
teft, to tenforward in The Alternative Factor. The Dauphin. Fair Haven.
@teft@lemmy.world avatar

Sometimes the B plot is the worst thing aired in an otherwise stellar episode.

Example: “Endgame” Voyager’s Finale. Great episode except for the whole Chakotay/Seven romance subplot.


It kind of relates to how Ta’Pol loses her mind by the end of Star Trek Enterprise

@yukichigai@kbin.social avatar

Or literally the last three minutes of Trip's story.


Or the B plot in Darmok. I wish it would have been all Picard and Dathon.


There was a B plot?


The treknobabble on the ship trying to bring the captain back. Also their attempt to research the Tamarian language on the ship.


oh, I didn’t consier that a b story. More like support for the A story. Like the cut aways back to the enterprise in Inner Light.


That’s a better interpretation, although I felt those scenes were done much better in the Inner Light.


Also that I heard some story ages ago that they did that romance based on a dare or a joke or something?

At least even before Picard came out they had already been broken up in the novel that followed right after.


And sometimes the B plot is lightyears better than the main plot.

Example: “Fusion”

ImplyingImplications, to 196 in guys!!! I found the rule number!!!

Not sure if that file is a real one, but here’s a real declassified field guide on sabotage written by the CIA during WW2 and distributed to resistance members in Nazi occupied France. (Fun note: the guide suggests a simple way to sabotage productivity in a work environment is to have lots of useless meetings)

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

TIL I’ve been running interference with my workplace for 8 years.


It’s always hilarious every-time this is brought up, yet nothing changes in the corporate/government worlds.

Nobody wants to admit they are the problem, so they go right back to wasting time and money.


It is a real file, I think I got it from archive.org


Fun note: the guide suggests a simple way to sabotage productivity in a work environment is to have lots of useless meetings

But how else would equally useless middle managers pretend that they and their inflated salaries are justified??

RegalPotoo, to lemmyshitpost in FB content... I guess...
@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Theoretically you can do medium rare chicken sous vide because the temperature is just high enough to kill the pathogen. Practically, why would you - it skeeves people out, and the texture is pretty bad


Plus well done sous vide chicken is just as juicy with non sketchy feeling texture.


I actually like to push it to just as a bit less cooked than I would be comfortable with a more traditional cooking way.

Haven’t done it in a while but from memory 66C/150F for just over an hour was the way I loved it (thighs).

But yeah raw chicken yuck


Damn why you gotta tempt a man with the forbidden dark meat. 🤣🙈 Thighs are my favourite cut and I love a med rare steak. But it feels so wrong 😔 but why does it feel so right 🤤.


Theoretically you can do medium rare chicken sous vide because the temperature is just high enough to kill the pathogen.

Yep, you can find time-temperature charts for most meats, and that can lead to some interesting sous vide preparations that are perfectly safe.

I’ve tried it with chicken thighs. The texture wasn’t what I was used to, obviously, but melt-in-your-mouth chicken thighs, properly seasoned, were a success in my book.

But I like weird food.

Goblin_Mode, to lemmyshitpost in Gorillas are actually very gentle unless provoked by overpriced footwear or long lines for cheap beverages

I mean if we’re gonna take this goofy post at face value and get addmitedly WAY too into the breakdown…

The context of if they are agitated or otherwise hostile for some external reason is actually kinda critically important here lol.

In a situation where they are just passively existing and you need to choose which species to just co-habitate with I’m choosing the monkey FOR SURE.

  • Any snake is going to be hard to spot, an ambush predator, specifically one (or 5!) as deadly and teritorial as a black mamba, is going to be nigh impossible to keep track of, sneaking around and catching prey off-guard is literally their whole thing. On top of that, while gorilla’s vary greatly in personality (just like humans) odds are decent that if you just leave them alone they will leave you alone.
  • Hell, maybe if you manage to find some fruit you might even be able to AT A GREAT DISTANCE establish some sort of basic report with the Silverback. Like, don’t pet the guy, but if they know you don’t have hostile intentions and occasionally provide snacks they probably will keep their “territory” reasonably small, letting you scavenge more areas.

But if the script is flipped and we are in a full blown survival setting? Where for one reason or another the animal(s) has our number from the moment we step foot in the mall? You are fucking insane if you choose the Silverback Gorilla.

  • Those things are ludicrously fast, Huge, have great senses, and will literally rip you in half. You would be dead within minutes of entering the mall no matter how far away that gorilla starts from you.
  • Snakes you can at the very least survive longer, if not outright just escape them and hide somewhere relatively hermeticly sealed. Maybe find a cabinet you can squeeze into and close the doors to let oxygen in but too small for snakes, maybe find a tall shelf or rafter and collapse the furniture used to climb on your way up to prevent the snakes climbing it as well.
  • A Silverback gorilla however is not only far faster both climbing and on land, but has enormous fucking gorilla arms to rip away any sort of door or cover you try to use to hide.

If we’re being generous and assuming this is taking place in the largest mall in the USA, The Mall of America, and the gorilla starts on the opposite side of the mall from where you enter. It would need to clear roughly 1 mile (assuming the 1 mile-ish exterior wall of the mall is circular (it’s not but just humor me), in order to get to you. A silverback gorilla’s top land speed is roughly 25mph, that means 2200 feet per minute, that means you have just over 2 minutes to get into a meat freezer or something equally tough before it catches you. So you not only need to know where one is, but it needs to be close enough to get to in such a short time. Hell no, I’m taking the snakes.

Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

@Dasus@lemmy.world avatar


Snakes do not care for you. They will try to get away from you.

So as long as you don’t sit on one, you’re bueno.

Gorillas are so alike us and have social behaviour that it would find you in the mall (as it would definitely smell you at some point) and there’s really nothing you could do to appease it enough.

Looking a silverback in the eyes can be a death sentence, which you won’t be able to run away from.

You can get away from snakes with a brisk walk, and they would never challenge you unless cornered.

Also, you can fight a snake with a stick, whereas even if this mall was American and you had a handgun, you’d have a tough time taking down the gorilla before it ripped you to shreds.

There’s no scenario in which it’d be smarter to pick the gorilla. Not even one where it’s from a zoo.


You can get away from snakes with a brisk walk, and they would never challenge you unless cornered … Also, you can fight a snake with a stick …

Black mambas move at like 15mph (much faster than you or I) and are absolutely capable of killing a fully grown human if they feel threatened. Fighting them off with a stick is a great way to get a one way ticket to ground town lol.

My point was that the risk of accidentally meandering into one’s nest is enormous. I guess the answer is just stay in large open areas, but I was thinking more like a post apocalyptic “look for food and survive” kinda angle.

But yeah, I 100% agree that the Silverback is the more dangerous option here by a huge margin. I just think given a situation where you could avoid it long enough to find a hiding place it can’t get into (like a restaurants freezer). I’d rather the hulking gorilla that I can hide from over the deadly snake that might have made it’s home in my rudimentary shelter.

@Dasus@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, well, I am surprised how fast they are.

They would run away from you.

Black Mambas are extremely shy and will do everything they can to avoid people.

And if I had to choose to try and outrun a black mamba or a gorilla, I know which I’d try.

My point was that the risk of accidentally meandering into one’s nest is enormous. I guess the answer is just stay in large open areas, but I was thinking more like a post apocalyptic “look for food and survive” kinda angle.

I get it, but that’s exactly my point. Unless you honestly sit on the nest, you’re fine. And even then, probably, because you’ll sound like a giant stomping when you near the nest.

Snakes don’t chase humans. Silverbacks might do it just for fun.

I’d rather the hulking gorilla that I can hide from over the deadly snake that might have made it’s home in my rudimentary shelter.

You really couldn’t hide from a silverback if he wanted to find you. And he might. Snakes would never chase you or hunt you or be remotely interested in you, unless you corner them. On top of that, it’s quite a lot easier to make a snakeproof area somewhere than it is to block a gorilla from doing literally anything it choooses to.

But thanks yeah, I was not aware of how fast black Mambas are. The video is interesting though.

Snake expert rates 9 attacks in movies | How real is it


I wanna see how fucking fast you walk. Do you have any idea how fast snakes can be?

kryptonianCodeMonkey, to lemmyshitpost in Opposite of clickbait

If they ever get divorced, family dinner night is gonna be real awkward.


Her: can you pass the potatoes?

Him: Oh! You taking the potatoes as well as the house huh?!

Sanctus, to lemmyshitpost in Lions are just big cats. They like scratches under the chin and everything.
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t post my partner and I without our consent.


Yeah I thought I recognized this photo.

conditional_soup, to 196 in borderline boomer post rule

Might be a boomer take, but if you’re willing to go so far as to not exist anymore because the world is whack, I don’t think it’s an unrealistic ask to show up to a city council meeting some time, run for local office, break some stupid-ass laws and feed the homeless or go to a protest, etc. If we all woke up tomorrow and decided to make a different world, we could. I would appreciate your help in making this a better place to live for all beings, it would really mean a lot to me.

Gormadt, (edited )
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Straight up, get politically involved in your community

It might sound silly or inconsequential, but it will have an impact. Even a small impact is better than no impact.

You want a more pedestrian focused city plan to happen? More parks? More multi-family housing? Better bus lines? Get involved, talk to your city council, get your friends involved.

It might sound small, but all change starts small.

Edit: Hell a friend of mine was able to get enough people in his HOA together to get them to start looking into adding some more people focused stuff to their little community. Like adding a couple bike racks to the park in their neighborhood and blending the curbs in a bunch of places.

@PiratePanPan@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Rare HOA win


If you have friends to talk to about city planning, you probably won’t kill yourself. We live in the age of loneliness. People are isolated and feel doomed and hopeless.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Probably won’t kill themselves, but not a certainty. Unfortunately I’ve lost a number of friends over the years to deaths of despair (drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, etc)

We definitely live in an age of loneliness that’s undeniable.

The only way to address it though is to get out there because our infrastructure is built to isolate and people have been raised to fear their neighbors.


We’re very isolated and feel powerless. You can do all that but there’s no guarantee you will see any change. In fact, you’re more likely to become even more jaded when you find out your local council is dominated by business and religious interests.


Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re being propagandized to respond to those feelings by commiting suicide instead of challenging the system that created those conditions? Look, all I’m saying is that if you kill yourself, you’ll definitely have missed any opportunity you had at getting to yell at the cops or actually making the world you want to live in. If you try to make a better world and still want to end it all, that option hasn’t been taken from you, but there’s a non-zero chance you could help make things better. I’m doing what I can, and I’d really appreciate your help, whatever that looks like.


My local council is all “small” business owners and religious leaders. They tried to fight a biking course that would have ended up costing the city $0 cause a local rich guy was willing to cover everything cause biking is “liberal propaganda” (and because one of them owns a bunch of dealerships)

We’re fucked dude. There’s no way in hell someone like me is ever getting elected in this town where the median age is in the 60s. And it’s not like I can afford to leave. I can’t even afford the fee to apply to run right now.

conditional_soup, (edited )

Then show up and fuckin yell at them. It’s free and the cops can’t stop you. We had people showing up yelling at our council about some mean shit some other person said to them because they publicly supported Israel, like it was kindergarten hour (I mean, fuck around and find out, though, right?), and they had to just sit there and listen until her time was up. Somebody else came up and personally put one of the councilors on blast by name, the dude looked like he was going to have an aneurysm but they had to deal with it because they’re part of the government and that’s freedom of speech.

Look, you don’t have to join city council, there’s other movements out there that are looking for people like you. Try formally joining some or joining some of their actions:

rebellion.global for extinction rebellion (climate change action)

blacklivesmatter.com this one’s pretty obvious, I think.

There’s also YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard) groups all over the country, you could try looking for one where you live and/or getting one together by putting up flyers at coffee shops, nearby colleges, anywhere that’ll let you put one up and maybe a few places that won’t.

Look, I’m not even going to tell you to think about federal politics because it’s moot. The parties want you to believe that it’s the most important place to put your time/money/attention, but that’s bullshit. Spoiler alert: one of two fossils are likely to win, one of them is a self-serving Nazi, the other is Joe Biden, do with that information what you will. Local politics is where shit gets done in this country, and it’s a lot more impressive to local politics when you can show up either consistently or with a group of people.


You say this but every morning I must battle my mental health to get out of bed. Only reason I’ll get out is because I have to go to work. In the days I don’t work I’ll just lay in bed until my bladder is on the brink of exploding and only then get up to piss. I don’t know how people find the energy to go to protests or do something with their lives. I only work, and I only work because I need money.


Look, I’m not where you are. I’ve been there, and I’m not going to talk down to you about it from the other side. I’m not going to pretend to know just what you’re going through, and I’m definitely not going to tell you to just get over it. What you’re feeling is real and legitimate. What I can say is that the way that you feel, as real as it is, is not a fixed, permanent thing. You haven’t always felt this way, and you won’t always feel this way. Everything is temporary.


I have volunteered weekly for 4* years, have given speeches at protests, whetpasted posters against nazis, and attend most council meetings. Still have massive depression episodes.

Just saying that it’s not like both situations can’t be true at once, and I would argue that if you do the former the later is more likely then an average person.

writeblankspace, to lemmyshitpost in Opposite of clickbait

dayum the mother must be having the best day of her life - finds long-lost daughter and now she has two children who got married on the same day!


Better yet, she only had to pay for one wedding!


Yeah but that was supposed to be their day.

SnokenKeekaGuard, to lemmyshitpost in For context, texas is a state roughly the size of texas
@SnokenKeekaGuard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Also reminded me of ‘small boulder the size of a large boulder’

jaaake, to tenforward in Do you accept?

That blunt hand is fake, but they look stoned in the original photo as well.

original photo


It just occurred to me that it’s a photo of a photo.


It literally looks like Spiner is smoking a joint tho. It's either a joint or a rolled cig, there's no filter.

IndiBrony, to lemmyshitpost in I'm brown willy, tag yourself
@IndiBrony@lemmy.world avatar

I’m a personal fan of Ham, which is located right next to Sandwich! Just don’t confuse it with Finglesham, deal?

A street sign showing Ham and Sandwich!


Hey I’ve got an appointment for the Finsglesham deal at half past 4.


The Finglesham deal discussions will be going well into the night so don’t forget your ham sandwich at half past 3.


Sign on Google Maps

Also nearby are the roads of “Updown” and “The Street”

vrojak, to lemmyshitpost in Deja Brew

Déjà Brew
I didn't drink from this cup before
Leaving it to cool
And I know it keeps happening
Calling you, caffeine is a mystery
Falling back asleep
It's so hard when I try to wake up

@technohacker@programming.dev avatar




I imagine this is what plays when you put the cup slightly off center on the microwave turntable so it starts drifting in wide circles when you turn it on.


The em waves in a microwave are standing waves, meaning energy is deposited in the food only on some spots, and the spots remain static as the microwave is running. Therefore, positioning food to the outside of the tray will make it move through these spots more vs if it was only rotating at the center.

Tldr drift your food for maximum heat distribution.


Seems plausible: the wavelength is in a good size range for such an effect to be noticeable.

I found that in a typical microwave oven, the frequency is about 2450 MHz. Using the formula, velocity = frequency × wavelength and knowing that the velocity of an electromagnetic wave is about 3.0 × 108 m/s, gives a wavelength of about 12 cm.


Same thing happens in chemical mixing in a vat. You want it off center. I might have a diagram in one of my old textbooks if you want.

unreachable, to lemmyshitpost in No one say it!
@unreachable@lemmy.world avatar

don’t put your dick in that


They said no one, not Nobody!

@SnokenKeekaGuard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I specificallyasked


Please do not the cat

@problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

it would feel like sandpaper. cat tongues are really rough.



BigDanishGuy, to 196 in name this rule

Biscaynia, also there’s ALOT of fishermen looking for jobs at border checkpoints for some reason.

bruhduh, to lemmyshitpost in For context, texas is a state roughly the size of texas
@bruhduh@lemmy.world avatar

Anything but metric


But metric can still be applied. Hear me out.

So a yard is roughly one meter. It means a kilo-yard is about one kilometer and a centi-yard is one centimeter. How many miles or inches that is, is a conversion problem within the imperial system.

In the same way, a quart is about one liter. Milli-quart is about one milliliters. Easy. How many gills those are is not our problem.

There is no immediate equivalent for weight, although a double-pound would be roughly one kilogram.


It’s almost like Imperial system units have all been borrowed from different measurement systems that should have nothing to do with each other. Tho I could get behind 12 inches in a foot, that seems nice to divide


An asteroid the size of 5000 9mm rounds weighing as much as 4000 kilos of seized cocaine


Finally a measurement I can relate to.


I can’t. I need it in 7.62 NATO

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