
Gormadt, to 196 in I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In our First-Past-the-Post voting system voting for a third party means the candidate you hate the most has an easier time winning.

For example:

You have 3 candidates in an election, A, B, and C

You like candidate A but their from a small party, you don’t like B, and you hate C.

Candidate A and B are similar in some regards but differ in some things you feel are massively important. Candidate B and C are very different on most issues. C even talks about wanting to end democracy as we know it.

In the election A gets 25%, B gets 35%, and C gets 40%.

C is declared the winner as they got the highest percentage even though 60% of people didn’t want them to win.

This is why third party candidates are often referred to as “spoiler candidates” here in the states. They split the vote of a major party making another party have an easier time winning.

Does this suck? Abso-fucking-lutely yes.

Is our current system pretty fucked? Again, yes.

Will letting candidate C have an easier time winning fix this problem? No, no it will not.

There are more elections than just the presidential election, participate in those too as they are also very very important. Call your local representatives, try to gain support for getting a better system in your state. Talk with people in your community about how our current system is pretty borkedand ways to fix it. Fixing our voting system will (unfortunately) take time and a lot of local efforts all over the country. In my home state there’s currently a push for ranked choice voting that’s gathering more support, it will only succeed if people talk about it with each other and push for it together.

Unfortunately this presidential election I’m going to vote for Biden even though I’m not a big fan. Trump (or any Republican for that matter) is so much worse than him though.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Absolutely reach out to your representatives (I even encouraged it in my comment)

They’re your representatives, they represent the opinions of their constituents.

Especially reach out to your local reps as they are way more likely to be easily reachable. And your local reps are going to have way more access to other reps than you do.

Veedem, to lemmyshitpost in Folksy stuff
@Veedem@lemmy.world avatar

This is entirely true.


According to this two year old over here, it is not

Deceptichum, to lemmyshitpost in pwusy hurt. pwusy cry over spilt milk. sad pwusy that.
@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

Mum says milk isn't good for cats.


Lactose free milk is fine in small doses like above


They sell cat milk in the store near me. Which I can only assume is the milk of a cat.


I think so too, like baby powder obviously must be made of pulverized infants.


It’s so inhumane


I believe that baby powder is made by drying and grinding the leftover scrap from processing babies. You wouldn’t want anything to go to waste


Right, powder from whole babies would be insanely expensive. Guess you have to freeze dry and grate one yourself for the real stuff…

@cheesymoonshadow@lemmings.world avatar

I always thought baby powder is how you make baby for breakfast. Just add water or milk, cover, and microwave for 1 1/2 minutes.


Come on nobody microwaves their baby for breakfast. That just makes it rubbery. It needs to be done stove top in a double boiler.

@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar



I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?


I would assume that cats would like it just as much. I’ve heard that cats can’t taste sweet.


I’ve heard that too, but my cat has a sweet tooth. I have to keep everything sweet from her. Anyway, they can definitely be attracted by fat in the milk.

@jenny_ball@lemmy.world avatar

but cats love it and they drink it in Tom and Jerry

DestroyerOfWorlds, to lemmyshitpost in 7 day cleanse or pregnancy cravings

I saw a neighbor fill his lawnmower with gas, take the can and take a huge swig. He capped it and started his lawnmower like nothing. so many questions.


alcohol maybe?


Yeah you’d definitely have to be shit faced to take a swig of gasoline


Although when I searched the internet for the ways to purify kerosene I found several recipes of how to distill kerosene for drinking. On the other hand, kerosene is much safer for health than gasoline.

problematicPanther, to 196 in Venti Water from Starbucks
@problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

Fun fact, organic just means that it’s carbon based, so the water isn’t organic, but the plastic cup is.


Another fun fact, basic means something is alkaline. Coffee and milk are acidic so you’re infact not a basic bitch for your pumpkin spice latte


You fucker, I wanted to do that.

FrowingFostek, to lemmyshitpost in So do I kiddo

That kid takes union shits. I approve.

EtherealMoon, to lemmyshitpost in So excited for the Cybertruck
@EtherealMoon@lemmy.world avatar

I finally saw one and was shocked at how stupid it looks. It’s like Elon had a grudge with babyproofed corners.

@bruhduh@lemmy.world avatar

He is edgy boi


I saw one while working, and yeah, they look even dumber and more useless in person.


I feel the same sense of embarrassment for the driver that I would if I saw some guy masturbating in public.


I can at least comprehend someone’s motivation to masturbate.


At least that is a free activity that can be enjoyed by others and very unlikely to end up on social media


Yup spotted my first one on the road just couple days ago, it looks so much worse in person. It had a nice dirty brown tint going on too.


I just spotted my first in person yesterday and I agree completely. My kid said “It’s shiny” and I said “Yeah, because the alternative to that is to be covered in rust”.


covered in rust

The best thing about these “trucks” is that they all will be, eventually.


One I saw was the same. It looked like it had already been through hell


That’s hilarious, I just saw my first one yesterday! They are ridiculous…

spizzat2, to lemmyshitpost in 7 day cleanse or pregnancy cravings

I had a friend in high school. We were at a gas station, and he went in to get some additive to put in his tank. On the way back to his car he unscrewed the cap, and took a big swig. The bottle still had the foil cap, so he wasn’t actually drinking anything; he just did it for the reaction. The thing was, he didn’t actually check if anyone was watching.

Sometimes people are just weird…


Well you obviously saw him do it, so he must’ve known in his peripheral vision that you were watching. That’s all the thrill he needed.


If he checked before he committed, it would devalue the bit if anyone noticed! Its infinitely funnier to turn around like you were caught with a hand in the cookie jar lol


Checking to see ruins the act

Gork, to lemmyshitpost in Me with a spoon under the faucet

“What’s that sergeant?”

“He’s still coming!”

“Increase the pressure!”

“He’s still coming!!”


Increasing the pressure makes me come harder


This is why context matters. Said that once, never saw them again.

AFKBRBChocolate, to lemmyshitpost in Threatening me with a good time

I wonder if that would end up being illegal. I know that if you’re aware that someone is eating/drinking your stuff, you can’t put anything in it that might harm them, including laxatives or excessively hot spices (people have sued and won for that). But breast milk shouldn’t be harmful.

helpImTrappedOnline, (edited )

Not sure, but OSHA will have a problem with an imporerly labeled container.

Edit, thinking about it. You probably would have a solid case - especially if there are damages. Some else said it’s like putting sprem in food, but I think blood would be a better comparison [citation defintaly needed].

The theif could simply be allergic to something in her milk that’s not in the creamer. If the woman, unknowingly or not, had any sickness that can spread via breast milk, her leaving that in the creamer container where anyone could drink it is very bad. It could spread from the “theif” to their spouce, who spreads it to the mail man.

Don’t leave breast milk in a unlabeled container, public fridge or not.

@Dasus@lemmy.world avatar

The theif could simply be allergic to something in her milk that’s not in the creamer.

So… hypothetically… I make my own lunch and bring it to work. It has peanuts. And perhaps some flu virus I’m carrying. You steal it and eat it. You get sick.

And… I’m* somehow responsible?

It’s unreasonable to think you can steal things out of open containers and expect “proper labeling”.

@joel_feila@lemmy.world avatar

it depnds of if she left her breast milk in away that reasonable could think it was for everyone in the office and not her private creamer.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, (edited )
@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

I could see it being treated like putting your sperm in someone’s food.

Is it gonna make them sick or really affect them at all? Not unless you have an std but you’ll still be charged with a sexual crime or something

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty sure that you get the benefit of the doubt if you had a feasible reason for adding/changing something about your food.

For example, you could add a laxative to your food/drink and be totally in the clear as long as you labelled your container with your name and maintain that you’ve been constipated. It’s a totally valid reason, plus it was labelled with your name so there’s no reason for anyone else to be consuming it.


That argument has been tried, but if you knew other people were stealing your food, you can still be liable.

And in this case, it would be a stretch for the person to say they like putting their own breast milk in their coffee, and the note makes it clear that it was done intentionally to upset the perpetrator.


I think its feasible that they have to pump during work hours and just use that container


That note would make no sense in that case. Why would she wait until the end of the week, then add a “Surprise!” note?


define excessive? I love hot stuff to the point that my lunch could be considered a war crime most days and I'm not gonna tone it down because some scum fuck might want to steal it.

@Lemming421@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve seen stories about this. If it’s so hot it makes someone else ill, but you can eat it, you’re fine. If you maliciously make it too hot for anyone, that’s apparently unacceptable.


This is why I have built up a tolerance for cyanide.


I microdose 1 lead birdshot pellet every day to build up my tolerance to heavier metals.


As I understand it, if someone sues you because they ate your food and got sick or injured because it was too hot, you’re probably going to be fine if you can show that you routinely eat food that hot, and there’s no evidence that you did it as a trap. My understanding is that, even if you eat food that spicy, if you tell someone “Someone’s been stealing my food - they’re going to get a big surprise when they find out how spicy it is today,” you might have an issue. I’m not a lawyer, but workplace food stealing and resulting traps are apparently fairly common.

@Fal@yiffit.net avatar

I would think it would depend on if this was labelled as hers. It’s a totally reasonable assumption a giant bottle of creamer in a common fridge is for common use unless specified otherwise


It turns out that’s not sufficient, legally (at least in the US). If you know someone is stealing your food, and you put something harmful in it, it doesn’t matter of it was clearly labeled as yours.

@Fal@yiffit.net avatar

Right obviously if it was with the intent to harm someone who you reasonably knew would be eating it. It would be related to, but not exactly the same as, this en.wikipedia.org/…/Attractive_nuisance_doctrine


Why the fuck is everyone in here acting like fucking breast milk is akin to laxatives or "harmful substances" and that it was put in there to harm someone? Young mothers at work often need to pump their milk so
a) someone can give their baby at home said milk the next day in a bottle
b) the milk production doesn't decline.
I hope you all know that.
So that could just be the container she chose to store her milk in throughout the day. Besides… breast milk is not fucking harmful. Where the fuck have you lot been educated?


Maybe you should learn to read before you get all enraged. I specifically said that, though I know things like laxatives are illegal this way, I wonder if breast milk would be. Also, though certainly mothers pump and store breast milk at work, this clearly isn’t that because she added the “surprise” note as a “got ya” thing.

As sometime else said, what would your feelings be if it was a guy putting seamen into it? That’s not harmful, either.


If there is a little less in there than she expected every day, it might take a few days until she realizes that someone is using it… so this hasn't got to be the gotcha thing at all
And the mere notion that someone really thinks sperm and breast milk are even in the remotest sense comparable in this context is utterly laughable to me. In a really upsetting kind of way. I mean... have you ever for even two seconds thought about the notion that breast milk has absolutely no sexual component whatsoever? Like... none at all.


I don’t think you’re arguing in good faith. Read that label in the pic and tell me you honestly think it was an accident.

And no one said the two were the same. You argued that you can’t compare breast milk and a laxative because breast milk can’t hurt you, so I’m asking about seamen, which also can’t hurt you.

But this whole chain was wondering if it would be illegal if done intentionally, and none of your outage is touching on that.


It doesn’t matter how the milk was produced or anything, it’s a human biological substance.

It’s be like if someone was jizzing in a milk jug. It’s the same thing, a human biological substance in a food container.

Obviously this issue can be entirely avoided if you just mind your own business and don’t steal.


Because you can get diseases from bodily fluids


Piss isn't harmful either, that doesn't mean i wanna drink it.


Right, again, I’m curious about the legality. You don’t want to drink it, but if you drank someone else’s drink from the work fridge and then found out it had pee in it, could you claim damage/injury?


Sure why not. If you felt attacked or worried.

Here if someone feels intimidated when a dog barks at them, that’s assault.

Harm doesn’t need to be physical.


In terms of blood-borne viruses (like HIV and hepatitis), breast milk is considered in the same risk category as semen or vaginal secretions, only blood is higher. Whereas piss and shit are only considered a risk if they contain blood. Obviously there’s other reasons why you don’t want shit in your food, but it probably won’t give you anything really nasty and long-lasting. Piss it’s pretty much totally safe, but I reckon you could still get in trouble for secretly feeding it to someone.

Even_Adder, to 196 in Can someone tell me how to get the tool options window to stop floating in GIMP?

Can I have my cum back?

@CorrodedCranium@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


kittenzrulz123, to 196 in Murule

Truly one of the saddest moments in animation history, why can’t we have one Transmasc femboy :c

@kittykittycatboys@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

meow meow !!!


Mroooow :3


Hello nya :3

@alsaaas@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

sicnrnrog >w<


ryan213, to lemmyshitpost in adapt. overcome. improvise.
@ryan213@lemmy.ca avatar

How is she in bed though? Wait, no, that doesn’t matter, she’s crazy. But very techy, so that’s good, but still, red flag. But…

@PiratePanPan@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Word has it that crazy sex is the best sex but you didn’t hear that from me

@ryan213@lemmy.ca avatar

The stuff before and after the crazy sex is the worst. Probably. I wouldn’t know. Never had sex.


Are ya a Wizard yet?

@ryan213@lemmy.ca avatar

Um… let’s just say I let the Balrog pass. 😭


it’s like all sex is make up sex, but they also hate themselves and want you to agree with them. just because they are begging you to piss in their mouth doesn’t mean its awesome though.

@ryan213@lemmy.ca avatar

Well, not if they’re going to kiss you after.


Speak for yourself buddy…


The thing about crazy sex is it’s awesome until you learn to stop liking it. But you’ll fucking learn and it’ll be the hard way


Sex isn’t good unless you go to sleep after worrying about whether you’re about to get woken up by being hit with a skillet. If you’re lucky it’s not cast iron.


The sex doesn’t stop being good. You just learn it’s not worth it


Oh it can stop being good. Trauma can do shit to you. Crazy in the head and crazy in bed sometimes blend into shit like sexual violence. And suddenly what you find yourself really craving is someone who is stable yet adventurous, someone who will discuss what crazy shit we’ll do together then discuss what we liked and didn’t afterwards.

Emmie, to 196 in Riots rule

The force of habit

BmeBenji, to 196 in [not a meme] anyone I should add?

I had a lot of conversations with my dad about how glorifying people is setting yourself up for failure when there were loads of protests were going on about bringing down statues of famously racist people who did like a handful of notable things i.e. most of the U.S. founding fathers.

I wouldn’t suggest keeping a list of names that you admire. Maybe keep a list of things about those names that you admire

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