who can fix this” conclusion.

    jeffw, avatar

    Blow my mind how bad some of you are at identifying textbook psychosis


    I think what we’re getting at is there is a very fine line right now between a far right conspiracy theorist that’s in too deep (think QAnon) and full blown psychosis. The minor difference being one is caused by indoctrination while the other is actual mental illness.

    And while this case may be due to mental illness, I was simply saying that we shouldn’t allow the other cases the easy out excuse of a mental illness as they need to be held accountable. Obviously this man will be held accountable but a mental illness lessens that by some degree.

    TheLowestStone, avatar

    Diagnosing people you’ve never met is generally a bad idea.

    lennybird, avatar

    I look at it the other way: right-wing conspiracy theories pander to textbook mental illness. They’re more susceptible to such bullshit and thus it’s like a magnet that attracts these deranged individuals.

    One way or another I am personally convinced a large chunk of dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters are not of mentally sound mind.

    Drugs, head injuries, lead exposure, etc. You look at the average attendee of a Trump rally and they do not look physically healthy from the outset.


    That’s fair. It fits with their MO of taking advantage of those with disabilities or in already dire situations


    I’m not so sure. Dude had a grappling hook. That’s textbook preparedness. /s

    paddirn, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy

    How the fuck is this even before the Supreme Court? It shouldn’t have even been a question and it should’ve just been laughed out of Court when it was proposed. I can see SCOTUS ruling to give it to him, under the idea that Biden would be too principled to actually make use of that new power (instead of say ordering the assassination of Russian agents from a certain political party, like he should).


    The second they rule in Trump’s favor I’m all for forcefully removing the SC and implementing massive ethics reform and judicial review. And no law shall stop it, because the President is above all reproach, including, apparently, a literal insurrection.


    Biden should just announce that he will have Trump and the entire SC executed if they decide the president has absolute immunity.


    that definitely won’t escalate the situation at all


    It would highlight how dumb the argument that the president has absolute immunity is, the SC would rule against it and that would be the end of it.


    Oh no

    Not fighting fascists before they’ve built their army into a juggernaut


    yeah maybe if we try appeasement for another generation they’ll leave us alone /s


    Yeah, we’re past the point where this can be settled peaceful for certain anyways.

    If Trump wins we’re in for a revenge tour, and if he loses there will be some form of major conflict. We have roughly 8 months to rip the band-aid off.

    And before anyone tells me there won’t be a major conflict if he loses, let me remind you. He was trying to be discreet when he called his supporters up for the insurrection. All he wanted at the time was for them to delay the proceedings regarding the inauguration. The man is out of time regarding all the cases that have been building up against him, he doesn’t have it in him to keep this up. If/when he does not get the presidency he won’t be discreet, he will likely call for all out war.


    The Supreme Court chose to rule on this after the courts in Colorado already ruled that the president was not an exception to the insurrection clause. They didn’t have to, they wanted to.

    Silverseren, to politics in Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality

    I have a couple of concerns with this.

    The first being if some states are going to try to use this against any kids charged with being child sex offenders, like several states have done with teenagers who have sex with each other (or have nude pictures of each other).

    An additional concern is obviously conservatives trying to use this against trans people and drag queens, whom they are already trying to define as sex offenders just for existing in public.

    Another concern or just question this meant to be a deterrent? And is it even effective in that? For a lot of child sex offenders, a major component of the pleasure derived is from having power over the child in question. Removing their genitals wouldn't necessarily change that? It's possible it may even have them turn more to violence toward children as their outlet.

    I'm just wondering on the effectiveness of this method. Is there any evidence at all or is this being done on an emotional whim?

    jeffw, avatar

    Evidence? GOP crime deterrents? lol


    It also has the same issue as the death penalty, where once the punishment is enacted, it can’t be undone based on new evidence.

    hoshikarakitaridia, avatar

    This is the most legally sound argument against it.

    Sure it’s bad to diddle kids, but it’s even worse to not have diddled kids, be accused and falsely convicted, have you genitals removed, and then on appeals the court is like “yeah sry bro they fucked that up, just reverse it”.

    Although a lot of people think the death penalty is bad for financial or logistical reasons, but in my opinion the biggest reason against it is that there’s no quick way to revive a person when a court later on says they got it wrong.


    Oh SURGICALLY. Yeah that’s fucked up.


    Impotent rapists still penetrate. 🗡️


    This is a punishment that simply cannot be enacted. Any doctor that participates violates his Hippocratic oath.


    I’m sure they’ll find someone. You only need to have one in the state.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

    John Oliver showed me they'll probably just call in a vet.

    Maybe get some farmer with castration bands.

    dhork, to politics in Trump DOJ lawyer behind fake electors plot should be disbarred, disciplinary panel says

    That qualifies him to be Attorney General in the next Trump admin


    Nonsensical names of the old republic. He’ll be Attorney Prime Supreme.


    That’s General Prime Supreme.

    I always thought it was funny that he insisted on calling his AGs by the title “General”.


    Beef Supreme?


    There better be sour cream


    Attorney Bell Grande


    Pour the salsa in his eyes


    Just call it “Grand Wizard” and get it over with.

    profdc9, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy

    It’s quite ominous that retired senior military officers need to say this. It suggests that if Trump is reelected, we could see widespread mutiny, because officers would refuse to accept orders for which they might be criminally liable. Even if SCOTUS makes Trump immune, it does not necessarily make anyone following his orders immune. Choosing between a committing a crime like murder, and another like insubordination, an officer might well choose insubordination.


    I think that for once, this is about ethics more than law.


    So…we’re doomed?

    If there’s one thing this court cares less about than law…it’s ethics.


    It’s okay… American imperial military generals somehow have more heart than SCOTUS in this timeline.


    Why do I hear Palpatine laughing?


    Holy strange bedfellows Batman!


    They already did that last time. Trump tried to deploy the military to stop the BLM protests. The Joint Chiefs said no and sent out a memo reminding the entire force they swear oaths to the Constitution, not to Trump.

    RememberTheApollo_, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy

    So military people are telling conservatives the right thing to do?

    Absolutely gonna be ignored.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Reagan must be doing cartwheels in his coffin just about now.

    reverendsteveii, to politics in 4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy

    the problem with telling scotus that this is an assault on democracy is that scotus is openly complicit in the assault on democracy. you can’t shame the shameless.

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